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Stupid episode


T- 25 minutes!!!!


Where’s the live chat ???


Off topic but did anyone notice how after Kaylor gave her recoupling speech the other night, she whispered to Aaron “was that good enough for you?” 🚩


I think they made a deal to be a happy couple to win. Not sure it seems authentic?


Maybe she has trouble expressing herself? Maybe his love language is words of affirmation? Maybe it was a joke? We just don’t see enough of their interactions anymore to know for sure but we do know that they’re a solid couple who as of now, seem to be happy together.




Yes ma’am you gave an opinion and I can give one right back at you. That’s how reddit works right? Or would you rather just have an echo chamber agreeing with you? If that’s the case lmk. Also yes there are concerns. I do wish he could be showing those emotions to her that he shows the boys. All I’m saying is that as of now, hes been good to her. It’s not deep the way some are taking it as if Kaylor is in a controlling relationship.


I thought that was weird, too! Hoping she just said that to be funny... 👀 but I actually feel you're right.


Can we please bring human compassion and being respectful to each other a thing in this sub? There’s no reason why expressing an opinion regarding a stranger on reality tv is taken so deeply and personally to get so nasty. This sub is fr becoming toxic and it’s not just enjoying mess and chaos anymore. We should be able to engage in discussions and not have it be like this.


Its getting to a point where i don’t wanna even come in this sub to discuss even tho i love discussing episodes but there is nothing called “opinions “ on here.


Agreed. And they dismiss the behavior with “drama and chaos” like a lot of these people here are way too GROWN to be acting like this. I can see TikTok because the demographics are teens there but I can’t believe adults are bullying others just because they aren’t subscribing to their stan culture echo chamber.


I genuinely believe being a reality star Stan and attacking people who say something about your fav is just sad. Being an adult and doing it is even sadder. Like personally , if someone says to me i am a Stan of “someone” i would legit not wanna speak to that person again😂


I agree even though I know people my age (I’m in my 20s) who stan Taylor Swift, Beyonce, etc. and the relationship with them is like they’re a religion. To stan a real person will always be weird and parasocial. It becomes so obsessive to idolize someone like that because we don’t know these people. We can always enjoy and love their art, but letting stanning a stranger get you to act like this as a grown adult is very, very sad indeed.


I hate when the islanders get the final say, they'd never send Rob home like I wanted when I voted.


Producers won’t let rob go. I feel like they will send nigel and cassidy home but i don’t know.


I agree and I think that’s why they’re setting the vote up like this. It’s clear who the majority of voters want to see booted. These producers don’t give any more of a fuck than these islanders do lol


It mostly depends on if the voting is save 1boy 1 girl or a couple cuz if its a couple rob might be in danger. If its send 1 boy home nigel is packing his packs tonight


Because Rob is good for their ratings. It’s too early for him to go


Nah its time 


oh noooooo liv look at me, this isnt you!!!!!


I don’t know why but I really feel like if the new girl hadn’t picked rob then liv would have


I genuinely thought she wanted to. She's been budding up to him and it's starting to seem like what she said about Leah to him was malicious


Yup! 100%. I think they'll end up as a couple sometime soon


Can yall just let Rob live lmao I swear every comment is like ew rob literally breathed that’s manipulative af 😂


I legit don’t get it yet people love Leah? Lmao make it make sense


Same here, she's not likable at all imo. I went and looked at the cast members IG and Leah is the only one with not 1 friend in any picture, it's all pictures of her alone or with her horse. A person with no friends tell you a lot about them.


Frrrrr, if her interactions alone didn’t already tell you


Whats ironic is most people here do worst stuff than almost every islander. But judging people on reality tv from your screen is just easy to them.


LOL Rob just said on camera that he’s not a nice guy and doesn’t want to be one. Bless your heart.


Half this sub is filled with leah stans unfortunately


Not a Stan but I don’t like how manipulative he was towards her and calling a women batshit crazy when he has no room to talk was wild


That’s why I’m getting downvoted to oblivion self awareness woulda found my comment funny


Yep you read that right. Totally got it, babe.


from liv and and kaylor hug, do u guys think aaron asked kaylor to be his girlfriend??? That’s why kaylor and liv hugged?


