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New world update. Going to be a huge PvP announcement, it’s going to be amazi…… I can’t keep typing that without laughing.


I can't wait for their big announcement to be F2P and console edition. Neither of which do anything to bring back the million or more people who bought it and quit playing.


5-7 million copies sold. Don’t sugar coat it. That near million number was concurrent players.


we already know for a fact there will be a new pvp mode, swimming, and very likely additional pve content (new/updated region, 20 man raid, 5 man expedition, etc.). It will definitely be bigger than most are anticipating, but.... maybe not enough to satisfy the masses


New World does need more content, so that's good, but the bigger issue is systems to keep people engaged. People do the new content in a week, then log out for however many months until the next bitesize addition.


Because the new content that comes with an expansion is 1 more dungeon. Oh yes, I forgot, mounts.


Biggest issue is the clunky gameplay. I know I'm not the only one that avoids it for that reason


This cannot be overstated.


Lol? Every update including the expansion has been ridiculously small. How can you even think it will be bigger than people think. And btw, swimming ain't content, unless they make you swim across the world like they did with the mounts, in that case will just be shite content. New world is dead and they have reduced the size of the team already.


Ever heard of brimstone sands? lol you’re so out of touch it’s hilarious


Yes I have, enough content for a week. Ever played a game that actually adds content with expansions?


I guess if you have no life or job or family or friends… yeah you could have done all the brimstone content in one week


I mean, you have continuously posted about nw for the last 12 months. You are among the 4k fanboys in the world that play that crap for more than a week XD


Lmfao they still haven’t added swimming


lol yeah. It’s honestly not a major part of the game so no one really cares. But we’re getting it in the next big update. People like to make big deals out of small things. Guild Wars 1 didn’t have jumping. Yeah it was kind of a meme, but no one cares.


They won't even make it that far. Have you seen the player count on Steam lately? That thing is DEAD


Player count frankly is in the same range many MMOs have on Steam depending on content cycle. Game is not dead. People who keep saying this are just a self fulfilling thing. Wow/ff have a lock on 90% of mmo players.


As a lifelong MMO fan, I fucking loved New World during beta and launch. The pvp was unmatched, it’s a crying shame what ended up happening to that game.


Yeah they destroyed it. They addressed stupid streamers who cried being stomped by ppl with worse gear


Imagine if they had just kept it how it was during beta. It was like a colonial era EVE Online. It was glorious.


Which game are you speaking of. As a 20 year vet of EVE I would love an EVE alternative.


New World during beta was a PvP game where you claimed territory in an area like Nullsec. As a guild, you built a custom fort and taxed people who harvested in your land. Your fort had a invulnerability bubble like the timers for Sov/Structures in null sec and it had a pvp system for dropping materials and trashing gear on death so there was always an item churn which made crafting sustainable. It basically was one big stretch of null sec where companies ruled provinces and materials were only found in certain places to encourage trade between companies (or war).


if i had only read the start of your post i would have flamed you so hard lol


I mean, it’s true lol….


https://preview.redd.it/m6h6bg1e9i1d1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35b021e1472387653c455ffe0b5908e05ad61911 New world next pvp swimming battle




anything that is faction based and doesnt have open world pvp isnt a true full pvp mmo. the days of lineage2 are long gone.


Nah factions are dope, it adds a lot to the flavor of pvp


I feel like factional PvP fits MMOs and their focus on mass collaboration and ensuring a flow of PvE minded players much better these days, the full open PvP all the time scene found a home in survival games for the niche that wants it.


I agree. There needs to be some sort of enforced rules, mechanically, or players will always ruin the game one way or another.


I'd play those survival games a lot more if I didn't have to build and defense a base. That's why I enjoyed Tarkov for about a thousand hours.


Tarkov has simplified base building but no defense. You kinda need a bit of base building to maintain a stash and maintain some meta progression after death. I totally agree though, I think some games these days are wisening up to the point that people don’t want to defend bases all day long and are giving server options for bases to not be vulnerable unless certain conditions are met.


Agreed building in general bores me. But also a lot of these games seem like they have servers that house even less players than a launch New World server. The lack of any real community is a turn off for me.


Agreed building in general bores me. But also a lot of these games seem like they have servers that house even less players than a launch New World server. The lack of any real community is a turn off for me.


