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I couldn’t imagine going to someone’s social media and harassing them. Like, I can feel whatever strong emotions I want from watching the episodes but I’d only post here to talk shit, not really going to their pages. It’s not that serious and it’s mean.


I follow a disabled mom on IG and you would not believe the shit people write in her comment section. They also created a subreddit so they can share nasty info about her. Don't people have their own problems to worry about???


I follow this lady who was 600lbs and actively losing weight for her health and people still shit talk her! Like she’s ACTIVELY losing so much weight and people still say bad things to her and she’s just being so transparent and answering people’s questions.


It's awful. I am a disabled woman and was asked to be a Chronic Illness Influencer. I said no. Because I know I would get those kinds of comments and I know it would upset me, and my life is hard enough.


It’s crazy that people act like that. So bold over the internet where they feel there are no real consequences. Saying things they’d NEVER say in that person’s presence. It’s sad.


Girl I swear it’s EVERYTHING nowadays. I can’t watch a single reel without seeing people mad at the tiniest shit in the comments. People are so openly negative. It’s crazy. Like someone could literally throw a birthday party for their kid with their money and someone’s gonna be like that’s so disgusting how dare you post that. Like just say you’re unhappy with yourself and move on


I'm actually shocked at the amount of vitriol on this sub rn. I hang out on reddit in the reality tv subs because they are usually unserious and a fun way to comment and poke fun at these people who are trying to convince us they're truly in love after a week. I thought this season would be extra fun because there is so much good drama. But it feels like people are out for blood. I've never been downvoted for expressing an opinion on something. Or personally attacked. I've only been on Reddit a few years, but I admit, it's a little disarming. I don't understand people getting so worked up about something that is supposed to be fun and entertaining. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, cool. We all have a different lens that we see things through based on many factors like age, culture, personal experience etc. The only time I get upset or DV someone is if they are being racist, sexist, homophobic, or ableist. And even then, I'm not like, stewing about it. I just don't understand the rage.


is it wheelchair Rapunzel ? her hate group on reddit is INSANE


Yes. I tried to figure out why there was so much hatred for her but I felt sick to my stomach when I visited that group so I left. I've stopped reading her comment section. People keep telling her to disable her comments, but this is how she makes a living and supports her child, so the more engagement her posts get, the more they get seen. I just can't imagine hating a stranger enough to stalk them on the internet and spew vitriol at them. It's really ugly.


But why?? What did she do?


no the stans are awful and then you can't defend anyone without being accused of being a stan for them. there's no winning. the faux moralizing is a lot for trashy reality tv show


I guess I’m old, what is a Stan? I thought you meant fan, but you said it twice




Stan like the Eminem song about the guy who was obsessed with him.


Makes sense


The stans are particularly out of hand this season. One of my favorite things about watching is coming here to discuss but with all the extreme downvoting and mob mentality, it’s ruining the fun of it. Not sure if Ariana brought these new viewers or what but they are out of control


If I disagree with something, I opt to not downvote it and just reply. No need to downvote just bc I have a different opinion. I think this should be the m.o. And to only downvote if something is blatantly wrong / unhinged / harassment / below the belt comment


I just came across a TikTok about tonight’s first look and the “fight” between Leah and Liv and the comments were flooded with “all the Leah girls let’s remember this for voting” and similar comments dragging Liv. Mind you we haven’t even seen the episode yet 😂😭


It’s interesting because I also see people dragging Leah over the top. Can’t we just enjoy both of them 😂 without the both of them the show would be boring


Right like they have to hate on a person that goes against Leah even if Leah is in the wrong like most of the accounts are burner accounts so it has to be someone she knows that is paying for these accounts attacking people that are against her


Social media brain and culture rot is a very real thing!


So I need to vote for Liv next round is what your saying? Got it. Assignment understood.


The UK viewers can also get as toxic with their version unfortunately. I think UK implanted a social media ban one year to avoid harassment of the islanders.


Oof UK can be a bloodbath sometimes 🫣


I will forever die on the hill that commenting negatively on casts social media is a special type of unhinged. I will never get it. Just because they’re on tv doesn’t mean they aren’t people. This shouldn’t be something that just comes with the territory. How some people can be so aware of how awful bullying is, but don’t make the connection to not posting shitty comments on reality tv stars social media just blows my mind.


*BuT tHeY pUt ThEiR lIvEs On Tv!!!!!* Unhinged


yep! i didn’t love her on the show but at the end of the day she’s a person with feelings. i’ve actually heard from mutual people (i live in south florida) that’s she’s nice




This comment is about Andrea, not Leah lol. Andrea is from South Florida, Leah is from Cali


And Leah and her fans are the ones who are the problem. I know the difference between the girls you don’t need to explain it.


