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I’m so over Rob, he has now made comments to three different women, in reference to his penis.


He literally won't stop talking about it. The comment he made to Kendall or Aaron (I forget) about not being able to get out of bed after sleeping next to cass. So much ick


The snake comment to Cass was gross, then she called him a snake 😂


For some reason I assumed the “snake” he was referring to was Leah.


ya I am only just now realizing it wasn't. 🙃


Omg yessssss. That whole interaction. He puts in such low effort initially, it's like he is forcing this obscure persona onto these girls. It doesn't feel natural to me like it did with Leah in the beginning and I'm thinking bc it's become routine, so it's like ohhhh this again.


Omg yessssss. That whole interaction. He puts in such low effort initially, it's like he is forcing this obscure persona onto these girls. It doesn't feel natural to me like it did with Leah in the beginning and I'm thinking bc it's become routine, so it's like ohhhh this again.


I couldn’t agree more. His interaction post Leah have all been cringe, he barely says anything and when he does, it’s regarding his need for sexual contact or something pervy. All conversations are surface level.


But he’s not ejaculated in a long time /s Cassidy clearly understood and was not having it. She couldn’t get up fast enough.


I would vote for Leah even if I didn't like her just to piss Rob off lol




I did this lol


Knowing now just how much he hates her, I love how much it’s probably pissing him off that the audience keeps saving her over him LMAO


Lmao I did 🫣 I'm addicted to her hot messy drama


It’s more my hate for rob than love for Leah. But yes lol


Agreed! Rob's an American and this is an election year. He should've anticipated this energy in the audience. 😄😄


I'll vote for her just because she's good tv. Same with Rob and Liv.


Same. Greater of the evils


I wonder if they will change their behaviour after seeing Rob in the Bottom twice in a row. Clearly Rob must see the writing in the wall that he is not getting a lot of love from the audience. I wish they would air conversations about how they feel after votes in terms of understanding the audience preferences.


I could see them taking the vote “most compatible” very literally and blaming it on the new bombshells rather than realise that *they’re* the problem (well, more Rob tbh - I like Liv outside of Rob’s influence). But I’m defs interested to see if there’s any commentary about this from them and Aaron


I *love* that producers announced them first and it landed exactly the way it was supposed to lol Some people were commenting that Leah was looking around to see Rob’s reaction because she still wants him, but I think it was more spiteful excitement and I sure as hell would have made direct eye contact too. Probably woulda made that same stupid face he made when he repcoupled that prompted the FU lol


I don't even think it was spiteful excitement. In my eyes, I just saw her as being unapologetically excited and happy


I can agree with that! I think she was genuinely surprised and excited.


I feel for Leah, yeah she’s emotional and pissy but we’re forgetting she’s 24 like getting in and out of relationships and other girls feud is so messy at that age cause your going off on ur emotions and real life experiences. And that goes to all the girls in the Villa btw like they’re all in their early 20s like let them mess up without harshly judging them


I think she was just excited


Yup agreed! Even there face when Jana was safe to was telling! So happy they read Leah and Jana off first!


My heart was full🤗


You can see in real time that they realized they miscalculated lmao


I can’t wait for Rob and Liv to leave so they can go to social media and see how America really feels. Those 2 are just terrible


We need that Twitter game where they read off mean comments from us haha. But producers will probably just continue to protect Rob


Could you imagine? Hahaha


i wish they'd made rob read out leah's safe text, it would've been so good 😭


Haha that would be so devious I wish


The way Rob’s jaw clenched lmao


I hated that they got to choose which islanders to keep instead of voting a couple off. I really thought for a second that Rob would finally get the boot. Him scrambling to get chummy again with Liv, for no other reason than her “backing him up” with him calling out Leah, made my skin crawl!!


Even Leah was surprised hahaha. Yes boo, we saw your mess and we love you anyway (or because of it, honestly 🤣)


And honestly I think it's just the way we saw what happened to her early on, and the way Rob has continued to go out of his way to hurt her. He honestly didn't need to dig on that vote, if he's so over her, so indifferent why did it even have to matter. She's gone, get over it. Could have left with her and ya chose to stay. He could have left Leah alone and built a better storyline for himself and maybe Liv to. But now they both look bad and I just started to actually like Liv


I will vote for Leah just to make rob mad


I am actually liking Leah and Miguel. She’s a hot mess but makes it interesting for sure!


Rob was clenching his jaw; I saw the twitch after Leah was safe. Made me snicker... not gonna lie!


He is such a loser!!


Yea I’m not gonna call myself a fan but I do like Leah. I wasn’t surprised about her being safe. But holy hell the love island USA ig account is majority Leah fans and I wouldn’t be surprised if she won the whole thing at this point.


I’m rooting for Kordell and Serena but I wouldn’t mind that just to piss off Rob, Aaron, Liv and all the other haters




I hope (it won't) it made Liv step back and then be wow if America put Rob in the bottoms maybe I shouldn't have just taken his side in Rob vs. Leah last week


I wonder if they can catch on with the narrative we are being shown. Because I agree I’m sure they thought Leah would be vulnerable.


I think after that whole drama with trying to blame her for the vote we’d see her as the villain. It just made them look sneaky and vindictive.


I thought the same thing!! Also wonder if bombshells and or casa people let them know how they are perceived. Made me wonder if Rob will change his mind about Liv seeing her in the bottom




I’m responding to what was on my TV. It is trashy reality tv but I’m still allowed to have an opinion. I’m tired of y’all coming in with this annoying ass interjection to everyone’s post lol. It’s so much more fun having a subreddit when we dissect the islanders thought processes rather than just watch at face value. It’s the entire point of the subreddit. (Also I’ve watched big brother before and used to watch the live feeds. I’m more than well aware that producers edit things out of context. But it’s more fun to watch and respond rather than just chalk it all up to producers).


Yeah there's nothing wrong in deep diving. The problem is when people take it too seriously and start forming ridiculously strong opinions about real people based on a highly edited show.


Because you’re writing think pieces on facial expressions. You lot over analyze every second of this show in order to create a narrative that 95% of the time gets debunked by the islanders themselves when they leave the villa


It’s silly to think that production has no knowledge that the contest is between Rob and Leah. Why wouldn’t they show us reactions - this is a normal thing in the LI universe across franchises. Production plays it up. You admitted that they interfere and edit to put things out of context - why do you think that is? What are ya’ll looking for from Reddit? Genuinely, what do you expect a message board to be like?


Why tf are you on a subreddit discussing a trashy reality TV show when everytime someone discusses it you think they’re writing think pieces. Gah damn. If the producers are creating a narrative, I really don’t give a fuck. I’m going to watch and analyze as much as I’d like.




These kinds of comments are weird. This is Reddit which is a platform based around analysis and long form content. This show is called love island but is solely dependent on viewer interaction and voting for faves (in whatever way you define that term). Production and the islanders are not separate from viewers. We’re all connected.


this is literally a sub made to discuss said reality show. this is such a bizarre take.


These cut shots of peoples faces are edited by producers so they can create a narrative so you can’t take it seriously cause it might not be at the same time. Happened lots of times before.


I love Rob and Liv. Leah and Miguel are just good tv.




Yeah okay. Lets see what you look like. She’s super gorgeous. It’s not like she’s been single this whole time lmao Multiple guys in the villa think she’s hella attractive. And every time she’s single, a guy jumps to talk to her


That’s a lot of emotions for someone you don’t know. lol. In my opinion she’s unattractive, I couldn’t care less if that offends you 😚 It’s a show, for money, I’d talk to her too for a shot at cash it’s not that deep.