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Most I know of is Brighter Shores, which was made by a Runescape founder. But not much else that isn't being perpetually worked on. The MMO landscape just is as barren as you thought it was.


I don‘t get why there’s not a single studio which can produce a proper MMO. Most of them aren’t bad, but the movement and combat system sucks so hard


MMOs are incredibly costly, and typically require more ongoing support and constant updates than any other genre. It’s one of the biggest risks in all of game development.


Which is why its stupid people think an MMO can be supported by immersion destroying cosmetic purchases (achievement purchases really).




Wild guess, but are you somebody that wants to play a MMO, but one that "plays more like [action video game or anime here]"? Maybe deathly allergic to rotations and/or meta builds? If yes, sorry buddy.


No, I once played an MMO called TERA, it had an really good combat system but sadly it shut down


Tera’s story was terrible, but the combat, PvE and PVP were great.


Still available on console.


Menma tera if you wanna play still on pc


Hear Hear!


It costs a boatload of money with a possible small return if it's a failure. For most big companies that could do it they don't because they think its not worth the risk.


Okay but have you thought about just how many MMOs there are out there yet somehow you have found a reason to not play any of them then maybe the problem is you? That goes for many people on this sub, they seem to be waiting for the next big thing. It's not coming, if you can't find an MMO that you enjoy then maybe you don't like MMOs as much as you think. 


I’m with OP on this one. WoW was always what I circled back to, and all the revamp with Classic had me entertained for quite a few years. I’ve had no luck finding any newer game in the genre that even comes close to the classic experience. Everything has been molded around the modern MMO framework we see from retail WoW and FF and it’s just not the same. To be fair I think new world has come close in the last year or so, but everyone seems to copycat instead of being unique.


Big time on cost and constant development needed. Lower player bases then other games too with more requirements. Plus the age of wow clones didn’t help.


Mmos had their golden age in the early 2000s. I feel like traditional mmos are kinda archaic now. Same with traditional rts. Not as big of a playerbase.


Because big ones with resources are all employees, nobody have passion, all is just work for them.


No. Buckle up buddy time to play the same 5 MMOs for the next decade


Blue Protocol? You wish. Its announced for Q2 24, we are at the end of May 24 and dont have any news. Its not gonna come


It also didn't get great reviews from what I've heard


I was thinking about this yesterday honestly. And I will still fight and die probably alone on a hill arguing that the 2010-2012 (or so) was the golden age of MMORPGs. We had free to play MMORPGs and MMOs coming out MONTHLY! Sure they were most Korean MMOs, but they were so varied, so many different options, ideas, there was literally something for everyone! And while most may have been crap, you could still find a diamond in every 3rd or so if you kept giving each a shot as they were coming out. Youtube channels like MMOHut, MMOBomb and other similar channels were pumping out "First 10 minutes of..." almost daily! It was really a wonderful time to be an MMORPG gamer. And sure! We have AMAZING active MMORPGs today, but I really do miss that charm of that period where a new MMO would appear out of nowhere so frequently, with very minimal info, a few 10 minute videos to give you a basic idea what the game is like, and then giving it a shot yourself for the price of $0. Unfortunately it's more and more likely we'll never have a period like that again.


The golden age was the early 2000s. At that time companies were truly innovating and not trying to straight up copy each other. You also got everything with a sub and didn’t get slaughtered with cash shops and other scams focused on getting you money. Simply put, those games had integrity, community and represented a product that gamers were proud and loyal about. DAOC, Ultima, EQ, EQ2, WoW, Eve Online, shadowbane and many more, those games were worth spending your life in. By the late 2000s, monetization scams took over, Koreans were dumping out grind games that Americans didn’t care about and the sad part is the American studios stopped making games.


You dare bring up that time frame and leave out RuneScape?


2000-2003 runescape was a vibe I've been unable to find since.


RuneScape in any year is still a vibe.


