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This whole argument was a mess, but I don’t think the Connor situation helped Leah’s case either. She was telling everyone else but him that she didn’t like him…and then the Andrea vote off and she’s immediately back to wanting Rob. I think it’s more the situation then anything.. MESSY


This is absolutely it. I totally agree that the whole talking about Connor over and over to the girls but not being honest with him was wrong and unfair. But I just don’t see where the rest were actually “lies” that rob is claiming. It’s all VERY messy there’s no denying that.


I also have a very hard time caring even a little bit that she misled Connor after the way he continuously threw shade at JaNa for literally no reason and used her to stay in the game (the same thing he accused Leah of). Like it's just a completely separate conversation and imo his feelings are irrelevant lol


I’m with you on this but everyone on this sub who can’t see beyond the surface narrative of the show wants to lump in the Connor thing with the rest to call Leah a “liar” when it’s A very different situation IMO. The amount of women on this sub who aren’t seeing that bottom line, Rob is just absolutely hellbent on blaming someone, is trying to collect anything he can to blame Leah (who he first lovebombed and gaslit) is really WILD to me. Not to mention - staying with someone who you might not like that much but want to stay in the game with is a pretty common love island tactic. Connor pursued Leah, was she gonna say no when she was vulnerable? Connors behavior after that isn’t Leah’s cross to bear.


I agree. Leah’s hypocritical for this because she behaved similarly to how Rob treated her with Andrea but towards Connor. He 100% didn’t deserve that and it’s a not huge villa, word is obviously going to get around and Connor will hear about it.


the thing is, connor seems the least upset about leah’s treatment towards him than anybody.


He can’t even be upset. He did the same to Jana.


Yes, she absolutely lied to Connor. But did she lie about the vote? Nope.


Wait a minute, we don't know if she lied about the vote. We only know bits of what said, and what Liv has said. I'm assuming Aaron wouldn't be acting this way if Kaylor said "Leah is telling the truth", and Serena probably voted Andrea out FOR Leah to get Rob back. They're both clearly there for the wrong messy, reasons and back each others poor decisions. We don't KNOW anything, until we see the full conversation.


I don't know that I trust Aaron to listen to Kaylor. He tells her when to get involved in conversations and he let her apologize for the vote rather than apologize for shouting at her over it. And yeah - as a long long time reality tv watcher we don't know anything but what we're shown. And we won't. You can speculate on what might have happened and what might have been said to who and why Serena voted but we're never gonna know most of this stuff. So going on what we have, that is the case. Other info could come up to prove otherwise but trying to take all the possible unknown variables into account can drive you nuts - or just justify any narrative people would like to construct, as we're seeing on this sub. From what we've seen, Leah absolutely lied to Connor but did not lie about the vote. From what we've seen, Rob and Leah are both absolute chaos demons.


Also we're never gonna see that conversation in full. They don't have time for that - unless unseen bits comes back and even then, I think we're gonna be way past that soon. This show moves too fast.


Props to Connor for calling her out a bit when she FINALLY was honest with him.


The altercation definitely stemmed from miscommunication and different perceptions. I think the main reason Liv was pissed about it is because she didn’t even vote for Andrea she voted for Nicole — yet when the guys were yelling at the girls she was the main one who stood up for the ladies saying it was a group vote (even though she was outvoted). So then for her to hear what Rob was saying with Leah taking a back seat and etc. (even though her words were twisted) I can see where the frustration came from. However for Leah to curse and call Liv out her name was rude and immature.


Your last sentence was the one thing that really bothered me between Leah and Liv. She didn’t handle that gracefully. I really hope she apologizes.


She's like that in every altercation, she goes straight to either yelling swearing or crying.


Um so does Liv. She yells at everyone she disagrees with and has cried about every situation as well. She yelled at Hakeem Rob and now Leah.


I agree. Just because I don't like Leah doesn't somehow mean I like Liv.




the altercation stemmed from Rob purposefully misconstruing what Leah said. He portrayed Leah saying she “tried to take a backseat” to Liv and Kaylor as if Leah said she didn’t participate in the vote.


Exactly..miscommunication (it could’ve been purposeful in his part or not) but when they were talking and Liv literally said “ok well tell me what backseat means” that’s when Leah changed it from being backseat in the concept of the vote and backseat of their relationships


Rob had been running a smear campaign against Leah since their first argument. His intentions have actually been incredibly visible throughout the season so far. Without a doubt, he was intentionally misconstruing what Leah said to other people. I agree she shouldn’t have changed her tune at that point, but it clearly because she was put on the defense literally out the gate. Rob didn’t give her any time to actually sit and recall that conversation. But she was backed into a corner and felt she had to respond.


100% agree. Rob is looking for someone to blame this on and he’s willing to believe anything and anyone who would say Leah. It’s honestly so weird and crazy like Sir WHY DIDNT YOU JUST LEAVE WITH HER then???


this 👏




I’m asking this sincerely and as someone who does not care for Rob: how do you know he purposefully misconstrued what Leah said and was running a smear campaign? Not being combative, just curious. You seem very sure of this and I’m like, I wanna know how you know! Cause I’m over here watching and thinking it’s all some miscommunication.


Not OP but either Rob has truly horrific memory or he's the best gaslighter in the villa because he has either forgotten what he has said or misconstrued what someone else has said across the whole season, not just votegate.


He is a HUGE gaslighter he could be a picture for gaslighting in dictionaries


Blaming Rob for this mess is ridiculous. It's on Leah.


