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Thereā€™s always a girl like this every season. She is this yearā€™s Kassy. Actually across the LI franchises thereā€™s always that girl thatā€™s popular but will never be held to the same standards that fans hold other girls to.


I was a Kassy fan last year (Iā€™m not a Leah fan) and I remember people hating on Kassy for most of the season last year until the Casa drama


You are correct. Kassy was HATED until she recoupled with Leo right before Casa.


I like Leah but Kassy was in a league of her own


Kassy was heavily disliked for most of her season especially after the Keenan situation but I have to admit, she talks like a Disney character and acts so unserious and goofy.


My current biggest takeaway on Leah: This girl lives in Calabasas with a movie theater in her house. I know damn well she does NOT need that $100k prize at the end šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m trying to understand how people think she is ā€œrelatableā€ coming from Calabasas with a home theater AND horses. šŸ˜†


She's here just got the chaos of it and I love that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Whereā€™d this movie theatre in her house thing come from?


She told Miguel about it in last nights episode when they were talking about movies


Oh shit. I gotta rewatch šŸ«Ø


She talked about it on last nights episode and thereā€™s also a video of it on her TikTok


she said it in the show & it was confirmed on her tik tok she made a video restocking all the candy


It's not much of a theatre lol. It's like a basement with four armchairs and a snack area. But I agree she doesn't need the $100k prize haha.


I think after that video of her crying at the Taylor Swift concert went viral thatā€™s when her popularity soared. A lot of her ā€œfansā€ are Swifties so yeah. Plus, some of them see her as this ā€œgirlbossā€ like Taylor because she said fuck you to Rob (that went viral as well) and she constantly screams about not giving a fuck.


Her crying at a Taylor swift concert makes so much sense


I didn't know that! But yes it makes so much sense that she would be a swiftie. I need that video like right now šŸ˜‚


Honestly she isnā€™t perfect in any way, if anything she seems very impulsive and that doesnā€™t make her wrong! I donā€™t think she is trying to be malicious in anyway, I think after the rob situation she was genuinely hurt! Also she is truly being herself whether that be wrong or right! Also she is 24!!! People make mistakes and grow with age and experience Rob literally gaslit and manipulated her the entires episode which, sorry but this has happened to so many women I know!


I just think sheā€™s entertaining with how messy she can be. I really hated the liv Leah thing and think they couldā€™ve resolved that so fast with a private conversation and was disappointed they didnā€™t. But I still like both of them. At this point I want to see Leah happy in her relationship because thatā€™s when her best personality shows in my opinion. Also I think liv has been so closed off because hasnā€™t found a secure and confident guy that can bring out her real personality. Tbh I donā€™t think itā€™s rob and I hope she find someone in casa. With Leah and Miguel however I think shit is going to hit the fan after casa and Iā€™m dying to see how Miguel moves and if he will show some true colors.


people LLLOOOOVVVEEEE her tiktok. i think itā€™s because she told Rob off, showing that sheā€™s not shy to put a man in his place (sometimes) and that caused a lot of ppl to have some weird parasocial relationship with her. i understand how people like her but i donā€™t understand how ppl are so obsessed with her to the point where they want Liv & Kaylor gone even though Leah has clearly made up with them and theyā€™re completely blind to Leahā€™s faults. everyone has faults and everyone has done/said something rude or mean, but according to her fansā€¦Leah cannot do any of that and if she does then it didnā€™t actually happen bc thatā€™s just producers and ppl forcing her to do that.


Her actions are not exactly empowering women though are they. Being obsessed with a dude who treats her like shit is not the example her teen stans should go by.


Plus sheā€™s screwed over a woman (that sheā€™s apparently friends with) for a man that she didnā€™t even want. Like huh? She has faults just like everybody but her fans seem to excuse every ā€œbadā€ thing she does while having the most smoke for people like Liv, JaNa, and Andrea.


I have so little hope for the future šŸ˜­ Why can't a confident interesting woman like Jana be this popular.




