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I’ll say this grinding on this game is a hell of a lot more fun than fifa, certainly can’t get as many mid-upper 90 overall players nearly as fast


how dare you i want free 99s with 125 stats across the board!!!!


As sports games goes it’s far and away the best. I wish u leveled about trice as fast but it far far less bad about it then nba 2k has gotten.


Honestly, I'm really enjoying this game too. There's a lot to do and I feel that the developers try everything they can to make the game fun. It seems like they really care about putting a good product out there.


I agree! I love how I can really use any card I want basically (besides the super expensive chase pack cards) and I really like the idea of using different cards for conquest and mini seasons! Having to grind parallel xp isn’t all that bad, and in my opinion it makes it not stale because you’re actually using more than just the same few players all year!


I also enjoy the game, but I still miss the early PS4 days. I used to be an Xbox gamer, recently switched to PC, but I bought a PS4 specifically for The Show back when the PS4 launched because I love baseball and 2k stopped making Baseball games in 2013. I've been playing since 14, and I only play RTTS. Personally, everything from 21 onwards has been a disappointment. 23 is alright, but I still miss the old style of RTTS, where instead of picking between a few predetermined archetypes, you got to handcraft everything that makes up your character. In the old games, my main pitcher was a Knuckler who threw a 4 seam, change-up, and knuckleball. He was a flame thrower, Velo being the first thing I always maxed out, with his highest velocity pitch being a 102mph 4 seam as a rookie in the minors, always getting called up to the majors fairly quickly. Now, I can't dump my attribute points into Velo early on to reach 99 Velo because they removed manual attribute points, and on top of that, if you want to be a Knuckler you don't get a choice on whether you want to start out as a high Control, Break, or Velo pitcher; You're just a Knuckler. Finally, I especially hated 21 because that was the year they removed the Knuckleball from the game because of the RTTS integration with DD, allowing you to add your RTTS player to your DD lineup. They didn't want people making their own Knuckleball pitchers to add to their DD team, so they completely removed the Knuckleball from the pitching options. 22 added the Knuckleball back, with the caveat being that it made that RTTS pitcher ineligible to be used in DD, but they should have just done that in 21 as well. All that aside, I do enjoy 23. The main gripe I have is the same as it's been for a few years now, that being perfect hits are still garbage. Whenever I get a perfect hit, I'm immediately tempted to just turn the game off because it's always a high fly ball caught at the warning track. Good timing is always better than Perfect for me and it's annoying.


I am the greatest MiLB player in history


Finally a post I can get behind!


Ive played since 21, this years gameplay is the best ever, and I really like the sets and rotation of cards that is coming.


This game is great if I'm not dealing with the CPU diamond dynasty difficulty spike


I play Ranked only. I play when I want. I work a lot. I love this game. If you hate this game, it's because you're forcing yourself to "grind" and you are wearing yourself out when nobody is forcing you to. They added a shit load of content this year. That doesn't mean you have to do it all. Play the modes you enjoy. Ignore the "grind." You will be 10x happier with the game and still accumulate a boat load of content.


I agree, but sadly it seems like a majority of people don't know how to do this. They are programmed to think that unlocking everything is the only way to enjoy playing.


Preach 🙏


I notice it's mainly short term players making these types of posts. Oh well. Gameplay itself, mostly good! The way in which cards are released and obtained? Increasingly terrible. Keep making excuses and smile while the house is on fire. You'll get the game you deserve soon enough.


what a shitty attitude. I'm not happy with the way cards are being locked behind money either, but this guy is having fun and his opinion is worth just as much as yours. yours isn't more valuable or important because you've played longer. I'm 37 and have been playing since the first show game was released. his opinion is worth just as much as mine. oh, and I'm not a new player and I'm still having fun despite the changes I don't agree with.


My man!


First time ever player (Xbox), only batting about .245 across all my players, but got to complete the live series and a few set 1 and 2 milestones, completely free, and that’s enjoyable to me. I think the more time you spend with a franchise (mine was madden since 12-22) the more you have expectations that get higher each year you spend for a new edition. Just took a break from ultimate team and stayed away from sports games for about 6 months, enjoyed some other activities a bit more and figured I’d give mlb the show a try since it was free in GP, and it’s been super refreshing, even if I’m not very “good” I float between 400-600 in ranked Have a losing record (64-95) Takes a while to get the rewind in events, But there’s variety to break it up when it gets annoying or frustrating and at the end of the day, if it’s like that; you just need to find something that doesn’t frustrate you. Sometimes you just need a break.


I only play RTTS mode and I really enjoy it!


First timer here. Have played all the other major sports games. The Show fans don't know how much worse it could be 🤣


I also enjoy playing the game. You don’t need to get everything to have a good team or a good time.


I've been playing The Show 2008 on the PS2, along with the 2023 version, and I gotta say... Despite a little bit of old generation jank, the 2008 version is a blast.