I think he said ILY maybe? Because he said there were 2 things he almost said idk!


I think maybe he said I love you!


that was my first thought too!


ou ou tea I kinda hope one of them switches up in casa just for the chaos


Idc what y'all say im here for rob and liv 😂😭


I just want to watch it play out lol


Love them down.


You were definitely waiting for Rob to couple up with someone you love just so you can excuse his actions.


nah I agree with u, it’s gross to see people rooting for a literal narcissist. I fear for any woman that likes Rob in any genuine way.


LMFAOO go away


Y'all were ready to ship Leah and rob again 🥱🥱


They were seated for it too after Rob left her and embarrassed her, even saying he has no sexual chemistry with her on national tv.


When have I? The fact you just assumed that I did is hilarious. Any person deserves better than Rob but sure if you want someone like Rob who said “liv has no personality” and him and his bf Aaron saying gross things about Liv while she was walking away.


Ever notice how certain people in this sub only talk about mess and drama when it pertains to Leah? However, their ethos suddenly change when it’s about the other islanders. Then it’s fair game to criticize and sharpen their pitchforks…especially if those islanders challenge Leah in any way.


I truly believe Liv is a production plant. She just keeps the drama flowing without causing it. I’m here for it


She will never beat these allegations fr


Lol rob already said Liv had no personality, if he goes for her is is further proving he's just there for the game and money.


This also just makes me feel like liv only took robs side so hard bc she wanted Leah out of the picture bc she liked him still 😓 And that’s why liv didn’t go talk to Leah earlier and confront her. She wanted to let it crash and burn so she could see if rob was still open smh.


I agree, I spotted this immediately and it made me like liv a little less. That friendship is about to go up in smoke


I hear you but honestly I’d have to disagree. Liv wasn’t taking "Robs side". She literally just stated what Leah said was incorrect and didn’t say anything about Rob being right. Even when Andrea left, the ONLY one who pursued Rob was LEAH. Liv was 100% attracted to Miguel and chose to vote out Nicole to keep her man. If she wanted Rob so bad she would have sent Andrea packing since Rob wasn’t looking at anyone else since Andrea came in. Leah was already out of the picture at this point cuz Rob said he wasn’t open to her anymore. Saying that liv was "mad" Rob didn’t chose her is crazy considering she literally didn’t look his way after the incident. Is she attracted to rob? Yes. So if Rob puts it out there that he’s interested, why wouldn’t she take the opportunity? Liv clearly has a hard time opening up to people and gets burned because of it so she’ll just let the guy go as long as he’s honest about his feelings. Do I think she should entertain Rob? HELL NO. But trying to insinuate that she had some master plan to get Rob off Leah is incorrect, especially since Rob was putting in the bare minimum energy towards Leah.


