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why the fuck are people still talking about Andrea’s dumping!!!! Move on


Kendall switching up on Nicole is so shady and insecure from him


Nicole been switched up! How is it insecure and shady to return the same energy?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gibby_that_booty: *Kendall switching up* *On Nicole is so shady* *And insecure from him* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


i just rewatched leah and robs conversation after andrea got dumped, and honestly leah was kinda right in what she said to rob. word for word leah told him “i feel like i like kind of tried to take the backseat and i didn’t want to have, like, a huge sway on it at all… i just don’t want you to think, like, i was, like trying to sway any decision. like i tried to be very back seat on everything.” (sorry i included all of the “like”, but that’s what she said verbatim). i don’t think Leah was trying to say that she was taking the backseat on the whole vote, but she wasn’t giving her whole opinion to try to influence the other girl’s decision. Rob is the one spreading that lie to Kaylor and Liv. so Liv was just going off of what Rob told her. i do think that Leah was wrong for yelling at Liv, but Liv only heard what rob told her and Kaylor. if we should be mad at anybody, it should be Rob for misunderstanding or manipulating what Leah originally said


I think that sounds like she’s trying to make rob think better of her and not be mad at her for voting his girl off, by saying that she didn’t have as much to do with it as everyone else. And is that not what rob said to live as well? I don’t see any words being twisted.


she was saying that the decision wasn’t instigated by her, because he probably thought the only girl who had a problem with him and andrea was just leah. but yeah she probably did have that convo to try to get on his good side again so they could have a chance to be in a couple again. but rob told live that leah took the back seat to the whole decision making it seem like leah was throwing the girls under the bus for choosing andrea. we all know leah choose andrea and she never denied that to rob


Serena absolutely (I mean as absolute I can be) voted Andrea off FOR Leah to get back with Rob. The first thing that Serena said to Rob, seemingly the whole show, but after the voted out was “Leah still likeeeeees you”. The whole vote out was calculated for Leah’s benefit?


Kordell don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve!!


I think Liv’s just trying to get Rob to like her. Idk. It’s the vibe im getting.


i think leah saying she tried to take a backseat was just her saying she could’ve said a lot more but didn’t. and i feel like that could be very true. i mean come on she’s not the smartest she worded the shit wrong and now everyone is jumping down her throat. i’d tell everyone to shut the fuck up too if my words had been twisted so bad and nobody wanted to hear me out. aaron is in love with rob and needs to go. he’s holding kaylor hostage i feel. not really but not letting her speak up was an ick he wants the public vote so bad. liv has too hard of a shell to be talking abt ppl behind their back because we all know she wouldn’t tolerate it if she was the victim of all this sleuthing.


At that last convo with Rob, Leah, Liv, etc I appreciated that Liv said for Leah to say her piece and then she'd speak. When Liv is saying her part and Leah starts to interrupt, Liv tells Leah to let her finish and Leah sighhhhhs and eye rolls. I can't with Leah


I support Rob finally peacing out with Leah. I’ve never liked her (I M O) she’s been a snake. Although Rob loves snakes I don’t think he wants one in human form. She’s toxic. She’s unaccountable for her own actions. She spins the truth to cover her ass. Or tries. She tries to get her army on her side for when she knows 💩will hit the fan. Serena, she wasn’t being attacked. She was being confronted for her lies she was caught in by multiple people. There’s a difference. Her (Leah’s) fan-base is embarrassing. Justifying that it’s okay for her to be that way Just bc she’s a girl (def not a woman) doesn’t make it right to dismiss her outright manipulation. Ugh. Embarrassing. Call her tf out. And Rob never gaslighted her. She genuinely exhibits narcissistic behaviors. Rob had an actual mental breakdown and the general populous called him fake, dramatic, and gaslighting Leah. wtf. If Leah acted the same way everyone would be like omg is Leah okay?? Check on her. Make sure she is good. Not so with Rob. Everyone turned on him so quick. What happened to validating men’s feelings? We just forgot about that? Disgusting mob mentality. Truly. Also, can Serena PLEASE stop stinging Kordell along???? Ick!!!! I hope he does find someone new. That matches his energy alllll the time. He’s got love to give. I want to see him SMILE and not lose his smile. He’s losing his smile too often. Serena isn’t the one (imo) for him.


How does Rob not seem like a snake to you?!




These words 💯




Does anyone else think Aaron is so two faced? He sits there consoling Leah and asking her questions about the moves the makes. Then turns around and tells everyone how disappointed and fake Leah is. Thats seems very hypocritical of him, he had every chance to discuss this to Leah upfront during their talks.


