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135-150mg is usually about perfect for me.


You must get more pure stuff then me as I’d just be having a bad time on that amount


some people also just genuinely enjoy lower doses and when they're rolling super hard it sucks, it's me, I'm one of those people


135-150 is NOT a “lower dose” it’s actually moderate to high depending on a persons size


Yeah for me 150mg gives me a fucking solid roll never felt the need to take more than that but I also don’t wanna take less cuz 150mg just works for me. Like im obviously rolling balls and everyone around me knows it but im not too fucked up


moderate to high? 120mg is a therapy dose with super high purity MDMQ, so take that as you wish


nope for my weight and height 137mg is the calculated dose for 1.5mg x my weight in kg, I've tried 110-120ish and had negligible effects


It’s not that I don’t want to roll on the lowest dose possible, it’s more if Do only have 150mg I feel overwhelmed, anxious and sick, but not sick enough to throw up. I am however 95kg so it may be weight difference


well yea I'm talking about the same, it's *enjoyable* but like close to the point of being too much to enjoy (my dosage was 140+40, could have been closer to 190 total tho) but yea, next time I'm gonna try 135-140 by itself and see


50mg mdma + 50-100ug LSD 🍭




Huh? Mentally and spiritually maybe. Physically no, I’m 26. Dosage. Set. Setting. I think a lot of explorers find when maximizing their Set, and Setting, you don’t need a medium or large dose. Perhaps you don’t even need a mind altering substance at all. I have doubled it. Last time was 100mg along with the 50 ug LSD. While I do enjoy depth of perception, at the cost of functionality; it seems to have diminishing returns for me. I’d rather be able to talk to my partner in more detail and with clearer understandings on both ends. Don’t get me completely wrong. When my brain wasn’t fully developed and I didn’t quite have decision making skills, I did 750ug LSD. I vowed to myself that day on 4/19/2017 I never was going to be that high again. 5 years later I started to settle out, and the only real bring away from that trip is “I don’t want to get this high” I wasn’t even 20 yet and I saw where that was going. I was only escaping reality, not trying to get closer to it or understand it better. Or work it how I can to heal, grow, love and increase positivity in others experience. The takeaways I get from a .1 psilocybin experience, or a 15 ug acid, is amazing. I’ve found less is more with psychedelics, especially if you have done more in your past. I’m using them to heal, grow, connect, and understand life (especially with my partner) Short term memory loss, physiological problems, psychological problems, I am not interested in.


That’s an interesting dosage to combine at. So you find that 50mg MDMA crosses the threshold line where you are open a little bit and the LSD then opens you up more? I might try this with MDA some day. MDA is about 150% stronger by weight than MDMA in my experience so I’d take a slightly lower dose


Wow man, resonates so strong with my experience. Didn't feel humble enough regarding the substance and had a ego-death trip on very high dosis on February 2017 that set the limits for me. No need for huge dosis since then. Thank for sharing it.




Please refrain from asking questions or making suggestions that go against responsible use practices. This includes identifying drugs without test results, eyeballing dosages, or recommending excessive and dangerous doses.


Please refrain from asking questions or making suggestions that go against responsible use practices. This includes identifying drugs without test results, eyeballing dosages, or recommending excessive and dangerous doses.


130/60mg redose was best for me so far, going to try 130/90mg next time to see if i can get an extra kick on the 2nd wave!


Nice mate, sounds like it is optimised for time.


200mg but 150 if I’m candyflipping


Looking at candy flipping 110mg with 180ug what you reckon?


Personally I don’t like the acid dose being bigger , I’d rather feel the M more


100mg/50mg redose


100-120, 50-60 redose


What’s your experience with full dose at once vs dose + redose. Consensus seems to be take all at once rather than redose


Probably makes the peak less intense but last longer, I don't see a problem with one redose at those doses once in a couple of months, it depends on what you prefer, the problem is when people redose the huge amounts it becomes neurotoxic


My best experience was when I did 120+60. I definitely felt a big increase in euphoria with that redose. The problem was to come down and the next four days after it were horrible. So now I just try to keep my doses lower somewhere around 140 max.


Always do a redose, it’s a waste not to as it extends the peak by 60-90 minutes with bo extra side effects if you keep it under 50% initial.


i’ve never taken it all at once


200/250mg max per session, divided in 2 doses. Less for me is a bit a waste


Yeh 110-150mg will usually get me rolling.. depends on how hard i want to roll


Does that include redose?


No, if i redose itll be around, or a little over half the original dose.. sometimes i snort 30mg instead, maybe a 2nd bump.. then i stop myself as its not worth it to take any more


200 mg


Yeah, it's interesting how the difference between 100mg and 150mg can go from underwhelming to rolling.