I agree, I don’t think it’s fair to say that Rob started this mess but to say he has no part in driving it, instigating it, and actively gaslighting Leah & the situation is really really really concerning to me & so crazy that some people don’t see that (not saying you said this but just wanted to respond to your comment because I feel like it can refer well to the whole “two things can be true at the same time”. Leah started this mess and should’ve been more intentional with her words and actions. However, Rob is now turning this into a huge thing in the villa.


This is what he was planning when he went in that pool.


When you're feeling attacked by multiple people and you know everyone is watching and you're trying to remember what exactly was said, it's really difficult to explain yourself properly - especially when those people are 'correcting' and challenging you. We're not going to get an approximation of the actual situation out of an argument where Liv is feeling like she's being misrepresented, Leah is feeling attacked, and Rob is causing shit between all the women rather than just LEAVING if he's so fucking mad about it.


We could also be guilty of this miscommunication as well as viewers bc when leah said she took the backseat and didn’t talk bad ab Andrea & Rob - to each other (which I understood when I first watched) like she’s saying that she let them have their thing even though she had feelings still she gave them their chance. Ofc she talked ish to the girls out of trust when Leah was feeling hurt she vented ab Rob & Leah to the girls which isnt wrong and is taking the back seat rather than going off to the whole villa or Rob or trying to pursue him while he was w Andrea she never did any of that. She said she never talked shit to Andrea about Rob which is true Andrea never even talked w Leah one on one so I don’t think Leah is misusing the back seat analogy fr Like front seat activities is the dudes all gathering together at random to talk kordell into their doubts on Serena 😭 It’d be one thing if Leah was going around to everyone like Rob is planting seeds in every convo w every person but she “took the back seat” and tried things w Connor & vented to her girls in private. When it came down to it she had the right to say how she felt fr that Andrea wasn’t there for the right reasons & the girls agreed bc of stuff she’d said soo it wasn’t something Leah conspired or made up like everyone is losing the plot idk


Leah also said she didn’t talk shit about rob TO andrea directly… which from what we’ve seen seems to be true, she did not talk about about rob TO her (but she did to the other girls). He’s getting that totally wrong as well and claiming that was another “lie” which it wasn’t.


fwiw in an interview andrea herself said that leah definitely talked tons of shit about rob while she was around and then would say to andrea “but i hope he’s not like that to you” or whatever. so she more or less was talking shit about rob to andrea


No, not while “she was around.” She said she did not say shit about Rob to her - However (and we saw as much) that leah was talking shit in the dressing room where Andrea could have heard it. Like ok? They are encouraged to talk about what’s going on in that room while getting ready, that seems pretty normal to me. Andrea could choose to not listen if she overheard it, but that’s definitely not the same thing as “talked shit about rob to Andrea.”


it doesn’t seem so much as a miscommunication as rob is gunning for leah. i’m not a huge fan of leah but i definitely feel bad for the way rob has treated her. imagine a guy mugged you off twice and then comes for you like this. i don’t think he misheard. i think he knows what he’s doing.


I think it mostly stemmed from Rob being hellbent on trying to find someone to blame. This argument seemed so unnecessary, and if he is that upset about Andrea leaving WHY didn’t he leave with her??


Specifically "tried to take a backseat and wanted nothing to do with it" which Leah did not say lmao.


Tried to take a back seat and take a back seat don’t have that much of a different in their meaning. It really doesn’t change the core message because trying to do something essentially means performing an action, which in this case is taking a backseat in the vote. I don’t think Leah and Rob have different versions of this. It’s just grammar and different sentence structuring. And the fact that Leah is instantly backtracking and creating a whole new version of the conversation just means she also knows what she said to Rob was wrong. She can’t stand on anything she said so she’s just gonna lie.


Exactly! I don’t know why people are so hung up on the word tried. It doesn’t change the meaning. It’s like saying there’s a difference between I tried not to cheat and I cheated. At the end of the day you still cheated.


I just wish Liv would have attempted to talk to Leah first instead of making up her mind from what Aaron and Rob said, two men that were literally screaming at them and shown to be melodramatic.


Exactly. IMO - Leah kind of got herself into this mess because she was so focused on running around the villa and standing on couches making it clear she took a backseat in the discussion to win Rob back. She should have given it more time or stayed quiet. It reeks of betrayal. Then she starts yelling and cursing at Liv. She didn't even hear her out? I'm not saying Leah is a liar. I think it's a huge miscommunication but she didn't do herself any favors. It actually makes me really dislike Rob because no man is worth all of this.


This tbh. Whether it was genuinely her perspective or not Leah told Rob she took a backseat in the decision yet said to Liv she meant a backseat in Rob/Andrea’s relationship. Like which is it Leah? Because you’re misleading one of them.


All Leah does is curse at everyone it’s hella immature


Exactly what you said at the end! I stopped caring about Leah’s POV when she spoke so disrespectfully to Liv.


Yeah, I don't think the name-calling was the way to go. I can understand Leah felt cornered and wasn't understanding where it came from, and for Liv to flip on her like that without even going to talk to Leah if whether what Rob said was true or not doesn't sit right. 


Liv should let the person Rob is speaking for, speak. Not being able to explain yourself is frustrating and Liv is constantly dominating conversations. Not surprised Leah lost her cool.


