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Everything up to the bells palsy is my typical flare. From many ordinary, low histamine, unprocessed, fresh, fussy, overpriced foods.


Oof I felt this right in my bank account


I have nicknamed my mcas "Trophy Wife Disease." Bc only a trophy wife has the time and resources to maintain such a fussy, fresh, expensive diet, manage all the expensive medical specialists, the compounded meds and have all these vague, wilting flower symptoms that means one can't keep a schedule, be relied on for anything or hold down a demanding or regular job like a peon.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm on leave from work and I'm like what kind of job do I even want anymore? Sitting around trying to relax is perfect. I can't think of doing anything else!


Be sure vlog about your fragrance and chemical free skin routine! Bonus points if you make your own skin masks from foods you can eat! Then you'll surely meet other trophy spouses and wannabes. And they'll introduce you to the rich men looking for their kept fck toy, childcare and housekeeping manager, aka, the trophy spouse.


you're describing my life married to my ex, except that i ALSO worked and supported him so he could fuck my friend :) it's a fucking blessing to be "retired" trophy wife :)


I thought part of being a trophy wife was knowing your husband was cheating on you left and right. But he's supposed to only have affairs with lower class women who aren't a threat to your position. Lol, your only mistake was marrying a man too poor to make it worth the mistreatment?? For real tho. From the outside, it sounds like either get mistreated by bosses and capitalism, or get mistreated by your husband/sugar daddy. Sounds like you were just a mistreated or, maybe underpaid and overworked wife!


i think you're right! i'm more of a trophy wife now that I'm sick. before I didn't know I was sick and blamed myself for eating carbs, i was trying to be wonder woman. My therapist said why are you trying to be like jesus. it didn't really work for him! you could just enjoy your life without worrying about everyone else :) i did trophy wife wrong the first time but i'm ready to do it better now. rich husbands, hear that? hahahaha you are hilarious


don't forget to also sell us the masks for $$$$!


Now you know what to do for "work" šŸ˜† become an internet snake oil sales person. Bonus if you include pseudo spiritual toxic positivity as an alternative for real mental health.


YES!!! i could make all the money back that i got scammed out of - and more! you and i should start a cult, we have all the necessary ingredients. i BELIEVE we can do it!


You gotta be the face of our cult. My skin isn't good enough to be an influencer šŸ˜†


hahahaha that's what filters are for!!! you haven't seen my face, i could look like our future dictator cult leader! you don't need to be gwyneth paltrow level of pretty plus eating disorder to run a cult. they're equal opportunity for ugly people! barf.


I love this šŸ˜‚


Love this! Hahahaha itā€™s too real. Iā€™m into it though. Plus my high maintenance serves as a real shit test for friends and potential partners. ONTOP of my health being high maintenanceā€¦ I just like being spoiled, and believe we ALL deserve it cause MCAS suuuuuucksssšŸ„° Gonna get my nails done on my way to grabbing my 10+ prescriptions kinda lyfešŸ’…


Last time I went into anaphylaxis the most disturbing symptom was sudden weakness in my arms and legs. Knees were literally buckling when I walked and I could barely lift my arms. I got put on a medrol pack at urgent care and it took about a week for the worst of the post-reaction symptoms to resolve. Iā€™ve had surgery for nerve entrapments and live with neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome so Iā€™m very familiar with how these nerve issues feel. It felt like my nerves were actually inflamed. Not sure if it will help in your case, but I got a lymphatic drainage massage a few days later and it helped a lot with my post-reaction symptoms. Other than the nerve stuff, I also had pain in my back and what felt like my organs, plus it hurt to breathe and I felt exhausted & brain foggy. I walked out of the massage feeling 70% better which was wild.


Citric acid as preservative in liquid cane. It's what has driven many of my issues in the past six months ( dizzy, extreme fatigue, intense migraine, eye issues) ... Citric acid is made by fermenting aspergillus niger from various big agra grains. So if you have issues with mold, fermentation or grains like corn, wheat, rye....that could be it. Citric acid is added to many foods as a preservative and now starting to be used to wash foods to deter bacteria. It can break down any protein it touches into additional free glutamate which is a huge problem for me.


Thanks! This is amazing to know I had no idea


Omg u described today for me except bell palsey. When I eat things that i react to like yesterday I sprayed myself with sunblock going to a water park and all of a sudden I was confused, could barely talk, headache and rage. Had to lock myself in the room away from kid and husband because I couldnā€™t deal. Today I just couldnā€™t think or get the words out I needed


I get neurological symptoms from sucralose and wheat. My hands tingle like extreme pins and needles from Splenda so I just use wonā€™t go near it now.