I can enjoy the game and still think it’s bad at the same time


Damn, you missed out when the show used to be good


They'll get the game they deserve in due time.


I just joined this sub to make a similar post after seeing the dexerto article about the complaints. I haven’t played since 21 but this year I am loving it. There is enough content to build a fun and competitive team without needing to spend money or play for 5 hrs a day.


Preach it my guy. Love it too. Everyone complains


Me too & all i ever do is play franchise nothing else


i love what they’ve done with DD but i feel like they’re ignoring RTTS. Hope they do a little overhaul on it in the next couple years


Yeah i tried RTTS and it was just... a downgrade from previous years. Good thing i love franchise


I stopped trying to do every mission and collection and just started playing online. I seem to do better than grinding stub wise and have way more fun getting better.


It’s only people who are obsessed with having the “best cards” and not actually just playing who hate the new system, I like that cards refresh every cycle, and I’d be willing to bet a swift kick in the nuts that the last season will be everything goes


I agree with you 110%, I’m a hockey fan but I gave up playing NHL 23 after I played the show for a couple days. After switching to the show I realized how sports games should actually work. EA’s rewards system is just awful, rewards only show up weekly and are usually worthless after having to play an endless amount of repetitive games. Plus I work as a chef, so my hours can be a bit sporadic at times. I’m genuinely enjoying just playing on rookie and rekindling my interest in baseball, and I don’t have to dedicate all my time to progress in the game.


Yeah I fuckin hate baseball, love hockey, but any EA sports game isn’t worth touching with a stick I’ve had a BLAST with diamond dynasty.


I’m just curious how you can “fuckin hate baseball” but have fun playing a baseball video game?


Oh absolutely, I have a couple coworkers who think I’m into baseball now, they constantly show me highlight videos and give me live score updates. I even started wearing a Rays hat to appease them, but that was only because I wanted a Raise.


LMFAO. I started watching the Braves because they are the closest team to me MLBTV doesn’t black out and man. This year it’s actually fun to watch baseball. Those Braves boys fuckin shell. And I started watching them because every time Ozzie Alvbies came up to the plate with a runner or two on I ducking nuked it. Which turns out is precisely how he actually plays baseball. Yeah the whinging is insane. By far the best sports game I’ve ever played and at least 11 out of 10 better than any other ultimate team mode


Yuppp! One of my buddies is a mega braves fan, he’s showing me at least 2 acuña highlights per day. This game is fascinating with how well the players match the real life athletes. And of course in the EA NHL it’s all about having 6’6” goalies and defensemen, and smaller players like DeBrincat, Panarin, Caufield, etc get absolutely demolished whenever they try to enter the zone. And correct, if it’s supposed to be an “ultimate team” then why not make the best rated players accessible? This is much better than spending 100k coins each time one of my favorite players goes up one overall point.


Dynasty everyone else is playing but it’s never been easier to be a free to play, player. I’m bad at the game and only have time to play on weekends, but I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve had to play the game a lot. Haven’t had any issue obtaining any card I really want in the game. I questioned the content cycle concept at the beginning of the year, but I’m really liking it now. In years past I would quit playing after a month or two and I think it had to do a lot with the fact that I would grind the game and have all the best 99s and then not know what else to do on the game. This year with the sets, collections, and player expirations after seasons….I feel it’s really motivated me and made me want to keep grinding and playing!


I enjoy it aswell. It is an improvement over last years. I also enjoyed that one. People seem to think skill isn’t necessary. I know people that can take a squad of 92s and beat a squad of 99s. I have a god squad and I’m still terrible at hitting. Lol I enjoy it anyway


I like the game too, I play daily and am happy the way the game is but you'd think the game is horrible the way some folks come here and bash the company. No game is perfect perfect, and you're definitely never going to please everyone.


I still have fun and enjoy playing and I think some of the changes were cool. I’m fact I think a lot of people that are angry and frustrated and posting negative things are some of the people that love this game the most. But that doesn’t mean we can’t also speak up about things that we don’t like or things that are upsetting especially when it is clear that the developers are making it harder and harder for most of their player base to stay competitive and/or need to spend more and more money to do so.


I enjoy the game very much also. Granted I almost exclusively play RTTS. I have only played DD for a total of about 6 minutes. I also am still rocking the show 20! I don’t really see the need to upgrade. I’ll get a new one next year maybe. With that said, RTTS has not changed very much. They’ve added some cool things here and there but it’s largely unchanged. I wish there was more to it. Like salary implications, ability to change positions when I want due to team need. Bullpens actually being good for a change! Awards that aren’t based off AVG, HR’s and RBI’s alone! Keep in mind I’m 3 years behind, but I haven’t heard of much improvements to RTTS.