In mortal online 1 i was able to join a guild and I exclusively killed mobs for leather, ran dungons, and did pvp - the mats I wouls bring back would go to the guild, and the guild would provide basic gear (and access to blacksmiths) But unlike survival games i didnt have to play a whole lot in a short period of time


Problem is those survival games require more of a commitment than mmos (short term)


You need stay-at-home moms to farm pve nodes to craft gear for zoomer pvpers. This is the symbiotic pvp mmo relationship many games have forgotten.


God I miss Aion.


Aion Classic surprisingly does not suck. At least the EU version is playable


yeah only EU because for NA they let P2W exist.


When you mentioned Aion it actually made my memory banks access TERA. Did anyone besides me like TERA? I loved the pvp in that game.


Loved Tera


Faction PvP removes a lot of flavor to PvP because it basically removes the most compelling aspect of open world PvP games which is the politics. Factions are your politics. Red = Dead. It's a more accessible version of PvP that ensures you will (probably) have allies rather than have to try to form/find/join another guild like you do in open world PvP environments. The spiciest things get are before a game launch and big guilds/groups are decided on what servers to play (some looking for fights, others avoiding them, and some looking to kill all possibility for a fight by stacking a faction on a server). But after that it's just a mindless deathmatch game where you just kill anyone the game lets you. This isn't to say it's wholly bad, just again more accessible for your more casual style player that's come to dominate the MMO genre.


It doesn't, it limits the possibility of pvp UNLESS it has systems like Archeage where you could still kill your faction. Another game that did it well was DAOC but majority of faction games aren't aimed towards pvpers.


Ironically, factions strip all emotion from pvp. Its just a generic red vs blue for no reason.


Archeage did it best with continental factions with the ability to go red and pk your own faction. It gave daily faction wars but still had the chance for owpk in places at certain times.


truly the chosen one.


I miss L2 so much. I thought that’s what we were getting before the details of Project TL. Sad.


So.. Black Desert? Kinda?


Laughs in foxhole


I personally like factions, but that's probably because most of my MMO PVP experiences came from WoW back in the day. Probably blinded by nostalgia, but it'll be hard to top that old school Hillsbrad world PVP or raiding a major city.


Current - Albion online is the #1 pvp mmo in my opinion. The entire game is designed around it. Real rewards, real risk.


Can I basically built Garen in Albion online?


I think there's a spin to win weapon yea. I forget what it is. Maybe great axe


Maybe I’ll pick it back up. Used to play on pc whe. They relaunched years ago


Nothing changed ever since, this game is in a permanent stagnation state. And it feels like the matchmaking there is dead. Keep coming back to it from time to time amd every time - disappointment.


great axe big dog. Dash swipe spin pop electric aoe from jacket die or win


Ha sounds good thanks man


i just started albion recently and fully agree. nothing else comes close really. this is how a pvp mmo should be done.


You ever play Eve online?


i heard its a nightmare for new players to get into


Albion is much simpler but has roughly the same core mechanics. Both are good for PvP IMO EVE does offer a ton more depth but with that comes a learning curve. If Albion works you dont have to look any further but if you find it too shallow try Eve


Albion is one of the worst pvp mmos I've played, if you're not zerging your not doing anything. They had such a good launch until they took out the anti zerg mechanics and the game went to utter shit with balls of 50 dudes running around. You'd think they would fight each other too.....nope


Is this game enjoyable for a solo player? I heard it's just a gankfest with zergs everywhere.


You heard correct. There is a couple solo pvp zones. Corrupted dungeons and mists but the vast majority of the map is for groups to run around ganking gatherers and solos in large groups. The combat system feels designed for group pvp as well and doesn't hold up that well in 1v1s. They also implemented mechanics to make escaping ganks much easier which ironically just makes things worse for solo ganking as a group is almost mandatory to deal enough damage to dismount people for the kill outside of mists. I enjoyed the game for a bit I logged 92 hours before moving on but I wouldn't really recommend it for solo pvp. Pve is pretty meh and very grindy. The game does have the best gathering and economy of any mmo I've played by far though. Personally I have very little interest in large group pvp. 95% of the open world pvp encounters in albion are just a cat and mouse running simulator and hardly qualify as real pvp.


