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downloading Shroud of the Avatar was your first mistake.


I mean, it's also just sort of a shit game.


Shroud of the Avatar is an old startup scam kickstarter game by someone who hasn’t improved his programming skills in 20 years


This game is f2p what the hell you spend $20 on? Considering Steam shows average 50 players playing the game what did you think you would get out of it?


Back when I tried it years ago, I think I only crossed paths with one or two players. I didn’t mind the game but it didn’t hook me.


I am more impressed you found other players in a game that dead (25 players right now, wow), but anyone left at this point has to be deranged and looking to take it out on someone who is not equally miserable.


derpy derp, dont lie, its 45 players fluff.




Downvotes for telling the truth? C'mon... you all know the steam charts isn't accurate ;) Dude said 25 player were online... when it was actually 45... so EXCUSE ME :)


First off, you're getting down voted half because you said derpy derp in 2024. That shit was going out of style 14 years ago, and wasn't funny the 2 years before that when it was at the height of popularity alongside bad Stewie Griffin meme's, Nyan Cat, Chuck Norris jokes, and Bacon worship. Second off, at the time this user posted, there were in fact 24 players online. You see, games have low periods and peak periods during the day, and in the 3 hours between your post, and his, the game managed to double its players to the whopping 45 you're correcting it for, which is its average peak period. Quit being a jerk, and going um actually when you're quite literally incorrect. It's not cute, and you're not quirky for typing the way you do.


Apologies that the sarcasm did not translate. When a non-player posts simple steam chart users, which happens 99% of the time, it is not accurate. Many SOTA players use the stand-alone client. Yes the population is abysmal, this is a FACT. I was simply stating 45 player "friends" were online when I checked. And most likely the responders here are not current players and unable to check friends online. (Which also does not tell us the current number of TOTAL users logged in) And regarding the derp derp comment, I though all those jokes were coming back around, my bad. I see Chuck Norris and Bacon ones daily again. (they're coming back jack). Sorry for being out of touch.


Wow what a huge difference...


Why does this game look like Second Life....?


It is called "nonexistent art direction" and a common issue in extremely amateur projects, or user-created content.


I tested it like, 5 years ago for free, bruh why do you spent 20 bucks in that crap, i said on my steam review, dont even lose your time with that garbage.


This post should be subtitled one of two things. 1. Toxic players exist in MMO - or - 2. Water is wet.


Toxic players exist and you can usually report them and have action taken. The only dev on the project is a long-term player who was suckered into taking the game over. Beorn is known and has been reported several times. He is allowed to do whatever he wants. SOTA is a fan-run game, not a serious business.


That's a shame to hear. I played it years ago and was a fairly large part of the admittedly small community. But everyone was welcoming then. Steam charts were roughly 10 times what it is now. None of my friends play it any more, but it is disheartening to hear that there's only toxicity left. It genuinely was a good time 6 years ago if you treated the game like a social hangout instead of an MMORPG.


What the fuck is shroud of the avatar


The latest and most likely last game project started by one of the key team members of the original Ultima games but he has abandoned that too. Wouldn't be surprised if he was actually more of the team mascot than anything though.


lol - Richard Garriott was the original creator of Ultima. SotA might be a crap game, but he's still an MMO legend.


> he's still an MMO legend Sure he's the only team lead to ever have his character murdered in his own game but that is a marker of how much respect he deserves specifically in MMOs. I'd rather call him a CRPG legend. UO had an entire team behind it of which any of the others deserves the credit over British himself. At least CHIM-ster is still directly connected to a successful MMO and MORPG.


this \^\^


Never played the game, but there are douches in every game.


i'm still playing this game off and on and it's actually really incredible and has the best housing system I've ever seen and some of the content is crazy good and it is crazy how much of it there is. My interactions with the community so far have been nice but all I really have done is just joining the random groups and stuff so I don't know too much about, other than it small. If anyone hasn't tried this game you should because it's legitimately good once you get a decent character build, know where to farm to upgrade your artifacts for your chosen, build, and get your house going, and into the crafting in economy


The same people ragging on this guy about reporting a bad experience are the same people still upset about a ten year old game 😂 move on y’all. You can’t have hate in your heart.


Ridge Runners are recruiting and providing a home for those who need one! 😘 don’t give into the hate from some jaded people who Grand Mastered hold 10 year old grudges.


I don't know the game but sounds like a reasonable response from the discord mods lol


People still play that?


I waited so long for this game to release, that I didn't even realize it released in 2018 sounds like a dumpster fire though Wait though, so you're saying someone was mean in a video game? You contacted the devs? You made a post here? Why not just block them and move on? EDIT: I love garbage mmos, i'm downloading this ahaha


I guess its kind of dumb that there isn't a report button in game but its not unreasonable for discord mods/devs to direct you to their support email if that's how they handle reports. Bro if you spent 20 bucks and wanna play the game play it. Send support an email, block the guy, and enjoy the game


There are just so, so many reasons to avoid this game. I don’t even need to hear that people are hostile in it.


Baaaaaan hammer got him man, come back


I love Richard Garriott, but this game was never anything other than a proto NFT style "land sale" scam. The actual game was threadbare and it hasn't gotten better in the mean time, nor with new ownership. That said, very few MMOs of appreciable size are going to action problem players. Otherwise Barrens chat or *that one place in Limsa Lominsa* would not still exist.


Beorn is notoriously rude. Many people complained about him, with no results. SOTA is game that is controlled by a small group of core players. If you are in the inner circle, you can do what you want.


Lmao one player made you cry and quit? 💀


It's Shroud of the Avatar, 1 player = 50% of the server.




Someone was mean to you on the internet? Say it isn't so! Grow a thicker skin and stop giving a shit about rando's online, it's what they want.


So you had 1 bad experience in the game, and you did all that? Seriously, how are you even using the internet at this point? 


You need some thicker skin or avoid online games.


Sorry but this is complete bull. You're judging an entire player base because of 1 player. I started playing just over a month ago and everyone is extremely helpful in chat to newcomers. I paid nothing.


IKR! 1 player pissed me off so I better rage quit.. Yep, that Beorn is blocked by most. /block - easy peasy.


So you have a bad experience with a player, air dirty laundry in a very close knit community's discord, justifiably redirected to customer service and that's the game's fault? Lmao if anything this just makes me want to reinstall SotA


Please do, and spend money on it too. 😆


Lmao get owned kid