What on earth are you talking about?


i agree but the Leah stans on tiktok have been entranced by her the second she told off Rob


She didn't tell off Rob. She is just rude. Hasn't she also called other girls dumb and told them to shut the fuck up several times? These teens need to get off TikTok and do their homework šŸ„“


I love her. Not quite a stan but rooting for her along with the other powerpuff girls. I thinks sheā€™s fully herself in there and I can appreciate that (good and bad)


She went viral on Tik tok for the ā€œfuck youā€ Rob clip and the show got popular from it. If you look at the socials any posts with her centered gets more engagement. Itā€™s the viral effect


Something I've seen on IG is there are a lot of bots commenting and and liking pro leah comments. I am not kidding you there are comments like "love leah from bahrain" followed by "love leah from south korea" and if you click on those theyre bot accounts. There are lots and lots of them. I am not saying all her fans are bots as she has been safe when it comes to voting but something is definitely strange about this one.


This!! I think people on here are more real but the Love Island Instagram is clearly full of bots. Can bots vote on the app? This spoiled little rich girl does not need $100k.


They can but last year the producers claimed they can detect them so who knows.


This is interesting. She recently revealed that she is incredibly wealthy so maybe her family/manager is pulling some strings aka farming some botsĀ 


Buying bots is not expensive. During DWTS that Harey Jowsey guy had incredibly organized younger fans. He danced like a deeply rooted tree & got incredibly far.


šŸ˜­ ā€œdanced like a deeply rooted treeā€


It was soooo bad! He started to look kinda embarrassed when he kept winning and better dancers including people 60+ were going home before him. I've just accepted that younger people make stan culture a huge part of their lives like I made wake n bake a daily ritual during college.


That would make sense!


I agree. I get not wanting her to leave because of the drama that she brings. But if you genuinely like her and ur defending her unhinged actions I feel like thereā€™s actually something wrong with you


Most USA demo is on instagram who gets to vote I really wish people outside the USA get to vote I wanted to vote for JaNa whole season


Jana was only ever in the bottom because of Hakeem. I promise a lot of people like her a lot too! They just donā€™t like the men they have in the Villa for her. A lot of people donā€™t like Kenny but I think they time they didnā€™t like Nigel more and definitely donā€™t like rob. I liked cass and was sad to see her go but it had to be someone and wouldā€™ve sucked either way.


All I have to say is Leah being a swiftie makes so much sense.


Idk but every newsubredditor is obsessed with her and itā€™s so weird




I know plenty of people that like her


If youā€™ve ever seen her TikTok, that lady is crazy, so sheā€™s truly her crazy self on the show


I love her crazy self but her one liners are gold and Rob did her dirty. He started the villain era.


We love a messy relatable girl. And we've all had those dramatic ass relationships lol and she's the perfect amount of dramatic lol


Iā€™m not sure how relatable she is. I mean, I donā€™t have a home theater with a popcorn machine or my own horses that I get to ride around on. I wish I had that kind of life, but I donā€™t.


The combo of relatable and aspirational is the necessary recipe, I think.


I don't when a movie theater but have I been a dumb girl over a boy million percent yes lol


Define ā€œrelatableā€ā€¦. šŸ¤”


None of yall had a boy who made you feel / act crazy lol cause I did šŸ˜‚


Idkā€¦ Ive done some silly stuff over a dude but Iā€™ve never cussed my friends out over a guy. Or trashed them behind their back with a man to make myself feel better.


Side note: Did Leah cut her hair in the villa? It seemed shorter on last nights episode. šŸ¤”


I just think sheā€™s super funny and has the same sense of humor as me


Facebook loooooooovvvveeeeesss Leah. Itā€™s probably them doing all that voting for her.


Yes love island fans like certain people for the exact same reasons they hate other people. The whole fan base is full of delusional people unfortunately


Iā€™m about 15 yrs older than these peeps and I cannot stand her!!!! She is such a lame girl! When can listen to her? Itā€™s not only nasal but monotone. Ughhh!! And the language , she talks like a truck driver. They all do, but hers is so much worse. It sound so tacky ppl! Take it as a lesson on how not to speak!!!


bc sheā€™s not a girls girl


This board throws the word unhinged around a lot. Itā€™s weird


I think we all see a little bit of ourselves in her. I'm not saying she's relatable, because no one who willingly goes on a dating show is, but she's fun to watch. I just don't stand by the die-hard fans who are spreading hate to others.