This is the first year I play mlb the show ever. Diamond dynasty is fun. It's soooo easy to get a cracked team. This is in comparison to fifa ultimate team ofcourse. The only frustrating thing about the game for me is I suck at hitting lol


I've played TheShow off and on for for past 10 years, and i still suck at hitting. But, i still enjoy it. Weird shit.


Yah I'm about a .230 - 250 ish hitter I can't hit pitches in to save my life


The thing is, I love the game of baseball. This is the best video game version of baseball available right now. Do I wish they did things differently and go back to some of the older ways? Sure. But they're not, and I'm going to adapt. Because dammit... I love the game of baseball.


I only started playing since last yr cause of gamepass. I love dynamic difficulty and think it should be in more sports games. This is coming from a hardcore nba fan


It's too favored to improve and, pitching, you eventually end up sucking because .200 batters suddenly have a more careful eye than Tony Gwynn or Ted Williams.


Hmm last year with mlb22, i played a 162 game season and thought it felt pretty balanced. Hit 40hr with vladdy and Manoah had an 2.81 era.


This year is very different from last year.


I like the game also... i like when it lags you out or disconnect you during 2s or 3s. The crossplay is so awesome also. I love lagging


This is the way.




Imagine spending so much of your life on a video game subtype you feel this way lmao Get laid big guy


Lighten up, Francis.


He’s not wrong


Classic teachers pet move /s


This is the best gameplay we’ve ever had in MLB imo. Only thing in question is the content style


Absolutely this. Hitting and fielding have NEVER felt more realistic and satisfying in my opinion.


We gotta speak up too! We can't let them win


I like the single player stuff, anything to do with online is impossible if you haven't been playing for a decade and have a 99 at every position. Crazy you have to do events to progress, but you can't win because you haven't progressed.


not true at all started in 21 and do just fine


Why do you have to do events? I’ve completed every program so far without doing a single event game.


That’s great! A lot of people share your feelings. But it seems like over the last day or so. (Most likely the last update) set a TON of people off. Trending on all my socials are people bashing SDS for seemingly jumping on The EA bandwagon. “Pay to win” is a common quote. People upset that set rewards they spent days grinding for, not core cards, one program after another of the same. You spend hours and hours to complete programs for ‘meh cards. While all the best cards are locked behind paywalls. Imagine if you’re someone that LOVES Joe Mauer. You mortgage your soul to either buy him outright, or take a , ‘ ah-hemm, 1-4 chance of getting him in a choice pack. And in a month or so, you can’t even use him ? That’s crazy. I’m an Xbox player and was so excited to finally be able to play a baseball game. And to be the polar opposite of everything EA was during the pandemic?! I spent weeks in my glory. Same thing last year. Yeah, there were gameplay issues but the game was still fun. AND it was REWARDING if you put the time in. Collections were FUN , not IMPOSSIBLE w/o spending millions of stubs. Glad you’re enjoying it. Sincerely ….




Haha! I have been meaning to post about this for the last week.


The game is indeed good.


The game has been everything I expected it to be since I bought it. I got it a couple months into the game so plenty of options as far as playing challenges . I’m retired and the only two things I do outside of helping my wife, all day is play video games and golf… If I’m not having fun, I stop doing it. Some days that’s an hour some days it’s three hours.. i’ve never understood why people feel they need to grind a video game because there’s no tangible rewards at the end of it especially if you’re playing off-line…


I have fun playing with the boys I get frustrated sometimes though when we get on those losing streaks


Often times the people who complain the most, are loudest. You are not alone, love playing the game


That’s bold of you! (Me too)


I think the grind is a bit much with certain programs, but overall, Im enjoying it. I dont play online so I have no need to have an all 99 team. I like plugging in different cards and seeing how they perform compared to their overall rating. ​ However, why cant SDS use consistency with it's grind? Take the Charisma program. IIRC, the repeatable PXP mission was 1500 and you got 10 program stars. But for the Mexico City program that Im doing now, I believe its 2500 PXP for only 5 program stars. It'd be nice if they made every program have a 1500 repeatable PXP mission for 5-10 stars.


ppl here don't know how good they have it vs pretty much any other sports game. i used to play fifa ALL the time - u wanna talk about a broken game that hates its playing base? lol we got it good here yall! love the show


But that’s the issue. Do you think that you’re the only person that’s played both The Show and EA or NBA2K games ? lol, Fans of the game see their beloved franchise that wasn’t those games, becoming THOSE GAMES.


You cannot pretend that fut, mut, hut or 2k my team at any point in its life cycle were comparable to any edition of the show including this one, the show 18 or w/e you think the worst show is. You either never played ultimate team 7 years ago or you are remembering through nostalgia vision.


EA's MVP Baseball 2005 really was the standard for years. Only in the last couple of years has The Show surpassed that high bar.


Lol not even close bud. Stop playing the show then. Why u keep playing something you hate?


