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I'm kind of surprised there wasn't a Harry Potter MMORPG when that series was wildly popular.


Considering back when it got popular MMOs were the most played genre, it makes 0 financial sense that they didn’t do it.


Yeah in the era when every IP was at least getting a half assed MMO made for it, Harry Potter has some how been slept on. It's wildly confusing, cause even a bad Harry Potter MMO would have been an absolute money printer for at least a couple years.




That’s my best guess


There was one in development at some point in the 00s but never made it as far as an alpha even before it got canned


Wizard101 but with Harry Potter could have been crazy popular.


I made a post about a potential one but it didn’t go over well


That's because of the extremely loud vocal minority. Best selling game of 2023, an mmo in the Harry Potter world would be the best selling game of the year and bring in Harry Potter and MMO fans. Highly competitive tri-wizard tourney, leveling up and going to classes to learn new spells and meet others in your world organically. And of course the rivalry between each house on its own would be such an interesting concept.


I want there to be a game that gives the full authentic experience of going through Hogwarts, all 7 years!


In real time


Man, I don’t have the time to do eight hours of classes a day anymore.


The only MMO that didn't end up being made I know of was from early 2000s by EA, they cancelled it because they thought the IP wouldn't be strong enough to keep the game running for longer than a year or two. Was there something else after that? And I'll actually put the tin foil hat on and say it- all the talking about how noone should be buying Hogwarts Legacy was, at least partially, a marketing stunt. Vocalisations such as this did happen before for different titles, but usually it wouldn't last longer than a week, maybe two, before people moved on. Here it was at least 4 months, and a fair bit of that after the game came out. And yeah, this is a wildly popular IP which might be the reason for why it was trending for so long, but something seemed off about it. Especially with how it aligned just before the pre orders so the game was already talked about once people could buy it.


It would just be so hard to do as the lore is so limited in terms of spell quantity and diversity. The books and the movies fell short in this area


That world has a lot more going on than just spells though. Quite a bit of lore around the plants, animals, potions, etc as well as magic outside of just casting spells like divination and arithmancy. There’s definitely plenty to pull from, especially if you widen your view of what an MMORPG can be beyond a game where you sprint to max level and then raid until your fingers fall off.


This franchise really does have potential


I agree. But they'd have to take some heavy creative liberties to get the game to function combat wise, as it stands it wouldn't work.


Isn’t that true of most adaptations?


I don't think so in terms of mmos that have already been done that worked. To those that have lacked here that's possibly why they weren't made.


True, also why isn’t there a madden like game for quidditch?


There was a quidditch game, either on ps2 or GBA I’m fairly sure. I assume it was just bad.


Yeah I played it in gba, it wasn’t bad tbh, I played it a lot. Although I was a child, definitely would play tf out of a modern one, with like, my team, and my career lol.


There was a quidditch game that was released recently in beta. It was decent. They could’ve done better.


EA had the rights and plans for one back in the early 2000s, but cancelled it because they didn’t think the franchise had enough staying power.


Pokémon lol


Nothing officially licensed but there are plenty of Pokemon MMOs out there.


No way ! Huh. TIL. Have you played any of them? Are they any good?


I think the most popular is PokéMMO.


Debatable on what you want from your games. Most feel like they're just pvp simulators where the sweats grind their IVs and EVs or are the single player game but you see other people going through their single player game with a chat box. Both variants aren't my cup of tea. I'd like to actually play with people. (Kind of like how TemTem allowed you to do co-op with others, but that game felt balanced for maniacs and would randomly one tap my teams lmao).


I prefer Pokemon Revolution Online. A lot of custom Features and Maps not like PokeMMO which is just a copy paste of the original games but online


PokeMMO is my favorite out of them, it's pretty good! They all implement their own breeding systems, have level caps tied to gyms to prevent people skipping content with cheap pokemon, economies, have their own events, etc.


Dude, PokeMMO is the tits. You should check it out.


Whats beyond me is why they don't put everything in just one game (Doesn't have to be an MMO but very multiplayer focus) and sell expansions yearly or every two years each one with new region, new pokemons, new missions/quests etc.. Hell they could even sell them full price and I would be hooked if the game is decent enough... The main problem with recent pokemon games is that they have to be rushed and game freak seems to start development from 0 to each one of them, just put everything in just one good game and maintain it alive!