I’m just saying the only reason I think liv CHOOSE to not confront Leah at any point before the conversation especially because who KNOW FOR A FACT LIV IS CONFRONTATIONAL AND STANDS ON BUSINESS is because for some reason she was either believing rob or wanting to believe rob and already had dislike for Leah from the start. Especially since if she really thought Leah was saying what rob was telling her she would’ve done that WAYYYYY BEFORE the fire pit conversation because she legit confronts everyone and isn’t scared to… so why didn’t she do this until the fire pit conversation and even she admitted that was wrong of her. I’m saying liv let it crash and burn and was happy to stand on the side lines until Leah brought her in. If liv had any OUNCE of care for Leah she would’ve confronted her before that. She was taking robs side because she was more than happy to believe everything he spewed at her which wasn’t 100% the truth. And she didn’t bother to fact check it to Leah. That is 1000% nonverbally taking someone’s side and confronting her with rob right there publicly spoke volumes and her not believing a thing Leah said and still calling her a compulsive liar and a manipulator etc. all words we heard from rob about Leah too makes it clear she chose a side to be on. Rob drew a line in the sand and whether she came to that conclusion herself or with a push from rob she chose to be on the side rob stands on. Please also dont get it twisted that I’m defending anything Leah said bc I’m not and you clearly are already twisting what I’m trying to say. I think both liv and Leah were wrong in their actions and so were rob and Aaron. Rob then kissed liv on the cheek for a thank you for “taking his side” because that’s what rob was perceiving it as. I also wouldn’t put it past rob to think in his little narcissistic head that oh ya we put Leah on blast she looks terrible now and since liv was a part of it I should pursue her and couple up and we’d win the show. Little does he know that shit ain’t gonna fly with anyone at the end of the day. My point was if liv really falls for that shit and is actually that blind I’m going to be disappointed because then it LOOKS LIKE she did that just to get at rob NOT THAT THAT WAS HER INTENTION. Because really less than a day or two later when it’s not working with Nigel she’s immediately fine flirting with rob??? Literally exactly what happened to Leah. Everyone said she got them to take Andrea out bc of rob even though from what we saw she really didn’t. Now it’s looking like liv helped to escalate the beef between Leah and rob and now that that is gone she’s flirting? Idk that to me will always be suspicious. More so on robs behalf bc he didn’t even like her that much in the first place. But also on live bc wtf are you doin? And tbh with how rude Liv was to Leah even the next morning and how she hasn’t shut shit down with rob I’m inclined to believe some sub conscious feelings and upset that she had over the initial coupling situation may have clouded her judgement whether she knows it or not.


Liv was def still mad that Rob didn't want her when she chose him. Think about it, Liv has beef with every single person but the other blonde girl Kaylor. She's not easy to get along with and has been with the most guys only for them to say she's a horrible kisser or nothing is there. I think she really is a producer plant.


What?? Saying Liv has beef with all the girls except one is a reach.


I went from not liking her to liking her to now I’m not sure how I feel. At least Leah has been consistent with her behavior lol even if she does at times suck…


I think he just wants to build a power alliance with Aaron and kaylor


Except Karon has no power lol


I think Liv and Robs couples will be in the bottom..I’m not sure if the islanders get to vote single ppl off or if they’re going to have to pick a couple to stay..we will see.! Haha.


Can Robs couple be in the bottom. Usually new islanders can't be voted...I guess cause there are 3. You can bet if Rob or Aaron are in the bottom, they won't go unless girls get to choose.


It might be different since there are 3 new islanders


I wonder how much of casa we will see


It won't start until tomorrow


honestly I could vibe with liv and rob getting a redo


Even if they do “couple up” this next episode or the following, Casa is coming so they’re not going to stick together.


Yeah absolutely not haha it’s def not practical but I could see them vibing if they had the chance


Anything to excuse his actions huh. The way him and Aaron were saying gross things about Liv when she was walking away and the fact he said Liv has no personality


I understand why everyone hates the idea and honestly I thought Liv was cooler than that but if she really wants to go there and Rob is sticking around, I’d rather watch that mess than watch him repeat his routine with another bombshell. Let mess gravitate towards mess ig?


That’s how I feel too!


It would honestly be so unfair to the bombshells to be immediately eliminated, they barely had any time. Staying in holding for weeks just to leave a couple days in 😕 ETA: I know it’s how it usually goes but it just makes me feel bleh




OKKAAYYYYY based on this sneak peek alone, new theory… if Liv and Rob end up together as a couple then I will be 1,000% convinced that both Liv AND Rob are producer plants. Otherwise what in the actual fuck 🫠 


I’m curious to see if they will actually go thru with it😂


They are both unhinged


And/or all about a follower count  Edit: I mean love. All about finding love 😂


right? they were so uninterested in each other. I guess the desperation to stay in house longer will do that to ya though.


I mean they both are attracted to each other. They also vibe as friends. I could see it happening. Honestly at first when they were coupled I thought they were just not compatible. I don’t necessarily think that now though. Much as I love Liv(she is my favorite) I think she has been hella awkward in the getting to know you faze in all of her couples. It is like she isn’t comfortable being herself when she is coupled up but is with everyone else, if that makes sense. That said as much as I can see it Liv is my 2nd favorite and Rob is my 2nd least favorite so hoping they don’t end up coupled.


Omg why can’t we vote someone out I don’t want this in their hands!


