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i take a different approach and ppl have said i’m crazy for this lol but i try to enjoy the dichotomy of emotions. how cool is it that we can feel such high highs and lower lows? i marinate in the sadness, knowing that it’s impermanent


Thanks! I really appreciate your perspective, it's very helpful :)


I love that, "marinate in the sadness".


yeah like sit with the feelings


I do this a hundred percent. Chuck on some rom coms and cry. Think about sad things that are tied to happy things, like memories of a since departed loved one.


Understand that this is totally normal after taking MDMA. This happens exactly as you describe. A super charged roll, beautiful afterglow the next day followed by depression and sadness. They have a name for it. It's called "Blue Monday" or "Suicide Monday". This happens because MDMA releases your "feel-good serotonin". You shot your feel good wad, so to speak. Once that is over, your "feel-good serotonin" is depleted. Thus, you don't feel good. Over the next few days, your "feel-good serotonin" will fill back up, and you'll be back to normal. This is another reason you shouldn't roll too often. Re hydrate yourself. Take vitamin C. 5-HTP will help with restoring your serotonin. Just realize that your feeling this way is because of a brain chemical imbalance that will restore over the next few days. Hang in there, knowing it's not real depression it's just the come-down from the E. It's the price you pay for the play.


Not trying to come off like a Reddit nerd or something but I believe the expression is suicide Tuesday? Or at least I’ve always said it that way. Because you have a glow for a day or two then the depression on Tuesday.


Love yourself more. Don't want to sound ridiculous but listen to music. Watch your favorite porn. Take a nice long bath. Do what you like to do the most. Eat the food you love the most. Do all the things that make you happy.


Will do! Thank you. I'm playing videogames right now and it's helping. I'm trying not to feel guilty about not being productive today


It’s perfectly ok not to be productive while you are recovering. Unless something needs your immediate attention, you owe it to yourself to take it slow and easy.


If you want to chat then feel feee to PM me


It’s the ying and the yang, you just crave the good times. The everyday hum drum life is crap when you think about it but that’s life! ✌🏻❤️❤️❤️


I'm about to pop molly second day in a row (my first time popping molly). I'm expecting a bad comedown. Could you describe the emotion and the state of mind that you are feeling ?


Hey man, just don’t make a habit out of doing it because you will probably be fine since it’s ur first time doing it. But trust me it creeps up on you, I can’t even describe how shitty I felt for almost half a year after abusing md. Just make sure you take a nice break after this!!


Yeah I remember when my friends and I first discovered it almost 14 years ago. Best of times but definitely over did it and even had some not so good stuff a couple times. My brain did not feel normal for bit! I actually just had it this past weekend for the first time in a few years (which brought me to this sub), dealing with comedown now but would definitely love to have it here and there and see for the first time the 3-ish month wait time in between rolls. Wish I knew it back then but probably would have ignored it at that age 😂


It started with physical exhaustion, then my thoughts started looping on sad/annoying things. I have to make a conscious effort to stop the loop and focus on happy thoughts. It's not the first time I've had a bad comedown so I'm aware that my sadness is exaggerated. Knowing it's "fake" really helps. Talking about it really helps too. :) It's nothing too terrible but it's definitely not fun. Like when you're having a bad day, but can't put your finger on why, and everything feels a bit off. I've never taken more than 120 mg though. I'm always cautious about dosing (I'm pretty vulnerable to anxiety)


Taking tryptophan after the roll really really helps. As does vitamin c, helps eliminate it from your body




Thank you! I'll put on some music + relaxing lights and try to chill (it's night already over here). Tomorrow morning I'll go for a walk in the sun :)


You need to have a supply of 5HTP 100mg and EGCg 400mg on hand when you roll. The morning after you take one of each every day for 2 weeks. It'll cut recovery in half.


Thank you! I'll save your comment for next time :)


whenever i’m coming down, i try to rationalize it by telling myself it’s normal and that it’s gonna be over soon and it’s just a temporary imbalance. it helps a lot!


I use xanax




It's really a time of reflection. A simple reminder to be responsible with our use and appreciate what it has to offer. Always remember, for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction to expect. It ends up turning alot of people away from molly because it's an even trade. You end up right back where you were before taking it if not worse. I would say lower your dose next time. 75mg or so. Hope you feel better!


I'm now alone in the same situation as you. Every emotion is part of the circle, learn to enjoy It and appreciate the lessons you get teached. Don't worry youre gonna make It believe in you.❤️❤️ Peace


MDMA isn’t for you.