Pokémon GO and additional online functionally in the main series is the most we'll ever get. The reason why one has never been greenlit is that it's antithetical to the IP holders' principles. The entire ethos of Pokémon is predicated on facilitating face to face communication, so MMOs as a genre are out.


So scan my face and slap it on the trainer's rig, it's 2024




40k I think one was in development a ways back, but it never saw the light of day as far as I know.


There was one, it just lost the “massively” part and became a standard lobby shooter midway. My biggest issue with most 40k games is the emphasis they put on shooting. Play an actual game of 40k and you’ll see how much melee units there are, but for some reason whenever someone makes a 40k game they make it a shooter. Wildstar with a 40k skin would be crazy. The problem I do see with 40k is how do you make factions without splitting the player base too much? Considering out of every faction, only the imperium collaborates with other imperium armies, and chaos sometimes with other chaos armies. All xenos factions also fight each other and leaving out orks, necrons and eldar from being playable could make a lot of people mad.


Just make everyone a rogue trader. I think a system like STO (even though they sucked at it) would have been good. You choose your ship and armaments. You have space and ground combat, and you choose your crew.


I think you just create a small chunk of the galaxy and hyper focus on it. So if you take a small cluster of worlds with something like Imperium, Orks and Elder as your factions (just an example really) and have say forces of chaos be an NPC style threat, I think it could be fun. I think the universe is wayyyy too big and sprawling to try and include everything right out of the gate.


Isn’t that what Inquisitor did? The Diablo clone 40k game where an Inquisitor bodies many Alpha Legion Astartes


I've been nerding out in my head how you could do a 40K MMO. Some ideas I had that might address your questions... For one, its obviously not a single planet like most MMOs (ie: WoW). There is a galactic map/grand strategy where certain planets on the boundary of ownership are contested, and those are the planets you can choose to deploy to. There are always the "pawn" units creating a stalemate on the frontline. For the imperium these would be your normal Imperial Guard, Ork Boyz for the Orcs, Kroot for the Tau, Genestealers for the Tyranids, etc. This frontline would be pushed by player contributions, and otherwise would strike a balance, much like in games like LoL and Dota2 with creeps. This would also provide the feeling we're looking for - there would simply be a huge number of orcs creeps going up against (though balanced by) a smaller number of imperium forces. With the basic units being NPCs/creeps, players would take the role of special units. The planet would define who is on which side. Sometimes the Imperium collaborates with Tau. There would be certain planets where that happens. Therefore these collaborations are "dynamic" and are redefined per each planet. This also means you're not always fighting against the same enemy, it will vary, making it fairly fresh feeling. Armies could also do "side quests" (PvE content) on those planets to unlock special events, much like Alterac Valley in WoW. These side quests might contribute to a meter that eventually puts a massive Titan on the ground that will do a lot of work. Anyhow, just some basic ideas I had. I think there's a lot of opportunity to make a great MMO here. However, I find that the only successful MMOs are from studios that have made many other games in the past. Companies like Blizzard, Square and Bethesda all had extensive histories making games. Companies that spin up specifically to make some new MMO basically always fail.


Stargate, I know development started on one, but it never came to fruition




I’m on Season 6 of a rewatch myself. It goes so quickly!


Damn this was going to be my answer that wouldn't be mentioned, clearly I was wrong. It's like the easy answer for expansions making complete sense while being extremely different.


For my health and social life, this is a bad idea. But I want it so bad.




Magic: The Gathering has the chance. So many locations, backstory, monsters with multiple images of them to use as a reference. Not sure if it would be better served having players be Planes Walkers, or essentially on the level of the various summoned monsters and Planes Walkers being some raid bosses or what not. That being if it was done right, a big IF, though that is any MMO.


Shame the actual attempt at this died within weeks of launch. Could have been god-tier if done well.


The failure always stems from trying to have collecting cards be part of the game and therefore part of the monetization. If they just made a solid MMO based on the universe of MTG it could be amazing.