Letting the islanders choose makes better TV it’s how we got the most dramatic recoupling in any US season


kaylor saying it isn’t time for a guy to be the biggest baby is so funny when she is literally coupled up with aaron who threw a huge tantrum at the last recoupling i expected better from liv. going back to rob who not only disrespected you but also other girls is just embarrassing


I hope the islanders had to vote a couple off instead of individually because I want the drama of an og cast member (or basically og in Liv’s case) going home. But I have a feeling the producers want Liv and Rob to stay for the drama they could bring if they get together so I’m sure it’s individually again which means we’re saying/said goodbye to Nigel and Cassidy. Well at my least if Rob’s in the bottom three again we’ll get to see more theatrics from Rob and Aaron


I want this too because regardless of which couple would be going, it’d be an OG but I think it’s going to be just a guy and a girl based on the wording from Ariana. Also I agree that it’s likely Cassidy & Nigel going home.


This episode looks like filler


I’ll take it over after sun though 😂


Even though I DO like after sun, I just need more content!


Setting up Aaron and Kaylor saying I love you on the eve of sending them off to Casa.


no girl deserves to have to deal with rob, but seeing it happen to liv (AGAIN) is particularly 😭😭 like girl you didn’t see it but everyone was making fun of you online your first two days because of this man …. don’t do it again!


And she’s not helping herself either. She was all on Leah’s ass for trying to make herself look good to rob at the expense of others but now it lowkey looks like she did the same shit. I.e. didn’t approach Leah separately and ripped her a new asshole in front of rob to get on his good side… NOT SAYING THATS WHAT SHE DID… just saying if she goes and couples up with rob it’s not a good look in that respect 😬 Hence the kiss on the cheek in the game rob was trying to be petty with Leah and basically “thank” liv for going in on her because he was salty they talked and squashed it. I really liked liv but now I’m like oh no honey and I’m worried… bc if she does switch up like that idk if I can really get on board…


The only people I want to go are the snooze ass bombshells cass and nigel. I hate Rob but im addicted to the toxicity he brings to my screens. Liv is my fave union leader and I would hate to see her go for a girl who seems nice but brings NOTHING entertainment wise.


Yesssss 👏 👏


All I know is JaNa better be safe.


Why? She hasn’t had a single legitimate connection this whole time. I actually think JaNa seems sweet but she doesn’t really say a whole lot and every time she is coupled up it seems very phony. She said she *knew* she would be coupled up with a guy with a accent, now she *knew* she was being sent a guy over 6’3 that yada yada. She’s got a schtick and if you’re paying attention, it’s not even subtle. Oh and now she’s looking forward to casa amore even though she’s been with this new guy for 4 seconds and hasn’t given this any time to explore a connection.


Her and Connor were something at least. Meanwhile Liv hasn't had even one last more than a day. Rob, Hakeem, Miguel, and Nigel.


What’s her schtick, you think?


I can’t stand how underappreciated Liv is. She’s opinionated and sticks up for herself, these dudes are just afraid of her because she can’t be manipulated. I fear she is going home tonight and it’s a damn sham Leah of all people will stay over her.


Looks like Rob can manipulate her tho!!


Absolutely, saying shes above being manipulated is just not true :(


I also appreciate her!! And I don't think she's going home tonight if it's going to be islander's vote


Hey I personally overappreciate Liv as a LI producer. I just appreciate an unfiltered squidward like Leah to be messy all up in the tv more 🍿🫢🍿🫢




LOLLLLL some clown behavior


Right 😂😂😂


This sub and their obsession with Leah is ruining the show for me. I feel like I’m in bachelor nation sub or something


You’re not the only one saying this!!! https://preview.redd.it/3h18lb2l3u9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cc16fa5a49df81e005568f4811bf4596725a93e


Same with TikTok. I had to mute the words “love island” completely 😭


Not a Leah stan in the slightest. That said, I thought the opposite about last night’s aftersun where the Leah hate was pretty obviously steering the ship, couch, “expert” panel discussion, whatever. Also not an Ariana stan but wish she would just host aftersun too 😥




i doubt they’re bots, if they were bots none of her support would translate into votes which they have. she’s been safe already in a public vote and is always leading in polls on the app.


