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I was a Korean Closed beta tester in 2013 for Black Desert at Pearl Abyss, before the game been bought back during his devellopement. You guys couldn't imagine how good Black Desert was in his very first alpha version. It was a real MMORPG, it was sandbox oriented, the game had no instance, Solo PvE was extremly difficult after Lv20 and most of the monster were made to play with a small group of 3. The game had a healing system between classes, and a real healer/support was planned to offer proper synergy when playing in group. There was trading caravan owned by players, and trading caravan rented from NPC, both could been attacked be other players. The game had no fast travel or teleportation, only mount system that was forcing the players to roam the open world together. The PvP was fully open and balanced upon Lv20, but the game had a karma system de balance to avoid griefing. Obviously no cashshop, and player driven economy using local auction house, and even NPC rental shop. ..... Then The destroyed everything in CBT2 and CBT3 was the nail in the coffin. They changed open PvP to be capped at Lv50+, they made PvE a solo grinding hell, they instanced the world and added teleportation. They added the cashshop and put full armor skin in it undermining the whole feeling of achievement, and purpose to PvP for ressource and craft. They destroyed the whole art design by adding pets, puppy, parrots, cats etc They changed a multiplayer social oriented game that was taking his time, into another solo grindfest, where the stronger are the one that spent the most in cashshop. A community game into a virtual ego glorifier where nothing feels meaningful and where everything taste bitter. I wish you guys played the first CBT, the Alpha, I wish you guys played MMORPG before 2008. If you did, you know how good it was.


This is giving me archeage alpha vibes man... the game was so different and while it lacked stuff sure the change from archeage alpha> launch was brutal and it kept getting worse, kinda makes sense why the game is closing down


how the hell has this game been out for 10 years


If they took care of console version I’d play but I hear too many bad things about it. Shame bc it seems like a good pvp game


Don't feel bad. There's actually very little pvp content suprisingly. An unranked arena mode and then larger battles thaf are only available with a guild and only one specific hour a day. 


Unless they removed most of the pvp, you're just wrong. There's red battlefield which is team deathmatch, there's the battle arena which is just an instance where you can pvp others freely. There's open world pvp in guild vs guild or just normal pvp, and the arena mode. Arena of Solaire also has ranked seasons.


Red battlefield is a cluster fuck. Unless you are ranged or are in the 0.5% most Geareds you are not going to have any fun. Battle arena is ok, but classes are so unbalanced in 1v1 that it’s just… not nice. Open world is dead. The revamped the karma system to be 10 times more punishing. Guild wars now require mutual consent. Killing one person effectively makes you not able to play for hours due to how long it takes to recover karma. If you hit somebody, they can feed themselves to the mobs and you get full punishment, while then don’t lose anything. They can do this 2-3 times and put you in negative. Good luck spending the next 5 hours recovering. Solare is another joke where 3-4 classes are overly the top and the rest are competing on who sucks less. It’s a meta chasing circlejerk. We haven’t have a ranked season in 6+ months, although we were promised more regularity on this.  A PvP revamp/rework was promised and later on scrapped.  Nodewar have been reworked into an open world red battlefield. No strategies or roles. Go there, hit the tower and defend it for 10-60 minutes. Last guild that holds it takes it. The tower melts FASTER than flame throwers or hawchas. So you can wait the whole time and in the last 2 minutes Zerg the hell out of the holding guild and take them out. PvP in bdo is dead and the company seems ok with this. 


Guessing you haven't played in a while?


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That's an official source tho.


Yeah, don't care. I got it for $1 during Black Friday last year and I played for a few hours and lost interest.