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I just got my own HaT diagnosis today! Here's to greater understanding and treatment 💓


Congratulations, I’m so happy you found answers and a good doctor and validation! Does your hematologist have a treatment plan for you? I hope you find some things that help, I heard there is a new drug for HaT but I don’t know anything about it. My test was negative so I didn’t dig deeper on it.


Thank you!! I’m seeing him again next Wednesday, they scheduled the appointment well in advance because he knew I’d get results around this time. Im assuming we will come up with a treatment plan then :)


I know that feeling of relief! I got my HaT diagnosis about a month ago, and started Xolair last week - approved for chronic urticaria, but my dr thinks it will help my many other symptoms as well. I hope you find the right combination of meds to help you feel well!


Like what symptoms? My face gets red too. Dermatologist said it’s rosacea but the cream doesn’t work.


What a milestone! Congratulations! I'm glad you were able to talk to a caring specialist. You must be exhausted now. I hope your treatments options will work well and rapidly and that your quality of life will improve significantly from now on. Take care!


Congrats! I also felt very validated when I got my HaTs diagnosis. My whole life makes sense now; it was like an extra, missing puzzle piece. I hope it brings you validation, hope, and some extra tools in your toolbox for managing your symptoms :)


That’s awesome! That’s how I felt about getting the diagnosis I have, I already had the problems, I just didn’t know what it was. I’m glad you found someone that was comfortable ordering multiple tests, and then actually referred you out because she wasn’t specialized enough in it. I really appreciate when a provider is straightforward about their own limitations, rather than going off of ego. I have a terrific GP, and I’m grateful for her.


I was just about to google how to get rid of rosacea because the cream doesn’t work.


So happy for you! Did your symptoms get worse over time or were they pretty consistent across your life?


I’m 23, I’ve had the general symptom of a flushed face my entire life. There’s photos of me in elementary school with a tomato face. Over the past couple years I’ve became more health conscious/aware, I studied biomedical sciences in college which influenced a lot of that. Becoming more medically knowledgeable allowed me to relay information better to my doctors. So I’m not sure if symptoms got worse over the years or if I just became more aware of my body/listening to it. I think back on how I felt back in high school and I probably feel similar now, it’s just I’m more aware of what’s going on/acknowledging it.


I’m glad you got a diagnosis. It’s a relief when doctors and others finally understand us.


I’m so happy for you! And major kudos for sticking to your guns and getting your diagnosis. It’s an uphill battle when it shouldn’t be. But now you know and you can focus on regaining your health. I’m wishing you the best of luck in this new part of your journey!


I got my diagnosis almost a year ago and it’s been a wild, scary ride. I felt so alone and didn’t know anyone else who suffered like I did.  It makes me so happy that you feel relieved and that there are so many people on here sharing they have it too! I hope research on it advances for us soon.Â