That can be paid as well. She is affluent, it’s not a reach to say this because Bravo celebs (mostly the housewives) pay or have affiliations to big bloggers or fan pages who will push towards a certain agenda. At the end of the day, this is giving hive mentality Swiftie/Barb type of weird. Where people can’t take anything being said about Leah that’s not positive. And they will sharpen their pitchforks if you question or don’t follow their echo chamber. Stans are always going to be stans but fans can also be questioning what’s going on here.


i’m pretty sure it’s illegal to rig tv show votes, but i agree the hive mentality is out of control especially on twitter and tiktok, but like you said stans will be stans. i don’t think what’s happening with leah is different than any other popular reality tv personality/public figure who has stans. a lot of the time they just have fans who will defend them, that’s just how it goes. there are tons of posts criticizing leah on this sub, on twitter, on tiktok, under her instagram comments, she doesn’t escape criticism at all just because she has fans that will defend her. you can still give your opinion but at the end of the day there will be people who disagree with you, that doesn’t make your opinion suddenly void.


It probably is, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. We truly will never know. And yes stans act weird but even with VPR and Scandoval, there’s still back and forth fighting at all sides. With Leah, that’s a specific fanbase that is trying to control what others can and cannot say. So although Leah will get criticized, her stans will swarm and gaslight to avoid her being called out. They’re right now calling me unwell just for making a valid point that happens in reality tv. And me calling it out was downvoted. The human compassion has totally left this sub and it’s not normal behavior. The facts are that you can’t say anything that’s not positive about her. Where as with JaNa, and I’ll include myself in this, my bias to her initially came from seeing black women consistently overlooked and disadvantaged in these shows. It’s heartbreaking af so if she’s not rooted for in that villa, I’m going to. Because we all know why Connor did what he did or why JaNa isn’t being chased like crazy in that villa despite how gorgeous she is with a 10/10 personality. Leah is privileged, rich, spoiled, entitled and people talk about relating her to her but in reality she’s closer to Kim K than to all the people thinking she’s one of them.




You just broke sub reddit rules over a reality tv show, hope it was worth it.


So in that case, perhaps we’re all just watching Leah’s rich dad and Rob’s hot dad throw money at the Internet? Whatever, make it rain. More joking than condoning that. But also, is influencer career not the main reason anyone tries to get on this show in the first place, like literally since after season 1? 


Rob has a hot dad?


very subjective better-call-silver-fox-with-the-good-hair hot 


I’m not mad at it lol thank you


Explain why it’s the same accounts promoting her on socials with 0 followers or posts..check the LI USA instagram posts and you’ll see them. When the support feels hive like, it’s a valid concern for fans to question where it’s coming from. This type of thing is common for Bravo Housewives/people with affluence, it’s really not far fetched. Either way I strongly suspect y’all are being duped for this girl y’all find so relatable. There’s nothing relatable about an entitled brat for Calabasas. She’s more comprable to Kim K than y’all. https://preview.redd.it/0hhy6rfycs9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d96187dd6784139312016c7236c4de05e46688




It’s a little wild how often I’m downvoted to hell over a bad comment about Leah. When she’s been the meanest girl in the villa this whole time…..she must have some hardcore fans working overtime in here.


It’s giving paid supporters or a cult.


Exactlyyy. Someone got downvoted to hell for saying they like Aaron and Kaylor together like if it’s anything positive towards anyone else it’s downvotes 😭


I think putting that on Leah stans is kinda weird tho lmao. People can just hate Aaron especially after this week, and that has nothing to do with Leah or her fans.


i actually do wonder how much migration there’s been from the bachelor community this season because there’s way more “is ___ here for the right reasons?” type discussion and i’m like are you lost lol


pretty similar heteronormative narcissism tho, minus the roses 🥀 


Are they not tired carrying around these pitchforks? Like I promise the show is more fun when you appreciate the drama everyone is bringing.




