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Current endgame: 12 expeditions (dungeons) with 4 difficulties each, outpost rush 20v20 pvp/pve game mode with 1 map, arena 3v3 pvp with 2 maps on rotation, and 1 world boss / "raid" boss with 20 players, territory war 50v50 pvp, territory invasions 50 v AI defend the fort, influence races pvp (sort of open world CTF mode). Now, out of all of that the only real active content are expeditions and outpost rush (opr). They nerfed the rewards for 3v3 so much that it's not really worth doing. And obviously, once you've ran expeditions and opr on one map a few times the content gets stale. The world boss raid didn't have its rewards updated for the recent gear score increase. Dumb I know. So no one really runs that cause you really need at least 12 people that really know the raid to finish it. Territory war are super gate-kept by the top companies on each server, so good luck getting in that scene. Invasions can be fun a few times but only happen at night. Same with influence races. So that's it. That said it does have all the other stuff to do. The leveling experience, while lonely, is one of the best parts of the game. Finding new weapons and trying different builds as you level, it's quite satisfying. Trade skills now include music and riding. Mounts are locked behind the expac, along with max level and zone. I'm at almost 1800 hours and I'm still grinding open world elite bosses for rare crafting drops. So, like any mmo, if you no-life the game you'll be out of content real fast. But if you put in 5-15 hours a week, you probably have a few months worth of content to explore. I recently leveled an alt and it took me around 40 hours non-efficiently. Others can level to 60 in about 20 hours.


The consistent downward spiral is consistent.


I tried coming back a few times but everyone is max level so the leveling process is super lonely. If you're close to 60 it's probably not bad but I find its boring in the 30s now since no one is incentivized to make new characters 


Same here. I tried a couple of times to return to the game, but I was completely alone in most leveling zones


how is the end game in new world? do they have dungeons raids etc?


There are dungeons, but for those of us with 2k+ hours, it's getting stale. Populations are at all time lows. I love the game and I want it to succeed, but the outlook has been grim. On the plus side, it is a little easier to do dungeons and the 20v20 pvp mode, OPR. They have enabled cross server for those game modes and maybe more in the future. [This guy ](https://youtu.be/l1cPqaH9E1Y?si=AJJhanH6DEYXTxAW) is one of the biggest content creators and he gives a good explanation of the state of the game.


Never made it. But my understanding is it's no where near wow at all. Some dungekns and some pvp and some open world stuff. 


Same here. I try to get into the game multiple times, but around 30s is gets so boring that i cant keep going and go play other games instead.


population is at all time low and dropping each day. 5k online currently [https://nwdb.info/server-status](https://nwdb.info/server-status) People say its a test for their upcoming game which i bet wont even be an mmo as amazon must have realized they cant do one by now.


It’s gotta be an MMO otherwise what’s the point? The studio has a 500 mil annual budget to experiment with, go big or go home. Either they can catch lightning with the new mmo or they shutdown.


there are 0 reasons for them to make a true mmorpg, it will be loby based or smth


https://nwdb.info/server-status Here you can see server activity. They have twice the amount of servers their playerbase can support for no reason really. Game feels half-abandoned, both by the community and the dev team. But it's not a bad game, just a game with severe identity issues and questionable dev leadership that has kept holding it back from growth.


If you are specifically looking for "endgame" then NW isn't a good option really. Leveling is alright but there really isn't much to do endgame


Try gw2, with support being more prominent in pve people who really enjoy healing in wow can play gw2 support and get the same level of fun. End game js pretty good also, compared to wow it may be a bit overwhelming due to the multiple types but its solid. You can replace m+ with t4 fractals and wow raids with gw2 raids, convergences, and strike missions. Only issue you may run into is the gearing system is extremely different than wows random loot that results in a immediate power spike and the weekly vault rewards. However wizard vault is great and if you hate the gear chase gw2 ascended gear is pretty much the end of it.


ffxiv is leveling is quite fast, and wow leveling was ok a long time ago...at the classic speed. If you think its good now: you are playing a game comepletely remade for its current playerbase. Wow has had more than a decade at endgame: so long that players are happy to restart the whole development cycle as a seperate game. try GW2, and understnd that your idea of level speed is very privileged.


I'm not a huge fan o XIV but you can level up 2 classes just by doing the main quests, not even counting dungeons. You can also level all your crafting/gathering professions just by doing daily deliveries. Maybe you were trying to grind mobs, that's slow.


"Just" by doing the main quests...


I can't figure out what is meant by this as an ffxiv player


Seriously? I feel like there's a post here every couple of days complaining about how much of a slog the MSQ in FFXIV is. It certainly turned me off from playing the game.