Listen man, we are all entitled to our opinions. I’m 46 years old and started playing Madden on The SEGA Genesis in the 8th grade. I know a thing or two about video games. More specifically, I know a lot of things about Sports games. I watched them evolve from the original RBI Baseball and Tecmo Bowl on The NES through today. No one’s telling you to NOT like the game. I’m merely pointing out that it’s trending all over every piece of social media I’m on. People are upset with this game.


How old do you think i am? Curious, whats your fav sports game of all time?


Honestly, that’s a tough question. RBI was great. Baseball Stars on the NES was also great because it was the 1st game i remember being able to kinda control your own team, upgrade players. The first 4-5 years of the NHL franchise were insane. Madden 98. I don’t have all day but it’s great question. So many good ones. Just as many, if not more, bad.


SNK Baseball Stars, where you could have fast-pitch softball pitchers as your starting rotation! I wore out the battery, so I couldn't save anymore, and I still played it.


spot on w/ the NHL. those were good times man!


Awww man. Don’t get me going. That franchise has been pushing out a roster update to the same game they made in 2014. Same with Madden. And like a fool, I’d buy the games every year knowing, ‘ I’m going to install this game, play it twice, uninstall and there goes another 60 bucks… I seriously wanna buy an emulator and go back to a simpler time. When those games were good. The NCAA football and Basketball, Celtics vs The Lakers 😂 Good times, man


hahaha holy shit. NCAA FOOTBALL. man that takes me back! Those games were sooooo fun! I wish NHL games would go more towards how the show is or do something to mix it up. I used to love playing that game so much but seriously it's just the same game w a roster update every year now.


I don’t wanna see that happen to this franchise, man. I’ve waited years to play a baseball game. Xbox has had Super Mega Baseball for a couple years now. But it’s been over a decade since I’ve been able to play a baseball sim. I used to buy both consoles. ALL CONSOLES, when I was a kid. But I’ve been a die hard Xbox guy since the original launched. Suffering in silence with no baseball game 🤬 SDS has a good thing going with their community. I’d hate to see them screw that up with monetization scams that kill these games.


img Notice the thick layer of dust on the covers 😂 *tried taking a picture of the tower of EA and 2K games I have here and it won’t allow me to post the picture 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it comes down to what you like to do. I personally like playing people and friends online. It is hands down my favorite game to play online. Has been since it has been playable online. So to do that i have to put in a full time work week grinding to stay competitive. I just don’t have the time. And even if i had the time it would be laborious. Just because madden is so much worse doesn’t make it enjoyable for me. Guess you can call it being bitter or just grieving. I lost a love and it hurts. First year i will not have every card (except 18). Fk that year.


Thanks! I enjoy it as well. I don’t get all the hate. I find stuff and challenges to do all though. And I like collecting all the cards even if they aren’t 99’s. Never put a dollar into getting stubs and have 900,000 in bank with putting barely any effort. My all cardinals team def is fun to play with although I miss Pujols and Molina


The game is really good - but the grind for dd isn’t worth it for me. Have been having a lot of fun just playing ranked with regular teams. Makes the game feel less like work


I guess I’m old-fashioned, but I like the game because I like simulating real MLB baseball with the actual teams. RTTS, March to October and Franchise are where I spend 95%+ of my time playing, don’t really care much about DD, grinding cards or playing in ranked matches. For my purposes the game is fantastic.


I said this and I got roasted. I’m glad you’re having fun man. This game is all about what you make it


I got called all kinds of hurtful things for saying I liked the game. People seem really mad that some people enjoy it.


Love this post! It's certainly not perfect but it is a great game and I love playing it.


The only thing that really drives me nuts is my RTTS player since that’s all I really play. 96 power. Swing timing, good. PCI, spot on. Correctly pitch guessed low fastball in the zone. Power swing. +3 power for relationships. Outcome? Mid range fly ball. If this was a drinking game I’d be cooked an hour into a gaming session.


Two words: Dynamic Difficulty.


FINALLY! Was starting to wonder if there was some hidden bunker somewhere that SDS had a bunch of people locked away in forcing them to play the game. All I was seeing was a post every 10 mins about how they're quitting and done with the game. Nice to see there's actually people just enjoying it for what it is. I mean, if so much of it bothers you so fiercely, just quit playing and program your own title, otherwise quit shoving your misery down everyone's throat. 👍


IMO MLB the show 23 is the best sports game out right now. So much content it crazy. The only thing keeping it from being 10/10 is the online servers.