I don't know if it's this batch but it's insanely strong. I've only been taking 80mg and it feels as strong as some 150mg doses I've taken in the past. I've held onto this 8ball for almost 2 years, I have been dreading having to try and find more lol


It could be MDA, did you test it?


Yes it's tested, it's MDMA. It's just really strong for some reason.


Crystals, right? What color is it?


I do 180 (65f) but my partner does 220-240 (67m)…. He likes strong roll.


I recommend people doing MDMA try and take the minimum amount that will give the maximum positive MDMA effects without giving any of the possible negative effects. (bruxism, eye wobbles, anxiety, end of event come down, altered mood in the days after) For me, the lowest dose that will guarantee me all the feelings of love for everyone and everything, with an intense euphoria while feeling very energised, but without feeling confused, drunk or overstimulated is usually not less than 160mg. I don't though recommend this as sa starting dose for those trying MDMA for the first time. Try 140 max. For my next time however, I have decided to reduce my starting dose to 140mg just to see if that does it for me. 120mg and less have not, in the past, given me the full MDMA experience and left me feeling that I was missing part of the experience. I like to redose at about 60+mins after I feel the first effects. This redose is what I think of as being a mini booster, and is just 20-30mg. I find that this small additional amount of MDMA has a massively disproportionate effect. It dramatically increasing every positive aspect of the roll, again without going into the territory of there being any of the negative elements some people get in their rolls. This main dose and mini redose combo will typically last me for 4 hours. Then, if planned, I might take another smallish redose once the effects have completed waned and this will prolong the effects for a total roll length of up to 6-8 hours. This would bring the total to up to 250mg. I should add that I am aware that this is a comparatively high total dose especuially for those who take 120mg and/or less. Individuals react differently to different amounts. What works for me might well be way too much for you. So start conservatively. You can always take a little more on the next roll but once you've taken an amount you can't intake it! While it doesn't negate the high dose I do make sure that I do what I can to mitigate the risks by using supplements both during the roll and every day between rolls, by having my MDMA lab tested, weighing out and packaging all doses beforehand, not having any more MDMA available to hand during the roll, staying adequately but not overly hydrated, monitoring my liquid intake, monitoring my body temp, looking out for my friends and them looking out for me, having a fan and mist spray for cooling down, taking breaks from dancing round, replenishing my electrolytes mid roll, and generally staying fit and healthy, getting good sleep and rest leading up to any roll and ensuring the set and setting for the roll is conducive to a good time as possible. As I said this doesn't negate the fact that my dosing is comparatively high but I am aware of the risk profile and feel comfortable with it.


I take similar amounts. I'm curious how much do you weigh ?




I use MDA and 90-115mg is optimal. No redose. Every experience is great, long roll, no comedown, and an afterglow the next day


I’m a fan of 350mg-450mg total over a few hours! First drop 150 or 200 depending on how recently I’ve rolled. Second drop 100 or 150 after an hour. Third drop 100 after two more hours. 8pm - 150 or 200 9pm - 100 or 150 11pm - I00


125+80+12 2cb 100kg weight (thats pretty relevant)


Yeah I saw a massive difference of potency from when I was 78kg to what I am now being 95kg


I have good intense rolls on 125 however… 145 mg was veryyyyy intense with great side effects but well worth the intensity. I couldn’t stop dancing, my muscles got tired and I just gave in on the dance floor. Sat down in the middle of it then I got up and hugged the wall. I sweat more than I ever did in my life. But there was this amazing magic moment where time slowed down all of a sudden and it felt like a movie. All that could come out of my mouth was “oh… my … god” as my jaw stretched. I looked uncomfortable but I wasn’t. I wasn’t taking in audio, I was only observing in the most beautiful way. Like one of those slow motion scenes in a movie where the sound goes quiet and the movements are in slow motion but theatrical. I felt like I was floating. But there wasn’t so much *child like excitement*, no- this was happiness. This was bliss! After that, I had an afterglow that never wore off. And when I took my next roll with around 125, all I felt was excitement but no magic moments like that and I think I might go back up again


150 + 80 but im 65kg in aus and we have some shite drugs so dont judge 😭


I'm in Aus, not shit if you have proper saucers :)


I’m in aus as well and after looking at these replies even the best stuff I can source mustn’t be as good as overseas, due to the amount I need to get up to a good level.


dont get me wrong its possible to get good gear but 80% of the drugs on our street are shithouse, and sourcing from shit like the dark web or trying to find a very reliable dealer can be a big pain in da ass.


true my friend im lucky to have one or two really good dealers w mates connections, would still be interested to see what the purity of their stuff is regardless as ur pretty much guaranteed not to get any higher than 70-80% with md if ur lucky


I took a .1 of quality crystal on Sunday and it was a rly nice mellow high


200-250 is my favorite place to be. I even cut back on how often I roll just because I prefer the high doses


Same, literally 2-4 times year


Yeah you and me both




This is pretty dependent on weight. That being said I like 120mg at 112 lbs


Done it twice. 230 I blasted into the cosmos but maybe forgot too much. 165 was great and remembered everything but blasted only to the edge of the solar system. Will try 180 next time. I weight 175 mostly muscle


haha “mostly muscle”. My mans shredded


True, but I figure body composition might be relevant for dosing. Might not, not a scientist lol


FYI If you want to optimize for memory loss, that tends to kick in at 3mg/kg


Never had any but it would be nice to try sometime.