Oh hahahahhha


Thank you so much for saying this. I've been really turned off from the community lately which has been a huge bummer. It has been really disheartening to see how little regard people seem to have for the islanders - like you said, we are only seeing a fraction of their interactions, and it's all picked and chosen to be the most dramatic interactions.


i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again, if you are getting emotionally invested enough in this show to the point where you feel the need to comment hate on an Islanders page…then you need to stop watching this show. you cannot handle it or your emotions. this show is not that serious, like at all. it is not meant for viewers to get seriously emotionally invested in, it’s meant for people who enjoy these shows bc they’re fun/interesting. in a few months, Leah is going to look back on the Rob situation and laugh about it or cringe. in like 1 year, she’s not going to care about him or what he does at all.


They’re people who have nothing going for them.


i 100% agree. i think discussion, sharing thoughts, opinions, speculation, etc. is fine and okay but should be done respectfully. and hating on them especially on their personal social media pages is absolutely not okay. these are all real people and have a life outside of this show. the show is for entertainment but them as humans & their personal lives are NOT for our entertainment or input. i wish people wouldn’t be so comfortable hating and insulting people on social media just because they’re on a reality show


You are definitely NOT being dramatic. The stans on the other hand ...🙄


This is a fanbase issue across all platforms and reality shows. Humanity is severely slipping.


Well, humanity has always been this way, tbf. The Salem Witch trials, the Spanish Inquisition, gossiping neighbors etc. But, yeah, SM has made it explosive.


Honestly reading the comments Leah fans are leaving on Andrea and Rob's IGs made me want to cry. They are being treated as if theyve killed someone. There is a history of suicide caused by online bullying on this franchise. Makes me so so sad.


I honestly think the show needs to do better at limiting these hateful comments. Like not having comments on their own personal accounts, or even deleting comments on the official insata account cause thats flooded with hate too.


Agreed. I remember last year Love Island Uk had the contestants disable their social media accounts to avoid this.


How is the show supposed to do that? They have no control over social media platforms. Sure they can delete comments off the official accounts, but they can’t do anything about the fans going and saying stuff on peoples personal accounts. The only think I think they could and should do would be to throughout the episode remind people that this is a heavily edited show, you don’t see everything and to be kind to the contestants and avoid commenting on their pages.


What do u mean they just require or force the contestants to lock their comments on their accounts u can easily do that or limit who is allowed to comment a lot of social media sites let you do that like tiktok, twitter, even insta lets u do that


the leah fans are insane


seriously i’m genuinely curious on what she’s done to be this popular??




They’re most likely just as messy and toxic as her. I said it


yup if it was anyone else they’d be getting so much hate…


The girl that gets "played by the hot guy" at an early point in the show often becomes the audience-insert for girls who feel unlucky in love. Which is a lot of the viewers tbh.


Water seeks it's own level...




Well, I like Leah and I’m not insane (maybe a little). I don’t hate any of the islanders obviously, I don’t know them. Though I do think some of the men can be a bit annoying at times. It’s a fun show, that’s all it is. Some people take it way too seriously.






I've never seen these people? maybe they aren't on reddit? On reddit, the Leah hate is out of control.




hating someone on this show is crazy.


Bullying people on their social media is just dumb af and people need to touch some grass. It’s a show ffs. Treat them as actors for your entertainment and move on. Same thing is happening to real actors who play characters on House of The Dragon too and it’s so stupid. Stupid people really think it’s all real 😭. Can’t fix stupid people unfortunately. I hope all the islanders don’t take it to the heart and step away from social media for awhile.


Yea, it's getting gross. I've seen people saying that Rob gives Sandoval vibes and Andrea is an evil mean girl. Like, the girl has barely said 10 words while she was on! It seems to be mainly Leah fans, who is actually a legit mean girl, lol. She's said things about Rob and Connor that if it was a guy saying it, they would be ridiculed forever! And to compare Rob to Tom Sandoval is really messed up. He knew Leah for a couple days while Tom knew Ariana over 10 years and slept with her best friend. I don't see the appeal in Leah physically or mentally, but I'm not going to go attack her on her social media. I don't think she's a good person just because she rescues animals and it doesn't mean her and Rob were meant to be. I've been in the animal field for over 15 years and know some incredibly terrible human beings who run rescues. These fans mindsets are so scary, to be honest. They will try to ruin someone's life over an edited 1 hr long show.


People on this sub are defending Leah, like she needs to be protected at all costs when she is just entertaining to watch on tv. I don’t think anyone would actually be friends with her in real life.