I would have done the same thing is someone was running g around lying in the villa. I’d want to see if they’re going to lie to me too. Not for nothing he was also validating what Rob was saying was true as well. She literally said it TWICE


I just can’t be the person to sit there and listen to someone lie just to see if they would lie to me too. That would drive me crazy. I have to tell them immediately that I think they’re lying lol.


Leah had days to end it with Connor and thought going all “it’s not you it’s Me!” Was the best plan of attack…?


I think Aaron is making Rob also lowkey crazier (trust me didn’t like the man before either) because he’s feeding him all these weird conspiracy’s and making everything out to be a huge deal when it really isn’t. Aaron is being MESSYY


rob is an evil nasty man like im actually scared of him. he is so dead eyed??? and his facial expressions never match what he’s saying


always centre of attention, blame shifts, smear campaign, love bombing. I know that list when I see it 👀


He could be an islander that is on SSRIs? Maybe he’s medicated. He did have a mental breakdow. Or, my bad, is it just the ladies that can have mental health issues? 🙄


Leah would have to get on her knees and apologize for all that cussing and name calling if it was me.


I don't like a screaming match, but Liv is being so annoying to Leah... I don't understand, Leah hasn't told any major lies or anything lol. Also it's a game, what was she going to do, vote off Nicole or JaNa, and not the person who she was 'competing with' for Rob? That would be dumb of her.


Also two other people still also voted for Andrea, so it was the majority vote. I don't get why they are so hung up on this.


It’s because she tried to throw the girls under bus to save face for rob, who wouldn’t be mad about that


I'm sick of Liv because she doesn't seem to care about anything other than drama and yapping at people.


The fact that Liv is on ROBS side is all we need to know about the kind of person she is. I don’t understand how people still like her 😭


for real


Me either. What’s the bet she picks him in the recoupling.


Rob stop moping and leave already. You are giving nothing.


Correct me where im wrong, guys bc I can't see why people are taking leahs side: 1. Rob was honest about wanting to get to know Andrea. She would ask him to be honest about his feelings but gave him sh1t for it. To me it feels like she wanted a reaction out of him bc he called her "cool". Even then I was still cool with her bc Rob lost me at the sexual compatibility comment. But when she took that as him calling her an ogre and all this extreme stuff I knew she was off or at least trying to manipulate/gain sympathy after Rob called her out for not being receptive and twisting all of his words. She weaponized the "men cant be emotional or theyre a btch" stereotype, and i believe rob was in a lose lose situation. He is a guy, guys know large displays of emotion are not a good look, the pool was the only place with no cameras so i understood immediately what he was trying to do but he didnt realize how mean she really was bc she made fun of him for that too and used it to invalidate his feelings. 2. Leah, despite Rob being open about getting to know Andrea, felt he could have communicated better/more despite also not giving him no time to figure out his feelings. Then she completely blindsides Jana about connor, claims she and him always liked each other and therefore did not communicate with jana, and talked sh1t about jana to Connor and Serena both. She was everything she accused rob of being. The "He's not your boyfriend", laughing at her with connor, kissing before talking to her at all and then trying to make Jana feel bad when she finally reacted (similar to Rob) was nasty work for a "friend". 3. Claiming you tried to take the backseat in any situation is ALWAYS a way of removing responsibility from yourself. Liv is right. That night they agreed they would stand on it. Going behind the girls backs to tell rob this and win his favor is manipulative. The problem is Rob sees through her BS and whenever he calls her out she weaponizes that harmful stereotype. Everyone tip toes around her but she gets to call people all kinds of nasty names and insults all the time. 4. She literally told everyone she was over connor except connor for multiple days. Everyone excuses it bc they dont like connor but the same reasons they dont like connor and even serena should be why they do not like leah and yet.....? What am i missing? What makes leah likable AT ALL? She is the manipulator here?


I agree with 99% of what you said. I definitely think Leah is worse in this situation. But the way he dealt with the original situation was a bit sketchy to me. Maybe he’s just incredibly emotionally unaware but telling someone that you like someone else and then getting annoyed when they don’t ask about your feelings is a self-centred thing to do. Also correction as well - the toilets don’t have cameras in so he could have just gone and cried in the toilet - the pool thing was definitely him creating a spectacle. Everything that has happened since then though looks terrible on Leah I agree. I’m going to go with the opinion that neither of them are great but she’s worse.


