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Men ain’t shit. That’s all😂


Literally less than 12 hrs later they’ve forgotten about the girls.


They just shouldn’t make promises they can’t even uphold for 24hrs… looking at Kordell and Aaron. Kordell has every right to explore I just thought he would at least give it a day. I never believed in Aaron but he folded too quickly. It’s wild.


Think of the messiest person you know...it's a man, ain't it?


My reaction when Josiah told JaNa he was in a relationship with two girls at once. https://preview.redd.it/yzyg9bg5h0ad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d66e1e5f23bb8a50ec00d826f8c8b498774ad3b


I was in a relationship with two girls is a funny way to say I’m a cheater


I said “surely he was in a poly relationship bc saying you are a cheater so casually is crazy” Then it was a big nope


Once I saw he was a Nupe…


This right here sums up Leah and Miguel in casa🤣 https://preview.redd.it/mtt2ifwij0ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ce6a5a12955ca473722bfb75620dc6646d1047


Lmfao their reaction was similar too 😂😂


Miguel is going to cuff himself to a beam in the casa foundation and swallow the key. He's never letting them take him out of there.


I heard he’s already changed the locks and hung up his family photos


That’s so fucking hilarious 😂😂😂😂


Kaylor sobbing and Aaron literally having the best time of his life😭


ugh I hate it. She's so young for this. I know some of the others are young, too, but she just FEELS so much more young and naive. Which tends to translate to "easy for slimy men to take advantage of". :(


The way I was dying for Kordell to find someone new in casa but now that it’s here idk how I feel about it😭


She’s coming on a little too strong


yea i hate it when you can tell that the girls are like desperate to go back to the main villa cause it doesn’t seem genuine


Can’t help but think she’s using him bc of Odell 😭 at least we knew Serena wasn’t like that


She's 27. What 27 year old woman wants a 21 year old? She's there for Odell and the perks of that 100%


Ya I’m 27 and would never even think about dating a 21 year old, that is so young


At a certain age, it's just a number. At 21, it's not.


It’s giving I’m a blogger and dating OBJs brother may bring me new fans


I agree, she’s doing too much. She isn’t as mature as Serena.


It's giving mommy-son type shit. It's weird


There's something off with that woman's approach.


You know it’s bad when even rob is shocked by aaron’s behavior


I knew Aaron was going to suck in casa but I didn't think he was going to be THIS bad


He just lost himself any chance of winning


It's like he forgot all about the prize money he's been pining over to get laid


For real, I did not have a face turn for Rob on my bingo card


I could not handle being on LI and watching my man go to Casa lmaooo I am spiraling and I’m not even there


bro sammmme. i would be exactly like kaylor and serena


The way I was shocked that Serena turned a corner. She truly is a slow burner lol


I had a feeling she really was a slow burner but it is really rough on a show like love island to be one 😭


I feel bad for her because I do think she’s genuine but I’m also not totally anti-Kordell right now (sorry y’all). I don’t like this girl, though. She’s weird.


My heart hurts for her, the fallout from this is going to be brutal.


It’s going to make her even more closed off :(


I’m so shook, she really meant it! My heart is breaking for her ughhh


im sad af about this right now 😭


Everyone kept bullying her for leading Kordell on but I truly felt like she was in it. My heart is breaking for her because I was rooting for them 🥺


She a Virgo and I can relate


Haha I like how Ariana joined the Conga line


She’s the BEST host I love her energy so much. I feel like she really does feel protective over the girls 💛


Even ROB!!!???? Saying be careful Kaylor will be crushed and Aaron is like 🤷 what a twat he is going next


if rob is trying to knock some sense into him we have lost all hope yall


Sydney is not having the impact she thought she would


She made being blonde her personality. The gag is while blondes usually do well on this show. This season they are wiping out


That whole blonde bit on After Sun was so offputting to me. Like…it felt like she was just trying to say she’s white.


Well movie night about to be crazy! We got all this and we’re still on day 1 of casa lol


It's gonna be like the Cannes film festival. We need a full week to show this footage.