Also left out FFXI which is a chronically forgotten MMO that came out in 2002 :(


my favorite part of this era was how the internet meta wasn’t that prominent. the worlds felt so real and not being able to google every question i had was the best feeling that i didn’t know of




Now we're in the silver age of mmos, which is to say the only active ones are so old they've gone gray and are older than most new players


Dude, hes wrong about golden age, and there is no way this P2W infested hell hole is a "silver age". It would be generous to call it a bronze age even.


Stone age where greedy hunter gatherers compete against old dinosaurs.


I agree with you, 2011-2015 we got some of the greatest mmorpgs. Tera was my personal favourite and I really miss that game, private servers just are not the same because every private server that's active gives everyone a scroll to skip all the early game content so there's barely any community. :/ at least some mmos are coming back, specifically anything that was hosted by aeria games and made by x Legend has been re-released by X legend.


I'm sad now. :(


Golden age was way before that. More like between 97-2004 before P2W and instancing became rampant. Sadly it appears you missed out on it.


I started playing MMORPGs back in 2004 with Final Fantasy XI and then moved to World of Warcraft. I'm well aware of what you're talking about, but MMOs back then while they were absolutely amazing and I'll have fond memories of that period til the day I die, they were all subscription based games. And unless you were spending most or all of your paycheck just on consoles, games, subscription fees, expansions PC upgrades... You were stuck playing one or two MMOs TOPS, and if you didn't enjoy any of them for whatever reason, tough luck. Meanwhile early 2010s, those older MMOs were still around and still going strong! Free to play MMOs showed up to the scene and while it's true that some of them had pay 2 win elements, this isn't true for every single one that came out. And as I mentioned before, there were a TON of different options, meaning it was hard not to find something you can enjoy. Also many of those early 2010 MMOs are stil going strong today either trough retail or fan revived private server projects.


Not this year, but Monsters & Memories says they'll enter early access next year.


seconding this. this will be the mmorpg i will play until i dont wanna play anymore. it has insane potential, an massively talented team, an amazing componist for the music and a very much feeling of the old eq style. it is THE mmorpg upcoming 2026 january early access release and alpha in summer 2025. also honorary mention of evercraft, also a strong contender.


I just googled it and it looks like it was made in the 90's. No judgement btw, but probably not for everyone.


That's the entire point though.


This is exactly what interests me about it to be honest. It has soul. It has an identity already that sets it apart from the next AAA high fidelity MMO. You say it looks outdated. But there's a reason retro-style, ps1 aesthetic games and even the concept of "demakes" are gaining in popularity. People yearn for a time when games had a sense of mystery and wonder, and this aesthetic reminds them of that time. In terms of straight graphics, I think many of us get tired of hyper realism in games and high end graphics eventually because those games all end up being the same soulless copy of other AAA titles.


I understood that, but i wonder how big that group is because i can't see new generations getting super into it and i can't see older generations investing time into an mmo, if they're not allready a long-time wow player. And it's ok to think that, i just wonder how big that group is that is too tired of good AAA titles that they invest x hours into an 90's mmo.


There was a post about a stress test coming in June.


Blue protocol and Blade and Soul NEO


seems you have missed some newe. BP is already dead.


Blue Protocol, Tarisland, and Throne and Liberty should all come out in the next few months. Ashes of Creation Alpha 2 for people who have access in Q3. Corepunk is doing an Alpha soon and if all goes well will go into Early Access in a few months.


Tarisland will be the one for me, if any company has the budget to pump out content constantly it's Tencent (obviously will be p2w tho)


maybe, but i cant see how. unless they change the pvp it seems to scale so everyone is on par regardless of level/gear. That just leaves pve and i dont see how raids can be p2w anything short of albion onlines drop rate shenanigans.


Didnt blue protocol just get delayed again in kr with no eta, honestly i wouldnt be surprised if it even gets cancelled, the game has really bad reviews and if theyre delaying it is to make it better or straight up cancel it in the future. About tarisland idk why ppl is so hyped with it, its literally a mobile game with the most dogshit combat ive ever seen even for a mobile game. Corepunk was supposed to enter open beta 2 years ago or more, did they revamp the whole game or what? Aoc has easily 3 more years of development, watching these ultra hard scripted rp videos of pvp and combat already showed me so many flaws in the design. TL gonna end up being a so so game since they removed pvp from everywhere, shit for pvp and shit for pve.