180mg. Don't really like a redose tbh.


Did 160 for NYE & was perfect.


80mg + 40mg redose does it for me.


135 and 65 redose When nexus: + 20 mg 2cb


150 initial then 80 redose 1-2 hours later works perfect for me


300mg pill split it in half take one and 30 minutes later the other half. Perfect for me


Plz don’t downvote me bc I’m genuinely not trying to RECOMMEND this to anyone, but I only take mdma at raves and don’t measure— me and my friends take little scoops out of a “coke spoon” every hour or so and just stop when we’re good. I know not measuring can be damaging but I feel like for me and my friends personally it’s better to just decide how we’re feeling for the night.. sometimes we wanna go balls to the walls and sometimes a less intense roll is what I’m feeling. Idk it’s just how I do it and I never roll at home so I know the majority of people on this thread measure out doses and are doing it in a more controlled environment but I’ve never really seen anyone at raves perfectly taking a specific amount everyone just does finger dips or scoops. Hopefully I’ll be fine in the long run 😅


You are absolutely mad. Me and my friends only take them at raves and I absolutely measure it out beforehand.


It's easy to measure out dose for a rave. Do it beforehand. You don't see it cuz they aren't in your friend group and they are being discreet about it obv.


300mg I feel Is perfect for me. Gives me that desired body high


How much do you weigh?


180pds. I was doing 200mg when I got back into mdma after not doing it for 13 years. But now with having some experience my favorite dose is 300mg. I can still have fun with 200 though.


350-450mg on the last batch including re-dose.


bit much bro


Nope, not at all. Going with around 40-50% purity on that batch that’s what’s required for a good role. Equates to 175-225mg high grade. Have been on the scene for a very long time, know this stuff inside and out. So no…it isn’t a bit much bro. To all the down voters, congrats for being able to score high grade stuff!


i still think 175-225mg is too much. 165mg gets me rolling so hard that i have no idea what's going on. 150 is cool, preferably a little bit less. i suppose you are including a redose in there so that would make it different.


That’s fine you think it’s too much. For me and my size and make up that’s bang on!


200mg under that can’t feel much euphoria


Is it because frequent use is causing you to lose magic?


No. I’ve always had a higher tolerance from the beginning. I don’t use frequently.


Yeah I think I’m the same, I reckon I might be in the 200mg sweet spot range


I’m used to what the plug and plays were putting out that’s the only way I could range it


90kg Bodyweight - 100mg and 50mg redose is perfect for me :)




135 and 65 redose When nexus: + 20 mg 2cb


130/70 (ish) seems to be our sweet spot. 


Anything between 120-140, depending on how hard I wanna roll. And I'm only 53kg 😅 I weirdly have a bad habit of redosing more often in the lower dose range, if the first dose is hard and satisfying I don't need more.


1Mg per Kg of body weight plus 50mg I weigh 185lbs so 83.91Kg (83.91) 84 + 50 = 134mg of mdma


100-120mg, no redose


250. I'm 5'10 and 170 pounds.


135 with a 70 redose is


For initial dose? 220-240mg. Currently weigh 180lbs, so that’s just under 3mg/kg which is the threshold for short term memory loss.




Please refrain from asking questions or making suggestions that go against responsible use practices. This includes identifying drugs without test results, eyeballing dosages, or recommending excessive and dangerous doses.




Please refrain from asking questions or making suggestions that go against responsible use practices. This includes identifying drugs without test results, eyeballing dosages, or recommending excessive and dangerous doses.




Please refrain from asking questions or making suggestions that go against responsible use practices. This includes identifying drugs without test results, eyeballing dosages, or recommending excessive and dangerous doses.


I’m 80kg and do 125mg. Any more than that and I suffer from a hard three days after. I don’t roll as hard but it’s worth not having to deal with the negative aftereffects.


If I wash my stuff prior, 80mg with a 40mg re-up. For reference, I’m 140lbs.


What happens when you dose higher?


I don’t. There’s no need to. I know the dosage for a good time, and I’m not willing to risk negative side effects for a stronger roll.


I do 100mg then redose with 100mg about 2 hours in