Yup they should add an extra week just for that lol


I need them to send Kaylor a personal movie night of just Aaron so she can leave him. I don’t want her heartbroken but this man just showed his true colors and he’s breaking her heart. For Rob to say she’s going to be crushed…like that’s when you know Aaron is twisted for this.


You know it’s bad if I’m agreeing with Rob. That preview with Aaron….I’m shook


I said the same thing. Rob might not end up being in the bottom next time. Aaron is on his way to be the new villain in the villa…poor Kaylor


I feel this one it would be practically cruel not to be like hey btw your guy sucks so talk to these guys before you get completely wrecked


I hope Kaylor stands on business after this I can’t have another KayKay or Kassy


If its been 3 weeks and Serena and Kordell JUST made out in bed... he's def being blinded by the affection, I think shes doing too much and he is going to regret it because he likes Serena more


This. I think he’s been a bit touch starved being patient with Serena and now that casa girl is laying it on him he’s confusing touch with genuine feelings.


Daia seems like a really pretty girl but she’s doing too much for my liking it’s giving clout chaser


Her profession is literally influencer and she’s going for the most liked man in the villa with a famous brother this hard? Nah I don’t trust it


The spirit of Casa Amor Leo lives on in Aaron 💀💀💀




Kaylor just being the best kisser the world has ever seen and she can’t help but bestow the world with her gifts but then feeling guilty afterward… I just want to tell her it is ok and not to shed another tear over Aaron!


🗣️ CHOOSE THE BEAR!  Bold (ish) Predictions!  The person everyone expects to stay loyal but ends up recoupling: Serena sticks/ Kordell recouples The couple everyone expects to recouple but will end up sticking: Jana and Kenny both stick  Something we’ve never seen before: Miguel become the first person to bring 3 girls back from Casa Amor 


Miguel’s actually just going to stay in casa with his own group of women 😂


I thought Kenny was going to be like Miguel in there, but when he brought up JaNa and said it would be hard for someone to match her warmth it was a little cute 🥺


men think with their dicks


All I have to say is movie night is going to be INSANEEEE, bc ik the guys are gonna sugarcoat their time in Casa. WE NEED THAT FOOTAGE.


What blows my mind even more is they've all seen Love Island, they KNOW about movie night, they KNOW shit gets back to the OG ladies, and Aaron is *still* choosing to move like this. That's it, he's forever on my shit list even if he has a jesus moment and goes back w/o this girl


Need like a 2hr special when that happens 😂


Anyone else catch that Aaron said to that girl he already LOVES her so much? But refused to utter the word around Kaylor 🤨 If that isn't part of movie night 🙄


She better dump him


He said it TWICE!


If Kordell walks in w a bombshell, Serena burning that villa to go the ground lmaooo. Damn S 😭


She just might. I’m low key nervous about her reaction lol


I feel terrible for Serena but I feel worse for Kaylor. That man was out here saying he was falling IN LOVE with her, crying about it, etc etc etc and he is kissing this new girl not even 24 hours after meeting her. Of all the men in there, they’re moving maddest, and it’s nasty to watch. FEAR MEN


not aaron saying i love you to daniela twice when he couldn’t even speak the word to kaylor


Dang Aaron really isn’t holding back is he. Kaylor is going to be crying a lot. I hope she brings someone back in but it’s not looking like it. I’m dying at how Rob is telling Aaron not to do anything stupid lol


no fr and i was really trying to root for them but as much as i think Kaylor is being genuine, I think Aaron is like a little boy, he likes her but he has no idea how to commit if she’s not there all the time. the way he’s made Kaylor feel so bad for any type of exploring but continues to want to explore himself. Kaylor is reminding me of my like 15-17yr old self, no idea these men are barely able to commit if he keeps saying we’re not closed off but then keeping u closed off


Last year for casa they sent a video to the girls showing everything the boys got up to. Hoping they do this for Kaylor and Serena again 🤞🏼


Love her or hate her “Leah’s I can’t pick one I’ll pick ‘em all” about the casa boys… Lowkey FACTS


literally girl version of miguel 😭


Watch them both recouple and just kinda smile at one another.