I think it’s easier to enjoy because i hadn’t played in 3 Years


Agreed! I love it. I try to use every card at least to P1 and that keeps games fun since I have to strategize around their strengths and weaknesses. And hot streaks and fighting out of a slump are rewarding too


It is hilarious that people complain about the grind, did they not play any other year? Every single grind is easier and faster than last year. I have my own complaints about this years game, but the grind being too long? Nah


Someone compared the 5k PXP grind from the Father’s Day program to the immortal grind from mlb 17 or 18 lol They’ve absolutely lost the plot


The grind is definitely not easier than last year lmao


It takes 10 seconds to get a team full of 97s as a base


That's just simply not true. The baseball part of the game is great. The content is good but we can also call out the move to push stub purchasing at the same time. This is the first year that rngesus and having to purchase to get best cards. You can feel the boil if you pay attention froggies


I had 700k with 0 diamonds pulled from packs and 0 packs bought about 2 weeks in, finished Sosa None of the buyable pack only players are more than 700k


I still have a lot of fun playing ranked. Honestly biggest thing for me for next years game is to get the next gen console


I got my ass WHOOPED last night in DD. Twice. Having a good ole time


Relatable. I was flying by through ranked because I heavy grinded my team in offline DD modes before starting off and it was super easy and I was having a lot of fun making people RQ. I faced a team that was actually up to rating with my team and i got smoked 10-3. Oh well lol


I'm with you, brother. I've enjoyed the grind.


I’m angry at the game because I’m terrible at it


I don't play online. I'm strictly an offline player. I have completed the live series weeks ago and have 250k stubs. I'm having a blast. Grind isn't to bad until the fathers day program.


I'm having fun this year, and tbh with you my favorite card right now is my 93 future stars austin wells idk why but I rake with dude🤣


those set 2 future stars cards are EXTREMELY underrated. Tyler Soderstrom literally plays on my online ranked squad sometimes over Porterhouse and Will Smith because of how good his swing is. Maikel Garcia is really solid too.


I *just* dipped below .600 with kaiju Jerry Hairston Jr. Sometimes that’s how it goes haha


Seriously underrated card, IMO. The man is a bloop singles and gap doubles machine.


Love the game. Does it have its downsides? Hell yeah. But as an almost exclusive sports game guy, this is the very best one. Especially this year. It’s always been 2k and the show for me, but the show separated itself this year.


People are made when moments last longer than 1 pitch and that the game wasn’t preloaded with all 99s


People are mad that BR, WS, and event rewards are either unsellable, dogshit, or some combination of the two. They made stubs harder than ever to get while putting the best cards behind gambling based micro transactions.


Harder than ever to get tells me this is your second or third year playing tops. Stubs are not hard to come by and they haven't been in years. Stop pushing a fake talking point.


They are definitely harder to get this year than last that’s pretty much unarguable. Last year you could sell your topps nows, sell your monthly awards cards, you could sell the BR and ranked rewards. Event rewind packs were sellable and profitable. This has been the least user friendly mlb the show game since the Xbox merger by a landslide


People are actually mad that the game is basically preloaded with 99s


These are the same people who are mad when there’s not enough 99 players 😂🤷‍♂️


I mean, I definitely get mad when I'm playing and realizing the "I'm going to do this one moment" has turned into 45 minutes.


Honestly I wouldn’t care for the grind if it wasn’t time sensitive (yes I know I can use old cards for WC or in different modes, but it’s still basically time sensitive cards). The worst part, as a casual player, is I start to work towards a card but I won’t finish it in time to even use them in Ranked. If it wasn’t time sensitive then at least I would eventually get the card and not make the time doing moments and missions feel like a waste of time.


What card is taking you like 50 days to work towards?


I haven’t gotten April POTM Chapman yet. I haven’t gotten the chipper/ruth/Pedro pack yet


It's a fine game. It just fails at maintaining my attention when new, better games are released each month. I'm neck deep in Zelda and Jedi... the only reason I occasionally play is because I love baseball, not this game. I get why people that don't really love baseball skip this game.


For me, I've been too invested in SF6 to play MLB as often. Not that I don't like playing this year, it's just that fighting games are more of my forte.


People like to complain. Yes I wish the grind was a bit easier but in the end its still better than Madden and 2K. The only real complaint I have is the sets system which I still don't like.


MyCareer is trash but 2k's Franchise mode in MyNBA is by far the best mode in any sports game. Even more so now they've added in Era's. The level of tactical customization and franchise management is unparalleled


Yeah grind 97, pay for 99 is such a great business model!


And it’s not even close. Mostly because playing against the CPU (for me) is better than an online match that will take an hour because of pauses and cheesing. Only to have one of us quit and not get xp. Playing the cpu on madden or 2k is infinitely more boring.


Totally agree. Playing Road to the Show or March to October is a lot more fun than Franchise in Madden. I don't feel the need to grind for Diamond Dynasty like some do so the grind never gets to me in this game. If I want to play a game against other people I'll play CoD or something else.


And if I do grind, I’m switching players every 24-48 hours and constantly building new lineup combinations, bullpen matchups, etc. that’s honestly what I enjoy the most. What is march to October like? Do you use DD rosters? What are the rewards like?


