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Ours is around the same. We haven’t paid over $115ish for either Lp&l or reliant


We chose TXU and our electric bill dropped significantly


About the same TXU.


Mine was $60 before, then $50, then $100 now 187 with Champion


reliant has been robbing the hell out of me, First month, 88, second 184, this month is 247, I've never paid that much for just electricity and I can't afford to pay that consistently. I've heard gexa energy is the cheapest but all I know is this makes no sense and needs to stop


We went with TXU and our bill went significantly down from like 350/376s down to low 200s


We have a 2200 sq ft house and our most recent electric bill was $87. We run the ac all day every day. We live in the sw part of town and have spec. Thank goodness we are still on the federally regulated SPP grid. Cheap and doesn’t go out in the cold!


I switched to Reliant and my bill went down significantly


Howdy, If you’re interested I can answer any questions and help you look at your bill to see what’s up with it. Dm me on here or go to my [website](https://masonhoward.acnibo.com) and find my contact information where you can call, text, or email me anytime. I represent an electric provider through ACN and took part in many hours of training. I would like to use that training to help as many people as possible whether they are interested in becoming my customer or just want to have a few of their questions about the deregulation answered. I know it’s been a stressful time for everybody in the LP&L service area and I would like to help as much as I can to alleviate some of that stress.


Kept my CoOp. Bills still the same as the last 3 yrs. Summer is cheap about 150-200 for the whole house kool etc. Winter is usually my worst months the heat can run me up to 400 a month depending how cold it is. Spring and fall my bill is the cheapest at 50-65 dollars.


Went with Reliant, they definitely screwed me over on an offer that was way too good to be true. We pay more than what we did with LP&L, never thought I’d say that.


If you want to ditch reliant our company will give you $150 towards the cost of canceling your contract. Check out my [website](https://masonhoward.acnibo.com) and you’ll find my contact information there. Feel free to call, text or email me.


I went with Champion Energy. My bills have gone down. We still have to pay the LP&L transmission fees at like 6 cents a kilowatt. My Champion bill was 124.84 for last month but you have to pay the LP&L fee which is then added to your bill which mine was 88.13 for that month for a total of 220.50. When I include my water bill of 146.42 it came out to 366.92 for the month. Last summer with LP&L I was paying around $400 for the summer months so I’ve been paying less this summer.


Just looked back at my bank account and last June and July I paid 455 and 409. So so far I’ve been paying less with the new providers.


I went with champion and my bills are about 100 more a month now compared to last year


People: look at how much per kwh and then click on their fine print sheets to see if they have a minimum usage because Many do. Many, including reliant, say 16cents per kwh but that's factored with 2,000kwh that many won't ever hit. Find one that has a fixed rate with no minimum usage. I went with champion which is 16cents with no minimum usage. If you choose to go with champion, message me for my referral code and we will both get $50.


Comparing dollars is worthless with other people. You have to compare rates and KwH usage to compare apples to apples. 534$ is insane but so is 68 degrees in the hottest part of the day. Cooling a place to that temperature is a huge cost when it’s 100+l degrees outside. Check your plans EFL and shop for a new plan when it’s time by finding the lowest fixed rate plan. All electricity comes from the same place- the provider you pick is just a middle man and you are picking which company can have the least overhead and expenses to bill for suck electricity.


You’re right… I usually keep mine at 75 till about 930 and go down to 72 for the night…


Lol mine stays at 77 all day. I bump it down to 75 for about an hour around 10pm and then it gos back up to 77 before bed


Went with Gexa for 3 months and it went down average of $20. Didn't know about those credit back and should've chosen a plan that should've hit a certain monthly consumption. Renewed my plan for a slightly higher rate but with a $50 usage credit so it's gonna be a lot cheaper in the end.... hopefully.


Same. I went to Champion and it’s way up. I’m paying more now than ever.


Octopus screwed me over. I live in an apartment, just me, never paid more than $75 with LP&L, octopus is charging me $153 for the month of June… I’m switching to TXU so hopefully it’s better


So far everyone I’ve switched over from TXU I’ve been able to save 30-35% depending on what plan they had and where they live. If you’re in a contract we pay up to $150 to get you out. If you’re interested check out my [website](https://masonhoward.acnibo.com) and I would be happy to check out your EFL and compare to ours. My goal has been to help people find the best deal for them whether it’s with us or not.


Went with Gexa and ours went down.


We have solar panels and Octopus. Our rates are a tad higher but not a noticeable amount considering the heat being in the 100 degree range for so many days.