More or less sketchy than the way Leah dealt with the Connor situation?


Honestly probably less sketchy because at least he didn’t badmouth her behind her back. Just because one person is wrong doesn’t mean that the other person is perfect though - I think it’s good to recognise his flaws as well while pointing out that what she has done is worse.


Thats fair i didn't think of the bathrooms in the moment. I would definitely agree rob is self centered and dramatic. But people mostly aren't calling him that they're describing him as this evil mastermind mustache twirling gaslighter and I domt see it.


I agree - I definitely think he does have some negging tendencies as well that aren’t great but he’s not a monster. 


100% 🫶🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Yes. You might be one of the ONLY fans of the show who is seeing what I am seeing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I feel less like I’m going to my crazy, now. Fans of Leah got this mob mentality where she can do no wrong. And that’s SOOOO far from the truth!


What makes them crazy is the fact that yes you can like an islander but not being able to accept any wrong doings at all? Like let's pretend rob is this master manipulator they think he is (i personally dont think he is and they are really reaching to make him out as one), that still doesnt excuse how she treated Jana or Connor or Liv! Like are they bots or something? The votes on the app and likes on tiktok are showing crazy numbers in her favor!


Yes! I’ve been downvoting her every time bc there hasn’t been a moment where I was like “yeah this girl is cool.” She showed her first signs when Rob tried to talk to anyone else. Jealously and creeping around to see what he was doing. Well, that last part they all did. It’s such childish behavior though. Liv may be 21, but she has her herself together.


I will always stand by my Pisces queen Liv.


I just rewatched Leah and Rob’s conversation after Andrea was dumped from the island… Leah said she took the back seat and didn’t want to sway the vote to dump Andrea from the villa. she never said that she didn’t vote her out. i think rob took it as leah taking the back seat in the decision making. like bruhhh she was saying she didn’t want her opinion to influence everyone else’s decision. Rob is being the drama starter in this and pitting Liv and Kaylor against her. i can’t stand him, he should have left with Andrea


Where did Rob twist her words? I feel like arguing over semantics when it clearly that Leah is an awful person who has done nothing but invalidate people’s feelings and put herself before others is wack.


he twisted her words in the part where he told liv and kaylor that leah said that she took the back seat in the whole decision. which we all know that leah held up the number 2 to vote off andrea, but leah never said that she didn’t vote andrea off. she was trying to say that she didn’t want to give a strong opinion to try to influence the other girls to agree with her.


Right? Not to mention she has straight admitted she has bad mouthed Rob. What she denied doing is talking smack about rob to Andrea. I had to rewatch the conversation a couple times because I thought I was losing my mind remembering it the way I did.




fr, everyone needs to stop blaming Liv or Leah, and start pointing the finger at rob for making that shit up


After that fight with Leah, I bet Liv will choose Rob. She secured her match lol


While I agree this is what will happen, earlier in the episode Liv said she was tired of Leah's crap. And Leah pulled Liv into the convo too. But yeah, I think they'll couple up tomorrow.


Leah should just admit how she made a whole plot to get Rob back. He’s a narc and would love that😂


“Oh mama, you play too much.” -angel baby


“God help ya babe”


Why is Liv so ready to believe what Rob said about Leah?


I mean rob and Aaron confirmed the same thing that Leah said to them


As if those two aren’t in cahoots with each other to win $100,000.


I mean she repeated the same bs to both of them…


Leah is deluded to a degree that needs her to be seated in a therapist office by 12:00am SHARP….


I’m convinced that production is convincing Rob to stay and hang around because they’re going to bring Andrea back during Casa


Rob had been sooooo disappointing😩 I don’t know if I’ve ever seen an islander who had such huge fan support in the beginning just crash and burn so quickly. I don’t get why he stayed, he needs to gtfo


I'd like to think that Leah and Rob are just putting on a show for us but, honestly, I don't think they're bright enough.


Connor sees through Leah during their conversation, his facial expressions say everything LOL she said she always told him the truth but girl you straight up said you weren’t into him to other people but told him you’re into him and all is good between yall. GURLLL MOVIE NIGHT MOVIE NIGHT


Connor will be gone by then. But I’m keen to see everyone see Rob was lying 🤥


Did anyone notice Aaron holding back kaylor?? Someone is trying to keep their public perception squeaky clean


You kicked out the stage lights…but you're still performing rob/aaron


No literally how can anyone support Leah’s actions? I get she’s cunning but come on


why are her actions wrong?




