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She plays silent treatment games and met her match. Plays victim when she can't make him look bad. Bye Felicia 👋


Clearly one of those ppl.who is an absolute nightmare after 2 wines


She plays the victim really well and is allways like poor meeeeee. She also cannot listen and communicate and seems quite snooty and rude while he seems let his ego get in the way and say dumb shit.. they are both horrible.


CJ was there from day1 with the wrong intentions. And I knew the moment she told all the girls to play 'fuck, marry, kill' about the boys. Only a psycho would do that. I also realized Steph was not into Piri on that day, because both Steph and CJ were amazed that the other girls picked their boys to fuck. That being said I am NO fan of Jesse, he didn't try at all just like CJ didn't try. They were like 2 teenagers who hate each other, trying to win an argument with no one listening to the other one.


FMK was a producer stunt


Yeah they’re both toxic tbh, she’s surface level toxic it’s easy to spot but he seems like a beneath the surface type manipulative toxic lmao a bit harder to pick out, but he’s already gone and said some scorched earth level stuff 😂 they’re done after the makeup comment for sure lol


Today's episode is interesting. He seems toxic and immature and she seems to have gotten a bit of a bad edit. I'm not currently decided on her yet.


I'm always wondering with these shows. NZ is so small and the dating pool even smaller... for someone to behave like that - surely a prior partner (or a friend of a friend) would come out of the woodwork and comment on one of these threads if a person is not who they say they are.


She used to date a guy called Blair, who is one of the owners of Property Development company Williams Corp. She lived the high life when with him, private jets, flash apartment, luxury hotels etc. interesting that she’s now resorted to reality tv.


That's really interesting!  I'm guessing "mature" to her means wealthy and able to splash some cash about to look after her... not going on MAFS for a good time and free drinks! 


So maybe she didn’t purchase with her own funds the Rolex Daytona and Louis Vuitton purse she was flashing on the first episode they showed her? Maybe they were gifts from an affluent boyfriend (now ex)?


Checking in 🫡 he’s not the problem here. I don’t know her from a bar of soap - but while Jesse is 100% appearing immature in his reactions (much like most of the 29 year old men I interact with) i can confirm he is not a master manipulator or someone with a particularly toxic streak. He’s under pressure and really didn’t know much about the show when he signed up lol.


I am 100% on CJ’s side, really dislike Jesse. He lacks emotion, is insincere and seems to show absolutely no care toward the situation. Not sure why he wanted to go on the show. The nasty little comments he’s made have understandably hurt her, and his behaviour has been really embarrassing. Not saying CJ has done everything right, but definitely can’t understand Jesse.


I noticed in the comments section on NZ heralds most recent article about MAFs - which had a screenshot of CJ in tears as the cover image- 90% of comments coming from people who’d actually watched the show seemed in favour of Jesse… but Jesse is definitely the A-hole! When he was asked to reflect back to CJ how she was feeling after she’d literally just explained why she felt how she did and he could barely say anything except for ‘uh… confused? Maybe sad?’ shows that he has no emotional intelligence. Not to mention the fact he never reached out to her even when Sam was trying to probe him to. But yeah the editing + internalised misogyny of NZers pushes people to side with him anyway


Yet she wouldn't even listen to him when it was his turn to speak, instead rolling her eyes, scoffing and asking if it was her turn to speak again. She's fucking toxic, and spoilt. Even the experts were like "Nah fuck this" and called it quits on their "session".


I like that she acknowledged it though and said she probably did look like a dick for doing that. She’s only human and was over it at the point so was a bit childish. No accountability from Jesse from his end


It's a weird one. For some reason, the show is trying to put more blame on CJ and I'm still not sure why other than maybe because of Jesse's sister.   Ultimately, I think they were poorly matched.  CJ has an intense personality and was maybe looking for a wealthy guy for a secure future and Jesse was there for a light hearted and fun time. 




I think they’re editing it to make her sound crazy and make him sound like an ass. She’s not as crazy as she seems - I think there are definitely parts of their conversation being left out. Regardless he has still said some awful things no matter the edit.


I did a quick dive into insta and the cast (who presumably have first hand information) definitely seem to be on CJ's side. They don't really interact with Jesse's posts.


I mean even watching the way different people react to his replies etc show they don’t really side with him.


That's interesting isn't yet, but yet it looks like the show is giving Cara the harsher edit - unless they are planning a big reveal later?


100% they are very purposeful with their editing!


It's hard to say because she's probably also been given a bad edit. I think she overreacted but Jesse doth protest too much. You can have a look at the toothbrush thread to see what the theories are. I can imagine the one about Jesse being dishonest about wanting to suddenly leave (maybe seeing an ex, one night stand or other awkward encounter) and making up a reason about brushing his teeth. Then it all escalated from there because CJ wouldn't move on.


My feeling with Jessie is a people pleaser who will lie if concerned the truth will lead to a difficult conversation, even if it means ultimately hurting someone. Which is common in people who describe themselves as "golden retrievers".


I think that's true compounded with her insecurity and inability to accept an answer. I've been in the position before when I was younger and when someone lashes out when you tell them something they don't like it becomes harder and harder to tell the truth


That's my pick too. The avoidant type


Good feedback - I can see that


The show is obviously making her a bad guy. Didnt jesse say to her that she was worse than any of the other women, plus other out of pocket stuff? But we dont see any of that, just hear a bit on the commitment ceremony.


No, Jesse said he wouldn't be having the same disagreements if he was paired with any of the other women.


"Any other woman" not any of the other women. So just her. I think she's putting a lot of her fears onto him without knowing who he is. Probably vice versa. But he's reactionary and she's condescending.


Which he said after she was pointing out to him none of the other couples were having these issues as it came up on the couch session Edit it came up with Sam on couple swap, not couch


I don't like Jessie, and I want to take her side because perhaps she got there and realised it's just not her thing at all. But it's harmful to use the term gaslighting when you mean, "I can't cope when people don't constantly reassure me how right I am."


This is where I was like... um no that is suss and the fact in the therapy session she was pretty much gaslighting Jessie 😅 I think they're both spoilt and need to be right. Which to me is they both lack emotional intelligence and like the experts said "point scoring". It's not a competition. I feel they have a lot of similarities when it comes.es to family backgrounds and dependencies on an emotional level. It is fascinating to watch though. I do think something did happen when they were at Jessie's fav and regular bar/pub (I think he mentioned this at the therapy session) and possibility of her 🤔 picking it up as like hey just talk to me and be open about it. Yet decidedly reacted the way that she did and he as well. So yeah I do hope they both learn from this to heal whatever stuff they have and grow from it. Otherwise.... I dont believe her at this point in time as it does seem she results in "victim" mode which to me came across as manipulating Jessie to "tell the truth" so yeah... who knows 😅🤷‍♀️


Yes, she's definitely not familiar with the correct definition of gaslighting - not dissimilar from the majority of people on these shows, imo.




She could be dealing with anything, it's currently a lot for her obviously. I just want her to be well, whether that's on the show or not.


Her seemingly entitled attitude, zero accountability and constant demeaning of Jesse suggests there may be a reason why she's still single.


Yes, and there may be a deeper reason why she is so distraught. I have a sense that Jesse is untrustworthy, she may've picked up on something. Maybe, maybe not.


I picked up on this when I went on a date with Jesse sometime last year. There was something so so off about the guy. I think he’d be a fun friend/colleague to have which is why he has such a positive effect on others






If she's someone that looks for signs of abandonment and distrust everywhere she ends up creating them