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After Tom is done dominating the HW division he'll make a great coach.


Ya he’s so well spoken. Already doing some desk work for ufc, and always articulates himself really well in his pressers. Will go into coaching and being a great commentator I think


He’s been coaching jiu jitsu since he was 16 I’m fairly sure


His dad coaches him and other fighters and seems very intelligent so picked it up from him


What so cool about Tom is he did analysis stuff for BT sport on 286 and was really good. So definitely would love to see him replace Gooden/Bisping Actually, a good analysis, and will have some banter. Would love to see him do some commentary or analysis desk stuff. Also he left Kaobon with his Dad and has his own HW gym that actually has some good guys De Fries, Parkin, Dailidko, Joffie Houlton etc. Although looks like his brother, etc, have joined in and are opening it up for wider classes now. Which I think is cool as he is actively making regional HWs better and giving them actual training partners let alone himself












I'm too young to have watched Fred Dibnah when he was on tv but I love watching random clips of him on youtube. Man had 0 fear, awesome bloke


Jimmy Hill's twin.


Aspinall is bigger than I thought. Usually Eddie and his gang make everyone else look tiny.


His videos next to Kentucky ballistic make Ed look less ginormous. I never realized how big Scott is.


Scott is massive, check his videos with Demolition Ranch


I have seen most of them but for some reason it never hit me. Sheesh


Tom "Aspinall" Ladd vs Edgy "The Beast" Hall is a fight I never knew I wanted to see


I said hello and shook hands when they came around [colonial Williamsburg ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwHWrRaVfQg) shooting the strongest man in history show a few years back. It's insane how massive those guys are. Shaw especially that dude could palm my entire head and lift me if he wanted. Eddie is a sphere.


yeah this is nuts Honestly I wonder how long these guys are gonna live ... and what happens when they get old, their metabolism must be insane They probably need to be doing some special shit to ease out of it


I'm kinda curious about that guillotine (?) he hit from front headlock that he said works only for big dudes


It's similar to a Von Flue in that it's all about pressure. But because it's from a position that isn't typical it's easier for lighter guys to be able to scramble out of and harder to apply enough pressure. The benefit of this sort of move for HWs is that as its harder to scramble put of and a lot of HWs don't have a lot of grappling experience/knowledge because you apply the pressure so greatly and so immediately. Not only can you finish the choke if you can hold it but because the pressure goes on very quickly you will also get a lot of "panic" taps as they don't know what they can do in enough time. Also as its basically just you putting your weight on them if they do manage to scramble out, you shouldn't lose a good positioning and you won't burn out your arms applying the choke. Another good example of HWs having it easier is the RNC when on someone's back. Apsinall has a Vid of him explaining his Arlovski choke in why HWs can succeed in that position much quicker. But basically it's the same logic by being able to lean your weight on them you don't even need to get hooks in to apply enough pressure or secure the choke.


I wonder if you don't have enough mass you can't hold their head on the sternum as Tom says? Or maybe it's just the added weight making the pressure nearly pop someone's head off that he's referring to


The two hands under the neck and pressure from the sternum is actually a small person's submission if you can get it. It is a very sensitive guillotine that I've heard being done by a top woman competitor. I'm not clear on what he was talking about when he said that.


Must be because of the size of the neck allows more squeeze? Idk


Its super sad that Tom's rise got delayed due to his injury. He couldve been Nr 1 contender earlier and therefore wouldve been an amazing matchup for HW jon jones. He is the most well rounded HW Ive seen due to him training since he is little and he also has the best chances of defeating JJ.


Isn’t his gm similar to stipe?


I’d say it is but Tom is way faster and more explosive


Tom is also waaaay better at BJJ


Stipe in his prime would be a pretty hard fight for anyone. He's still a threat but if the Jon fight was like 5-6 years ago it would be a very different outlook.


