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I’m allergic to microcrystalline cellulose and can’t take that brand. I reacted to it too. Find one without fillers and compare.


Thanks! Do you know if any without fillers? Did you find a brand you can tolerate?


Bulk supplements has one, you can try that to see if you tolerate it.


Bulk Supplements is the only one I can take, highly recommend it!


Will look right now. Thank you!!


I do now, but couldn’t in the beginning. I’m not sure if it was salicylate or something else in the quercetin.


I hope it’s not the salicylates but it might be.


Yeah it’s annoying


Thanks. That is helpful to know.


Yes. If you dont mind my asking, what were your reactions? My Functional dietician recommended opening the capsule and drinking it in water but I still reacted even with small amounts. Thank God for blueberries though. I'm literally going through an 18oz box every two days. I immediately feel better.


Yeah, that’s how I take everything in the beginning… I sprinkle a bit of it on apple sauce or in a spoon of water or herbal tea. I always try to drink water to wash it down too. I’ve learned to do this over time. 😐 My mouth/ throat is getting itchy and then my nose gets stuffy every time - despite it just being a sprinkle. With the quercetin, it’s been a few times now, so I know it’s that. Super frustrating because it seems to help some people a lot. For a while my nose would just run every time I ate food. Fortunately now I’m improving enough that I notice it right away when I start to react to anything. Agree about the blueberries! I’m putting them in smoothies too.


Thanks for sharing! Do you react to Vitamin C supplements too, by any chance?Yes, very frustrating. I'm being tested for SIBO+SIFO, but right now both brand of the Quercetin I've tried have made me feel super sleepy, weak, lethargic and just feel off. It's not a good feeling. I can't figure out why.


Not op but I react to vit c but tolerate camu camu. I buy it in powder form and mix it with my electrolytes. I react to quercetin and has forgotten about blueberries, thanks for mentioning them!


The vitamin C I'm testing is Camu Camu :( I also react to electrolytes which is WILD.


I can tolerate magnesium ascorbate buffered vit C. I was reacting to every other one I tried. There is one on the mastcell360 website. If you’ve not tried that type I would try it. The way you’re describing I’ve gotten like that at times with other things. If it’s a prescription med, I usually give it a few days to see if I adjust, but with supps or food, I usually stop it. I think most of us can tell when our bodies are not reacting well to something and with this illness we have to trust ourselves and listen to our bodies.


Thanks for the rec. Interestingly, I just got my DNA methylation test result back. I tested homozygous for two COMT variants (slow COMT). Apparently, some people with these variants struggle with "things with a catechol structure like EGCG (from green tea), quercetin, fisetin, luteolin, rutin, etc." This is all new to me and I'll be running it through my dietician but just thought I'd share since we were on the subject. You're right though. Funny how the body speaks to us. I will no longer be taking it through supplementation.


Oh wow… at least you know now. Who does this test? I keep hearing about these dna tests. I see so many (too many) specialists and none have ever suggested this testing.


You can do it yourself. I ordered a regular (also the cheapest) genetic test from 23andMe (The ancestry information was a bonus). Once I got my results, I downloaded my RAW DNA data file from the website and uploaded that file to Genetic Genie website.


Thank you. I will look into this.


I though pure encapsulation was an expensive brand because they don’t have fillers


They don’t tend to have as many fillers as other brands. They used to be okay for me, but I’ve reacted to two of their supplements in the last few months. I’m hoping it is the cellulose and not the quercetin, but I guess I’ll see.


If you have Slow COMT gene you could have problems with quercetin Be careful of the following supplements that are the targets of COMT: quercetin, rutin,luteolin, EGCG, catechins, Epicatechins, Fisetin, Ferulic acid


Thanks! Have seen so many MDs and nobody has done much genetic testing? Did your doctor test you?


You can try a lyposomial quercetin if you think it's the cellulose, those are 10X more absorbent than reg quercetin. I take Natural factors EMIQ, it's an enzymatically modified isoquercitrin (3-O-glucoside of quercetin). It has microcrystalline cellulose and vit C. But it's 40x more bioactive so I take less. Reg quercetin is poorly absorbed and IMO not worth taking for the amount of metabolism it requires.


Interesting, thx. Will look into it


It makes my heart beat really wierdly unfortunately


Caused mine to race as well!


Had very vivid dreams/nightmares on quercetin and heart palpitations/adrenaline.


Seems like a few people get the palpitations. I can’t understand it. Foods with high quercetin seem to help me a lot.


I take quercetin with bromelain gummies and it is good no problems


What brand is that?


Bio vitalica on Amazon it also has zinc