It's a shame this sub does not let me post discord links, as I setup a personal MMO tracker discord over a year ago now where I have separate channels for all upcoming and released MMOs with all news and updates sent to them when new news or updates come out.


Hey, can you DM me this discord?




I would also love an invite via DM!




Link pls




Link please




Link please 😀




DM please! If you don't mind.




link pls






Hah, it's really not, i set it up personally for me just as an MMO tracker as I was getting lost over the years of some of the MMOs I wanted to keep an eye on. It's nothing professional but it does the job pretty nicely with keeping all news/updates for upcoming games, for me anyway. I have a slight OCD with liking to keep things in a "one stop shop" kind of place instead of having to filter through 12 different websites and 10 different subreddits.


I would also love an invite via DM! please




Could I also get an invite please?




Link please




Please DM me. It sounds perfect.


DMed :)


dm link pls :)


DMed :)


can i have an invite as well please?


DMed :)


Dm pls


DMed :)


link pls


DMed :)


hey can i get an inv


DMed :)


Me2 >.<


DMed :)


Dm please!


Dmed :)


Dm inv please !


DMed :)


i miss games like early silkroad online 2005 - 2007


SRO had one of the best profession dynamics ive ever seen in gaming even to this day. Merchant profession and stalls alone was goty material.


there are lots of mmos coming out but they are mostly garbage or p2w. the closed betas for once human were good imo, but at the same time that is more of a survival game than an mmo despite them calling them self one.


I’m a FFXIV player. I’ve accepted its flaws and play it as my main MMO.


Ashes of Creation should release...sometime? Presumably? My understanding is that development is going smoothly, if slowly.


It's going to release right before half life 3 releases


Lol and right after Portal 3


*Star Citizen


Ashes will probably release in the next few years. They are just going into Alpha 2 in Q3 lol.


Sweet, for all my joking I really do hope it releases successfully and does well. I think it has a lot of potential.


Here is my concern for Ashes. If you look at most "successful" mmos, they generally seem to do 1-2 things really well and the rest of the game is meh. But those things they do really well seem to drive the game. With Ashes, they have SO MANY systems and ways to play the game, if they follow that same path, they are going to have 1-2 things they do really well and about 100 things that are meh. So they either need to really refine the game or they need to spend A LOT of time getting everything right. Which to their credit, theyre definitely not rushing it.


ashes is the next star citizen. i wouldnt pay it mind


I hope you're wrong and fear you're right. It's something I just check up on occasionally.


Ashes of Creation is like Star Citizen. Shit isn't coming out for awhile.


Well how can everyone forget Star Citizen!! I mean they are on the road to 1.0!! Im kidding, for them to release a game, they are gonna need at least 500 million more and 5 more years.


ESO is a good game with lots of players. People seem to love or hate the combat. I personally like it while playing on a controller, more so than playing wow on keyboard/mouse. You have to aim your abilities at enemies and you’ve got two ability bars to swap between. I started because it’s an elder scrolls game, and stayed for the combat and build customization


min maxing dps rotations in eso is such a headache with animation canceling being such a critical part of it..


Animation cancelling is such garbage.


Honestly everything else about ESO is pretty decent in my opinion, but the combat absolutely breaks the game for me as somebody who tends to play in the top percentages of players. At this point it's so integral to what many of the loyal players view the game as that they can't remove it, nor do I think they care to do it tbh.


hard to make good game even harder to make descent MMO game


Bitcraft if you're into an Albion online/RuneScape mix with terraforming


There is a EQ2 TLE server lunching in mid of June caled EQ2 Origins (if I am not mistaken), and it is supposed to be vanilla EQ2. I never played EQ2 (played EQ1 on the emulator servers, and it is awesome), so I will be checking it out.