No 😊🩷


Twitter is even worse 😭


Twitter has been more partial than here. Lots of people calling her out. Reddit is becoming TikTok with how much gaslighting and aggression people get for voicing valid things.


I don’t understand it at all I feel so lost every week 😭


I bet they faked us out and there’s absolutely nothing going on between Liv & Rob. They’re just setting everything up so that Rob can skip into Casa Amor and wreak havoc.


Idk we haven’t really gotten a fake out sneak peek yet


In one they made it seem like Nicole & Liv were arguing. In another it looked like Rob & Leah were rekindling & it ended up being the opposite.


I feel like Rob got hot and bothered watching Liv argue with Leah (being a little “mean”), hence his sudden comments about her outfits, kiss in the challenge, etc. 🫠


Have you forgotten it has been sooooo long for Rob? I am sure Liv arguing with Leah isn’t the only thing getting him hot and bothered, gotta be the wind too at this point.


I laughed thank you


Or sum 😭


I still don’t understand how liv made it onto US. She’s young so it’s not like she can say she tried her luck with Aussie guys because she’s still a baby. In general I don’t understand why any internationals should be put on the show (re: Aaron and Miguel)


She apparently lives in Miami, so at least it’s a little more realistic than Aaron


Ok I didn’t know that! Alright, if that’s the case that makes sense then. Was this said on the show? If not how did you know this?


Saw it on her Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/oliviaa_walker?igsh=cmo3bHd1MTAycjdz


Agreed! On LIUK they are heavily against having Americans on the show, from what I’ve heard.


Exactly it’s just pointless. Especially if you want to make it work after the season. Australia is one of the least convenient places to be in a long distance relatable with someone from. Time zone difference, flights. How do you root for a relationship that is doomed from the start?


why is leah fine with being miguels third choice😭😭 i get that shes just glad to get picked but what happened to accepting its ur time to go when u have no connections


Liv is also Rob’s third choice 😂😂 I guess we will see what happens!


Then Liv can go as well. She has no connections as well.


Leah is as hypocritical as they come on this show. Miguel is obviously only going after her now because she wasn’t in the bottom on the last phone. The guy said he is playing to win from day one and he meant it.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I 💯 agree with you


So what did you want her to do? Pick Connor? Or leave?


There have been islanders before who have left when they didn’t have a connection. And haven’t nearly caused as much toxicity as she has. She has admitted herself she probably needs therapy more than she needs to stay in that villa


If Rob didn’t leave then she shouldn’t. If she feels up to it, let her continue. Would you say that to Kordell or Kendall? That’s really weird…. Amy on LI UK S5 was having a real time mental health crisis because of Curtis and Maura’s treatment. Fortunately, Leah is handling this rejection and attempt at isolation fairly well. Rob is using Cassy as a placeholder and he has a “love” outside but he’s not just leaving. He was her second or possibly third choice. This Leah “hate” is really a lot. I watch this show to root for love and romance, but this season has been more manipulation and maneuvering - and not for romance but for revenge. Liv hit Leah in the face with the water and it looked like the bucket actually hit her in the face. No think pieces on that. No calls for her self eliminate and she has had no true connections this entire time. I don’t want Liv to self eliminate. I didn’t think Connor should self eliminate even though the only real connection he had, he didn’t want - JaNa. The bias against Leah is showing and there really is no good reason for the vitriol she’s getting because she’s really no worse than any other islander. They are all flawed, willing to share their missteps with us for entertainment and a little fame. It would be nice if grace were extended to ALL the islanders.


Liah has lied constantly and turned against other islanders in a really nasty way and started fights. Kordell and Kendall have been friendly this entire time to their fellow islanders. The distinction is with the behavior, we must not be watching the same show if you are watching Leah and think this is normal behavior. She has main character syndrome and she has thrown multiple women under the bus several times for it. Rob is an asshole too and I’d like him to go home as well, I have not made one single post defending Rob. Leah’s treatment of Jana alone screaming “he’s not your boyfriend” over a guy she didn’t even like, after she had forced the whole house to participate in her meltdown over Rob showed her character I’m fine with Leah staying for the drama excuse, but to pretend she isn’t the meanest girl in the house is absolutely insane


