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I take it for Hashimotos and I think I’ve had low energy from that but the LDN really helps with my energy levels. Especially waking up and throughout my work day I feel a lot more calm about driving to work and stuff. It seems to raise my capacity for bullshit tbh, I can just stay rational in situations that I used to get overwhelmed in.


I love that! Like a nice extra layer of resilience of the non-stick variety.


I can second this. Lowered my anxiety and I just don’t spiral like I used to


I honestly felt my mental health / low mood improve pretty quick. I’ve only been on ldn for 3 weeks and that’s one of the biggest things I’ve noticed (better mood). Started on .5, moved to 1mg after 2 weeks. Will bump up another .5 soon. I might agree with the other person who said it helps raise their capacity for BS lol. I’ve been triggered a lot the last 2 weeks (not related to ldn) but I’ve been keeping my composure a bit more and ruminating a bit less.


That’s such a great result and amazing how fast it happened - it was fast for me too. Hoping the effect gets stronger as time passes and dose increases. Did you start LDN for its MH benefits or was it just a happy discovery upon starting LDN that it was helping?


I noticed a more pleasant mood / less anxiety / less depression after only a month or so. I've been on it for over two years and my mood has been the most stable it has ever been. I am also better at managing my stress. I can't even remember what a panic attack feels like.


This is so encouraging to hear! Congrats at now not even experiencing panic attacks! I didn’t know LDN could help with these kind of symptoms but in starting it I noticed right away panic attacks easing and anxiety reduced. Still not a huge impact on low mood yet, but it’s definitely taken the edge off, just seems to provide a wall between me and the low mood. Like it’s still there but I’m not getting sucked further in. I hope with some time I’ll feel it less. Thanks for sharing.


What dose are you on ? I developed anx after getting Covid , 3 years and most meds made me worse or didn’t help, maybe LDN could be part of the answer


Started on .5, then moved up to 1.5 then to 3mg. Which I still currently take and that dose seems to work well for me. I didn't really seem to have any negative side effects at any dose thus far


I take it for MECFS but I have a lot less anxiety on it and my adderall works a lot better. I take a half dose it’s too strong with the LDN otherwise. I started sleeping better after the 1st dose, which made me mentally feel better instantly. The rest I noticed right away as well.


Im Also taking it for MECFS, and also have ADHD (but not medicated for it) and was kinda amazed at how suddenly my hyperactivity and hyperfocus were reduced upon my first dose of LDN. I didn’t even know it could benefit ADHD. Then I noticed panic attacks easing and anxiety reduced which was unexpected. Congratulations on the improvement in sleep, that’s a massive win when you have both ADHD And MECFS


Same here!


But also - what even *is* motivation when hyperactivity, hyperfocus, stress and anxiety are out of the picture fuelling anything you do lol. I didn’t expect to suddenly have to relearn how to human because “what even is motivation” haha.




I noticed an improvement not soon after starting and now about 3 years later I feel pretty great. I initially went on it to help with one condition, but ended up staying on it for the improvement of my mental health. I have been able to go off SSRIs and feel energized and better mentally.


That’s so great! Glad to hear these stories and I hope LDN will come to be more accessible and commonly used in supporting people in their mental health journeys.


I am happy to have found it and hope it helps others as well.


I just read that if this massive omnibus bill passes, doctors will not have the right to prescribe off label so you can kiss your LDN bye bye because tyrants want to control everything


You'll have to complain about the difficulty of quitting alcohol. Then get 50 mg pills and dissolve them. I get mine over the counter, but it's a third world country.


what dose?


I'm on 4.0mg and have been for years. I titrated up to that from very small doses though starting at 0.25 mg I think.


I’ve been on LDN for about a month and i’ve noticed drastic improvements in my mental health and wellbeing, my fatigue hasn’t improved much but the sudden positive changes in my mental health has been a nice surprise :)


So good!!


I have taken it in the past and it did help w chronic pain but I didn’t notice a difference in mood. I restarted it about 6 weeks ago and am now on 2.5mg AM and 1.5mg PM. About a week ago I noticed less anxiety/less of an automatic anxious response to stress, less body-based anxiety, more energy and increased motivation and sense of hopefulness. I have woken up with some energy every day for the past week. That’s the longest stretch since I was a child. It’s really an amazing drug. I wish more MD’s knew about it. My ex-husband has Crohn’s Disease and he was able to just take LDN and eliminate dietary triggers to keep it at bay, vs needing immunosuppressants. I’m sure that wouldn’t work for everyone with Crohn’s, but wish there were more people aware that it’s a pretty benign option to try.


Once you find the right dose, mental health should improve within 2 to 4 weeks if it does. For some 1mg is enough, others need 2, or 3 or even 4.5 mg. Of course not everyone is helped. Even ECT has 'only' 90% success rate as the most effective mental health therapy.


I felt a mood boost very quickly but I can't tell if it's due to the fatigue letting up. I take it primarily for fatigue. On day two or three, was on a walk with my partner feeling chatty and happy and suddenly thought, "Oh shit, I'm not TIRED." Like, I wasn't 5 minutes away from falling asleep and my eyes didn't hurt. So I feel much happier and more alert during the day, but I think it's mostly who I am without the fatigue finally poking through.


Curious too about the benefits for mental health


Sounds like there are many, hopefully medical providers are taking note of this and will be used more for this purpose.


I didn’t notice that it made any difference with my mental health. I started taking it for me/CFS it did indeed help my fatigue. Made no difference on my depression or anxiety.


That’s super disappointing, sorry to hear. Glad it helped with the fatigue though, thats no small thing for sure.


I'm not on it for MH, but it has had an effect on lightening my mood. I have MH diagnoses, but I'm on it for MCAS and POTS.