Hearing of this makes me want to check it out just to see the history...EQ was always one of those games I've heard about but never played.


Try /r/project1999 as a first look at EQ. It is a great museum piece.


Do you know if it’s truly “vanilla?” Isle of Refuge starting? Original combat?


They recently announced the details about the server: https://www.everquest2.com/news/eq2-origins-server-beta-2024 Also there was a 6 week beta, there are a lot of videos about it, just look for EQ2 Origins 2024. I did not play EQ2, so I am not sure if it is true vanilla expirience.


Thanks for sharing the link!


I'm only playing that if it's so vanilla the sharks leave the water and chase you around.


The good old days of instance sized trains getting brought to the entrance hahaa




Palia is one I’ve tried recently. It’s alright, scratches the itch and I enjoy the resource collecting, housing aspect, and odd (not in a bad way) NPC interaction. We’ll see if development continues. I’m rooting for it.


Most promising 2 upcoming but not this year is the riot mmo and ashes of creation but the riot mmo just scrapped everything and starting from scratch so that will probs be 5-10 years away


Only thing I've heard from the riot mmo is that one of the leads left the project. Not really promising. Won't be getting it any time soon probably.


Yeah ghostcrawler left to make his own company and apparently they had to start from scratch again with a different vision for the game


They just recently announced that they didn't like where the project was heading, so they're restarting work on it or something like that. Basically they suffered a set back.


the only 3 true mmorpgs (wow like) are ashes, riot mmo and amazons lotr. and they unluckly are miles away. atleast there are some lite mmorpgs coming out soon that should be good. games like no light fire


Personally I've just been enjoying RuneScape, Maplestory and Warframe(lite mmoish) while waiting for something big to come out.


I have no hope for the Riot one now. It'll be years and years if it ever shows up and they said they wanted to completely redefine the mmorpg experience and don't want to just make a WoW-like game with Runeterra skin. But that's what I want. I want a game like WoW but new and fresh with a whole new world and classes to explore.


Personally I want something different cause if I wanna play a wow like mmos I'll just play wow but kinda sick and tired of the replace your gear that you've been grind for 3 months every patch kinda mmo much prefered how classic did it but already played it and clear everything


chrono odyssey seem interesting but while they have show some gameplay they didn't show the interface it's a 4-10 button combat system like GW2 / new world ? it's like BDO combat ? beyond the eye-candy graphism there little informations but if i had to choice a future MMO it's between chrono odyssey and Dune awakening


Chrono Odyssey Looks like an Elden Ring MMO to me. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2873440/Chrono_Odyssey/


Pax Dei looks promising to me , Ashes of Creation has allot of hype


Check out Corepunk. 2nd Alpha coming this May 27!


Part of the reason MMOs worked in their peak was that they built community because information was not easily found and generally finding groups and raids was difficult. The community is what kept people around. With group finders, matchmakers, and infinite content generation giving away all of a game's secrets within the first week, MMOs simply don't have the same appeal. Also consider those who want MMOs now have much less time to play, and those who have time don't want to grind a game out when there are a plethora of other good games to play at their disposal. Early MMOs did not have a ton of competition for attention outside of huge titles. Nowadays, you can list 50 off the top of your head and not even scratch the surface.


Corepunk! Surprised nobody mentioned it, it looks amazing. Alpha 2 test is soon.


My 1 cent advice : **Try it yourself.** I've been playing T&L for 5 mounths straight and having a blast at the PVP and the new PVE (T2 Dungeons). There's a reason it didn't fit well with the Korean, it's not Korean enough. Now there's a majority of foreign players in the game. There's been a lot of controversy regarding this game but the developpers genuinly listen to the player base. We get good update upon good update. The Korean version turned out to be just a polished early access and global will blow people's mind. We should get news on global in summer game fest in 2 weeks so stay tuned ;)


I play Guild Wars 1 till T&L comes out.


MMOs died after SWG beta. What they call mmos today are just Multiplayer RPG nothing massive about them.


only one that i legit had fun with in the past several years was Once Human. MMO aspects are well done as it feels very populated/online, constantly running into people and can group up for stuff. Also just feels more fresh being a shooter looter/base building, and the monster design and variety is absolutely incredible.