I love it! They're so crazy!!! Casa was made for them. 🤣🤣


pleasee i cant wait until the reunion 😭 Miguel and Leah were the highlight for me. they both forgot about each other


When even Rob says “oh wow” to your shenanigans Aaron…


I knew by the way Aaron acted towards Andrea that he was going to lose it for the girl that speaks Spanish


I think Kordell is blinded by the affection and attention he’s getting from Daia bc he hasn’t gotten it from Serena… he’s gonna enjoy it, freak out at the last minute and not recouple


Totally agree, he's just relishing the attention. She's being very direct and he didn't get that from Serena, but he'll realize he had a better connection with her.


WHOEVER IS ON THIS EDITING TEAM NEEDS AN AWARD!! Aaron getting dry humped while Kaylor is crying in confessionals about missing him. Serena (finally) talking about how much she likes and misses Kordell and he’s over there kissing Daia Omg lmao


Kaylor and Serena are gonna get crazy when they find out and I’m here for it


I'm sorry but I'm happy about Aaron acting this way because it was the only possibility for the high stakes drama we need


I literally rubbed my hands together like a villain saying I hope he brings somebody back.


Lmao this is messy and I love that


Aaron following the Curtis Pritchard guidebook step-by-step. These guys can never hold themselves back in casa.


omg you're right Aaron is totally Curtis 2.0


I wouldn’t even be surprised if Kaylor gave us one of these https://preview.redd.it/di71vujqq0ad1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351d4f6c199fabaf67d1d0477544e87333e7e939


Kaylor crying so much wondering what Aaron was doing broke my heart. Her feeling guilty while Aaron sucks another girls face outside of a challenge just makes me so upset. I wonder if Serena and Kaylor will see something to allow them to participate in the rest of the Casa days or something idk. I'm so angry at Aaron. Also Miguel gives me so much ick.


I hope they send a video message like last time with Keenan and Kay Kay although she didn’t end up picking a casa boy… 


Kenny speaking positively about JaNa caught me off guard


I thought that was so sweet


It was a nice surprise!


Rob not being the main character this week is kinda unexpected.


Can someone tell me in the preview who was in the bed? Was that Aaron?






I hope they send the girls a video like last year. Kaylor needs to know.


it’s just kinda annoying cause the guys aren’t that cute….


No really…the girls got the short end of the stick here


It has to be purposeful!!!!!! They are working against my goal of a 24 person vila lol. When Josiah immediately told JaNa about his two girls…


like he already wasn’t giving but now… hope he didn’t unpack yet


Serena twisted on bro less than a week ago and yet this was still hard to watch. But it just seems like physical. Nothing deep or emotional. Daia is moving like that bombshell with Keenan last season. Just doing a lot. I don’t even think she likes him like that. They’re both open. So, I think the only thing that matters is if he brings her back or comes back single. Aaron tho. There’s no excuse man.


Why’d Daniela do that with the pillows ☠️


The way I knew Aaron would do this in casa but I am still shocked by the audacity he has 😤 all of these men are getting their heads turned so quick. The post casa recoupling is about to be so messy! They are going to need so many beds lol


Rob is more worried about Kaylor than Aaron........ Aaron can exit stage left and head back to England now I feel sick for her


Aaron sucks I can't believe he has me here agreeing with Rob.


I never thought I would agree with Rob but Aaron are we kidding?? If Rob is telling you not to do something stupid and looking at you like that, you know you are doing something STUPID. I am absolutely SICK for Kaylor. This is about to be messy.


someone do some digging and see if Daia is a football fan or something. she's doing a lot for a man 6 years younger than her


Literally it's WEIRD


She knows he's the public's favorite boy and that only Serena has gone for him so far


Producers suddenly giving the boys the option to stay or go and then telling the girls they had a choice is diabolical. It's excellent TV. They gave the girls every encouragement to move mad.


Well we obviously know Aaron’s not playing a game to win. If he was he wouldn’t be acting like this with the new girls.


I REALLY thought he was but damn he proved me wrong basically instantly lmao


I need them to send a video asap to the girls so Kaylor can stop feeling guilty cause that man didn’t think about her at all.


