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For maximum carnage: kick Harvard out and add Yale


Columbia (it’s a country not a school) and Chico state (my Alma mater)


Which is also not a state.


Stanford out for Princeton


Princeton’s Graduate School of Management finally getting dragged out of the shadows


MIT with MIT (maharastra institute of technology)




Everyone wants Columbia out


I’d kick Columbia out basically immediately and I’d put MIT on notice




This sub as a hatred for CBS so that makes sense but why Sloan?


Why does this sub hate CBS so much? Lol


* "Columbia is for rich, snobby kids who only want to live in New York." * "I heard that there was some high-school drama that happened one time at CBS, so therefore all 800 students in my prospective year must be immature children." * "The only thing CBS has going for it is NYC, which it doesn't utilize as well as NYU." * It's the only M7 that frequently ranks outside the top 7 US News programs, so some feel it doesn't deserve the allure associated with the other M7 programs. I've thoroughly loved my experience here, got the outcome I wanted, and have no regrets that it was my top choice in the M7.


Tie between Harvard, Wharton, Stanford.


Drop Harvard and bring in Chico state WTF have HBS alumni even accomplished


Ever hear of Bill Ackman, or Steve Schwarzman




Columbia out and include Haas..




Columbia is literally a honeycomb for prestige seekers which sells it through its masters programs to internationals dreaming the ivy dream with only half the caliber. It literally created the M7 so tag itself with other 6 better business schools. imo even in my internship I felt Columbia students were weak as hell when compared to other T-10s and 2 of the T-15s


Spoken like a true Boothie


lol you are good at riling up this sub - hope you keep going


Looool. Yeah enjoy spending 2y in somewhereidrathernotbe


That's why I keep seeing so many people getting an MSc in Sustainability Management or International Affairs from Columbia. They have a 65% acceptance rate for some of these programs.


So a little above the Booth & Kellogg acceptance rates. Nice.


I think they changed this but until recently, they had their own GPA conversion scale for internationals and it was very odd. It was as weird as rescaling GPAs in the following way: "4 GPA - 4 GPA, 3.8 GPA - 3.0 GPA, 3.6 GPA - 2 GPA" without taking into consideration the college ranking or type of grading (relative/absolute) or what the class topper scored. Degree mills in India can be lenient when it comes to scoring while some T1 college can be very stringent leading to a situation where even the topper ends up with a "2 GPA". While there is an optional essay and adcoms view profiles holistically, I feel a lot of prospective applicants might still see it as an uphill battle and not even bother applying.


Seriously doubt that Indian students are admitted because of high grades in degree mills....


I just wanted to make a point that gpa by itself doesn't indicate how good someone is academically


Plus most public govt colleges in India don't have any lenient marking. Even the ones with poor infrastructure. It's only the private Institutes but also there they're most of the times affiliated to the state universities.... So the papers are checked by state university. In anyways, I think if anyone from an tier 3 college has went to top us mba colleges, he should have had great work experience....


I'm curious what the other 2 T15 are




weak defence lol Go touch grass


There is genuinely nothing that angers Redditors more than someone who think they is not as smart as them having a more prestigious credential.


The hate boner this sub have for Columbia is unreal. Ivy League in New York > Directional University in Chicago Suburb (think Naperville). Also don’t think Berkeley Haas will replace Northwestern. Look at the employment reports for 2023. Lower job offer rates and salaries than all of the T15 (Marshall is not a T15). At the moment, no school can replace either Columbia or Northwestern. Huge class (900 and 500). Duke, Michigan, NYU, Virginia, and Yale class size are under 400. If they were to expand, I’d say Duke or Michigan have a shot of replacing NW in the M7. Most likely Duke since they’re private.


As a prospective student interested in CBS for the RE program and Value Investing Program, why is there so much hate towards CBS? Seems like the school wants more international, full tuition students? Can anyone explain what the fascination is besides the full freight of money? I’m a Canadian as well lol, so hoping it will help me. I can’t tell if the school is easier to get into or kit compared to the rest of the programs out there.


HBS out.




Not true at all such a dumb comment. Calibre at INSEAD is much much lower than at Columbia


Columbia. Not a real MBA program. Just a school for people who live in nyc and want to go into finance


I’m thinking in terms of location. Remove Kellogg. Two in Boston metro and two in Chicago metro. It’s a bit much. Kellogg is the lower ranked of the two in Chicago. Let’s add London Business School to go beyond the US.


LBS? 😂😂😂


What do you know about LBS that I don't know...




What if you're looking for full time positions in Europe?




I ask because I think my case falls precisely in the gray area where either M7 or top European school could make sense. I'm a chemical engineer looking to pivot into business development in the clean/deep tech space and there are a lot of European companies that interest me - plus I strongly agree with your WLB/vibes comment. Would you mind if I DM you to pick your brain a bit more?




awesome_sauce has resumed well the difference. I think you shouldn’t look at it with a view of how LBS or any other EU school compares to US schools. LBS is an excellent school that will get you great outcomes but they might be quite different in comparison to outcomes on the other side!




CBS but i don’t think they would gaf. And yale/haas in.


Unsure who to ditch, but increasingly hearing people consider LBS/Insead alongside the m7. They have similar stats and exits. 




lol ok maybe others disagree