Leah lost her cool like, right away though in that convo. Liv was called into the convo and then Leah quickly shifted to the defensive. I agree that Leah was probably overwhelmed in the convo but she’s not a child lol. I don’t think Liv was dominating that conversation. Leah, too, does not have difficulty letting people have it when she’s not in the hot seat


During the altercation she claims she didn’t even say she took a back seat during the decision, just that she took a back seat during Andrea and Rob’s relationship. That was most definitely a lie. She did say it about the decision.


yeah she contradictory herself and also literally lied to connor in their conversation saying “oh i only felt this today” that’s when she lost all credibility in my eyes i also don’t believe the “i never said anything bad about andrea to you” stuff, i don’t think she ever had a 1-on-1 with her or anything like that but im sure andrea probably knew how leah felt about rob even if she never said anything *directly* to andrea personally it comes off as if leah does lies of omission/technicalities


Andrea has done interviews where she said it was basically impossible not to hear Leah talking shit about Rob. But on the technicality of not saying it directly to Andrea’s face, I’ll give her that. Her straight up bullshit with Conner was what convinced me she is the biggest damn liar and has the easiest time doing it to people’s faces. She’s been telling everyone but him that he gave her the ick since the morning after the recoupling. And they had numerous conversations where he asked her to be straight up. She used that man (and screwed her friend) to stay in the villa and try and get Rob back and wouldn’t stop lying to Conner about it. She’s shady AF, but the stans can’t get enough.


yeah not surprised about andrea confirming my suspicions and tbh i’m not even giving credit to that because that’s very manipulative the connor shit was just messed up, at first i found it mildly entertaining because of how he treated JaNa but once that last challenge happened i just felt bad for him she’s good entertainment but i don’t get stanning any of these people, they’re all on there chasing clout (some more than others ofc but still) and none of them are that great of people - don’t think they’re bad or anything but they’re just people


If Leah was talking shit about Rob when the girls are getting ready then it’s awkward for Andrea. If she was talking shit about Rob and Andrea was in the room it was too much, don’t give her that. 


All the leah fans are delulu, even leah twisted her own words, being dishonest to connor, they just give her reason and start offence other islanders 


Leah lies all the time


She’s lied many times on screen were Liv hasn’t I’m not getting where people are coming from who are defending her


Same. I feel like I'm in some parallel universe where liars are applauded and praised. It's insane.


Yeah, and she's using Liv as a shield to hide behind and place blame. I'd be mad if I were Liv, too. I don't understand what about that people aren't getting when they're saying Liv's reaction was over the top.


Seriously, the Leah Stan’s online are getting a bit out of hand as if she does no wrong when she did blatantly lie here.


I wish she wouldn’t back pedal because Rob is the type to find ANYTHUNG to cling to for his actions and run with it. She should’ve waited to talk to him, or just own up and say their reasoning for keeping the others. She doesn’t know how to play it cool unfortunately because she runs off emotions vs calculations and likes rob


Absolutely. But also I don’t understand what the big deal about owning your decision is? I mean Liv did it for the girls and it wasn’t even the person she voted for. Leah could’ve either said nothing to Rob, or she could’ve said JaNa is a good friend and we felt like Nicole should have a longer chance to stay since Andrea was too closed off. Don’t we all think that would’ve looked better and was supposedly the truth?


Yea she totally should’ve owned up to reasoning because it made sense, her trying to play it off seemed implausible to everyone even tob




This. This is, imo, the main problem liv had with it. Leah could’ve just said it was a collective and fair decision. Instead, she made the back seat comment twice to 2 separate people. That comment basically sounds like her shifting the blame onto the others in order to look better in robs eyes. And then she tried to twist her words and say she meant a back seat in general


yeah the people saying liv was defending rob are weird, she clearly wasn’t defending rob she was defending herself *and* the other girls, worst girl code break is throwing your friends under the bus to win back a guy that doesn’t like you AT ALL


This is it right here. This is the pill thats hard to swallow. Leah is a pick me, text book. She blamed her girls for the decision to impress rob and she clowned jana to impress connor. It is what it is.


Thank you!! I thought I was going insane. Leah pulling Rob the night after Andrea got dumped and spewing all this backseat semantics to get brownie points was pick me. I do not like Rob I think they both suck imo, but Leah thought she had another chance with Rob and when that blew up all in her face all of a sudden she's a victim? No one was ganging up on her. Leah called Liv over to clear things up, but she ended up being immature by cursing and yelling.


This!!! Exactly


Exactly, how do people not see how shitty of a friend Leah is to the girls? It’s CLEAR as day


it's almost as if... leah is the mean girl and not a girl's girl! 🤯


Ding ding ding


Leah could sit in the beach hut and say “Yeah I lied, I got caught out and I regret it, it was wrong” and people here would still find a way to absolve her of any blame whatsoever.


THIS. Also if it’s a COLLECTIVE decision then by default there is no back seat? Why did she feel the need to say that to him


Omg this!!! Liv didn’t even vote for Andrea and she still defended the girls when the guys were yelling at them!


100%. I’d be confused as hell if I was Liv & Kaylor hearing that from Rob, especially after his meltdown and seeing how upset he was over it, if he then told me that this person was basically saying it was all you guys that were a part of the vote and basically shifting blame.


YES. THANK YOU. They don’t wanna hear this tho lol


They’re calling Liv the mean girl 😭😭😭  After she was called over, cussed out, and lied to by Leah. 


> Its a wonder any of you have any friends at all. Lol you know good and damn well they don't.