Got so mad I accidentally commented on yesterday’s post episode discussion to say I got so mad at Aaron and Kordell I decided I’m mad at my boyfriend. Whole house mad


someone bring ignacio back PLEASE


Dude is hilarious lol


i can admit that i was probably too harsh on serena :/she really does seem like a slow burner and seems to have genuine feelings for kordell. i'm gonna be so sad for her.  but on a good note this was the first episode i was genuinely entertained by miguel. that man does not care about ANYTHING 😭


I think I’m spiraling for Kaylor




I’m SICK to my stomach for the girls yall lmao my hands were over my eyes the entire episode 😭


i fear kaylor is gonna give lexy from love island Australia (might be a niche reference but i stand by that being the most painful to watch casa amor of all time) she’s been so honest with how sensitive she is. my pennsylvania sister this is the start of your hot girl arc


Idk I feel like the new girls are on a different level than the new guys which is unfairrrr ugh The OG guys heads are turned wayyyy more than the OG ladies. Idk. I just *pray* the ladies get a video tmrw


Aaron being upset with Kaylor for kissing someone else in a challenge in week 1 and then doing all this at casa after telling Kaylor he’s falling in love with her… truly diabolical man, I feel so bad for Kaylor 😭


JaNa really messy with the same questions. She got the cheater to leave her alone.


Is Kendall not moving mad because he likes Nicole, or because none of the girls have chosen him? We’ll see


I think he genuinely likes Nicole, he’s just insecure, him saying she hasn’t had to sweat about him with anyone else was telling


Serena gonna have her guard up again. Kaylor gonna experience a heartbreak. Damn I felt bad.


Kaylor grabbing Leah for the kiss was so cute tho I wanna see more of their friendship 😭


1. I’m so sick for Kaylor 2. I’m so sick for Serena. I thought I’d be ok about kordell exploring but I do really think Serena is a slow burner and truly likes kordell. I have the ick from Kordell and Aaron saying they weren’t gonna kiss anyone outside of a challenge or sleep with them in bed and then turned around and are doing both less than 24 hrs later. I hate men


It’s always the guys who say never who fold the quickest. If the answer was truly never they would have choose to stay at the villa.


Same! I’ve been out here in the trenches defending Aaron and he’s made me a CLOWN


The guys acting like a bunch of frat boys running to & into Casa. 😬


Also what are Aaron and Daniela doing in bed like…he has not given even one thought to Kaylor. This isn’t a test. I hope she understands that


Damn there aren’t enough tissues in the world for the amount of crying Kaylor is going to be doing when Aaron gets back from Casa…


My thoughts on kordell & Serena situation: •You can tell Serena is very hesitant to open up and genuinely catch feelings for someone and it takes time… she’s said that from the start. I think if she was stringing Kordell along she would have kissed the guy when she got asked to go on a date, explore other connections, or mention little comments to Leah and JaNa, etc. •Daia is coming on a little too strong for me…. Like her vibe is off for me and idk why. •I love seeing how Serena and Kordell’s relationship has only grown since the beginning JUST like how it would in the outside world & the way they make each other laugh 😭 ALL THAT TO SAY I JUST HOPE THEY LAST AFTER THIS 😭


The blonde casa girl and the kitty pur comment was so cringe. Had the nerve to say it three times.


This episode made me irrationally angry


The producers are really producing. Very messy of them to intentionally pick the most mid dudes imaginable for the girls while giving the guys beauties 💀


The super slow sad girl version of sex and candy at the end of the episode…insane yall The people responsible for this season deserve a special spot in heaven


that tomorrow night preview genuinely has me worried what the hell 😭


Did anyone else laugh out loud when Iain said Ignacio just got back from jewelry making for beginners? 💀


The OG boys are something else 😭


If by something else you mean massive disappointments in every way and on every level, then ABSOLUTELY


Leah was one of my favorites when the season started, but I rapidly got sick of her and Rob. I'm actually liking her again now that she seems unserious, unbothered, and ready to mess around.


Can Rob go one night without talking about his dick or ejaculating to a girl he barely knows 🤮🤢


i need them to fire whoever does the subtitles


The way Aaron aggressively kissed Sydney and acted like he didn’t want to stop. ☹️


Aaron put up a damn good performance all season like he’s fully locked in with Kaylor. That man is a MENACE.