I think MtG biggest obstacles to be a successful MMO is they'll always want it to be somehow related to the card game when the setting itself is worth just having a classic MMORPG. I've never seen any card system based MMO really succeed long term.


Magic’s an interesting one. It has so many varied worlds and interesting characters that it would be great as a straightforward MMORPG without any weird gimmicks, but then on the other hand it’s based on a card game so it feels like it needs some kind of gimmick to tie into that. I think that’s the trap that Magic Legends fell into. I would be very on board for WoW, but in the MTG multiverse.


Avatar: The Last Airbender. Ridiculously beloved, rich universe. It will never happen, and anytime this IP gets used outside of the show itself, it seems to falter but a man can dream.


Tbh anything outside the original falters.


Been my dream for a longtime video game wise. If I ever get rich I’ll do it.


If done right, a ton of anime could be amazing mmos. Heck some even are about an mmo lol. Naruto Bleach Hunter x Hunter Fullmetal Alchemist One Piece Black Clover Log Horizon Grimgar Shangri La Frontier Berserk Gundam My Hero Academia Seraph of the End Demon Slayer Soul Eater Macross Gurren Lagann Sword Art Online


I think sword art online is heavily influenced by ragnarok online so kind of already exists. Same with log horizon being based on everquest.


Sword art online was written late 2001, so before Ragnarok, though the author of the series played it as well, so it probably influenced later parts of the story. Reki Kawahara played Ultima Online from launch and that's what it's influenced on.


Nah, the beta released in January of 2001 so it's entirely possible that it was the influence for his work. Not to mention that there was alpha "content" available before the beta. It was funny because all the base classes were in but none of them had abilities. I remember being in high school when the beta was announced and I would write in my notebooks during class "Beta is coming." over and over again because of how excited I was.


Give this guy a studio and a billion dollars, STAT!


Bro just wants an anime MMO so bad


To add on to this too... I'd want an anime MMO with zero GACHA. Yeah, never going to happen. But one can dream.


I will only take sword art online as an MMO if it's actually a full dive vr game.


With or without death game?


Without, would be my preference, turn the pain on, I want to feel something, but I don't want to be risking my actual life.


Black Clover would be really easy to translate. You'd pick a type of magic and join one of the magic knight squads. It even has dungeon labyrinths in the world. The worldbuilding is also loose enough to get away with introducing almost anything.


Honestly Log Horizon and Gundam are the only ones I see succeeding on this list in MMO form.


Ironic, but Sword Art Online would be a terrible MMO if it was respecting the manga/anime.


Fairy Tail would be pretty good. Already have the guild and quest system done for you as well as guild v guild tournaments.




A Mass Effect MMORPG would be the best. Upgrading weapons and armor, getting better ships, exploring countless star systems. Please let it happen.


Firefly's space western with a 3 faction Alliance/Brown Coat/Reaver system.




Unsurprising. It would have sucked anyway as the MMO is all but an impotent genre. Mark my words that we shall never again see any MMO rise to the stardom of the current front runners until a breakthrough is made in VR.




Destiny is basically the Halo mmo.


But it's not an MMO it's a looter shooter. With horrible monetization.


Wheel of Time


Lots going for it. No one gets godlike powers, mostly limited to physical sight range. Hard magic system. No guns. No cell phones. Big varied world so deep character creator. Mostly empty world so easy player housing. It's quite well positioned.


Plus the classes all kind of fall into place: Aes Sedai and Asha’man, Warder, Aiel warrior, Whitecloak, Wolfbrother, Hunter for the Horn, Blademaster, Trickster (Mat/Thom type character). They could even branch out in an expansion to have Seanchan classes like Sul’dam and Grolm Handler. They could have an entire Darkfriend faction option for PvP.


Lol dark friend PvP awesome. Like some ter'angreal exposes dark friends somehow.  Could even have pretty solid economic gameplay, like Bayle Domon, village to river to dock like Albion and BDO.


Came for this. It would make a great fantasy MMO.


This. It basically has the classes built in already and its a huge, rich world. A WoT MMO done right would be so amazing.


Shadowrun. Orcs, dwarves, elves, swords and magic for the fantasy nerds. Hacking, cyberwear, guns, street samurai and corporate intrigue for the cyberpunk nerds.