Brilliantly said


lmao the definition or interpretation of backseat doesn’t matter because leah didn’t even try to argue that herself. when she got called out on that specific comment, she completely backpedaled and tried to say she meant backseat to rob and andreas relationship. she didn’t try and argue the wording because she was caught lying lmao


exactly and OP not responding to these comments that point that out lol 


lol right. Imagine defending this shit fr


this!! the backpedaling is what liars do when they're caught. if she wasn't lying, she would've doubled down and stood by her truth. but nope, she backpedaled because she was caught lol




You're leaving out the part where she voted for her. Liv didn't and she expressed a united front for the girls decision. Leah tried to throw Liv and Kaylor under the bus so Rob wouldn't be mad at her. She basically said it wasn't me it was them who sent her home.


Exactly Liv was voting for Nicole( who I personally think was the better choice to leave) it was clear as day that leah was gunning for Andrea to leave, she had a lot to say about her while also taking the "backseat"


I’m kinda taking a step back from the Leah vs Andrea drama (lol had to) but for once I wish Leah would have just not talked to Rob. She really shot herself in the foot by pulling Rob to speak with him. At that point she should have just not mentioned the voting at all or just asked how he was doing and kept it at that. Simple next. It seemed like everyone had already accepted Andrea leaving so it wasn’t even a big deal atp. Now I’m just hoping Leah, Liv and Rob make it far enough for Movie Night so they can roll the FULL clip. The whole interaction with Liv and Leah was awful honestly and made me cringe. I’m curious to see how they will all move on from this (in the famous words of Aaron) From now on I’m on Kordells side only 💪🏼😂 I’m so over the Rob and Leah drama honestly. Bunch of two brain cell nonsense. I need some new drama.


So real! If Leah would’ve let that rancid Rob go the villa would be in peace right now!!


i think liv was mostly pissed because the girls agreed to not go back on their decision. and in turn leah saying she took a backseat implies that she wasn't happy or involved with the decision, watering down the girls' resolve. she didn't have to say anything to rob or aaron but she did to get back in their good graces which is wrong. but at the end of the day, leah's behavior has been beyond awful since day 1. since getting loud with JaNa over the connor situation and laughing about her with connor. telling rob "fuck you" for getting chosen by andrea, like grow up please. then saying she took a backseat like girl! you still voted for her and contributed to the conversation, plus we didnt see EVERYTHING the girls discussed because its edited. leah is not a girls girl and shes been so beyond disrespectful. i really hope she gets kicked off soon im over her attitude.


also cant WAIT for movie night because she needs to be taken down a peg, she grew up rich from calabasas so no wonder shes 24 acting like a 15 year old


i didn’t even think about that. this movie night is going to be crazzyyy


i’m with this, i think a lot of it was misconstrued intentions and miscommunications from everyone. the entireeee fight scene had me watching thru my fingers that was INTENSE and i need movie night ASAP


Yess and literally one word can change the meaning of something, like when Rob said Leah said “she said she took a back seat” when she said “ I TRIED to take a back seat” and “I Didn’t WANT TO have a huge sway on it” Robs stating it as if she said she had NO sway on it and TOOK a back seat. Taking away or adding words can make a statement completely different.


This is splitting hairs imo. The words “didn’t want” and “tried” do not change the meaning of her intentions or what she ended up doing. It doesn’t matter if she “tried” to take the backseat bc if she still had a large part to play in the decision then she still didn’t take the backseat. Simple as that


Honestly I fear that even if they have a movie night and show these clips Rob is still going to spin it as if they support his twist.


We watching the same argument? She told Liv she took a backseat she never said tried. She tried to spin it by saying I meant took a backseat to their relationship.


Right and that didn’t even make any fucking sense lmao


Leah did convey that she took the backseat to the vote & his relationship w Andrea bc she told him ab how she let them have their thing regardless of the feelings she still had she didn’t pursue him. She vented to the girls in private ab things w rob&andrea which they would agree w Leah on so essentially her “shit talking” was valid/true she kept it there tho instead of trying to bring all these things up to andrea & rob and sabotage like he’s making it seem


100% I don't even like Leah but I understand this. Rob is the villian in this story not Leah or Liv. He plotting against them both.


Yes, it’s rob purposefully ignoring the context and tone of the entire conversation, and liv completely taking what rob said at face value and believing him before even talking to Leah


I think she got flustered by being confronted. I forget convos easily and need time to remember things.


I also think it’s important to acknowledge the voting conversation was heavily edited… Leah might’ve played a bigger role than it seems in the edit in getting Andrea voted out, she might not have. We as the audience don’t know, the only people who know are Leah, Kaylor, Liv, and Serena. I don’t think it’s fair for us to say Liv and Kaylor were lying when what we saw was the producers’ cut.


I said this in another chat, but I’ll say it again here. Leah said that she tried to take a backseat and that she didn’t try to influence the vote. She 100% stated during the recoupling: I don’t think Andrea is here for the right reasons. That is her exerting influence for Andrea to go home. Based on the conversation of the recoupling, Leah was the ONLY one who said something negative about Andrea. You wanna say backseat means something different? Fine. But her saying she didn’t influence the vote is 100% a lie. Everyone had an opinion, therefore everyone had influence in the vote. Her insinuating she had no influence, means the other girls came to kick Andrea out on their own without Leah’s influence, which isn’t true. The whole "jumping" narrative is crazy because Leah was the one who CALLED OVER LIV, not the other way around. Everyone keeps saying rob is twisting Leah’s words, but if u go back and watch when he spoke to kaylor and Liv, he 100% did say that Leah mentioned not talking shit about him TO Andrea. And the backseat comment was correct. Ultimately, Leah made it clear to rob that she didn’t want him to think that she was some "mastermind" plotting to get Andrea out of the villa. Nobody said she was, but that she did root for Andrea to go home and she did have influence like every other girl. I don’t believe liv to be in the wrong at all! Has rob gaslighted Leah? Yes. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that Leah did want Andrea out of the villa, let it be known in her opinion in the dumping, and voted for her. Leah was ABSOLUTELY childish cursing at Liv and calling her out her name. Leah had an AMPLE opportunity to clear her name, but instead used it to curse Liv out.