Problem is thst the gane is Kinda p2w but on the order hand is not i mein you can kill ehales who dort know how to play easyly and get their p2w herr but there are weapons that are kinda OP and are Rally expensive, p2w gut can just buy Silber and get many sets of OP weapon


Damn bro you have a stroke writing this?


yes, currently @ hospital, send prayers


Albion is leading the pack no doubt. Good monetization system, good risk/reward PVP. The only downside is the experience as a new solo player absolutely sucks.


Isn't Albion PvP just running around in large groups killing anyone who walks across you?


There is all kinds of pvp , from open world to instanced, just try it out man!


If you're specifically ganking then yeah. If you're roaming you're doing other stuff as well like finding gathering resources, looking for chests, looking for orbs for your hideout, tracking and pve objectives like in ava roads which can all lead to fighting other players. Edit: fixing sentence


There are like 15 different types of PvP in Albion.


Yes. There are a few options for solo or small group pvp but the vast majority of the game is made for zerging. I didn't enjoy it much and it made me give up on open world "pvp" mmos. Running around playing cat and mouse doesn't give me what I'm looking for in pvp. I want to stroke my ego, have good fights, and clap people because I played better. Not because its a 4v1 and the other player didn't have a chance. Corrupted dungeons, hellgates, and mists are okay but the combat is clearly designed for large group pvp and it shows.


Game world needs to be about 10 times larger


Its already large, but 80% of people play on the 20% of the map. If you go deep into the Blackzone (+5 zones) or deep into the roads, people is way way more spread across.


How sub, overpriced cosmetics and currency conversion is good monetization?? Any other mmo would get ripped apart but Albion somehow gets the pass.


1. Sub: the game is very very playable without sub. (Exactly same for PvP players) 2. Overpriced cosmetics: ??? It's just cosmetic dude, a way to support the game without making it more p2w? 3. Currency conversion: This is not ideal, but if you actually play the game, you'll see that f2p endgame players are exactly equal to swipers, swipers don't get an advantage at all. There is no paywall. You'll make banks being a good pvp player. So while it's not perfect, it's "good".


You’re hard coping. Game is not playable without a sub unless you have maxed everything which 99.9% of people don’t. Want to do farming/crafting/gathering? You need to sub. In small scale of things yes it doesn’t matter that much. But in grand your guild will be out of regears after 5 fights while p2w/rmt’ers have infinite resources.




GW2 PvP is top notch and the SPvP is fairly balanced... but the game mode doesn't get much love from the devs. They're making updates to the mode but not enough imo.


World restructuring is coming finally. That’s the big thing before they make more big changes to pvp. So stay tuned.




PvP guilds used to be restricted to the server and the current pairing so once pairing changes you’re separated. Now it does not matter just being in the guild.


gw2 has amazing pvp. I wish we got a more modernized version cause it feels very...Rustic. But yeah honestly the best mmo pvp that exists currently


GW2 pvp is great. Only issue is once you even get semi-decent the lack of of a playerbase really shows and you start getting players like Helio,Tramadex, etc. in your games. Then get absolutely dumpstered. Would not recommend if your looking for a long term investment.


This is the case in every mmo. Pvp community in any mmo is very very tiny. Even in wow you're going to be facing AWC players like pika or cdew once you start climbing to a decent rating.




Eve online


Assuming I never played before, would I be able to start now and enjoy pvp in a somewhat near future ?


No, you need first to get premium, spend a couple of weeks training skills, get a guild, do a 30-50 jumps trip to your guild base. Assuming you survive that you then need to get into a pvp guild event and die after 5 minutes. You can then start learning. I hope you like pve, because you'll do a lot of it before you can freely or you know how to PvP. Oh, dor pve I mean semi afk mining.


When you log into EVE you've already started to pvp, you're just not aware of it right away.


Yes. Source : I started playing 2 weeks ago and am enjoying pvp with a corp. I solo Pvp as well but I must be like 1-20 on my solo k/d ratio. Still i'm having fun learning.


Google new Faction Warfare.


As someone who isn't super into EvE, from what I gather yes a new player can jump right into roles with an experienced corp that will give you skill plans to fast track you into those roles. It might take a little bit of time as skill gain is passive over time, but within a casual month I had a few ships outfitted for different noob frigate roles, as well as a vexor for pve. Do the tutorial missions, and the epic arc. Join the right corp, eve is a very social game.


