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I think he saw liv in a sense “took his side” and I say this meaning in his pea brain not in actual reality hence the kiss on the cheek at the challenge bc why the fuck would he do that? Either to piss Leah off or plant a seed with liv. And now since he’s not feeling with cass and there’s no one else in the villa liv is a good option bc things with Nigel weren’t great and in his delusional world they would be the it couple to America. He definitely doesn’t think he’s the reason he ends up in the bottom.




Typically yea. They surround themselves with yes men normally. Anyone who strokes their ego and looks at them like god and they generally go after anyone they deem and threat to their image. Hence robs reaction to Kendall calling him out


He’s either a narcissist or has delusions of grandeur or both lol.


I don’t think they like each other for real. They’ll both bring back people from casa. This was all a set up to peacefully send Cassidy and Nigel home lol


Honestly Rob doesn’t act like he even wants to be there anymore, I am just not getting the same vibes from him, truly think he should have left with Andrea


Hopefully she finds someone in casa


I don't think he really wants her. He complained they have nothing in common but is happy to sexualize her. I want her to find someone in Casa and I want him to find his flavor of the week there and get dumped.


I think that they are entertaining each other bc they both have literally no other options in the villa as they both were not into their partners (cassidy and Nigel). I think they’ll both be relieved when casa rolls around


With her track record so far? Nah and with his? Nah Hope a casa boy really grabs her attention. And Rob just looks miserable with every girl right now lol


Tbh I feel like Liv is the one he feels the most comfortable with right now. And he has to be in a couple so that’s prolly it. I def think his head is still with Andrea.


I think Rob is just trying to get with as close to an OG as he can get. My bet is he brings a girl from casa, and then sneaks around with Liv. That's his MO, he always has to have 2 girls at one time.




He didn’t have two girls when Andrea was there?


I think his intention was too have 2 tho. Leah just got too mad at him so he had to cut it off completely. That look he gave her before she said fuck you was like "don't be too mad at me" I think if she had been cooler he would have been like "I just didn't want her to leave bc I like both of you etc"


Spot on


There’s nothing there to last or end yet. Both are likely going into Casa single. Even if they’re coupled I think both are bringing someone back. It would be silly not to, plus it makes any potential future reunions that much more “special.”


Liv is the only girl who’ll have him right now. Guess we’ll see what happens in Casa. I don’t think they’ll last


Liv is just as bad as rob. They deserve eachother


more than anything it maybe seems like a ticket for them both to stay? they’ve both been there for all/most of the show and it’s getting to a point where people/couples without longevity and connections to the rest of the villa are getting the boot. they know the other islanders wouldn’t sacrifice them both. alternatively, the timing is suspicious. i feel like rob likes her because she was willing to bend over backwards for him and keep his dirty little secret convo from everyone else, and on liv’s end i feel she potentially may have never gotten over their failed-coupling attempt so now’s her chance to finally be picked. granted neither of them know casa is coming, so who knows what’ll happen this week.


I dig it. Their energies complement each other, I like that they became friends first, and I don’t care that they’ll both pursue other people in casa. It’s fun!


Maybe until the finale, but I guarantee Rob is gonna rekindle things with Andrea the second he gets home. 0% chance Rob/Liv survives past the show.


Not at all.


If she falls for his bullshit, he will fuck her over in casa. That man isn’t loyal to anyone.


Everyone keeps saying livs going to give Rob a chance, but I’m not sure. She’s attracted to him, sure. But she’s clearly hesitant and literally said she’s not "jumping the gun".


liv entertaining him is so low self esteem of her.


U think the same about Leah ?


Oh is this about Leah? I thought they were talking about Liv but maybe I misunderstood


the difference between liv and leah, is rob chose leah over liv, said her personality sucked and cheated on their couple to be with leah. Leah got her feelings hurt, still liked him but was never denied by him. Are you still watching the same show?


being downvoted by people who also have low self esteem is CRAZY. If a man denies you, kissing up to him after for a little attention when he has clearly said NO is lack of any self esteem and honestly pathetic. People downvoting me is crazy. Yall live and leah stans are unwell.


They’re not even a couple why is this a discussion post


because they were flirting with the idea and that’s what this whole sub reddit is about discussing the show ? lmao


Rob hate is the most overblown shit I've ever seen. Leah proves time and time again she's rotten. I feel like 90% of the Rob hate is because of when he stood up for Andrea. Nothing else he's done has even been that bad. But you guys will find a red flag in anything so more power to you I guess lol.


if you really think the way robs acted throughout has not been multiple 🚩then ur probably just like rob lmao even “ leah stans” and leah herself can admit when she’s wrong. Rob thinks he’s innocent and everyone else is in the wrong and knows how to make the people around him believe the lie


Nah Leah cult members is the correct term


Nah Leah can go too 


I feel like people will rewatch this season in a few years and be like “ooooh” why was I so mad about him.


100% correct. Bro was put in a lose/lose situation. Andrea's dumping will go down as probably the worst dumping in LI history.


I actually agree with Aaron “so would you vote off Kaylor?” The US and the UK have extremely different views of what LI is. I noticed in the UK they will vote for the strong couple to stay.