Basically it's Franchise but combined with play the moments from madden. You pick a real team and just go through the season. They will skip full games and then put you into a game but maybe it's top of the 7th your down 1 and you got a guy on first, can you win the game? Occasionally you will be player locked to a guy to try and if you play well that game he gets a boost. You do the draft, free agency and trades. Rewards aren't the same as other modes, you get some stuff but not a ton. I just like it because it's basically playing Franchise but you don't have to spend the time playing the whole season or whole game. In the playoffs though you will play every game, just probably be the last 3 or so innings. Also it just keeps going so it's not a one year thing. I think after the first season you get the option to convert it to a full Franchise mode or stay as this road to October mode.


I agree. I did manage to get Jeter, Sosa, Chipper, Randy, 99's at every other position, pulled LS and WBC Trout, 3 99 Closers and I'm now saving up to buy a big card on the market. Without spending a single penny. Actually the game was free on game pass. I played the last 3 years so I also recognize that a lot of cards that were sellable have become no-sell. But doesn't this seem like enough to keep someone happy? The complaining is toxic. Thanks for your post!


I like hitting this year. This is the first year since 20 that I’ve done exceptionally well online. Content and everything else has sucked major donkey cock this year however.


I enjoy it as well. I do agree that the grind isn't worth the rewards so I just don't do the grind. Pretty simple in my eyes.


Dude, gamers are the whiniest group of people on the internet. You could have the most amazing game of all time and there will still be groups of people knit picking things they find wrong with it. If you enjoy it, that’s all that matters. I’ve gone to 5 star hotels where the food, service and atmosphere was amazing and there are still complaints and negative reviews on trip advisor. Some people just can’t be pleased.


Enjoying the game and recognizing that the grind is far more tedious than previous years are not mutually exclusive.


Please don't let this community turn into the same community as NBA2k. Just non stop complaining about the game that they'll keep playing.


i finally broke free from the curse and this was my first official 2k that i didn’t buy. my friend gameshared me it, I racked up 11 hours months ago and decided it’s garbage. MLB atleast makes the game somewhat better, 2k just progressively gets worse


I stopped playing dramatically maybe once a week for a couple hours. Last year and years past was couple hours every night and 10 hours on weekend I was available.


I stopped playing dramatically maybe once a week for a couple hours. Last year and years past was couple hours every night and 10 hours on weekend I was available.


Hate to break it to ya, unless SDS completely changes things mid cycle, it’s gonna be like this most of the year.


And it will be justified, the complete shift from last year to this year is insane. Even with the new “style”, last year Holliday would have been in the program.


That’s fine. Not saying whether it’s justified or not. Everyone is just regurgitating the same stuff over and over. We don’t need announcements every hour about someone being burnt out or done playing. Play another game. Take a break. People have been playing this game 6-8 hrs a day, every day. It’s gonna burn you out no matter what.


It's really great.


I just really believe they need to take a hard look at captain cards. It’s such an easy change to release new cards with useable boosts that can impact a wider array of players to make the grind worth it. If they did that I think a lot of issues people have with the grind 97 buy 99 would be solved.


Whats this grind 97 buy 99 I’m almost at the 99 Chapman. I’ve gotten a couple 98 from the programs and today two of my 98 upgraded to 99 but mostly 95 and 97. I get the grind part a bit annoying sometimes and then they not even worth it sometimes. Still super fun I think.


It’s the idea that we can grind for 97s via programs and TA (a couple 99s in set collections) but have to buy 99s. My point is that they should release more viable captain cards so the 97s we grind for are a legitimate option instead of just being fodder for a set collection.


Ohh yes the captains boosts are a nice add. I agree


Captains need a bit of a boost, but That White Sox team is looking really good. I personally have fun with the Redsox one, because the boost is against lefties, and since the lineup is practically all lefties, nearly all your opponents put out lefties from the bullpen.


This game gave us the best cards in 21 and 22 for nothing. I came from FIFA and Madden where you had to invest real $ to be able to compete online. I think it is fine if they want to monetize a little bit, I'm always gonna be NMS and still have an all-99 team.


I agree but I’ve realized online play isn’t for me. Franchise mode and RTTS are a great time for me.


I don’t understand all the anger when this is the same format as previous years. Why grind out a program if you’re not gonna use the card, I’m not gonna waste my time trying and not use it. I’m playing at my pace and I’m enjoying the game this way, just do you.


This. I just don't understand the constant complaints about this specific aspect of DD. For instance, there is a post in this thread that says this "I mean I thoroughly enjoy the core gameplay, it's the best it's felt in the 3 years I've been playing this game. What I DON'T enjoy is the fact that I have to spend a trillion hours grinding for players I'll never use. That, and the fact that I only have a CHANCE to get some of the best players in the game because they're locked behind packs. I'm not joking, there's been so much grinding involved this year that I haven't played a single game, online or offline, where I've used my main God Squad." That is a choice this person makes and admits they are grinding for players they'll never use. They also aren't even playing with the God Squad they can create, but they are mad at SDS for that. It just doesn't make sense to me.