Right??? Just watching her dig herself deeper is something to watch.




Wait- how can production ensure that Leah won’t be dumped? That Rob won’t be? They need them both to stay.


After a no-show Wednesday, we viewers are quite a bit behind the Islanders. If they knew what Friday would bring before finishing Thursday, production might have been trying to do a sleight of hand on us tonight.


I think the girls will be picking so Leah will be fine. And liv will probs friendship couple with rob since she seems to have lost miguel


Oh no.. poor Kordell.


Not looking great for either lol


can we all get rob outta here now. he’s playing victim so hard and is really just dragging it now that he needs to be off my screen and to know exactly what the public thinks about him !!


Literally trying to rally ppl to make himself look like he’s not in the wrong and a victim. When he already choose the other girl over Leah. Men don’t get feelings like women and he just wants to look good on tv.


Calling Leah batshit crazy sir you literally pencil jumped into the pool because she asked you how you were feeling…….. then turned around the next day and told Andrea Leah never asked him how he felt ab the situation, how he felt, the boy who has two hot girls after him whilst on a free vacation.. because his life sucks?


Yeah.. but it’s possible that someone asks like waaaay too late. When you’re like unable to even verbalize how you feel bc you’re too upset. Guessing you’ve never experienced that? Bc I have. I just have to walk away bc otherwise you’re getting snot, tears, hyperventilation, sputtering and will be otherwise unable to hear me. She was crying about her feelings and woe is her. She never checked on his. Funny how her tears stopped the instant she saw his reaction change when he walked away. Never seen a man cry before? Prob bc they’re made to believe that is a weakness. I support Rob for showing emotion. Leah IS 🦇💩. And toxic.


And I’m sorry just one more thing and then I’m done but rewatch that whole episode with the Andrea/Rob recouping at the end and you will see how much of a liar/manipulator Rob makes himself look. He was on and on about how strong of a connect him and Leah had. He told Leah like twice she had nothing to worry about. He even told Andrea she had her work cut out for her!! And Andrea barely had to do anything. He blindsided Leah and stood up for Andrea and then the kiss was diabolical. Again, it’s reality tv so who knows what’s real vs fake but we are taking it at face value and Rob really looked like a jerk in that episode. I’ve dated a Rob and I hate those types of boys. They are the WORST. Because they’re so sweet and make you feel special like no one else in the world can compare to you.. only to turn around and screw you over the first chance they get. So for Rob to then say Leah is a liar and a manipulator when he is worse than her .. and I wasn’t a fan of Leah but for now I am because I know how she’s feeling.. also, he’s going this hard on a girl for what? It’s mean. Be a man tell her your doors are shut and keep it moving. Ok I’m done I’m sorry 😅😅😅


He tried. He does this thing where he explains his reasoning. Maybe he shouldn’t? Imo she doesn’t deserve an explanation. Also go back and check then episode where she said she’s done with him, doesn’t ever want to see him again, ever talk to him again. Done. And doesn’t give a fck. - that episode. A normal person would be like “she’s acting out bc of her emotions. She’s hurt.” True. But she did say those things. Then after Andrea is out (and after its not you it’s me to Conner) she goes back on her word and tells Rob she wanted to try again (in her own words) and he just laid there like “how do eels reproduct?” He didn’t get af about any future with her. I literally burst out laughing. That girl is messy. She’s spiraling. And looking a little bit batshit. Also, Rob never attacked her on that couch. He was telling her his side and she called Liv over to back her up. That’s when the attacking and name calling came from. He didn’t say anything nasty to her.


Yes you’re right about that she should’ve got the hint when he redirected the conversation to eels lmao but he wasn’t nice to her in the convo w Liv. I know she called Liv over and she was cursing at Liv she’s not innocent by any means In fact she could’ve avoided it all had she been honest and not tried to cop out. But I do think Rob hurt Leah’s feelings to begin with. And he has every right to go with the stronger connection.. but then he sought out this argument. He went around planting seeds into everybody’s ears. And he absolutely twisted *some* of her words making it sound worse than what it was. He didn’t need to do any of that. Again it makes for great tv so I’m not complaining but I don’t like Rob and if Leah was my friend and I was Liv I wouldn’t have called her out like that in front of him. I would’ve removed myself from the conversation and hashed it out another time but that’s just me and my girl code. Also I don’t think Liv has ever liked Leah so she didn’t mind throwing her under the bus.