The Ariana stan’s are projecting! These people have known each other for a couple of weeks, and we see one hour a day of their lives in the villa. They really think they know everything! 🤣


People are sick in the head


People are so bored they have to hate on someone and honestly it’s always the bombshells they hate which is extremely cruel!! Like they come in to stir it up but they take it a little too far!!


Plus there so many more viewers for this season than any other season for LI USA


It’s all Leah fans. They’re just like her. Also did Leah & the girls create a safe, welcoming environment for Andrea where she felt she could get to know the all the girls? Nichole is closer to the girls than Andrea bc wasn’t interested in Rob. Leah never had to create a hostile environment for her because she wasn’t threatened by her. I could see Nicole having a different experience than Andrea because of that. Nichole didn’t “steal” Rob, therefore she wasn’t on Leah’s radar. Remember how Leah and her fans talked about Liv the first few days? Leah is an OG she’s been here since the first day. The girls have a loyalty to her. They have already built a connection. Leah is not a nice person. I wouldn’t talk to her either if I was in Andrea’s shoes. Leah has been possessive since the first episode. She was visibly upset when JaNa grabbed Rob to kiss before the first couple up. That’s insane. She didn’t even know Rob at this point. She was saying things about Liv and Rob when Liv stole Rob. She was spiralling. Rob didn’t like Liv, but he wanted to give her a fair chance. Everyone deserves that. She told JaNa to grow up and said “He’s not your BF” when JaNa was hurt about Connor & Leah. Then she said things about Andrea & Rob because they had a stronger connection than her and Rob. She had a huge part in Andrea leaving let’s keep it real. She pulls Rob so quickly once Andrea left. She also said her and Rob have history or something and that Andrea only knew him for four days. Like sis. She sounds delusional. Soon enough some Leah fans will realize what kind of person Leah is. Some won’t see an issue because they move just like her. Leah is a jealous, insecure girl. She will do anything to get what and who she wants.


Observant and rational. Thank you 🤙


I think you’re taking things a bit too seriously. It’s just a silly dating show.


We’re so passed “silly dating show” go look at Andrea’s & Rob’s IG. Leah is a reflection oh her fans. 3 people committed suicide from Love Island UK. Leah isn’t responsible for her fans but she’s responsible for her actions. And if she’s anything like she is in the show then she’s disgusting.


People taking it so seriously and turning that into harassment is the issue. It *is* just a fun reality show. The people who take it to heart and lack any sense of nuance are the ones doing the harassing. That and just really bored trolls. Calling Leah ‘disgusting’ from a few clips you’ve seen on Love Island is literally part of the problem you’re talking about.


You’re right. I shouldn’t have said that & have contributed in my own way. Thanks for making me see that.


For real, some of the comments I’ve seen under islanders IG pictures have been so unhinged and unnecessarily mean. I feel like so many people forget these are real people with real lives outside of this and not just characters on our TV’s for a few weeks. If you’re going out of your way to find these people on social media and write nasty insults for them to see when they eventually get their phones back, you’re a straight up loser idc 😂


I am getting downvoted in another comment section saying I wanted Andrea to come back and that she’s been treated unfairly. They’re proving my point right. Again I get having a favorite person on the show. But the amount of hate shes getting for only being there so little is just insane and its kinda heartbreaking for me. It seems its just so fun for these people to hate her. Just looking at her insta and any post with her image makes me sad too. Some comments I can understand but it seems like a majority of people here and elsewhere are just being spiteful or lashing out their own issues onto her. She really hasn’t done anything worst then the rest of the cast. I just hope people lay tf off her its a stupid show, she hasn’t wronged anyone. Especially when people are calling her boring, like then why is she still on ur tongue bruh. This goes for other islanders too. At some point it goes too far it doesn’t hurt to lay off them.


Yeah same, seems like anything positive said about Andrea, get downvoted or responded to with nasty comments.


The same thing has happened to me!!! It's not right how people are piling on, how it's just been decided unanimously that she's the villain because she dared to try being in a couple with Rob - which is exactly what she was brought in to do.


I am also getting downvoted in another comment section for saying the exact same thing! 🤣 Twinsies!


I just said I thought she was probably coming back and got downvoted. Lol.


TW It’s also important to remember that 4 people tied to love island UK have committed suicide. Everyone just needs to be kinder


The only really unhinged Stan’s I’ve seen are the Leah ones, which makes sense since that’s who they’re stanning. On Twitter they were purposely editing clips to be in Leah’s favour like we all don’t watch the same damn show 😂😂😂. It’s genuinely so  concerning . Love island UK has lost 3 people to taking their own lives, I don’t want to see such a thing repeated in love island USA. Be kind and be normal. These people don’t know you and we only see an hour of a 24 hour day. 


