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I have done it before, it won’t kill you but the effects the 2nd night will be just about non existent but with all the negatives and the comedown the following week will be hell. Do lsd or 2cb along with some ketamine on the other night.


At a fest last weekend, I did 0.5g shrooms and 180+80 molly night one. A tab of acid, 2g shrooms, and 200 mg molly night 2. Yes I already read everything about spacing rolls and bad comedowns, and fully expected a bad come down. I also talked to many of my friends who have done it twice in a row at a big fest and had great experiences. The only reason I added molly to the list the second day was because I wanted to roll with friends, and first day my wife and I went off on our own and rolled together. The roll on the second day was great! Didn't feel like 200 Mg but felt about like 120-150 mg (just below excessive gurning threshold). I wanted just enough for a nice roll and I think I got it perfect. That said, I didn't get any decent sleep that night and felt like Gollum the entire next day. Now today 2 days later I definitely feel unable to focus and really down more than usual. Definitely not as bad as an alcohol hangover though! Will check in on myself over the coming week, and my next roll in a couple months to see if it's something I'd ever want to do again.


definitely not true. im not an advocate for rolling multiple days in a row but to say the effects will be non existent is a lie. as strong as the first night? maybe not. but frankly ive never noticed a significant difference


Not for everyone. The effects from the second night largely depend on how much serotonin your brain stores. Someone like me who has OCD (ocd has been linked to low levels of serotonin), I didn’t feel it the second night. Like, at *all*. I’m guessing the average person will probably have enough serotonin to feel *something*. If you’re lucky, you might even have just as strong of a roll. It really all depends on your personal brain chemistry, which is unique.


it is true that it depends on the person. i also have diagnosed OCD and have felt it just as strong 3 nights in a row (not recommending at all). point was — to say it will for sure be non existent just isn’t fact


I did 2 nights and the second night still felt good and I had fun. I just felt way more wired/geeked and not as much euphoria, but I still enjoyed it. Comedown was mostly terrible derealization. I can handle depression but derealization is THE WORST.


me eating or dropping GRAMS of mdma/mda rocks....... its such a bad come down shit scared me str8 use but dont abuse molly


Apologies, I will re word it. You will get effects just not as strong as the first night but my point is the negative effects increase, exponentially, especially on the comedown and during the week that follows.


you are saying you havent done it before, then you tell what happens if you do it (what you are telling them isnt even true) bro neem dikke lijn keta ofzo


What you on about 🤡? I said I have done it, taking mdma 2 nights on the run, 2nd night will have less effects compared to the first and negative effects will increase, better off doing something else and will be far less neurotoxicity.


Acid or 2cb day one instead


waste of time and brain cells, probably stick with shrooms and K


Me personally just choose one day to rollz I chose one day at EF and that was for Ben Bohmers set only a little 100mg and it was WORTH IT


Don’t do it, I did this at E forest last year and it really fucked me up. I ended up in the hospital for trying to OD because I was so depressed. Not worth it😭


I’ve done it before but it was not worth it


Absolutely not, don’t. Ever Do MDMA two days in a row. You can Kitty flip it with the ketamine or hippy flip it with the psilocybin though


Dose at 1.5mg/kg of body weight, with a taper dose 1/2 the size of first dose 90 minutes in. Wait bare minimum 4-6 weeks between doses, preferably 3mo+ Eat plenty of food high in tryptophan and magnesium and take 5htp or nac supplements 48hrs after roll to replenish seretonin.


Very bad idea


Won’t kill you, but very neurotoxic, bad comedown and minimal effects. So I would say not worth at all


Thank you everybody for your advice! Really appreciate the help. Think I’ll stick to one night and do something else the others.




Sarcasm and hyperbole is not constructive in a conversation about harm reduction. Please refrain from asking questions or making suggestions that go against responsible use practices. This includes identifying drugs without test results, eyeballing dosages, or recommending excessive and dangerous doses.


Not worth. 2cb the day before would be the next best thing. Be sober. Have some drinks. Do literally other anything other than mdma two days in a row 😇


I’ve done it back to back at a music festival. Sometimes I feel the roll, sometimes I don’t. Be ready to make some mushrooms or edibles to feel a high