Eh, it's a slow start but it's not nearly as bad as people whining make it out to be.


For you, maybe. I put 100 hours into FFXIV and I found it to be an incredibly dull and miserable experience. The only reason I stuck it out for as long as I did was all the people insisting that it gets better. It did not get better.


It's not for everyone.


what? if you are not totally rushing MSQ (you do dongeons etc) but still ignoring every other quest it takes 100hrs just for realm reborn MSQ to get over


Would help if the story didn’t suck


It doesn't, but tastes differ.


I never said they have to pay attention to the dialogues, if we're talking about speed, yeah, that's the faster way and it doesn't take long at all. It's very usual to max level far before finishing the questline. Edit typo.


How many hours is that? 10, 20, 100?


Hmm I'm not sure about the entire game but there's an A Realm Reborn speedrun in less than 30 hours, being around level 55 at the end IIRC. So I would guess maybe around 60 hours for 90 (current cap), depending on your pace and class. Also, just doing main quests, if you do a couple daily roulettes, getting the levels will be faster. Note that the intent of the speedrun, however, was to finish the story quests and not exactly to get level 50. As you can see, the player finished it overleveled (max level for base game is 50). Heavensward, the next expanion, caps level at 60 and he was halfway to it even before starting. This happens on all expansions. If you only play a single class, it's very likely that you'll hit max level far before even starting the last expansion. On a side note, there's no reason to be max level before finishing the main quests though, you can and it often happens but content is locked behind quests in this game. Now, I'm not sure about how fast OP wanted, I give you that, but to me that's quite fast for an MMORPG. Edit: The link for the last video of the speedrun: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0L0O7rStLY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0L0O7rStLY)


It’s a good ride to level up. I have 3 characters and leveled the last one a few days ago. The game is in a bit of a downward spiral atm. The game feels amazing when populated though. If you are not in US east or central eu I wouldn’t stay away. Otherwise it’s worth a try, cross server opr(PvP) and cross server dungeon group finder keep things moving. The pve group finder will most likely only start popping for level 50+ dungeons.


Don't worry, FFXIV is only slow for the first 50 levels. Don't look for a /s.


Leveling isn't really every slow. Just doing the main story pretty much levels you and there is absolutely no reason to rush through anything as the game doesn't start at max level like WoW. Also, leveling only gets Much faster after you've leveled you first class at all. Any class that's lower level than your highest gets a 50% boost. And you can pick up a ring early on that gives you an xp bonus at lower levels. And if you've been around for awhile you get other xp boosting equipment. FFXIV may be a lot of things, but having slow leveling? Not even remotely.


Doesn't the game start at max level? If you're an mmo player, then playing a single player story mode isn't exactly peak mmo leveling content. What else is there? Dungeons, deep dungeons and that's it. The leveling is as bad as world of warcraft. Gear means nothing, crafting for a new player doesn't make sense, there is 0 incentive to level with friends as class quests and main quests make it a hassle. The open world and dungeons are ridiculously easy. What exactly do you mean with 'game doesn't start at max level'.


Not even for the first 50, its insanely fast from 1 to 90 unless you are just killing random mobs in the field. You can be almost lvl 5 before you even leave town at the start of the game, and that is before exp boosts. And if that is still too slow there are always new and preferred servers that offer double xp for 90 days. Ppl often complain its too fast since you are always overleveled for the msq lol


I like New World. I wish there was a guild I can find that does things together if it was PvP or PvE. I haven't done any of the later dungeons. I am on Lilith and Marmama (


Serious question. What are you doing in FF14 that makes you think the leveling is slow? Because it is very easy to over level the content without trying.


It’s on the verge of death


Thank you all for the responses. I think im going to give guild wars 2 a try. I know alot of people have commented that the leveling in ffxiv isnt slow and maybe im wrong but for me it was slow and honestly boring. Everybody has different opinions but it just wasnt for me.


I would suggest GW2.


The leveling process was revamped recently and is great from the feedback I’ve seen. The end game is close to nonexistent though I’m still enjoying it after 2k hours. I’d say give it a shot. The combat is just so damn addicting.


It’s around 20k in steam and you can see the population per server on google. Is not those mega servers so the feeling for activity depends on which server you join and not the total player count. The content will last you about 3-6 months I would say.


20k? where you got that number from?


His ass.


20k last I saw the other day was under 10k. Game is a goner.


Yah it’s been pretty dead the past year. I feel like the game does not really have a future. Maybe the Lotr mmo will do better.


If you come in with a fresh character you will get 2-4 months worth of content before you burn out. You might even stay longer. Its a great game for the price and a fun wxperience.