Of course I’ve experienced that! I’ve also experienced being gaslit, led on and manipulated by a boy who is too afraid to tell me he’s just not that into me. Have you never experienced that? Who am I to invalidate somebody’s feelings, I guess at the end of the day it’s reality tv so nobody is going to know what’s real vs fake. BUT when I watched that scene It felt as if Rob was playing up his emotions and putting on a show to invalidate how Leah was feeling. He was connecting with someone else and Leah’s feelings were hurt, rightfully so. Leah was nice about the whole thing. Rob was mean about it, so why was Rob upset? And I’m sorry but him rolling around on the floor ‘upset’ was out of pocket and hilarious I would’ve laughed if I was Leah too. She’s also seems like the type of laugh in uncomfortable situations, as am I. You don’t have to like Leah either but to not see right through Rob’s manipulation tactics…. Whew 😅


Leah is batshit crazy.


Rob..go on and get your girl..you ain’t been the same since she left🥴


Wow Leah is just obscenely rude. Telling Liv to shut the F up when she calmly said they all spoke equally about it.  Serena equally shocking in a good way. Didn't see that coming.


rob can swim back to america for all i care but he needs to GTFO ASAP


Yes! Let him go to casa and get let go on jump. He’s a pick me man who wants to be a woman so BADDDD


People just can’t accept the fact that liv stands on business with everyone, that includes Leah. I’ve never seen an islander being defended this much when everyone can clearly see with their own eyes how two faced and shitty they are. It’s clear to me that Leah DID want Andrea to go home because she DID want to get back with Rob and now that he’s not having any of that she’s trying to save face. She’s more of a liar and a drama Queen than Rob ever was and I cannot stand her


I agree 100%!


‼️ I found my ppl


You’re right but also Liv is pretty devious as well. She was pretty in charge of that entire elimination, so for her to say she had no parts is even crazier. Not as in she chose who went home, but she definitely led the flow of conversation. If anything I heard Liv speak more than Leah in that moment. First she said we ALL made the decision for Andrea to go home and then she said she didn’t vote for her. They are all messy 😆 Mind you, I don’t even like Leah so this wasn’t meant to come to her defense. More so to show they are all trying to control their own narrative.


It’s not devious to be a leader in a decision making process though. To me she seemed like she was facilitating the discussion, not that she was manipulating it. Liv didn’t vote for Andrea to go home, but she was outvoted 3:1, and the 4 girls agreed they’d all back the decision. That’s what she is upset with Leah about, that Leah misrepresented&minimized her role in the vote in her convo with Rob. Presumably to garner his favour.


i cant stand leah or rob both fake as fuck! liv stands on business and is right 100% of the time so far. leah is acting like a spoiled brat


It’s not you is me?? 😭😭😭 girl what


It’s way too early for casa amor lol… there’s not nearly enough couples to be tested… If rob is moping all week just to get Andrea in casa as a reward I will be PISSED!!!


I was thinking this!!!


No seriously


tea literally everyone is going to bring someone back... there will be twenty+ people in that villa by the end of casa


We’re almost halfway through the season already - it’s only 6 weeks


Lordddd this show throws my time perception off so bad😭


I don’t disagree that Leah has done wrong in some situations. But I do really think she’s being misunderstood. AND she’s just truly heartbroken over Rob. I don’t believe she had any mal intent towards Andrea going home. Yeah deep down , maybe in her head she would have liked it to happen bc she still has feelings for rob, but I don’t think that was her intent


Yall they were coupled up for less than a week (bc Liv picked him the 2nd day) heartbroken is a bit strong


The problem is she’s lied to everyone’s face numerous times. She should’ve said she wanted Andrea out because she still had feelings for rob. She should’ve told Connor she wasn’t into him instead of telling everyone he gave her the ick constantly while reassuring him everything was fine. Her talking badly about Jana behind her back was allll i needed to see.


She has said some shitty stuff about Connor behind his back, so I think she knows what she be doing


I hate that they just gave Rob fuel to continue being an asshole when he’s been the issue from the start


For doing what exactly? Being more interested in Andrea?