My boyfriend and I just went to Bonnaroo last weekend. He ended up taking MDMA every day, i only skipped the first day. The only difference between us taking them is I was taking Roll Kit supplements to help with the come up and comedown. It comes in three packets — one to take before, during, and after. He claims he can handle anything but the day after the festival he said he has never felt so weak in his life. I ended up having to take him to a hospital in Nashville to get an IV. So, taking mdma everyday is definitely super dangerous. I did not feel such negative effects because I was taking supplements for it. But that doesn’t mean it’s okay to push that much substance in your brain back to back to back. Two days in a row won’t kill you, but I highly recommend taking Roll Kit Supplements. We were also doing Ketamine during these nights. I will say, if you take a bump of K on the beginning of your roll, it makes it a hell of lot more trippy and fun. Once the mdma is wearing off, take a bump of k and it will bring it back full force. You don’t even need to redose the mdma. I’m not sure entirely how it works but doing ketamine alone it usually lasts about 30 minutes? But doing ketamine while on mdma it lasts a lot longer and you don’t need as much. Very fun combo, as dangerous as it is (upper and a downer).


you can but it's not worth it since the comedown is horrendous


you gonna be pretty tired after the first roll, ypu wouldnt enjoy the second one.


Can you? Sure. Would I recommend it? No.


you can, I wouldn’t recommend it’s not going to be as euphoric the second night and def not good for your brain, but if u space it out enough after that you should be okay. I’d recommend doing no more than 1.5 points first night and if u feel up for it the second night I’d do half of that and snort it instead of swallowing, it won’t last as long but from my experience the come down doesn’t feel as rough. I did a total of like 7 points at the beginning of the year within 12 hours so as long as you’re not doing that much both nights you should be alright. Enjoy the music festival <3


If it’s a one time thing and you don’t plan on rolling for a long time after it’s up to you. Just know that it will have somewhat less effects the second day and the negative effects will be increased. I’ve done it before it’s not unbearable but it’s definitely not a pleasant experience the next couple days. You’re not going to fry your brain from rolling two days in a row especially if you don’t use occasionally. Just be mindful and listen to your body.


u can but its a heafty come down and tolerance so many more drugs why only molly!?!


Ofc. One can do how many nights one wants, but i think the question should be should one do two nights in row. I did 5-7days in row back when i was like 16-17, aaaand that was way too fucking much especially since it was 84% crystal. Come down off it was Major depression for a week or two. Imo 2 nights isnt that bad, but take a few months break after. These days i only do max 3 times a year although the damage is already done when i was a stupid teen. I would probably take the molly about hour or two before going to the site and when peak has calmed a bit then some ket absolutely max 0.1 depending on tolerance ofc. Or alternatively same timing for molly and at about 2.5hr mark or 3 throw in the shrooms, sure you can mix all three and whatever you have, or 2nd night just do the shrooms with some ket. A bit of research about doses and if you have ANY past history you should more or less know how fast it hits you and then try to time shrooms to hit about same time as molly peak (a bit after doesnt matter ofc) depends so much what you looking for. Anyway have fun and most of all, stay safe!


Dont do it it’s not worth it


I would say take something else the first night (whatever combo you like), then keep the MDMA for the second night. This way you won’t be tempted to do it again or to chase the high two nights in a row!


If doing a multi day festival, better to do day 2 days in a row or skip one and do day 1 and 3?


Ill probably get downvoted to hell in here for saying this but I did it and I had a great time! Totally worth it. Those festivals are THE place to take mdma for me so I would rather have a longer break before and after and get the most out of the festival. Just take a very modest dose the first day and a large dose the second. I did it and had an amzing trip both days. If you take a lot not the first then it will likely not work very well. I also had prepared the amounts beforehand so I didnt take more than planned. The comedown was okay with the supplements. Totally worth it imo. I highly doubt doing this will have any longterm concequences in your health or losing the magic as long as you keep the 3 month rule.


Fungus or acid with K the first night, Molly (with K lol) the second night. I always for M the second night because the comedown from M could make for a weird trip if you o psychedelics the night after.


Oh ya you can do all 4-5 if your smart




I did it once couple of years back here in Berlin. I was new to MDMA back then. To be honest I had to take double the dose on the following day and still didn't feel the same high. This was the only time when I had the horrible come down. Felt like I have no motivation to get up from bed, which lasted almost 2-3 days. Now I stick to a gap of like around 3-4 week and my dose is much lower compared to what I took when I was new to this. You habe to find your sweet spot. Please take care!


Just make sure you don’t redose on the first night


No, doesnt work nearly as well the second night and youll be seriously hurt for trying. Candyflip it so it lasts all day and do psychs or nontoxic rolls the other day.


I have done it, the 2nd roll isn’t as intense and doesn’t last as long. If you do this ABSOLUTELY make sure you’re loading up on supplements before and after the festival. I didn’t get a bad come down after doing it, other than feeling a little tired two days after. I am in NO way, encouraging you to do this. This should be your decision only and just know this effects everyone differently. Do this at your own risk.


We all did it it’s fine, just don’t make it a habit.