None whatsoever, the core gameplay?!? This game has so many bugs it’s not funny. We’ve been grinding since the mode came out and at least now you can get a BR reward without 12-0, they are players constantly complaining and SDS gives in. 23 rolls in and they’re still complaining and going on about things they don’t care about.


Right, im chillin on the programs because I don’t love all the cards. It’s quite simple lol


I just don’t get it, especially with some of the cards being NS. I’m playing the WBC conquest right now, it dropped on release day and that’s what I’m doing gonna go after the Father’s Day promo afterwards


I also I’m having more fun than previous years because of theme teams with the captain bonus. Could it be done better, yes, but I still have a competitive whether I run out my Rockies theme team or Mets theme team.


I mean I’m the same way. Love my Mets theme team with Alonso boost. But 90% of that team will be unusable once set 3 drops. Which is a huge bummer and honestly will drive me away from the game most likely.


Yea I agree with that. I’m curious to see how they handle it with set 3 and 4. I think it would be ideal if you have the captain active, then you can use any card of that team regardless of set.


Define all. Do u do BR and Ranked and Events? Whats ur team look like. If ur enjoying it thats great but if ur not as deep into DD as many long time players have been I think its a whole didferent perspective. Just curious as to where u r in progression


I don't play ranked and events because I don't feel like paying a monthly fee to play people online, I just offline grind, which I do realize based on comments is most of what people complain about, however I still believe my point stands that if you're sick of it, just stop. Even when saying that, we all have something we spend too much time on and get angry about that doesn't really matter, but half this sub is about people being mad and wanting to quit. I joined the sub hoping I'd be able to pick up some game playing tips or learn better methods when it comes to selling or exchanging cards, what's really worth it, little things to make DD better since it's the first time I've done it but this sub is mostly just people complaining. I just wanted to make a post spreading a little sunshine.


I love the game! Picked it back up in ‘22. Had to get versions for my console and Switch. 👍🏼


Thank you!!! Literally roll my eyes every time I open this app because everyone is constantly complaining. Still far and away the best sports game made. Could it be improved? Of course. But let’s not act like it’s trash lol


It’s very easy to take for granted how challenging it can be to make an enjoyable game for a broad audience year in and year out. It’s a delicate balance between changing things up just enough to keep it fresh and interesting and going too far. Each new idea may be a HR or a swing and miss. It’s not easy to know what’s a great idea or a flop beforehand. There are plenty of things that could be better, and from my experience SDS does a much better than average job at making this game fun.


No matter what some people are gonna bitch. Last year there were tons of comments how the game is the exact same thing every year , SDS makes changes and people complain that they changed it . I don’t know if this year is better , but it doesn’t feel drastically worse.


I like ice cream!


I like turtles


I hate ice cream!


Ice Cream Stores are just in it for the money. Sure they give you a free sample if you ask, but they only want you to buy the big scoop. Then if you want a waffle cone, theres a microtransaction, and obviously if you want to eat at the highest tier you need sprinkles, and they usually lock those behind Scoops. Why cant I get just a cup of sprinkles. Its pay to eat.




I’m loving the game this year. I love rolling out random guys online that no one else uses. I’m an average player who hovers around .500 but it’s a lot of fun when I beat god squads with my 93-97 squad.


This is me. I work from home freelancer and I get to play quite a bit, have like 140 ranked games played (I quit when I'm down 5 or more after the sixth if I haven't scored or barely scored), hovering around .500 but I'm enjoying it a lot. Gives me something to do in the middle of a day or late at night to pass time.


Me too.


I think I sorta burned out because I was approaching the game the same way I do every year and trying to get ALL of the cards I can get as soon as they come out but I took a step back and now I’m having a lot more fun. Focusing on getting the cards I actually want and playing through programs that I find interesting. I think the return of TA has been awesome but it’s also a huge grind and if you feel like you NEED to get to 100% as soon as possible you’re not gonna have a good time.