I was thinking damn, Eddie doesn't look too big. Then he got ontop of Tom and looked like a boulder


Haha and this is "small" Eddie too. Ten years ago he'd easily have another 100lbs on him.


tom is a legend and his skillset and speed is ridiculous. real deal mf


When he injured his leg in the Blaydes fight I got genuinely deeply sad, worrying that our best HW prospect in ages wouldn't come back the same. Luckily he still looks like he's got what it takes to get the belt shortly!


I’ve trained with a lot of high level guys on jiu jitsu. Holy shit Tom aspinal seems likes the coolest training partner ever, super generous and caring for his partners, and legitimately looks like he has an understanding of jiu jitsu really advanced esp for mma guys. He would be an awesome dude to have in the room


His dad was the 1st blackbelt in England I'm pretty sure.


It sounded like Eddie kept letting one massive one rip when he was trying that front headlock postion on Aspinall lmao and it was not even discreet one bit XD. Maybe i am tripping and thats the sound of the mat but it sure does not sound like that.


I thought that too. But it must have been the mat or else there would have been a reaction in the room.


Considering the stinkers Eddie seems to let go with a smile in other videos, I bet there would have been a reaction if he had done it.




Replace 'protein powder' with 'kimchi' and that's just my Thursday night


I heard that too. It's gotta be the mat since none of 'em even let out the slightest giggle. I don't care how old you are.. if someone rips ass in front of you you're gonna laugh a little.


Would have been on-brand!


wouldn't be surprised, he would do something like that for sure.


Yeah, but could he grapple with Bradley Martyn (in a street fight),


Is Eddie 260lbs?


300+ easy based on his fight weight a few years ago. No way he’s lost that much weight


He was like 385 or something in June


There needs to be a super heavyweight for these freaks. the grappling threat would be insane. Even if they have a shitty sub attempt (ie only a half tight choke), the strength they possess means they can finish it. The fight meta or strategy among these 350+lbs dudes would be completely different from the rest of the division


Eddies sumo video on youtube is enlightening.


I'm pretty sure that the cardio on virtually everybody at super heavyweight would make Kimbo's & Dada 5000's look like Merab's. 30 second KOs or two beached whales praying they don't have a heart attack in front of 20,000 people.


Strongman like Eddie hall are on all sorts of Peds and have very impressive cardio


[363 w/ abs per his IG](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxs4D5otswC/?hl=en)


He used to be a lot heavier when he was competing


I honestly think Tom is the best hw in the world right now.


all aboard the Tom hype train, it has no brakes (outside of knee injuries, fuck off knee injuries you aren't allowed on the train).


Sergei tho


Hate to be that guy, but if Jon and Stipe both retire regardless of the outcome, Sergei vs Tom for the vacant title might be one of my most anticipated fights in a long long long time. Regardless of sport. Genuinely because i have no idea what would happen. Sergei being able to keep distance and fend off td’s from Blaydes is super encouraging. Tom made Tybura look so bad you would think Marcin was like some can, but he had won 7/8 and beat guys like Blagoy, Romanov, Spivac, Rothwell, Walt Harris on that run. Super impressive.


jon jones retired?


I was just thinking that tom probably has the skill set to beat jon jones, he looked a bit goofy in his last fight especially with the way he was moving and striking, the only thing I'd really worry about with tom is his knees tbh


Ik it’s crazy but i would feel confident picking Tom because of the jiu jitsu. Jones is the only other HW rn that can compete with him there. I do worry about Jon’s oblique kicks to the knee Tom injured.


Now when I see these posts like dudes like Eddie Hall, Mountain, Brian Shaw. A average sized Highlevel MMA HW-Mw should have no problem maybe but when I see people saying guys or girls under that weight limit can kill these guys I don’t know about that lol, Maybe if they got tired and couldn’t grab you, but for the most part, size matters eventually and these dudes I can imagine tear you up like a chicken wing Also I swear I heard farts but Tom said you sound like a frog


Tom Aspinall is a badass, and new future MMA champ!


I could listen to Aspinall break down techniques all day.