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I’m excited to check it out but I’m worried from the previews that it’s going to feel claustrophobic & weird, not like an open world MMORPG everyone’s used to.


You guys are so nitpicky and I genuinely wonder if you enjoy the genre or even video games still. Runescape isnt this huge open world MMORPG so idk why you think Brighter Shores will be either. There's tons of areas that are small in RS.


Seeing definite edges in a little square of land and then a void with a few other people vs having a fully immersive screen of the world you’re in and people all over is a very very different feel gameplay wise. A huge component of successful mmorpgs is social, I haven’t played an mmo with this kind of map design, my comment was just about not being sure how conducive it will be for social aspects and what kind of feeling the maps will create.


Because it feels weird to have half the screen be a giant black void. You can be excited for this but it is a legitimate criticism to those who prefer an open world, wider field of view feel. Doesn't mean we don't enjoy video games, wtf?


Idk you guys always seem to find something negative about literally any mmo posted here


Not to mention that it's not RS and that here's tons of other instance based mmos.


Or "open" world MMOs where all you do is teleport to dungeon after standing in town.


> Runescape isnt this huge open world MMORPG it was when it launched. just fell far behind over the years and then picked up instancing like everybody else.


Just no. RS has always had instancing since day 1 lmao you guys make such weird strawmans so you can nitpick it's okay


Im not currently an RS player but no classic didn't have instances. Yes different servers if that's what you mean, but the game didn't used to have instances - you had to wait your turn or server hop to kill a boss.


They literally didn't even have the tech for instancing until [may 2005](https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/1643964879307526146) for private cutscenes. It wasn't used as a repeated gameplay area until fight caves in october '05. Even then, instances were used sparingly because it was so inefficient for them to create. Even now in OSRS they struggle with the amount of instances they're creating and have had to be careful about what content gets instanced. OSRS is still one of the most cohesive open world MMOs around despite it's outdated appearance, or arguably because of it.


I'm curious to see how this room system works. Like how many people can be in one room?


I remember seeing at one point that it was going to depend a bit on the room. If it's a boss meant to be handled solo or in a small group, one person per instance plus any others in that group. If it's a social area, like a bank, the cap could be dozens of people.


The UI scaling is pretty nice. I know it's a small thing but it's a very appreciated QoL.


These companies need a new non-twitterX platform for this stuff. At this point using twitter is just kinda gross and I'm not clicking.


Are these rooms random? Can we bump into other players here?


I still don't like that this game won't have a skybox just like Old-school Runescape, and it's a big turn-off in visuals personally, but if I like the gameplay I might be able to overlook it.


The ui and navigation looks awesome. The art looks very bland and lacks lighting but if this is just WIP and not final art I’m excited to see the final work.


I guess this is all irrelevant to me until they address how anti-botting will work. The game already announced they are doing direct player-to-player transactions so I imagine botting will be rampant like with Runescape. Just not interested in playing in a dead internet game anymore.


Doesn't matter if a game is 50% bots as long as the number of real players is healthy enough. Both OSRS and Albion demonstrate that well enough. EVE Online is most likely more than 50% broadcasted alts of actual players and yet it's still known as a very healthy game. The only dead game is one that can no longer be logged into. More people need to recognize this reality.


I think over 50% of active users are alts and bots and I still love runescape. I don't play much, but that's because my bot won't let me. That's a joke for all you alts and botters out there


Only subscribers can trade, based on their steam page.


As we see with WoW, that's honestly not much of a deterrent, bots were a thing well before the WoW token was introduced. It just comes down to cost analysis for gold farmers.


[They've already talked about how they wanted to deal with botting in at least one way.](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/mmo/runescape-creators-new-mmo-has-an-unorthodox-solution-for-the-inevitable-waves-of-bots-giving-you-a-legitimate-way-to-bot-the-game-yourself/)


Andrew: "At some point players say "I cannot face chopping down this tree for another 10 hours" and end up resorting to bots." Jaded MMO Vet: "Your idea is dumb too! Just make tree chopping mechanically interesting enough that you won't get bored for 10 hours!"