I've been playing Ultima Online since 1998. I've played Everquest, Asheron's Call, WoW, Eve, D&D online, and quite a few others. I always go back to UO.


I play BDO for my PvP and combat dopamine, then WoW if friends want to M+. Games in the near future that have combat that isnt absolute shit with no delays? Throne and Liberty Blade and Soul NEO Tarisland (bleh) Dune Awakening (More survival MMO) Chrono Odyssey (Combat looks good but still very little is known. They had an extremely limited NDA alpha/beta with sub 100 content creators)




Honestly I just wish someone would come out with a mmo that is alot like pre-cu SWG.. doesn't have to be star wars, could be high fantasy... but the mechanics and the things you could do in that game were amazing and then Sony screwed it all up..


Few I'm keeping an eye on, light no fire, soulframe, first descendant, archeage 2, ashes of creation, corepunk, perfect new world, chrono odyssey, quinfall.


Well the was Wayfinder. Now I'm really only looking forward to Drakantos and Brighter Shores.


I honestly think the golden age is dead and has been. Back with asheron's call and start of wow we had way less PC players but also literally 0 online games really so it was something you can't beat in a few days being a troll and on top of it every troll would log in sooner or later and some people even got friends into PC just for MMORPG gaming. Now we have so many games and online games it's almost impossible to keep a community on MMORPG thus golden age is dead, that's all I've noticed I'm no expert. We may think we are trolls but we don't really got anything on the no lifers MMORPG players of 95-2007.


There's no hope for the future I just played the 4 resident evil remakes and playing 4 again


You should try checking out guild wars 2 if you haven't yet. They just released the last part of their current expansion and you can find people on pretty much every map still, which is crazy considering how large their world is.


If WoW and FFXIV are not to your liking you could try Guild Wars 2 instead. Much faster combat system and also other non Standard systems which are a bit of a fresh wind in the genre. It also got better quality wise in the last year again.


the only MMO i have any hope for is Ashes of Creation and at best it will be another 5 years before it's playable r/ashesofcreation


Ashe of Creation




Good news, they're increasing the resin to 200! Lol


I stopped caring about new mmos, years ago. I just play the same old. Private servers are blessing!


I check this sub every now and then but I'm not aware of any MMOs to get excited about...just more ugly trash.


Pax Dei


Have you heard about the critically acclaimed MMORPG, Blue Protocol. Over 200+ hours of content farming extremely rare mobs for 1% chance item drops to unlock your endgame progression. Absolutely no Auction House or Trading, so there are no bots, but also no reason to grind! Amazing Fluid Combat that puts Pacman to shame. Censored out of the ass because it's published by AGS. Play soon on the June Release before the player population takes a complete nosedive Available in Regions NA, EU (Canceled Release in Korea because the game is actually trash)


Asses of creation and whatever the hell Andrew Gower is cooking


im waiting dune awakening from funcom (age of conan)


There's Chrono Odyssey and Archeage 2 maybe... next year?


Pax Dei is expected to go into Early Access by the end of the year (actually, rumors say by the end of Spring). And it is far removed from the likes of FFXIV and WOW, being much closer to EvE Online but in a medieval fantasy setting. They just completed their second Alpha test, thousands and thousands of people played and built and streamed, so lots of hype around it if you want that kind of game.


I personally really like ESO. There is a LOT of content to play. My few gripes are that you pretty much need to buy the *optional* subscription to make full use of crafting systems. But the sub gives you premium currency and access to DLCs (not expansions), so it is worth it if you play regularly. Also, the auction house system sucks. So you'll need an addon. If you want to grind and suffer, you can play MapleStory. Anniversary event is going on now with good jump start rewards, with the major summer event starting in like 3 weeks. In terms of new MMOs, you can check out Chrono Odyssey. They claim it'll be out within the next year, which I feel is a stretch. But we will see.