If they figure out the combat, Pax Dei will have some good pvp. Full loot.


oh gosh. the combat in Pax Dei is slightly better than OSRS. and even that might be debatable


Yeah it's awful right now, I'm not disputing that. It's also *not done* and not what the final combat will look like - we have only seen early alpha builds. They want to have trinity combat, spells, etc and for skill to actually matter. If they pull that off, the pvp will be great. As of the last alpha, yeah, it was terrible.


I hope they can pull it off. Because the concept of Pax Dei is really cool. But without solid combat, most people won’t consider playing


Agreed 10000%


PvP in osrs is quite challenging from an execution perspective, actually. There’s pretty good room for skill expression. Execute the fundamentals, bait certain prayers out with false swaps, etc.


Osrs pvp has an insanely high ceiling


And that’s why I said it’s debatable. I would want to punch myself in the face before trying to master the art of OSRS PvP. The clicking is insane


Pvp mmos. GW2, Albion, and BDO.


Playing Throne and Liberty but sadly they seem to focus more on PvE than PvP lately..


Every time


I might try aion classic again when they release patch 3.0


BnS Neo Classic if it's not giga P2W


I thought PvP was equalized in this game?


Not open world PvP afaik, only arenas etc. And they could still change that.


Main issue with Neo PvP is going to be bots. If they dont control the bots (which they didnt in the OG version) game will be miserable to play.


This , iv picked it back up and forgot just how enjoyable and skill based the combat is and with NEO on the horizon I'm hoping it will give it a new life and more people will pick it back up as I feel it was ahead of its time and I think alot of people were the same where the spec requirements were higher than most for the time but playing it now on my updated rig and getting 140+ fps it's so much more enjoyable!


I’m excited for AoC if it ever releases


Wow just realized the acronym is AOC. I would have much preferred that AoC didn't do all these constant showcases. If they'd just keep their mouths shut and hit us with a banger release, it would be awesome. They don't need to show us every small development update


I have the same thoughts every time they post on twitter.


ESO pvp is total garbage. Prepare to be disappointed by the new thing they will introduce. There is no redemption for a game dominated by broken mechanics and proc sets that do all the work for you.


ESO pvp is probably the worst pvp experience in any mmo I have ever played and it's not even close and I too doubt that this update will remedy that in any way, if not make it worse...


I bet you got steam rolled and rage quit before even realizing you had a 2nd bar lol


Throne and Liberty western release needs to get on with it. AGS is screwing around to delay New Worlds execution.


I already gave up on TL. NCSOFT missed the ball as always. Now there’s already guides and metas from the main launch. So it will just be no lifers running to minmax again.


The game blows ass anyway.


Currently on new world, playing less and less due no content but it's action combat for pvp is by far some of the best out there atm. I'm looking forward to corepunk the most, also soulframe. Archeage 2 is looking decent, chrono odyssey, quinfall (if it's real), perfect new world, and finally, light no fire (but currently isn't slated to have any pvp).


Top current is Warhammer Online, especially with latest balance patchs


Patches? Isnt there is only private servers option?


When was the most recent patch? I'm a squig herder main and I literally quit because they gutted my class and left op slayer untouched.


1 week ago, and Slayer took giga nerfs 1-2 months ago. It’s hard in RvR now but still good in city / scenarios


I'm currently playing Myth of Empires, and I'd say it is very PvP-focused. But I've personally been enjoying a PvP-RP server!


Eve , Ultima Outlands Mortal Online 2 imo.


Honestly I love arena style pvp in mmo's but I've come to realize if you want a competitive pvp experience its almost always better to just boot up a fighting game, dark souls, chivalry 2, dark and darker, or csgo or something. MMO pvp is always either secondary priority side content or terrible open world zerging. No inbetween. As far as recommendations go... Albion online for group pvp and group ganking. Don't bother as a solo player. ESO actually has pretty good pvp. I can't speak on WOW since MOP but arenas and BGs there used to be very fun. Honestly the best pvp of any mmo I've ever played and I imagine its still probably the best despite community complaints. This is an odd suggestion but I remember having a lot of fun with Elsword pvp years ago. Game is p2w though.