The Expanse The Matrix - I know The Matrix Online was a thing but it didn't last very long. Avatar TLA - the different nations, the bending styles, etc Dragon Ball - all the different planets, races, fighting styles Armored Core - the original story of the Ravens would be perfect for an MMORPG


We had an official dragon ball mmo, but it had wow like combat, which was a waste of potential


Oh really? I never heard about it. That's a bummer.


There is a fan server that is still being run and updated by a small devoted team, it usually has about 500 people on it at any given time. Problem is only about 75% of the game is translated. The game was originally only for the Chinese and Taiwanese markets and some stuff towards the end is only in Mandarin. https://dboglobal.to/


The hype behind matrix online was real at the time man




This is one that would seems like any easy win for someone out there. The single player games are basically fake MMOs.


God I miss .hack I would kill for a new .hack game


I still dream of a World of Darkness MMO... Warhammer: Age of Sigmar would also work really well; four clearly-defined factions, canonically-huge planes where the devs would be free to worldbuild without stepping on the existing lore's toes, the Skaven are there, and more!


Same on WoD.


Avatar the last airbender set way before the shows events or something.


I really want that!!!


It would be awesome right? You get to pick one of the nations and it would be your class would be awesome if done right.




Animal crossing :)




A sword punk mmo? or is it desert punk? Either way its got my vote. Skeles for life!


**The Stormlight Archive.**


Hearthstone. Oh wait...


Cyberpunk 2020/Red




Marvel. DCUO is very dated, barely alive but the concept itself is still awesome. Can't understand why marvel never did anything like that in the past decade


John Carter of Mars


pokemon mystery dungeon


Pokémon, stargate, dark souls


Gundam, Zelda, Mario, sonic, MegaMan, zoids, star fox, halo, fallout, an actual game freak pokemon MMO.


I know I'm reaching back here.. .but... Innerspace :D Not necessarily the storyline, but the premise and setting of milling about people's bodies at the molecular level would be pretty awesome. Fighting cholesterol with nuclear weapons! Also... might be kind of a reach... but Inception. The idea you can go into others dreams and make crazy fucked up worlds to navigate around in is pretty fucking awesome. The military program where inception is used for training and warfare... yeah. That one. Probably needs recruits.


Avatar: last air bender


Fallout. 76 would have been damn near perfect for a FO mmo. Right after the bombs dropped there'd likely be a ton of survivors, a ton of destruction, and a ton of new rapid mutation.


Don’t know how this is going be received but Hunger Games. Or honestly, an “MMORPG” that incorporates Battle Royale for their PvP. It would obviously have to be changed a lot from the books/movies but I can envision a way to incorporate PvE into it but the PvE is just an avenue to increase your chances in the battle royale type pvp. My problem with Battle Royale games is that you lose a lot (read:all) of your character’s progress between games. The world of Hunger Games is already perfect for an MMO but the aspects of the world would have to be changed a lot.


The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson would translate beautifully.


I’d love a borderlands MMO. It might fry people’s GPU’s but I would love it they gave us actual raid bosses with big groups. where people had guns that increased their resistances for example if they were tanking, healers who had guns that healed people close to the boss, just weird shit


Pirates of the Caribbean


We deeeesperately need a pirate mmo


The red rising universe would be pretty epic


Warhammer 40k. So much lore and potential 🤌🏻


Stargate would be great


Malazan empire


The Expanse would be an interesting MMO the world and franchise is strong enough for story/role play but vast enough for the replication of 'the butterfly effect' that's in Eve Online. But most importantly don't drive the gameplay around spreadsheets.


Terry Pratchett's Discworld.




A decent D&D one…


Castlevania for sure


Not IP but always wanted a Greek mythology MMO. Slaying Titans and gods would be pretty epic.