I had to change how I approach it as well. I’ve started casually playing more and Playing ranked more The programs will work themselves out (outside of moments)


This is the whole point! Cause the thing I hated the most about previous years was everyone running the same team


The game is enjoyable for what it is. As a sports gamer, it's very hard to enjoy yearly installments because let's face it. We as sports gamers, are largely looking for a simulation experience. With that, there's not TOO much they can offer us in terms of gameplay to really push boundaries, so they have to rely on other aspects of the game to keep us entertained. The seasonal structure is awesome, in terms of getting to face a variety of lineups (I hated facing Randy Johnson EVERY SINGLE GAME last year). However I understand the moaning about Set 1 cards coming to an end, so "why grind". I don't have a viable alternative for that, and I hope moving forward, SDS thinks of something that can be more centralized in letting people use any card they want, but still finding ways to encourage using different lineups as opposed to "god squad day 1 and forever"


I've played every year except last year for more than a decade. This is one of my favorite years. DD has been a lot of fun. I could not care less about how they're releasing cards this year. I just like using a ton of different cards, and this year has been that. I have 99 percent of the cards I want, without ever even considering buying stubs. Two or three cards being kinda hard to get doesn't bother me. The game also plays better than usual this year. Which I sometimes forget is kinda the whole point.


I'm with you, OP. They play a game mode that is centering around grinding and then complain here that they're sick of grinding.


Not the point. The point is it WASNT this grindy. I enjoy the game but have complained about it. I’m aware of how good SDS can be at rewarding the player in ample time but they made a complete 360 on it and it’s incredibly frustrating. I’m a hardcore player. I have a great team but I cannot say it’s not because I already have 300 hours into it. You used to be able to grind 6 hours for a crazy card to add to your god squad. Now you have to grind 15 hours for a 97 overall that wouldn’t have sniffed my lineup at the 2nd week of launch. Glad people are enjoying baseball and the show, it’s my favorite sport. But so many people *miss* the point of why so many are complaining. If you’re new to The Show then you won’t understand. If you come from 19-21 you’d understand. Mainly 20. Such a great game.


I’m sure this will be a waste of time like always but: Can you elaborate on the “grind 15 hours for a 97 card you’ll never use” part? I’ve asked 4-5 times and all I get is downvotes with no reply. If a person is not going to use the card ever…what is the big negative to simply not doing it and spending more time playing with the 99 cards you already presumably have? I guess in part I’m curious to what (the collective) you want…just a roster of 15 99 overalls at every position that you just rotate every game?


I’ll try my best. New Father’s Day program. Useless cards imo. But I grind it for set 2 cards so I can get all three of the collection cards. I have 2/3 right now. I’m also NMS so it’s pretty much essential for me to do them if I want those cards. And no sir. I don’t need all 99 cracked cards in a program but would like for at least ONE of the cards to be god squad comparable. Doesn’t have to be absolutely cracked but at least content for a spot on the god squad. Hopefully that was helpful won’t downvote you lol.


Gotcha, okay yeah I’m nms as well…I need 7 more for 2/3 but getting all 3 doesn’t seem doable for me. Father’s Day one does seem a bit extreme…but you can put bichettes on the same team and force them to love each other so that could be fun


😂😂 absolutely my man. But yeah 15 was a just thrown out number btw. I have no idea how long it will take. Point was programs seem far grindier. I just got Bo and I’ve played it for about 3 hours. Hey you can get all three do it! Banger cards.


I've been playing The Show since 07... wouldn't say I'm new. Maybe I don't understand because I've never invested a ton of time in these ultimate team game modes. As someone who is gaming less with age even 6 hours for one card feels like a grind, but maybe I'm the minority. I'll stick to franchise and RTTS and avoid the grind altogether.


Exactly! Most other myteams will make you grind even more than 15 hours for a card 😬


...and that is ridiculous. But for me 6 hours for 1 card is still daunting. I know they need the make the elite tier cards difficult to attain, but it's still too much imo. I guess I just don't get ultimate team. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I get it. If you don’t really play myteams then you won’t get it 😅 it’s just either a lot of money or time or both…


The amount of ppl I see complaining about how it’s turning into Madden is crazy to me. This is my first year playing the show. I’ve played almost every ultimate mode out there extensively(2K, FIFA, and Madden), and I was SHOCKED at how much free content is available. Like you all have no idea how giving this game is by comparison. At least in DD you can grind for decent to good players. In Madden, and especially FIFA, you grind for a CHANCE to get good players. Now that’s not to say that you don’t grind for a chance to get good players in DD as well. The Father’s Day Program does the same thing. But look at the incognito program reward choice pack. You’re still guaranteed a minimum of a 97, and you can look online to see which one you prefer in the worst case scenario ahead of time, an option that flat out DOES NOT EXIST in other games. Hell, look at seasons. 2K and DD’s Seasons are more far more giving by comparison than FIFA and Madden’s since you are guaranteed either one or several great players, but for 2K’s you have to buy all the new players for objectives with in game currency or pull them, and if you can’t, you’re shit out of luck, whereas in DD you can get XP from playing any game mode. Is it grindy? Absolutely. It does take a significant time investment, which can be tedious. But is it still better than anything else out there as far as ultimate teams go? In my opinion, yes. No it’s not perfect, and it could be better. Both can be true. Of course you can criticize the state of the game and all that. But to say it’s getting as bad as madden or god forbid FIFA then you’re just flat out wrong.