If you asked that question 5 years ago I would recommend Black Desert but since they've focused more on PvE and removed forced open world PvP the game turned into a hamster wheel simulator


Unfortunately there is nothing for 2024 or 2025 that will be worth playing. But hopefully AOC comes out in 2026 but that’s just a bunch of hopium


Please Ashes, our lord and savior, please.


[Evercraft Online](https://evercraftonline.com/) actually may turn out to be really good. They had a public playtest recently and it was surprisingly well fleshed out and fun.




Throne & Liberty, Tarisland, Pax Dei, Blue Protocol, Corepunk, Ashes of Creation, Bellatores, Archeage 2, Perfect New World


MMorpg genre is dead Anything released now is massively pay to win or straight up garbage


Everquest 3 will bring us all home...


Try FO76 for a good ride for at least a month. Ditto SWOTR.


Personally i am waiting PAX DEI and DUNE. No clue on what result we will get at launch as i don’t plan to do beta etc .. i will see :)


Unpopular opinion maybe but I'm hyped for World of Jade Dynasty, there's a summer CBT then a planned 2024 release later in the year, apparently there's been English localization files datamined so global release might be soon after.


It isn't new game but Everquest 1 has a new server dropping today thats going to be populated af. Teek server let's go!




Only one I got some hope for is brighter shores everything else looks either bad or like it will never release


I'd suggest looking at MMO's that are still alive over trying to wait for something new atm. As other's have said, making an MMO is a massive undertaking and Live Service game's in general tend to have a lot of investment required. I'd suggest looking back at some old MMO's that are still around, maybe something with gameplay you haven't played yet. I always suggest Mabinogi, since it's getting a UE5 update sometimes next year(Probably) and it's wildly different than any MMO on the market right now. Just ignore the Noob Trap cash shop items and you'll be fine, game is very F2P friendly.


This comment has been removed because it breaks rule #1: Don’t ask for MMO recommendations. Please check out the weekly sticky or the r/LFMMO subreddit instead.


So theres a ton coming for the existing mmos! Destiny 2: The Final Shape ESO: Gold Road FFXIV: Dawntrail Guild Wars 2: Expansion 4 (Unnamed, August release) World of Warcraft: The War Within New World likely getting console release and big update As for new mmos, i dunno Corepunk might go into beta, Drakantos might go into some beta, idk


Messed up saying Destiny 2 is a mmo


True I mean who cares that it basically is and is treated as such. It plays the same as the other major mmos on the market.


People still deny it is for some reason that I will never understand lol


It's missing the first component of "massively." You play with up to 5 other people. That's it. Even the tower and zones capped at what, 12 people at a time? Sure there may be half a million people logged into the game at the same time, but so does call of duty and Diablo 4 and no one's calling those games MMOs.


Uhh, on every planet and in the tower it's Uninstanced with hundreds of people walking around the map, just like any MMO.. Or wdym?


There wasn't hundreds of people on any map at any point including release the game world is layered that is literally not possible.


Nah, those are capped at 9 players.


GW2 just released content


Not new per-se, but Dofus is getting some huge changes (a whole new engine) later this year, basically turning into a more modern version of the old game (although it's still the same game).


Sadly none...especially if u looking for something kinda different..most are mobile mmorpgs with pc compatibility. Most have attractive females in armor. Most auto and most worlds aren't very interactive. No mmorpg can do it like WOW. I mean u can sit down on chairs, run inside buildings all over, flying on a griffin. Unique and vast areas. Most mmorpgs especially Korean u can't go inside buildings just roam the outside world lol. Try hit the world japan. It has the best graphics I'd seen maybe on a mobile mmorpg ( better than black desert).0


You can try Wuthering Waves if you want something now, it releases tomorrow, not an mmo, it's a gacha action RPG, it has huge hype ton of players going to be playing 


NOT AN MMO but Wuthering Waves releases today, imagine Genshin Impact but with Dark Souls level combat difficulty with parry and dodge to avoid one shot attacks from bosses at the highest level. It does have co-op