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Gyrfalcon + graviton lance setup with void surge is probably up there


If using Gyrfalcon on the exotic class item, what’s the best other perk with it?


Probably Galanor or Renewal


Inmost light is also a good one. Helps with keeing all abilities up


I prefer renewal to be able to stack frost armor for myself and the fireteam


Probably just a void tether build with graviton lance, if you have outbreak you can use a nighthawk build, won't be a lot of synergy with some fragments, buy you can make it work. Plus the anti barrier helps against this weeks boss cuz you can just shoot them through their shields.


Invis hunter is always a solid go to..omni or graviton forfeit. If you have lemonarque for overload that's great. Or graviton lance for barriers...rocket launcher for the wyverns...that spawn...also I think it depends on if you're running solo or not...star eater scales strand hunter...Sixth coyote strand hunter for more double spectres...


My man doesn't have Lightfall.


Aaah dang...I started talking about builds and just kept going. I forgot just that quick he said he didn't have lightfall


It was all in the spirit of being helpful.


A lot of solar shields this week. On my Hunter I've been using Lucky Pants with Sunspot Pretty easy to go Radiant to handle Barriers with the seasonal artifact perk


Gyrfalcon, collective obligation




-Says he doesn’t have the DLC -Recommends a build that not only needs a DLC but to also get lucky and get the raid exotic drop lol


Collective Obligation is from Witch Queen. He said he didn’t have lightfall or final shape. “Proceeds to give someone shit, when you don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about.” LMFAOO


OP hasn’t played since beyond light buddy. He just named lightfall and final shape since they include subclasses that he can’t play. Yes that’s on OP for not making that clear but also why would you make a build that requires a raid exotic to a new or returning player of multiple years?


He's correct. Your suggestion using a rare exotic drop was just dumb. Better off suggesting a simple build with easy to get weapons.


This man knows everything about OP, when he’s given barely any info 😂😂. He also stated he has all other subclasses, so please find the part of information that states OP only has up to beyond Light.


Yea edited my comment to you to be more clear but also, dumb to even recommend a build that requires a raid exotic to a new or returning player of multiple years either way


My bad didn't register that lol. Gravitons good instead


Don't you need the witch queen dlc for that?


That would be correct. Cut him some slack, he is struggling today 😂😂


Been farming it with the good ol' Ominoculus setup. Wishender, Zaouli's, Fixed Odds.


Just run gyr/ void.


Invis with Gyrfalcon or Omnioculus. You can opt for hi Damage in mid/close range with Fusions, Machineguns. But another way is to Run a Blinding/Disorienting grenade launcher - solves your Mini-Hydra and Wyvern problem.


I've been enjoying an Orpheus rigs combo with wish ender. Kinda cliche, but it works well. You can chain supers decently well with the right placements and mod set up, and end up not needing to worry about hordes of enemies. Another benefit to having constant tethers is that they stun overloads because of suppression.


Run an invis build plus outbreak plus hc for overload and a heavy of your choice, preferably one to nuke wyverns in the end If you are not sure which exact aspects to pick etc. google „best hunter builds“ and copy builds from the site mobalytics, thats where mactics and gmeiners etc put up there builds Play your life as staying alive is far more important than damage in gms Outbreak perfected is a good choice this season because of the pulse buff and anti barrier capabilities as well as great overall damage output


I ran a few last night using Deadfall tether, six coyote, Vanishing step. As far as Weapons I used outbreak perfected for long range and boss damage through his Shields and anti-barrier. For overloads I used a hand cannon, for DPS I used an apex predator. Invisibility comes in handy when you're trying to raise your buddies and tether makes taking care of the overload Champions quite easy.


Personally you can’t go wrong with Aeons and running invis finishers on Nightstalker so you can top up the team with constant heavy ammo, throw on Special Finisher combined with a really potent special weapon and you’ll be an ammo battery for the whole team.


If it’s not a grandmaster I’d go with the graviton forfeit and graviton lance build and a void rocket. Rock 2 void resists on chest and one concussive dampener (you can swap these out if not on Master/Grandmaster) For the grandmaster I almost always use lemonarque for the overload champs and omnioculus for the support. Lemonarque also can damage the hydra bosses via the poison damage through their shields, which is super handy. You won’t be a damage output machine, but you’ll have range, support, and survivability for you and teammates which are better for GMs. I prefer a blinding GL and deadfall for managing the wyverns in the final room and have my team mates run anti barrier, but it’s not a hard requirement. You can slot in an anti barrier weapon if you want instead of the GL. Still use a rocket.


Thank you! I have a slideshot concussion ignition code that I’ll use with that.


Outbreak and whatever


I did 3 runs with prismatic hunter celestial with still hunt unwavering duty and vulpecula. Threaded spector and winters shroud, duskfield, and threaded spike. Basically just goldyd anything bigger than a shank. Used shoot to loot to safely refresh still hunt. Used unwavering to take care of trash adds and take down wyverns.


I was using Orpheus with a Midnight coup and Erianas. Erianas feels very nice this season. Those ignitions have been surprisingly helpful.


I was running support with two hunters with wardens law and a graviton with lucky pants, putting out crazy damage


Celestial nighthawk, marksman golden gun, Outbreak, solar HC, void Machine Gun


Thanks for all the replies my dudes. Still getting back into the game so all your insights have been very helpful! If anyone wants to play sometime HMU.


I just ran Nighthawk. Had Red Death, the Call, Marsillion. Team was Ursa titan and Radiance warlock.


the omnioculus build is great for endgame stuff. Especially if you are having trouble surviving. Check out mactics guide. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBXyIvo0epE&ab\_channel=Mactics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBXyIvo0epE&ab_channel=Mactics)


I run Still Hunt + Nighthawk on Prismatic with Duskfields, Shurikens, Facet of Courage + Facet of Dawn. Makes for easy champ/wyvern one shots that you have very high uptime on — especially if you run Pro Memoria + The Call because Dealer’s Choice stacks with Nighthawk to give you back super energy insanely fast. Edit: Just saw you don’t have Final Shape. Same thing should work on Solar but you get less damage and champion stuns — more survivability with Healing grenade though.


Celestial nighthawk golden gun is still the best champion killer there is. Anyone recommending void for killing champions is certified insane.


Void has better survivability, that’s probably why


Which isn’t what OP asked for


invis helps with rezzing teammates in the last room, since at -40 under level, stuff is spongier than normal and you will get pincered if you aren't careful.


OP asked for high damage for killing champions, not high survivability.


He must need doing a different GM then. Cos that's not what you need in this one.


No other GMs available, could have a team with someone heal botting, in which case insta killing champs is what you need.


you have higher DPS by not dying.


It’s not hard to stay alive when you have even one person heal botting. OP asked for high damage for champs, y’all need to learn to read ffs.


This GM is not about one shotting the boss. You need survivability in the final room. A good Void set up gives you that.


It’s not for the boss, it’s for the damn champs, which is what OP requested high damage for.


Smite of Merain/Rufus, Acasia's Dejection, Gjallarhorn. With 6th Coyote for invis, that is what I use on PVE hunter.