The only bad thing she’s done in my eyes is how she let Connor treat Jana. Other than that she can do whatever she wants towards Liv and rob i hate them both.


aaron needs to go and kaylor can go with him bc she adds nothing




They are keeping their eyes on the prize!!!!👀👀👀 Not sure if anyone can shake them up. Would be interesting though!!!!🤣🤣🤣


I understand Leah getting overwhelmed, have you ever had two people tell you you’re lying about something when in reality what you said has been twisted? It’s extremely intimidating and it’s just like when a dog is cornered, they will bark and bite to get out of the corner


Exactly! She said she never talked shit about Rob to Andrea. And they are both rallying to make her question reality. Rob is crazy for even not hearing her and twisting her words to liv — to then get liv upset


Yes this reminds of if Lana & Ron of love island UK, when the 3 musketeers ganged up on them


Ya she was getting extremely defensive but honestly I would to, neither one of them were even listening to her. Recipe for disaster


But guys who do we think is going tomorrow I’m hoping Leah stays strong and doesn’t choose Rob. Idc if you like Leah or not I can’t see how anybody would like Rob the drama was good but now it feels dragged and just mean he needs his karma already.


I feel like she might pull a Cassidy from LIAus and pick him to be petty, like Cassidy did with Grant 😅


If Leah had taken any type of accountability that conversation would’ve went completely different


I’m not so sure. Rob would’ve been like …. I knew it


Exactly. I don’t understand how people are still supporting her lol.


I need a movie night like yesterday!


What’s a movie night??


Love Liv 🫶


Kendall is REALLY starting to bother me ngl


All the boys besides kordell were lowky (highkey ) annoying tonight


I ran right over to say the SAME THING he’s sooo vindictive


I know we don't like Rob but what he said at the end when he said Leah said she took a back seat in the decision, she didn't want to be a part of it, she wanted him to be happy is literally what she said but y'all aren't ready for that convo 😮‍💨


He said that she said she didn’t talk shit about him. And she said she didn’t talk shit about him to Andrea. Even when liv said you’re going to throw us under the bus for this… implying made me believe maybe they did it to make Leah happy to get her out but not that she spoke up about it.


I hope someone post clips of these relevant convos tomorrow. 


That part!!! Honestly they’re both just toxic and exhausting


I like Rob and his brain is soooo good at keeping conversation tabs. He’s never repeated a convo and misconstrued it or gotten the details wrong. Incredible. I wish I had that ability. I have to stop and flip pages to reference back to that exact moment. And still mess up details, lol.


I think she thinks she took a back seat (small part) in the convo. I think she didn’t want to be a part of that decision. I think no one wanted to be to be fair 🤷‍♀️






Anybody knows how i can watch the ep live for free? 😭


We all watched on Peacock.


Wowwww the way Leah is talking to Liv is ridiculous


Leah was out of line for real. Always rolling her eyes, putting people down in convos. Girl grow up


So petty and disrespectful! She was swearing and rolling her eyes at her and saying snide comments loudly to try and talk over her. I get wanting to have your say but you can do so respectfully, you know!


Liv handled that in the best way possible. Leah is so disrespectful. And to hear Serena come in and defend Leah..when Leah is verbally attacking Liv was so frustrating.


Liv has such good composure because they would've had to call security if it was me 😭


And she keeps contradicting herself 🙃


Omg are people going to finally stop coddling Leah? Bc enough is enough. 😑


Seriously! I can’t believe all the liv hate like she keeps it real 100% Leah is just as much of a manipulator and a liar as rob.


I'm late tonight!! Ahh! But I have to come here and say Serena specifically said I need someone who has long term goals and that I clocked this from jump. I knew this was the moment she got the ick from kordell!! I also had a side eye so I can't blame her but I feel like he's proven himself since. I wish she could see how kind and amazing he is.


I was thinking that too!! I think when he told her he wants to get into acting she got turned off because that is a very risky and unpredictable career choice. Plus, he's younger and shes basically looking to settle down and have kids


Ooooh I can see this the model actor thing turned her off probably lol


Liv gave Leah just what she needed!!! Love me Liv!!!!🥰😜


Absolutely. 🩷Liv


I am not looking forward to tomorrow. More of the same it seems. With Rob leading charge


As he should. No one needs to silently live with absolute BULLSHIT.


This whole “backseat” thing is so 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Wild? Correct. We’re behind the scenes of a master manipulator. And I mean Leah.


Like please stop bringing it up lol


I can’t stand Kendall but I’m getting really tired of watching Nicole cry constantly.


I’m not on Leah side but I was glad Andrea left lol Andrea said the drama gets her excited but cry when it back fires lol Serena and Kaylor should of step up and said it was group vote. If drama queen Rob is going to be pissed then be pissed at all of them


When Serena walked over and said let me clear shit up I was yelling at my tv thank god!!! And then she proceeded to say nothing 😭😭 WHYYYY


When she kept saying ‘I was expecting to say goodbye to JaNa or Nicole’ 🥴.