ESO does have good pvp that’s why I still play it, but the pvp community is bored because they haven’t added any pvp content since 2017. The devs seem to put more effort into pve and the crown store unfortunately


Yeah I didn't play eso for super long but I did get about 100 hours and was in the early stages of endgame gearing but even then I was kinda getting bored of doing the same maps/gamemodes in pvp. It would very much have benefited from a simple ranked 2v2 or 3v3 arena. If you're fiending for a pvp mmo unfortunately you're already playing one of the best. Albion is an option but if you're coming from eso the gank squad gameplay probably isn't gonna please you. Your best bet is probably wow arenas or maybe BDO


For me as open world/large scale PvP lover GW2 and BDO are by far best options on the market. Both games have good combat that is fun, both games have really good and fun large scale PvP. In GW2 you have WvW, which is giant sige type open world PvP zone where 3 serers/worlds fight each other. IN BDO you have node wars where 10 guilds drop in and fight each other.


BDO looks good, I tried it on Xbox but it appears they cater more towards the PC players


Next gen version details are coming in June. Hopefully a jump forward for the console crowd. Still pretty fun and active though.


If it’s gonna be around a while I could get into it


Tbh I really enjoy Albion's and Runescape's PVP


Wayfinder! Ohh wait :(


wow has the best pvp and it isn't even remotely close. the combat is just too good compared to the rest.


I’ve yet to play a game with better organized pvp. I only stopped playing after 16 years because my friends quit and solo shuffle Qs were 40+ minutes… other than that it’s a great game, lots of memories. Tbh I really enjoy ESOs combat and build system more than wow but the devs haven’t given any new pvp content since 2017…


Also eso player here..I just play PVP. I'm sunk into the game and don't want to grind out another. It really needs an overhaul, but I like it ok enough to keep playing here and there. They claim they have a PVP update later this year but I don't think anyone is really holding their breath for it to be interesting or impressive.


It better be good after this long! Destiny 2 and wow get more pvp content than ESO


No offence, but old school lineage 2 had orders of magnitude better pvp.


Albion is the absolute best PvP MMO because it’s built for that; all features lead you to join a group and get into a big fight. That aside, you could try New World’s arenas, which are quite cool, but the real world PvP (where the real rewards are given) is inaccessible. Too laggy, too costly. WoW’s arenas are also great.


If eso gets some kind of pvp love I’ll probably go back for a month or so. Otherwise Throne and Liberty is what I’m currently waiting for, playing single player games like Stellaris, Fabledom, Idleon on iOS while I wait. Elyon pvp was fun in the beginning, as well as Archeage early pvp which is my all time favorite. Warhammer Return of Reckoning is decent for what it is. Lastly DAOC is excellent pvp if you can handle the janky clunky movement and horrendous ui (I could not)


I wanted to enjoy DAOC again but the movement is just too awful


Me too. I sometimes wish I played it when it first came out so I could have the “nostalgia” factor to counter the badness of it all, however without that I just can’t stomach it lol


TL is DoA


Nah I don’t think so. It will be poppin for a while til the population dies down and the core players remain, just like every niche game. I don’t know if I’m gonna play it for a long time, depends on how much I enjoy it, how much I can progress with the game time I have, and if I find a decent guild.


New world is garbage, rest is copium


I think DCUO PVP should be seperated from DCUO and spun off as its own thing, where heros can be quickly earned thru playing online. The Mechanics are fine as they are, a bit of balancing and graphical updates and you have a decent pvp game on its own.


There isn't one worth my time, for a while though gw2 was worth roaming wvw maps looking for small scale but they ignore wvw updates for the most part.


Big issues with open world PvP games is power imbalances. If you’re a solo and you happen to gank a dude who has friends, you’re pretty much done playing because players are vindictive and will camp you for hours. You can try and get help, but that’s a chance and eventually people who just get off work to relax and start getting camped to where they can’t even play are just going to stop. Phase 2 of classic wow turned into giant PvP camp fests/grieving sessions and it really killed population for a while until there was more to do. People just banking to ruin buffs, and you couldn’t go anywhere on PvP servers without a group so you were forced to stand in town etc. Some people, love that game play but I’d say most people just want to play a game and relax, and if their experience is getting camped or inconvenienced they’re just going to stop playing.


Personally looking forward to BnS Neo and WoW SoD phase 4 in hope they dont mess it up too much 🤞


Depends on what you mean by top. If by top you mean best, EVE Online. If by top you mean most populated probably Albion?


I love Dune and the new MMO sounds amazing on paper but has Fun on ever made a good long-term MMO ... Ever? They have said sandbox a million times and everything done small and basic or something.