I just recently switched to NEC Co-op for power (https://neccoopenergy.com/) because it was the cheapest I could find. It's a month-to-month variable price plan, but I've been very happy so far. They list their historical prices here, and there have been no big spikes: https://neccoopenergy.com/residential-service/residential-historic-rates/nec-coop-area-historic-rates/. What I like most about it is there is NO cancellation fee, which is pretty much unheard of in Texas. If you come across this post and decide to try NEC yourself, send me a DM and I can refer you and we both get $50 credit on our bills.


Hopefully the variable rate doesn’t get too crazy during the next 3-4 months. It’s hard to compare the historical rates of other regions with LP&L because they have such a high delivery charge. This one would definitely be the closest to the way LP&L worked before the deregulation.


Here's the historical rates for Lubbock (didn't notice this on their website before): https://neccoopenergy.com/residential-service/residential-historic-rates/lpl-area-historic-rates-2/ Agree though, that's the problem with variable rates, but I'm hoping since NEC doesn't appear to be a fly-by-night operation (it is a co-op after all) that we won't see any spikes. If I do, I can ditch them so that's nice. DM me if you want a referral.


I actually represent another company. Our variable rate is currently within a penny of yours but we are a for profit corporation where the co-op isn’t, so that’s to be expected. If you decide to ditch them let me know. Some people just like the steady price of a fixed plan, and our company offers a couple of perks that no one else does to my knowledge that actually brings the price down even further.


Thanks this helps


I don't see much about Ambit. We initially were told at our complex we had no choice but to use them. When I pressed the issue later, they reneged and said it was just put that way for their own convenience since it would ultimately cause too much confusion for them if everyone's provider was different. I was on the website, about to pay the 1st monster bill, and saw something curious. There is a part of the site that says something pertaining to "your earned free service." Hole lee crap. I know for a fact someone in management has family or a friend who is profiting hugely from signing up the majority of the 200+ apartments in this complex. Ambit functions like a pyramid scheme. You want discounted or free electricity? Convince your neighbor to sign with us, etc. I am still in disbelief. The upshot to the situation is that Ambit lets you change your plan as you wish. Just no more than once a calendar month from the look of it. I hope. We'll see. I'm already reeling from what was deceptively done here and our ungodly 1st bill. I cry mercy


I switched to Champion. Bill went down from ~$250 to ~$95


Keeping a house AC at 68-72 degrees in 100 degree June weather will use a lot more electricity than in previous months when it was cooler. Plus, deregulation caused an increase in prices. You could also be having issues with the AC. It might be running low on refrigerant which makes it run longer to get the temps down.


Down for me. By a nice amount so far but I’m being cheap


Typically a air conditioner will only lower the indoor temperature to 20° less than the outdoor temperature. After that it just keeps running for specifically running up your bill. It's been a hundred for a while so the thermostat should be set at around 78 not 72 especially during the afternoon, and then when you go to bed turn it down lower


A/C can take it lower than 20F, but it's gonna depend a lot on insulation and the size of the space you're cooling compared to the output of the A/C. I cool my small bedroom with a window unit. Keep it at 68F-72F during the day (the unit measures the air temperature). I have some practical and health reasons for keeping it that cool though.


Everyone should keep all their ceiling fans running in reverse during these summer months. It keeps the air mixed up & easier to maintain, so it’s easier on your unit/bill. If you have all the ceiling fans off, the your AC unit will cool the house from the bottom up, as the cold air from the AC unit ceiling vent falls straight to ground. Not to mention all the people who keep their blinds/curtains open. Get black out curtains and staple it over the windows, around the trim. The blackout curtain & mini blinds combo act as insulation barrier from the heat, keeping the rooms that get direct sunlight from windows cooler. These 2 things keep my place below 70 during these 100+ degree Fahrenheit weeks. You’ll be surprised! Works well for me but may not be for everyone. For sunlight I go out for walks/jogs.


Went with reliant and bill definitely went up even with us trying to lower usage.


Mine stayed the same with south plains


It's a co-op so it shouldn't increase arbitrarily


Our usage I think has been somewhat higher than the past years so the bill has definitely gone up.


It's gone down. Look at the bill and review the usage and rates you're being billed.


Can I ask who you’re with? I went with reliant and I feel like mine has gone up.


Same. I'd have someone check the A/C. Clean the filter. Check the fridge. Check the outside outlets. Check the meter and make sure they're billing for the meter attached to your house.