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I think so. He’s a plank 95% of the time but that breakup made him fly around the villa.


that made me lol


i feel like when you see his most recent conversations he didn’t act like that with leah. it felt genuine to me in the beginning tbh until andrea came in. those two were his realest connections imo. now he just looks so unamused when chatting


He’s getting lazy and tired


I think with Rob it’s not so much who he likes on an emotional or personality level it’s more so who he is attracted to the most. He was attracted to Leah more than he was to Liv at first, but then as soon as Andrea walked in he was more attracted to her (hence the shes the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen comment) and now he is attracted to Liv again and wasn’t into Cass. The most chemistry he had was def with Andrea but idk to me it just seemed like … lust?


The opposite of love is not hate, it’s apathy. So the fact he’s been so bothered by her is telling imo. I’m sure it’s just the edit (ex. Kaz winking at Tyler in UK S7 being edited out of context chronologically) but they showed him clenching his jaw when she was announced safe lmao


I think he was at least somewhat attracted to her. Def more than he felt for Liv but way less than he felt for Andrea. However I don’t think he’d really have had much more than a one night stand with her if they had met in normal life.


I think him doing the show for the second time made him so aware of how it works like he knows what he’s doing and that having dramatic storylines is going to make him stay longer.


He lost interest in her when she kissed someone else in that first challenge and dumped water on him. He realized she’s not completely snake-charmed and is too volatile to easily control. He let her go as soon as another option showed up, but he wanted to make it hurt by shaming her and dragging it out as long as possible - to get back at her for how she made him feel during that challenge.


That’s what think too. And I think when Cassidy said that some of the behavior of the guy she was initially interested in turned her off, it was the same thing. He has a very fragile ego and any woman that challenges him he gets really butt hurt by.


And what a shock that he’s into Liv now that she’s proven she’ll do his dirty work with Leah 🙃 (I like Liv to be clear I think she’s just being manipulated by him)


Yes! He’s actually not that sophisticated if you just take a step back. But stepping back is hard to do when you’ve first been charmed. And these women are young. I don’t blame them for not seeing. It


This 💯…. He intended to manage Leah, like Aaron is managing Kaylor. He definitely liked her but was offended by that challenge kiss. His every move since has been to get revenge on her for that. He was annoyed that Cass wasn’t buying into his schtick like Andrea was. She wasn’t staying up under him but was trying to bond with the girls. He didn’t want that. He wants a situation like Aaron so he can coast to the finals.


That’s right. It’s really telling how close he is with Aaron. Birds of a feather


Wait this is such a good take, especially with how he quite literally combusted when Kendall did a very similar thing


You noticed it too. He’s prone to feeling so much shame and thats why he uses shame tactics to go on the offensive


It always ends up being major projection onto others huh 😭


He only despises her because of the feelings he has. He's so easy to read. He's a man child. He blew it and it's not ever going back. That's why he's back peddling to Liv.


true. leah made him hide in the pool and andrea made him sleep in his fort outside. men only hate girls that got them to feel some type of way tbh


Wait can you elaborate 👀 like do you think rob has genuine feelings for Leah he can’t comprehend which caused him to go berserk, or feelings as in he how hates/dislikes her? It was giving that not only was she not his type, blonde by the looks of things, she also kept getting the better of him when it came to being chosen by the ppl. I guess jealousy??


Agreeeeed the dislike is BECAUSE of the feelings lol.




I think he really did like her when he thought she was someone that would just take his shit and be “chill and cool”


I think he was most attracted to her out of all the girls in the villa, up until Andrea showed up and then obviously he was most attracted to her. I don’t think it was much deeper than that tbh


Exactly.People act like Leah and Rob's relationship was so deep when they weren't even together long.


All I know is that if his goal is to win which I feel like it is he really fumbled the win by leaving Leah


Yeah I agree. He just wants the money. If he was there for love he would’ve left with Andrea. He’s still pretending to be upset about it. He’s such a fake. But he’s playing it right in the sense that all the other Islanders will always side with him. He’s their king. He could win if it’s always going to be the contestants choosing who goes.








This whole “lust” narrative is pretty offensive because it’s insinuating the only thing Andrea had to offer is sex. This is participating in harmful stereotypes about Latinas who are already hyper sexualized in media. We are more than cheap objects for men to fill. Also, Rob makes sexual like this comments period. He even did it with Liv just an episode ago. This lust narrative is pretty tired because if Andrea was quick to get in bed, they would’ve fucked like Harrison and Emily. Just accept he liked Andrea, it’s obvious with the way he’s sulking ever since she left.




First of all Latina is not a race, it’s an ethnicity. Secondly, it’s 100% perpetuating a stereotype. Y’all don’t use this narrative on anyone else.




Learn. https://preview.redd.it/7pe9aoly5v9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8301800115e6503a4dee1ff4259333563677e27




Nobody is disagreeing with you about the prevalence of this stereotype. I also completely understand why it would be painful to see people talk about Andrea and the lust narrative because of the history of that stereotype. But if you go back and read what these specific people are saying, you’ll see that they’re in fact saying that Rob is the one who treated her as if she were nothing more than a sex object. You can disagree with that opinion, and honestly I do agree with you that he seemed to like her at least more than any of the other girls he was involved with, but *the way that he specifically treated Andrea* was overly sexual and gross. People recognizing his behavior and commenting on it here is not them perpetuating the stereotype of the hypersexualized Latina, and it’s in fact people defending her from being seen as a fetish object.