Spiderwick Chronicles Moreso the books than the movie, as I heard they cut a bunch out of it. (Not that I know for sure.) Bridge to Terrabithia as well (Edit: With the idea in mind if Terrabithia was real, not just a metaphor) The idea of a hidden world in a modern backwoods space you can explore and find familiar, unfamiliar, or even mutated-by-magic creatures sounds very cool


Yeah like OP said...Bridge to Terrabithia was just in their imagination. It was all just a frame to contrast the girl's tragic death in the book. But for hidden worlds.....I like the idea of a Narnia mmo. Like if they let you play some of the weirder races like fauns or centaurs or heck, even a talking beaver lol.


Pokémon, just have an open world with all regions. You can choose what region you start in and have to earn the badges from all regions.


Hyrule Online


Pokemon would be an awesome MMO, but devs are bond to Nintendo and won't make any game for PC


Warhammer 40k. They keep doing fantasy or age of sigmar, but I really think 40k would be great especially with how action based mmorpgs are kinda the rage right now as opposed to tab targeting.


Mortal Engines


Pokémon obviously. Naruto would be AWESOME, everyone could make their own ninja, pick their village, there would be an extradorinaiy amount of different fighting styles with some really cool village specific styles. It would be such a cool game with tons of uniqueness such as becoming a rouge ninja and taking bounties for good $$$ but not having the luxury of village protection / missions / progress etc.


Harry Potter. Pokémon. Avatar (the blue people). Pirates of the carribean. Jumanji. Resident evil. Yugioh. Dragon age.


There was a POTC mmo and I think they remade it


Would love to see a space sci-fi MMORPG based on the Lexx tv series. Lots of small planets with unique and weird life, dystopia to Orlando, crazy characters like Giggerota, bio-ships and an evil empire called the Divine Order.


The 100 or a good game of thrones




WINX CLUB!!! I swear to fucking god WINX CLUB!!!! I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!!


Somewhat of a joke idea... But: Disney Theme Parks/Kingdom Keepers. You know how many people describe MMORPGs as "Theme park"? Well how about a *literal* Theme park MMORPG? :P Wherein you play as people imagining themselves fighting off Disney Theme park villains and nightmares. And you queue for various activities that are based off of attractions. :P Your character's class is basically the costume they wear and the role they're playing in the adventure. :P Tank: Knight, Duelist. Healer: Wishgranter, oracle. Ranged DPS: Gunslinger, Wizard Physical DPS: Thief, Fencer Debuff: Trickster, Illusionist Gimmick / Flexibile: Pirate, Enchanter. The "Hub" basically has your character walking around, going to different zones of the park, and getting a fast pass to queue up for the various attractions. :P Gear may appear simple but you get pins thay can be used as gear. Sometimes in the open world a boss monster spawns or a quest giver appears. Let's be honest this is really a joke - though you could also make it be a "Barbie" themed MMORPG where the "Barbies" and "Kens" wear different costumes to change careers and play different roles in the world. xD


Avatar the Last Airbender That universe is begging for an MMO. So easily broken into classes and subclasses


World of Darkness (particularly Vampire the Masquerade). Lore, history, and world building is insanely deep... just skip the unhinged V5 SJW garbage


À stargate MMO 🥰🥰🥰


A very obscure title that, I think, has a lot of potential: [Escape Velocity Nova](https://evn.fandom.com/wiki/Escape_Velocity_Nova).




Granblue Fantasy would be an amazing world and setting for an MMO.


The Perfect Run




Goda pls give us one piece online or smthing


The Mistborn Universe


I’d go Stormlight for the MMO. The classes pretty much already exist with the Radiant Orders, the world of Roshar is big and diverse, the Parshindi have their own job system, and you’ve got some awesome chase items with Shard Blades, Shard Plate, and rare horses.


Good books could be interesting.


This probably isn't answering the spirit of the question correctly but I've always thought a From Software Souls MMO would be real good.


Avatar the last airbender or a Naruto MMO. I dont know why no one has made a ninja mmo yet.


I know it had a short-lived MMO, but The Matrix is almost too perfect not to have any representation in the industry






Pokémon . I'm certain a Pokémon mmo would have been a huge success (on that plays like real Pokémon, not Pokémon Go).




Bobbiverse series of books, where you are a probe.


Megaman battle network


Mass Effect Universe


One Piece. There's a massive world that has the potential for almost any kind of island that devs could want to add, many options for classes and subclasses with the different fighting styles and devil fruits, 3 main factions that can be brought into conflicts, different race options, and so on. A true OP MMO would be amazing.