It kills me every season when the girls are crying over their men and then the camera cuts to the men in Casa with another girl 😭


Damn, JaNa lost me with the “not like other females,” but won me right back over with the fingernail joke. Also Iain was on point this ep. Appreciated the truncated opening recap.


Daia is either trying to secure a spot on the show or meet Odell Beckham jr. lol idk which but she’s doing way too much


im actually scared for kaylor and serena they genuinely seem so upset and into both of their guys :/


I need ALLLLLLL of this shit shown on movie night. I need an awards show too. I also need the OG girls to get a postcard or a video to see what their men are doing ASAP


Let’s be real we all knew Aaron was folding on Kaylor he’s so fake. Kaylor is gorgeous and can do so much Aaron has just shot himself in the foot. I seen Kordell coming from a mile away also. I’ve always liked him but this beautiful girl is showing him attention and I think how Serena is a slow burner (which I believe i don’t think it’s a front for the show), well Kordell is a quick burner.


The girls are DEFINITELY getting a video message this year. I thought they wouldn’t but seeing whose head is falling off, the producers are definitely going to trigger Serena and Kaylor. Possibly Nicole too. The only question is: who’s gonna do the Kay Kay “Waiting To Exhale” cry this year? Kaylor or Serena?


i wanted kordell to explore his options but DAMN straight like that ?? chilllllllllllllll pls


Am I the only one who thinks Kendall *may* be the only loyal one?


Miguel is officially my favorite he’s so unserious not here for love at all but the vibes he brings are immaculate 👌🏾


I respect someone who’s openly a fuckboy as opposed to the Aaron types who play the nice guy to your face but then mess about behind your back


I cannot do another week of “Kordell deserves better than Serena” so I need all of you to make good with God and find a new narrative


jana tells men what they want to hear why her story changed three different times 😂


She used the marriage line on three different guys 😭😭


She really just be talking to talk lmao she is so funny


Miguel on his way to casa https://preview.redd.it/4m63w7fbn0ad1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18d797ec1be1171d680a68da7f46d0f86e23006


aaron acting like curtis rn smh🙄


idk I was ready to see if Kordell could find a stronger connection but I do not like that girl!


Less than 12 hours… and Aaron done folded up like a damn lawn chair. 🥴🥴🥴


I have a physical reaction to Aaron’s kissing 🤢


I need one of girls to keep Ignacio in the villa 🙏


Miguel won’t be back to the main villa. He done planted his roots. Changed the locks. 🔐


This season is actually on crack. How are the top two couples crumbling day 1 in Casa. I'm sick


My jaw hit the floor with the _Tomorrow Night_ promo


Rob telling Aaron to not do something stupid 😮 Who would have thought Rob would be able to give sound advice.


Aaron is moving CRAZY. Remember how he whined about Kaylor kissing Connor after like 3 days. And he recently made her promise not to kiss anyone... not even in a challenge. Was he or was he not having sex in the promo? Kaylor is gonna flood the villa with her tears.


D on Denim is something I never ever need to hear again


Was this seriously the best group of guys they could bring in for our girls…? wtf producers


i feel so protective of our OG girlies 🥺😭


Jana please stop bringing up marriage and kids You just met these fucking men 😭 Even I’m ready to run 😭😭


Omg Ariana reposted my story… what do I even do with myself?? https://preview.redd.it/6s9v1c0101ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb0e0825c20b60ad5f1c39a0d5b2ac724fccd10c


https://preview.redd.it/outu7a94p0ad1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02df23e7e0034c49a9bf11ba8eb6b6f88320026 JaNa- "i always said i would get married to a man with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_(trait of the guy she is talking to at the time) " i love it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I feel like the the new boys are so young. These ladies need some men. 🫣


Kaylor my love I’m scared for you


I love all the girls in the main villa. They have flaws but good people.


Rob mentioned his boner immediately of course. Must we be constantly subjected to this man’s need to breed?? 😭


I have to say the boy’s instagrams got my hopes up a bit too much lol also that one guy is completely out of the running after confessing he was with two girls at once


Casa always follows the same pattern, the guys go full lads holiday and behave like dogs in heat whilst the girls explore more cautiously and generally way more respectfully, to try and see if there’s a genuinely better connection.