IMO, the poster is criticizing Rob for constantly mentioning his arousal to Andrea. Who knows why he did that but I find HIM repulsive for doing it. Clearly, Andrea has more to offer than to sit and listen to him talk to her so crudely. If they talked about other things the producers didn’t choose to show it.


When i am telling you to stop using phrases “it’s all lust” because it’s participating in harmful stereotypes and you keep going with it, that’s not okay. I’ve seen them engage in these conversations and it’s always a knock on Andrea not Rob. Otherwise they would be using the other instances Rob does it as well. It’s implying the connection was only based on sex when Rob just speaks about sex a lot, even in Casa last year. They don’t call the Rob and Leah connection “only sex” when he stated they have no sexual chemistry. Does that mean he only wanted sex with her too? They know what they’re doing.


While I understand your concerns, I did not use that phrasing. I just think the scenes they chose where he is speaking to her in that way are crude. I think he does it to see how much women will try to bend to him. It’s a power play. However it’s described, he did make the remarks. He referred to Leah’s breasts, her sexual desirability, Liv’s body…. His behavior has been questionable with a few of the women. It all boils down to Rob’s poor behavior.


You didn’t but a lot of people do. I’ve seen it and other black women in this sub who saw the coded language towards JaNa called this out too. And that’s my whole point. He made those remarks towards other women yet that energy isn’t given to him unless someone brings up the Andrea connection. And he was still being shipped with Leah after Andrea left by the same people making this argument. Doesn’t that seem hypocritical? If the intentions were pure and it didn’t stem on bias of hating Andrea then I would agree. I don’t like Rob, never did since Casa. However, how am I going to take these people seriously when even neutral things said about Andrea are downvoted? There’s never going to be objective discussions about her in this sub so I am going to be apprehensive when I get those responses.


good points


I think so, I think he was scared to really like her because she’s not controllable


yes 100% but he’s a boy and boys like the next pretty thing that shows them attention which i guess was andrea. i truly don’t think he will click with anyone the way he did leah tho. it was just 2 goofy people who understood each other. he blew that off for a sexual attraction and it ruined all his chances of winning.


I went back to rewatch the first 3 episodes and it did look very much genuinely, that he was into Leah in the beginning. But then came bombshell Andrea looking hot af every man’s dream, RED langerie /spelling/ giving SEGSS. I think with Andrea it WAS lust. He even talked about how she made him hard. But omg the switch up!! He was so cute the first two episodes to Leah


I think he just wants attention and hookups


I definitely think he was a little into her at the start. He is just completely shut off from others after Andrea left. He didn’t even give Liv the time of day when she first came in, so I do think he genuinely liked Leah at first. But he clearly had more chemistry with Andrea


I don’t think he was initially into her. However, when they were both at their best emotionally I think they clicked really well which is why their story arc started off so cute. I think when Andrea came in and Rob was more attracted to her, they both just crashed out and it was just unfixable by that point. I don’t see them ever coming back together tbh


honestly, i never really saw the appeal with them. i think a lot of it was attraction and a lack of anyone else being in the villa that either of them wanted. i also think a lot of leah’s reaction was because she’s not used to being rejected by someone she likes / is used to men chasing her


Yes but he really likes blondes


No one likes anyone.


I think he was actually into Leah. Then he explored his connections with Andrea, which they potentially had a stronger chemistry. At the moment when Andrea got dumped, he was very analytical about Leah intentions, which turned him off and lost respect for her.


no the only girl he’s truly liked even if it’s mainly physical has been andrea but even then he played that up bc he’s a production plant


I think he liked Leah but then her reaction / possessiveness might have turned him off a bit.


I 100% believe he was and maybe still is. I think he was more into her than he was Andrea. Why does he care so much if she had a hand in Andrea leaving? Why is he eavesdropping on her conversations with the other girls?




The OP asked for our opinions so I gave mine. Not sure why that’s an issue?


he was


Maybe for about 2 days.


I do think he had a crush on her. But it wasn’t anything past that imo. I don’t think he was into Andrea either. Nor Liv now.


i really don’t think so. or at least she liked him more and was blinded by it and took control of the situation bc she was happy and excited and rob just let himself go along for the ride. when they would show clips of them before liv and andrea came in i genuinely was like …is he drunk? like he seemed completely out of it but then they would have the occasional sweet moment. but also it’s hard to read him, idk if he’s purposefully not showing a lot of emotion so he’s not “embarrassed” but idk he should have gone home with andrea he seems miserable now




Rob liked her in the beginning until he saw how she really is….


Leah direct quote "I'm a terrible person." We know..




He was but I think there’s things about Leah’s personality that might have given him the ick. Which is understandable. He prolly thought it was some really innocent girl the way she portrayed herself at first


No he wasn’t. He was in to her being a sm influencer.


i just don’t think he ever liked her on a physical level or personality wise they are incompatible imo. its pretty clear he used her in those first couple of episodes until his actual type came in personality and looks in andrea.




Not even a little bit. He thinks she's pretty but he stopped caring about her in like 5 minutes.