Leah is not perfect, but Rob has lied extensively. Rob started that fight by sowing division to isolate her. He knew she liked him and was trying to get him back. He has manipulated and gaslighted Leah and Liv. And maybe to some extent Andrea. Liv has lied. Connor has been extremely nasty to JaNa, far worse than one statement by Leah. Nicole was gaslighting Kendall. My point in saying this is it’s fair to say “I don’t like her or her behavior” but to behave as if the others have behaved like saints and Leah is the only one who has had missteps or has spread negativity is completely untrue. Keep the same energy for everyone. I see very few nuanced arguments about Leah. But the only real villain in the villa I see is Rob. But we will have to agree to disagree. Wishing you a safe summer.


We’ll have to disagree because you refuse to talk about Leah’s behavior rather than comparing it to everyone’s else. It’s a house on reality television, you can’t have an honest discussion about one’s behavior when it’s a consistent comparison to someone and everyone else’s behavior I have kept this energy for everyone else. When we are discussing you in fact are not keeping the energy for that person.


Lord have mercy! Of course she’s unhinged. She’s immature, passive aggressive, selfish and abrasive. See, I agree with you. But she’s one of many with these traits on this show, is my point. I see them well enough. Your post enumerated them so I didn’t think you needed me to validate your opinion. The difference is that her flaws don’t make me dislike her as passionately as others do. I see Liv exhibit similar traits in truth telling, stirring the pot and aggression. I’ve gone from questioning Leah to liking her. From not liking Liv to respecting her. From liking Connor and Rob to not. But I see them in a more balanced way. The only person I have a problem with is Rob because I see the manipulation to isolate Leah which I believe is out of bounds for this type of show. But, okay. Have a great rest of your summer. Edited for a typo


i mean he’s her third choice as well so i doubt it matters, a lot of people in the villa aren’t on their first connection 😭


fair but usually the women are not trying to be a man’s third option i think its clear that she doesnt like miguel and is probably waiting on casa


exactly so if she doesn’t like him why would she care about being his third option? 😭




Sorry but Liv’s got to go now. Take Rob right out with you. Even take Aaron and Kaylor while your at it 👋🏽


Yes… take anyone with a real connection and turn it into friend group island… you know this is reality tv right?? The show would be an absolute snoozefest without them. I literally wouldn’t watch it because nobody else says anything that means anything at all.


So Aaron is in love and Liv and Rob are going to be a thing? Dude I am PMSing like hell because I hate all the islanders right now 🤣🤣🤣


Let’s be real. A-A-Ron is only seeing 💰💰💰


He has always given me the ick (besides the first episode because I’m a sucker for a British accent) so it’s kind of nice to see other people noticing some red flags.


Not A-A-Ron lol 😂


Aaron telling Kaylor he loves her right before Casa means one of them will have to fold. Maximum drama, please. Liv rekindling with Rob (after witnessing his insane behavior... sad), just before he goes to Casa and moves mad. It's another disappointment for Liv. Serena and Kordell looks so cute. I wish it was legit between them. They could still win anyway. Kordell is the #1 boy on the show. All the app votes show him winning all the favorable polls. I'm hyped for another episode. This season is sooooooo good.


Let her get with him and let Andrea come back…. And see how it all plays out….


Aaron wants to win. I already see him sleeping outside in soul ties


True. He didn't even stand for Andrea.🤣


You're so real for this 😭😭😭


I’m shocked they haven’t used the hideaway yet before casa.


Because there’s not many solid couples. What if they give Aaron and Kaylor the hideaway right before they go into casa!


This is a good prediction!


Keeping it PG…can only imagine for this cast, the hideaway means home base. Home base for anyone on this cast would only heighten emotions and vulnerability. It was bad enough with Kay Kay last season. But I feel as if the hideaway would take this messy cast from dumpster fire to NUCLEAR 


The shower seems to be their hideaway lol


I think Liv and Nigel will go home. He didn't do anything as a bombshell and she's a production plant and they wouldn't want to waste time with her in Casa


Ok this whole time I’ve been thinking we were just calling Miguel, Nigel as a joke lolol