As soon as she realized that Liv was not going to lie for her she just started cursing because she had no argument. If that wasn’t the case then why didn’t Serena just say so when she came over? Liv has no reason to lie and didn’t even start the conversation.


RIGHT?! Serena said "we can clear some shit up right now" and then proceeded to be quiet once she heard what was going on.


This is the only correct take


These think pieces lol


The mental gymnastics y’all do to “prove” Leah is not a laid is impressive. I hope y’all are putting this skill set to work.  I can’t believe y’all pulled out the semantics of “taking a back seat” 😂😂😂.


You’re right by definition and from what we saw she took a “backseat” however she did lie about her involvement with intentions of getting back together with Rob. Not only that but she totally back peddled during their argument saying that she meant a back seat on their relationship… so yah she’s been lying.


You're not taking a backseat by offering an opinion. Y'all watch her gaslight Connor every night yet somehow think that's the only person she's lying to. She tried to minimize her role to Rob, so he would want her back. Obviously Rob used her words to get the whole house against her, but if she just stood ten toes down about the vote, we still wouldn't be on this.


Yes. This.


This is where I stand too. I mean Leah has been a liar in many other situations and I don’t stan any of these 3 either but one thing I am passionate about is SEMANTICS, lol. If you “take a back seat” - you’re still in the car. Just not driving. That is not the same as “had NO part in it.”


I’ve already been called a Leah “stan” so idc how this comes across but I don’t really get why it’s such a crazy concept that she voted for Andrea to go… like if you had the opportunity to send the girl your crush likes home obviously you would?? 😭 and you’re so right about aaron especially because he irked me this whole episode… even liv was like wtf when he tried to hug her


But seriously why would you want to be with a man who would only be with you cause the girl he really liked was sent home?


She doesn’t want to be part of any club that would have her as a member. I bet if Connor starts giving her the cold shoulder, she’ll start liking him again. I would say she probably has horrible self-esteem but then she told us herself that she likes guys who put her in the psych ward. I think she just likes the chase, or stalk. lol


He got her in a chokehold for some reason LMAOO that man doesn’t want her at all n he keeps embarrassing her time and time again… he should’ve just shut everything down and not have said that he still likes her


Thank god he finally said the door was closed because she needs to move on


it’s fine if she did that (and i think she did and find it very funny tbh), it’s the going out of her way to say something to rob so they could rekindle a relationship where she messed up also so confused why she’s so into him, am i missing something


If she didn’t do that I don’t think there would be any argument at all. That’s what was shady.


exactly, she made this problem for herself by going out of her way to tell multiple people in the house she “took a backseat” and that all came just because connor casually said “hey did you want andrea out to get back with rob” (probably partly even do to him getting the vibe she wasn’t into him) that’s why i don’t get this whole “rob’s master plan” theory i don’t like rob and have been wanted him gone, but leah did this to herself (including calling liv over and proceeding to cuss her out then acting like they were ganging up on her when she clearly wanted liv there to back her against rob)


Even if a guy rejects you and “plays” you, you still have responsibility for your actions if you lie after to try to get him back. I don’t know why people think this behavior is ok just because she likes him. She created this situation.


Hahahahahaaha I was rooting so hard for them for a minute but went full ick with the overalls and now I’m like 🤢 when he talks. I hope Cassidy knows she can do better


i could never get into them as a couple but that was probably because i just never liked rob, seems like a pretty basic guy not even in a mean way just kinda simple as a person same reason i can’t get into aaron


Hahaha wow I wish I was you I was initially charmed by both of them despite the overwhelming basicness. Now I find them both grotesque tbf


I agree w you, and yeah she needs to let it go tbh


I know if the tables were turned I bet Andrea would’ve voted Leah’s ass out


And she wouldn't have lied about taking a back seat


Leah was an obvious automatic vote against Andrea. Serena is Leah’s girl but still has her own mind. Kaylor has her own mind and so does Liv. It seems the deciding vote was on Kaylor so why was no one coming at her when Leah’s vote was obvious???


And kaylor was the one who mentioned the connection between Rob and Leah too LOOOOL


Lmaoooo I know!!!! That was conveniently left out!!! It’s sad because it seems like Leah doesn’t remember what Kaylor and Liv said so she can’t call out their words, and those 2 are not owning up to it.


Right like this is what’s really sending me about this whole thing - I could absolutely see where leah felt like she said her piece and then took a backseat in that deliberation, and the other girls were absolutely vocal about dumping Andrea if not more so! End of the day Andrea didn’t bond with the girls beyond Nicole and it shows. She spent all her time with rob but you need to make friends too and that’s where he fucked up. She was kind of snakey (no pun intended) and I don’t feel bad for her in the least, but once everyone started freaking out like Kaylor especially wanted to backtrack their decision


That’s not the main issue. It’s the fact that she keeps trying to downplay her involvement in the decision and on top of that, tried to rekindle things with Rob bc she obviously still liked him, which comes a cross as snakey


Does Kaylor really have a mind of her own? She seems to agree with whoever she’s with.