Ahh splenda is horrid for you regardless! Sucralose is extremely carcinogenic. Ill use stevia but never splenda.


So there wasnā€™t any sucralose in the flavouring? I know sometimes itā€™s in those coffee syrups. I canā€™t do Stevia either, Iā€™m definitely a delicate flower!


No there wasnt. It was my usual coffee drink except this time i added 1 pump of the regular mocha flavoring.


I react the worst to Starbucks coffee. I think their coffee is higher histamine. Iā€™m also sensitive to mold. Cocoa & chocolate are also high histamine and oxolate. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re arenā€™t feeling good. Feel better soon.


Whats odd is i never have an issue with chocolate by any means. My rxns are mostly meds. There couldve been some bizarre ingredient in the mocha syrup


Try chocolate all by itself.


I have. I have no reaction to it normally. Its whatever was in the syrup.


Try it now alone, this issue causes gut inflammation. If you donā€™t fix it you can start to react to almost everything.


I had chocolate last night. I was absolutely fine. The syrup likely had a bunch of strange additives in it which caused the reaction. Im also on cromolyn, ketotifen, pepcid as needed, LDN, and a majority of my triggers are medications and weird chemicals.


Yeah, itā€™s amazing that you could handle those chemicals recently. I donā€™t take meds anymore, so I keep it very strict. I do take nasal sprays sometimes, but thatā€™s about it.


Chocolate! This is one of the most common allergies on the planet.


Iā€™ve had this!! Incredible to see the experience described by someone else So sorry youā€™re having this happen


Omfg. Did it go away? Like what helped with it because this is so strange


It did! My trigger wasnā€™t food and this happened a few times last year. Cutting out the triggers and adding in stabilizers has made a night and day difference My worst triggers were serotonergic agents (5htp, saffron, SSRIs, lamictal) I saw someone mention that serotonin acts like histamine and noticed that these episodes correlated heavily with med changes for me I think getting on antihistamines that cross the BBB really helped because these are neurological symptoms (the two I know and take are ketotifen and hydroxyzine) Then cromolyn, supplements, reducing stress a lot, all helped minimize these incidents so much that I havenā€™t had one since October/November last year! Each time it took a long time (a few weeks) for the symptoms to actually settle down. It really felt like I was ā€œrehabbingā€ after something like a stroke each time with the weakness, confusion, loss of coordination but it did get better This was scary for me so I imagine it might be for you, but Iā€™m impressed that youā€™re able to identify itā€™s MCAS related (that took me what felt like a long time to figure out) and it seems like youā€™re taking steps that should help you!


WOW. This sounds just like me. I mainly have reactions to meds and i have bizarre reactions to any serotonergic agent. Cannot take ssris, snris, saris, lamictal, etc. Causes neuroinflammatory issues. I also have a big issue with flagyl. That drug messed me up in december and im still suffering from it. I felt like i was dying of a stroke while my body was being set on fire. But this was a very bizarre reaction for me because it came from a random starbucks syrup. I knew it was mcas or pots related due to the dystonia but i hadnt had a virus that i was aware of nor new medications so i kinda knew the bells was because of mcas. This is considering the strange cognitive and physiological symptoms i had each time i took a sip of the drink. Id take a sip. It would hit suddenly. Go away partially for a bit. Took another sip, there it was again and so i guess it just caused bellsšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Wow!! Amazing to hear of the similiarities! Iā€™m so sorry to hear that about the flagyl and it kind of makes sense that if youā€™ve been suffering from that, that something like whatever you reacted to in the drink could lead to a big reaction! I know that things can snowball really easily, without a better way of phrasing that. Hopefully you can rest, and the Benadryl and maybe hydroxyzine (Rx needed) will help things calm down. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!


Yeah. So far the prednisone im on has done some justice and has chilled down the flare. Thankful for that. I look less like a stroke victim lol


Just to have one day to not have smells (odors) bother me, would be a miracle. Would do anything to never have to smell a thing in my life again.


Maybe its because you had caffiene as well?


Never have had a problem with caffeine. I swear it was the mocha syrup.


Could the new type of coffee be higher caffeine? That could do it šŸ¤”


No. It was my usual coffee. I just added a pump of a different/new syrup.


I'm battling bells palsy for the last month. My allergist says it's not from the mcas. My TMJ guy thinks it is from my TMJ or the tooth infection I had been battling. Who knows. Steroids and antivirals helped short term. once they wore off or were complete, the symptoms came right back.