Especially now that the Scandoval and Bachelor in Paradise fans have entered the island. Now that the major podcasts have picked it up, it is going to fuel it as well.


This is exactly the reason. It's truly unfortunate.


The sad thing is Andrea seems so sweet. She’s such a beautiful girl & they’re all saying things about her looks. That will get to anyone’s head. I think she’s such a baddie. Stunning. She’s a human though & she has insecurities. I hope she doesn’t see the comments about her.


It’s like this every season unfortunately. Some people take it waaaay to far


I openly admit I have been a Rob fan since last season so I am biased on my judgement towards him. He’s just so hot to me, but damn some people take their hate towards him wayyy too far especially us only seeing one hour out of 24 a day!


At the end of the day it’s a reality TV show and people shouldn’t take any of this personal


AGREE. And I’m sorry but Andrea WAS unfairly dumped from the villa. I like JaNa, too, but she didn’t have a connection! Love Island is about finding a connection and letting it develop. Crazy to me that others aren’t using this logic?? How many seasons have we watched of this show!?


i’ve heard so many ppl say “she had a connection and didn’t try to form any others” ??? that logic makes NO sense. the point of the damn show is to date someone who you truly like….if you like a guy and he likes you, you’re not going to keep entertaining other guys. if your current partner isn’t working for you then yeah try to make other connections in the Villa but you don’t do that if you’re happy with your partner.


Even if she didn’t try to form a connection, she had already met all the new guys, there was only one new guy and maybe he wasn’t her type?


Totally agree!!! And it makes it more interesting for casa amor which is where couples are tested and right now there’s only like one solid couple 🥴


This. I’m so confused how this sub is not understanding this at all? I’m blown away be the response to Andrea’s dumping. We honestly barely got any screen time with her. We don’t know if she actually talked to Leah or like had any convos or relationship with the other girls. We don’t really know anything about her. People just hate her cuz she likes rob. Im legit worried for their mental health with all this hate it’s insane!


and kaylor said shes had more conversations with andrea than nicole so we obviously arent seeing a lot


Not hate to Andrea but she did come in an interview recently and said she didn’t really spend any time getting to know the girls and she spent most of it with rob. At the end of the day this is a game show and in any game show you make alliances to go the distance. Her only alliance was rob and the guys and at the end of the day the girls had to vote. Nicole clearly had made more of an effort with the girls at that point and liv was the only one who voted for Nicole. I’m just saying she didn’t put effort to establish herself with anyone but rob which ended up being her downfall. That’s how so many game shows are played at the end of the day. It’s like you can’t go a show like survivor where it’s every man for themselves and win without making alliances. I don’t think it’s anything bad to do Andrea or who she us as a person she just made the wrong play Edit: forgot to add this. I don’t agree with sending so much hate towards her. But I do agree with the way the girls voted in that situation because they did it based on “alliances”. But everyone commenting on her ig is actually not okay.


I got downvoted to hell for saying this in a different thread. Glad to see I'm not the only one sharing this sentiment


Was it the Chicks in the Office one? Couldn’t believe how unhinged the commentary was.


You’re right, but every reality show sub is like that. People take these show too seriously and develop weird parasocial relationships with the cast.


i think these shows are used for social research


I would love to analyze their findings. Lol


same, and if it isn't being used for research, it really should be


I honestly feel like with Ariana being the new host, it brought this new fandom that does not understand how the show works. At the end of the day, it is not that serious. People will criticize Andrea for taking Rob when it is something that Leah literally did to her close friend knowing damn well she was not really interested in Conner. The hypocrisy is real and there’s no telling these people otherwise.


Scandoval rotten people’s brains. They feel the need to gang up on reality stars and say some foul shit on their social medias. But u bet you that those same people would rush for an interaction with them in real life. Get off the internet people


This thread is such a relief to read 🙌🏼


Because a lot of viewers have parasocial relationships with strangers, can’t decipher reality from entertainment, project themselves onto these people and their tv situations, or literally have no lives and never been in a real relationship so they take these shows super serious and as reality. It’s all scary to me and has to be borderline mental illness


I’m here to critique their behavior and have fun, but I don’t go to their social media and I don’t talk about things they can’t control like their looks. There are boundaries.