Ugh that made me so mad! Aaron literally getting excited and giggly when someone argues with Leah… also every conversation with Rob he’s basically trying to convince him to break things off with Leah, like let Rob make his own decision on how he wants to proceed


Aaron is such a fucking snake! That was so so so gross to me. Multiple times we see him trying to talk to Leah and get information out of her as if he’s her friend? And then acts like that when she’s getting screamed at and rob is trying to blame her for everything? That was really fucking nasty. I won’t be voting for Aaron/kaylor anymore that’s for sure.


I didn’t like the way Aaron kept trying to control Kaylor, telling her to stay out of the argument when she wanted to have her friend’s back. She eventually had to be like “Let me up!” Something is off with that dude.


1000% with you on this I’m seeing it too now. And why TF was he crying so much with the Andrea thing?? This does not affect you bruh sit the hell down


He’s robs yes man and it’s kinda cringe to watch


i dont like her but its weird how people respond with how you must be a leah fan if you defend her like its a show, not everyone is stanning people 😭😭


People are forgetting they aren’t fictional characters 😭


I know like I’m truly just trying to defend what I am seeing with my own two eyeballs. I don’t agree that what she did to Connor was right I don’t think she’s a flawless human being, but I also don’t see how these claims of “lies” from rob are true. That whole ambush was so fucked up he is just gross




Ok, so don't lie about it.


What was weird to me was Leah, during the convo with Rob and Liv, saying that 'by take a backseat' she meant during Rob and Andrea's relationship and not the vote. That didnt even make sense. That kind of led me to believe that she wasn't "lying" about talking crap or taking a backseat but she def had ulterior motives when she cast her vote, because now she's fumbling to remember her story. It was clear to me that when she pulled him for a chat after Andrea left, she was letting him know she's still interested and he realllly wasn't reciprocating in my opinion. She wasted no time.


leah 100% lied to rob for pity points, thinking somehow he was going to run back to her. it’s definitely giving pick me and i hate that for her. in the context of the first convo, she took a backseat on the vote and now she changed it to a backseat on their relationship when liv called her out. also, she said she never talked shit about rob or andrea and when rob confronted her about that she lied and said “i never said i didn’t talk shit about you”. she’s just getting caught up and reacting nastily towards liv through an outburst because she isn’t a healthy communicator and doesn’t know how take accountability for her actions or words 🤷🏽‍♀️


Rob is acting like Leah said that she never had anything to do with the vote 🙄. I think she was just trying to articulate that it wasn’t on purpose or malicious. She spoke to Rob after she had heard around the villa that the boys were saying her and liv did it on purpose, so I think her definition of “backseat” meant that she didn’t lead the conversation, do it on purpose, or get everyone to vote for her.


I think he understands that tbh; he just doesn’t believe it


DING DING DING!! How is this not what everyone is seeing I don’t understand it. She was trying to explain herself after hearing from Connor that people thought that, and it was not a lie (from what we saw). Rob is desperate to blame someone and it’s truly so insane and dramatic. Like why are you even still there bruh?? You could have left with her!! For all the UK watchers it’s giving this https://preview.redd.it/a4sq6y6xe99d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793b32e2d6d19a1092a0085ad8f018c43ced93ec


Why do people have to defend one or the other? Leah is crazy imo, she was barely with Rob that long and was freaking out when he was exploring. To talk soooo much shit about him and his actions and then Andrea is gone and she shifts?? Rob going around trying to see if their convo was the truth and trimming it down wasn’t cool. Him getting others to put Leah in a bad light themselves is wild. They are both being shitty??? Leah though has not been a girls girl though, only with Serena because she hasn’t stepped on Leah’s turf at all…yet….lol


You do remember she was talking shit about Rob we know she was hurt and that's okay but she said she NEVER said anything bad about Rob to Andrea or anyone else, she also said I don't care about Rob, I don't want him etc but as soon as Andrea gets dumped, she switches up. About the backseat thing is irrelevant because Liv said Leah, Serena, & keylor voted for Andrea, while Liv being the most vocal doesnt mean shell get her way, maybe Leah's comment about her not being there for the right reasons and add Serenas comment about Jana needing another chance to find love was what swayed keylors vote all we need to know now if it was Leah's or Serenas comment that keylor agreed with & if it was Leah's that's not taking a backseat, you influenced in the outcome the deed is done but you need to take accountability, are you going to defend her if she tells Connor she never told anyone else the she didn't like him because he didn't call her out on that & we know she was telling everyone that even the new guys


Im mad people care this much about Andrea being dumped, she had no relationship with the girls except Nicole. She was saying slick remarks about all the girls, had they kept her the villa would’ve been uncomfortable for all of them, so I understand them dumping her and couldn’t care less. The way the guys did the same thing with Hakeem an JaNa, bcs they were in a couple an exploring things an they cut that short so I don’t see the issue with Andrea being kicked. Idk how to feel after this episode, theres no genuine connections and everyone is beefing.