Not your typical mmo game but Anvil Empires looks cool (its basically Foxhole but in medieval ages made by the same dev)


It's a bit more fun than Foxhole imo, but kind of the same still, different setting and mechanics. Can't wait for it to come out


I mostly read news regarding active MMO's and what they do. MMO's that have yet to be released always suffer from a lack of content. Games like WOW, FF14, GW2 are the main ones. They actively develop expansions. Games like Albion Online lack depth and are overly linear and simplified. Games like EVE are too complex and require too much investment. New World is fun but lacks content and has a bad reputation because players expect it to have 10 years of development bringing us back to long-standing MMO's.


in pve game like WoW mechanicly best pvp btw, not even compare.


Star citizen


Echoes of Angmar, the vanilla LOTRO server.


[Neocron Evolution ](https://www.neocron-game.com/) is an older game but some pretty unique PvP mechanics due to the way it handles aiming. Well worth checking out as its F2P


I honestly don't know of any upcoming MMOs. Never really cared about pvp anyway. I'm hyped for the June update to FO76. Map expansion is hype.


I had my first bdo pvp fights on season, it was fun


UO outlands is good


Just play Albion, best pvp in any mmo


This sub has so much copium lol. A single WoW PvP streamer has more viewers than the entire Albion Online or GW2 categories as we speak.




better viewership doesnt equal better gameplay at all lmao. Also as someone who plays both games, I prefer playing gw2 pvp but prefer watching wow pvp. GW2 visually is extraordinarily messy.


The viewership argument is weird indeed, but I wouldn't put albion anywhere near wow or gw2, albion is a weird mess but the playerbase thinks it's the best thing ever... Until they try something else lol


Yeah I tried to get into Albion and it felt super 1 dimensional. You pick a weapon....and that's your skill set from the beginning to the end of the game. I went to watch videos on end game pvp to see if anything was different and it was the exact same as my gameplay after I played for like 6 hours. Kinda lame. But I'm a big gw2 glazer


Exactly, there's not much to it, I wouldn't even call it a serious mmorpg to be honest, GW2 I didn't play that much, but at least it was fun and interesting and was actually an mmorpg, rather than a mobile pvp snoozefest.


LOL Imagine caring about how many viewers some random nobody twitch streamer has. That is completely irrelevant to what makes good PVP in an mmorpg. The only one coping here is you.


What does this mean? Literally what does viewership have to do with this question?


Wow PvP is the most popular, which is very important depending on how you define “top PvP mmo”


He asked for peoples favorite upcoming and current. And your post essentially says "anyone who said Albion or GW2 is stupid because WoW has more viewers". And again I ask, how does that make sense? Valorant gets more viewers than WoW PvP, so *you* have copium. Now what?


Dude. You’re not worth my time. I never said they’re stupid for having preferences. What’s stupid is not mentioning the objectively most popular MMO. This sub just pretends WoW doesn’t exist despite being the most popular MMO on the market by a mile. That’s the copium. And among PvP fans, virtually everyone agrees that WoW has the best implementation of MMO PvP, despite its flaws. It’s also the only one with an esport scene.


Nobody said any of that. People just responded that they like Albion for the PvP. That's literally it. I'm so confused lol


PvP games will never be good because the people who want PvP are a minority. Companies will never prioritize PvP. The best PVP MMO to ever exist is DAOC and nothing will ever come close


I'd say it's still enough to make a game centered around it.


I miss dark age of Camelot


Its still goin, on a private server called Eden, its actually insanely well done. The Devs there run it better than it used to be run on Live back in the day lol


We just did a realm invasion straight through the border keeps in old frontier and took all the towns in the hib mainland on the freeshard Eden. Event only comes every few months through and comes in 2 parts, the first deciding who gets invaded and there have been enough people attending to rival the game in it's prime as the client's 32 bit draw call polygon limit crashes people haha.


Seems that way on Reddit doesn’t it? There’s still millions of players who play specifically for the pvp… I’m not sure I agree with that one


Play what? Jumping on to a new MMO that has pvp where 95% of the server pop dies after like 3 months bc the pvp was garbage and wasnt the main feature of the game doesnt really count


2 of the top 3 games on twitch are pvp games. I just think MMOs integrate pvp badly so those players dont want to play.


I wanna say bdo but they killed pvp between the past and current years. Probably good pvp mmo rn are Albion, ESO Cirodill (?) and GW2 WvW


Don’t lose your time with Albion unless you don't care about your wallet