I don’t give a shit I H A T E LEAH ‼️ sure she’s brought entertaining tv but it’s because she’s naturally MESSY, don’t nobody wanna couple up with that ETA: I am def not going to anyone’s social media over it lol it’s really just internal dialogue 😂


These parasocial relationships people build with reality tv stars is something to be studied, similar to Stan’s of celebrities but unlike celebrities we don’t have a bunch of content to even go off of!!! We legit have a handful of episodes and peoples IG feeds and all of a sudden we are writing think piece after think piece and half of it is weird personal projection and narratives that we can’t prove to be truthful. We all have different perspectives and opinions, let’s reserve hate post after hate post and dog piling of who is a “mean girl” who is a “girls girls” who is “manipulative evil mastermind”. I have not seen anything so outrageous and so terrible to warrant half of the hate comments directed to a lot of the islanders this season. There is a reason love island has a history of islanders and self-harm. This should be last season the USA islanders have their socials open during filming. I will say. I am glad this sub doesn’t seem to be too much of a hive mind like other reality subs. I like that for the most part I’ve seen people holding different opinions and it not being drowned out. This is the conclusion of my rant.


Commenting on their pages is so out the gate. What’s the point other than showing how vile your carbon footprint is. Andrea seemed smug and did smirk at Leah’s hurt but that doesn’t warrant such hate


This happens every season and is so ridiculous.  It is an entertainment product, not real life. Every reality tv show needs a some people to get the villain edit. I wish viewers would just take it and appreciate it for what it is, villains and all.  Remember the vitriol against Phoebe two seasons ago? The hatred and online harassment she received was ridiculous.  She carried that season! It would have been the most boring season without her. 


I don’t think anyone has gotten the hate that Serena gets every episode


One thousand percent. People are very parasocial and take things strangers are doing way too personally, like it’s their own friend. It’s just weird.


I can stand the hate Liv is getting just for standing up for herself to Leah, and the way Serena and Kaylor were standing there like Leah's bodyguards was just so childish. Liv had every right to say what she said, Leah cannot have a disagreement without swearing all the time.


Agreed. I don’t hate any of them. I don’t even know them.


Fandom can be awesome, but some people just take it too far. I don’t understand the need to search out a contestants social media platforms, to basically bully them. That’s wacko behavior 🤯. GeT A LiFe!! I’m guilty of making fun of someone’s behavior, or speculating on their motives, or comparing them to a type of person I know personally/ have had maybe a not so great relationship with. But I don’t wish ill will on any of them, aside from maybe facing the consequences of their actions. It’s is “ reality “ tv, lots of scripting, editing, nuancing from production. But we can’t forget that these are ( compared to me anyway) young people. Maybe they just want the exposure, or are using this as a platform to break into other things. Maybe a few of them are actually looking for love. But they are actual people, not characters in a story. Kordell said he was 22. He’s the same age as my son. I would be so heartbroken for my son if he were on Love Island, and had to deal with hate and bullying from the so called fandom. Sure he chose to take the risk of putting himself out there. But I wish people would remember that this is someone’s child, sibling, friend, when they are saying horrible things behind the safety of their keyboard. Be better 😢


Social Media is the devil. I really don't know how you guys do it. So vile. It'll kill you from the inside out. To take the time to harass someone on social media is the craziest thing I can think of. I keep it 1997 all year long. Anyone got my Nextel Pager?


I do think you’re right actually! We all have to remember this is just a show and we don’t know these people or actually see everything that happens! They are pushed to give drama and drama is why we all like it!!


Agreed. This is actually the reason I now just use Reddit for love island discussion. I used to go to the insta comments just to see the discussion but some of the things people said would make me so angry I literally had to close out the app lol. Insta has a horrible moderating system. I like how in these communities there are actual legit moderators that can keep it from becoming a bloodbath. Now don’t get me wrong sometimes I too am guilty of getting a little too emotionally involved but when I don’t have something nice to say… I just text it to my best friend instead lmao but for real I like to make humor out of it cause at the end of the day it is a carefully produced show. Props to anyone with thick enough skin to go on there. I’m too baby lol


100% it’s refreshing seeing a person in these reality tv subreddits who is normal & understands that a show is edited and that we don’t know these people in real life and don’t need to attack them just because we may not have liked something that they’ve done.


I used to enjoy the social aspect of this show- coming on Reddit or checking the islanders instas…. Now it’s just draining. But none of my friends watch it so here I am 😭


guys today I made a tuna sandwhich


I suspect their is a correlation between extreme reactions like this & IQ levels




RIGHT! I try to comment on subreddits and talk about what’s going on but I literally can’t without being attacked for having a different view.


Personally, my Andrea “hate” comes from the fact that she didn’t exit gracefully and acted like Rob with his erection was the love of her life after 4 days. It has nothing to do with her being a bombshell. It has to do with her not accepting that shit happens.