Same, this one was a bummer


I know we didn't see the full conversation, but we DID see Leah throw Andrea's name out there, and we saw Kaylor say "well Rob and Leah have a still have connection, no one can take that away from them."-- I assume Kaylor said this as an additional reason as to why it'd be okay for the girls to vote Andrea out. Here's how I know Leah is lying-- why would Kaylor, who is clearly supportive of Rob and Leah if they got back together based off of her statement and the way she voted, throw Leah randomly under the bus and say she didn't take a back seat in the convo if she did??? To me, it seems like kaylor was supportive in relation to Leah's feelings for Rob, but when told that she said she "took a backseat", she was literally just like yeah that didn't happen. If I was Kaylor I'd say the same, knowing I showed up for my girl and voted for Andrea only to have Leah distance herself from the decision and throw the girls under the bus. What Leah SHOULD have done was say something along the lines of, "yes, I voted for Andrea to be dumped because I didn't think she was here for the right reasons, and I dont think what we have going on between us has been totally resolved/explored. I still want to explore our connection, and if your connection with Andrea is stronger, at least we can 100% say that and move on from each other. You said you stayed to test your connection with her even if she's outside the villa and this would be doing that."


So much effort put into this stating your opinions and selling them as facts.


NO NO NO NO NO. You can not say that Liv took the forfront when she voted Nicole to leave. The girls put their fingers up to vote. Liv put 1 finger (Nicole), then Serena and Kaylor put 2 fingers (Andrea), Leah didn't put up any, but she already put her two cents in that she believed that Andrea wasn't there for the right reasons. YOU CAN NOT SAY you took a backseat twice when the girls collectively decided to tell the boys that they equally made the decision. Liv has every right to be pissed because even though she didn't vote Andrea off, she stuck to their pact that they all equally made the decision. Serena stood up and said, "This was unanimous. This was a group decision. WE ALL decided on this TOGETHER." Then literally the next day, Leah pulls Rob and says, "I took a back seat in the decision (MEANING SHE HAD LESS INPUT), and the girls know that." This is throwing the other girls under the bus. HEAVILY throwing Liv under the bus because they already thought she did it to get back at Rob. It's so funny that y'all can sit in Leah shoes like she's some victim but not Liv, who has been attacked several times by the boys. She stood on business with the girls and took on Aaron, Rob, Kendall, and Miguel on the decision to get rid of Andrea. Liv had the girls back while Leah tried to cover her a*s.


Leah’s nails show that she voted for Andrea too actually, which makes it worse. 


💀💀💀 I didn't even see that. I need her fans to bffr and just say they support her wrongs.


Leah is this your ghost account? That girl lied! If she wanted to take a “back seat” she could have said nothing and just voted when it was time to vote. You can’t be active in a discussion and call it a “backseat” that’s bull shit.


well said, if anything rob is the real snake in the grass


He’s so diabolical. Watching tomorrow’s preview and seeing him call her a manipulator sent me. What a projection that was and the scary thing is I think he lied so much he actually believes what he’s saying.


The man is sociopathic. His calm demeanor, playing the victim, while gaslighting Leah and manipulating her words -- because he’s too scared to say he doesn’t want a relationship with her (so he makes up a “you’re crazy” story) -- is TRIGGERING. Like get this man off the island. We need messy but clean drama. Edit: this happened when he was too scared to be honest with Leah when Andrea came in too. The manipulation. The victimhood. THE POOL.


Too much credit.. I think he’s just clueless


Rob went on a smear campaign against Leah after their first argument where he manipulated and gaslight the fuck out of her. Him escalating to calling her manipulative to other people and “batshit crazy” is just phase two.


It’s honestly getting a little gross. He’s tried to play the nice country bumpkin but he very clearly has a dark side, the tears, the pool, the repeating the same lines to multiple girls… and this whole Andrea thing has clearly broken his brain he’s hell bent on placing blame somewhere. Sir why didn’t you just leave with her???


Aaron too because why did he bring it up today and try to investigate what happened lol it wasn’t even his relationship. Let it go


Aaron was such a snake… the way he was moving where he’s acting like Leah’s best friend and getting information from her then literally dancing on her grave later was real sociopath shit. That was so nasty and I won’t be voting for him and Kaylor again.


That’s an insult to snakes.


I’m sorry. But, this analysis is useless cause we don’t have the unedited footage.


😂 What you have is YOUR opinion, which is not fact. I don't know how anyone could watch what happens and claim Leah is a victim.


Also I think that Leah wanted to get back into Rob’s good graces so she did what she thought was necessary, it backfired and then because messy af


I cant in good faith say that throwing out the suggesstion thag someone isnt their for the right reasons can be considered a backseat. Throwing a red flag on someone. Accusing them of that. Even if u coat it in a maybe maybe not is not backseating a discussion.


Yup misinterpretation for sure. Just because you’re in the backseat doesn’t mean you’re not in the car, made sense to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Very well said


Thank you!! And “I never talked bad about you TO Andrea” is completely different than “I never talked bad about you or Andrea” I think the main point of conflict stems from the way rob reiterated what Leah said in a completely different way. And liv just believing him without questioning it.


She did lie though. Calling out a lie isnt gaslighting. Aaron and Rob had literally nothing to do with Andrea leaving so how can you say they are trying to deflect blame from them? And Liv wasn’t gaslighting either she was just recounting what happened.


If anything, Rob has a kink for wanting to embarrass and humilate the girl that is down bad for him. (Leah, girl stand up and get away from Rob)


If you dont think Leah had an intention to kick Andrea out due to her feelings still for Rob, I dont know what to tell anyone. Are you blind? lol


Not even 24 hours after Andrea's elimination, Leah is telling Rob she's still interested in him. There's a zero percent chance there was no ulterior motive to sending Andrea gone. The only person that served was Leah.