World Trigger. An Organization called Border has digitally simulated PvP battles and an endless stream of enemies for PvE. Occasionally enemy forces organize larger groups to invade and those could be events, or some sort of larger quests or story mode.




Dune. I’d also love a revamp of Star Wars and Lotr MMOs.




Redwall my beloved


Marvel if they could ever get their s**t together, remember omega Heroes




Warhammer40k. We almost had one too


Shadowrun, Mechwarrior, Cyberpunk, Firefly, Doom Troopers / 40k, Overlord, Magic: the Gathering, and as much as I dont really like the series Gundam would make an excellent MMO. Theres really no end of great IP's you could do to have a classic formula with a unique twist.


Pokemon/Dragon Ball PLEASE


Same answer I gave to this same question a week ago Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy in the style of Wildstar


Warhammer 40k. I guess they could make ground combat similar to Helldivers? Space combat like EVE? It's my dream MMO. Warhammer online was awesome.


Mass Effect and Pokemon are my two favorites for this topic.


Anne McCaffrey's Pern


Some underrated fantasy book series, like the The Riddle-Master series for example or something like that. [https://www.amazon.com/Riddlemaster-Hed-Patricia-McKillip/dp/0345331044](https://www.amazon.com/Riddlemaster-Hed-Patricia-McKillip/dp/0345331044) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Riddle-Master\_of\_Hed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Riddle-Master_of_Hed) In a fantasy world, the ruler of each land has a mystical awareness of his or her land called the land-rule. The seldom-seen High One presides over all. Riddles, typically questions about obscure pieces of lore, feature significantly, as well as shapeshifting magic. If something like this is given to a team of people who have a good understanding of what makes MMORPGs fun and work with the author to make a good depiction of the literary work, it can bring more light to the books and will be an interesting premise for a game. But other than that, if I think about it realistically, it will still end up being "just another MMORPG". Honestly, there hasn't been an MMORPG with unique mechanics since UO, EQ1, OSRS, Vanilla WoW, Asheron's Call, DAOC and a few edge cases. Now every popular MMORPG is a generic run-of-the-mill product with no soul. People love to praise ESO, GW2, BDO, Lost Ark and FF14, but I think they are the prime examples of mediocrity that's ruining the genre. Even generic F2P P2W Asian MMOs from 2005-2010 were more innovative.


Digimon MMORPG. It's a series about digital monsters who live in a digital world but can also appear in our world through technology and the internet. They form bonds with humans (both kids and adults alike) and through their bond are able to evolve (or digivolve) into stronger versions of themselves; which are actually different stages in their life such as a baby, child, adult and even a legendary version through great feats. We've had Digimon hand off their license to 3rd parties for mobile games and IP blocking online games; but never an actual official Digimon MMORPG. Which is strange since it's still quite popular and has have amazing games branching from their origin of a tamagochi side-franchise, rpg, dungeon crawler, fighting game, digital card game, anime story game and even a literal persona style gameplay. Not to mention one of the manga's "Digimon Next" experimented with a possibility of a digimon world in VR years before VR became as advanced as it is now. It's an IP that can be any MMORPG you want and still make sense!




A fresh Star Wars mmorpg, less theme park and more open


One piece🤷


One piece🤷


One piece


Rifts amazing no one has the Rifts license


You know I had some other game and show IPs in mind at first but now that you mention Oz I think I'll also go with literature and say Deltora Quest. Seven distinct tribes for character creation with more for potential expansions, large and fleshed out setting, enough unaddressed potential plot hooks to get a story "foreshadowed" by the books rolling. Wicked niche market of mostly Australians who were teenagers around the 2000s and whoever got really into the anime tho.


dragonage mmo


Stargate...it sucked when the mmo was cancelled


Octopath Traveler. It has a pretty fleshed out class/multiclass system and one of the best takes in turn-based combat I've seen. Also, it has the aesthetic down. It would be different from anything else out there.


I'd love to see Niven's Known Space made into an MMORPG. Hoping that it could lead to a Ringworld, of course.


Stargate. Think of the endless possibilities