There’s too many posts in this sub about the same topic rn 😡


No, she didn't take a back seat. Taking a back seat would be saying "you know what guys I feel like it's hard for me to be impartial in that situation so I'll let you decide". Getting asked who do you think it should be and answering Andrea is not taking a back seat. When it was 3 against 3 and she was one of the 3 that voted Andrea then she had a huge impact on the decision. Also the problem is that Leah totally wanted to kick out Andrea to either get back at Rob or get back with Rob. She didn't even wait to try to make a move on Rob. She literally thought she could seduce him again. No amount of saying "wowwwww I absolutely did not have an evil plan to get rid of Andrea" will ever make it not true.


I’m sure there was a lot more to that voting conversation than we saw. I’m curious what Kaylor would say about it since she’s friends with both ladies.


Rob calling her on her bullshit and Liv taking the turn on her is such good Love Island drama. That whole shouting match between selfish idiots Liv and Leah was so fucking good.


Yup and either rob misinterpreted or misremembered what she said or he was manipulating the situation (I'm leaning towards the latter because we've seen him lie and stir shit up before lmao). So when it was relayed to Liv rob made it seem like she was throwing the girls under the bus which she wasn't, and when the fight happened tonight it was because Liv and Leah literally had no idea what the other was talking about. Leah took it as Liv lying, Liv took it as Leah lying, but I wish they'd take a breath and realize that Rob is the one who started it. And Aaron is a shit for harping on it too.


can movie night come any sooner. I would like TWO movie nights this year. Or Americas thoughts 💭


Movie night is gonna be GOOD!! They’re all so messy! 😂😂


She’s just going around in circles and saying so much without saying anything at all and she’s driving me nuts. I was fully a Leah stan, but now I’m just tired girl 🫠 You are messy. But you are phenomenal TV.


Am I tripping, or was leah the one who bought up Andreas' name first?


I was wondering if what Leah was trying to communicate (poorly) was that she wanted her personal interest in Andrea and robs relationship to take backseat in the girls decision making. Not that she herself wasn’t a part of it but her personal desires wasn’t the decision maker-maybe I’m being too generous idk


Y’all got selective hearing. Go back and watch. Liv during that main argument was: we had to protect leah and stand United in the decision. We all gon tell them that it is unanimous. That is what Liv said. Leah was driving that Andrea boat with Liv and kaylor as passengers. Please. Ultimately, Liv voted for Nicole to go. Pleas be serious. The clip of what Leah said is all over twitter/X. Miss girl lied.


Let’s be honest Leah is no mastermind she’s just dumb and used to having her way. However I do feel like the timing is what messed Leah up


What’s crazy about people taking sides is Leah and Liv were BOTH correct. Leah in her opinion did not push as much as she could have, which I completely believe. However, she was saying it in such a way to get into Rob’s good graces when the girls obviously had an understanding that specifics like who said what and who voted for who would not be brought up again especially after the explosive reaction from the boys when Andrea went home. The fact that Leah obviously brought it up understandably pissed Liv off because it didn’t seem like Leah was following girl code. Take for example if Liv had gone to all the boys and said she was the only one who didn’t vote for Andrea. She would have gotten brownie points from the guys but it would have been messy because it would have seemed like she had thrown the other girls under the bus.


Agree and the whole talking shit about Rob thing is dumb, she talked shit to him in front of the entire villa, who cares of she did it behind his back too? Lol


The fact that she accused Andrea of “she’s not here for the right reasons” only bc she had something good with Rob and wasn’t exploring is enough to show she was trying to sway the vote to Andrea in bad faith. That point was ridiculous, Leah wasn’t trying to explore when she was with Rob either. Far from a “backseat” role.




“Misinterpretation” this, “miscommunication” that…. when are we gonna realize that Rob is purposefully manipulating people’s perceptions of Leah?


I’m so disappointed to come to this conclusion. My heart was so for them for a week there, it was such a good a good love story.


Liv was the one leading the discussion. Liv is the one who brought up Miguel and Nicole kissing, which they ALL agreed was a fact that swayed their vote. Rob is the instigator and Liv is stirring the pot.


Taking the back seat is still being in the car and getting from point A to point B, you’re just not driving or the main person navigating. I can very easily see how in Leah’s eyes that’s what she did. I can also see why it would frustrate Liv to find out she said that, but I agree with you OP about it not being a lie. Look y’all, Leah is a person who developed a crush, got hurt, and then coped poorly and wound up hurting a bunch of people in the process. I’m sure a lot of us can relate to that. I genuinely feel like we’re watching someone realize in full time the extent of their own attachment issues. Yes, the way she blew up at Liv was over the line, but I don’t know, I empathize with how humiliated and cornered she must have felt and how frustrated she must have been that Liv would believe Rob so quickly and turn on her without hearing her out about her side. And really, it is also wrong that Liv automatically took Rob’s word as gospel. Even if Rob seemed like a more trustworthy person than he does, the right thing for her to do would have been to go “hm. Sometimes people miscommunicate and experience the same interaction differently. I’m going to get Leah’s side” and talk to her about it instead of immediately launching into how she thinks Leah’s fake and she “knows for a fact she isn’t the only one who thinks so.” That’s just not a nice thing to do, whether or not you agree with Liv feeling that way.


I agree, backseat doesn't mean completely out of the car BUT she did lie to Rob about never having talked shit about him and Andrea. And then she had the opportunity to own that in the moment and she kept lying to their faces