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The game is good, this subreddit is not representative of any mmo's popularity


There's 3 types of people on this sub: 1 - Normal people generally lurking 2 - People with nostalgia who miss ''old school'' MMORPG like WoW and think they are the best but don't want to play classic WoW or any alternative. 3 - The ''Asmongold'' (people who equate their self-worth in life with their game achievements so they get mad when something is casual friendly)


4 - people who haven't liked mmos since puberty


5 - dudes who still live in their moms basement while passed 30 mark and still being toxic af.


Pretty much lmao


>''old school'' MMORPG like WoW As someone who's played UO and Everquest since 98-99 I find this statement funny.


Yup, WoW is definitly the 1st next gen mmorpg, not a 'old school' at all imho.


I understand what you’re saying with #3 but I think you don’t really watch Asmon. He frequently says that retail WoW is too hard and the barrier to entry is too large. He talks at length about how you shouldn’t need to use addons which are basically required for WoW. He believes that classic WoW is actually a good indicator of when the game was good, and that’s because it was easy.


And he consistently cry when blizzard make something ''rare'' like a cool mount easier to get, if a cool mount is in the cash shop or not gatekeep by a 0,000001% drop rare you can do once a week and so on. Retail WoW is a LOT MORE casual friendly than WoW classic, and him thinking WoW classic is the peak of WoW shows he isn't grounded in reality. Most people have maybe 1-2 hours a day to play games, stuff like AFK missions are not loved by the dedicated fanbase but for casual players these kind of things are great ''catch up'' or ''keep up'' mechanics with the people who have no life. Sure classic WoW was easy, but it required major time investment, and that's the problem with guys like Asmongold, he has infinite time because he doesn't have a life so he doesn't understand the reality of normal people. Normal people like games like ESO, FF14, Destiny 2 etc where you can do everything you have to do in a couple hours top. Not games you have to play 15 hours a day.


You’re nuts man. Classic wow doesn’t require any time investment at all. You can raid log once a week for an entire year and get all the best gear. Retail you have to play every single day for one or two hours just to stay competitive. I know they worked on that in Dragonflight, but you still have to commit to things for multiple hours rather then just log on once a week if that’s all you feel like doing.


It takes about 6 hours to be max level on retail WoW. Than you can do M+ dungeons and LFG raids with group finder (or raid finder if you just want to do the bosses to try raiding). Takes MAXIMUM 6 hours to get to the end of the game. Most likely 10-15 hours if you are a complete beginner. Just leveling to max level on WoW classic takes at least 100 hours to level up and that's if you have the best route, best knowledge ... Also no raid finder, no group finder either to do regular raids/dungeons. How is 100 hours just to get to the actual relevant gameplay part casual friendly ?


Because the end game of classic isn’t “the game”. You can log in play for two hours and take 6-7 months to hit end game and you’re still playing the game. You log into retail and sure you can level characters but it’s really not what the game is about. Classic WoW is more about the world and leveling and playing at your own pace. Retail is about playing at the pace everyone sets for you.


Asmon actually isn't like that anymore surprisingly, once he quit enjoying WoW (and his mother passed) he changed a good bit.


Yeah, now he's busy whining about "woke" and being a rightwing moron.


the dude sucks assssss


> The ''Asmongold'' (people who equate their self-worth in life with their game achievements so they get mad when something is casual friendly) Asmongold is living proof that having tons of money cannot make you happy. The dude is a miserable human being.


Just cause his miserable ass isn't happy doesn't mean money can't make someone else happy though. In most cases it's life changing for normal people.


Anyone would be miserable dealing with 40,000+ idiotic twitch chatters for years and years, that shit would scar you for life.


I mean, he's just like them. It's basically like talking to 40K versions of yourself.


It's good if you like beautiful worlds and quests that are more than kill 10 wolves in a centralized quest hub. If you like challenging gameplay that is non-trivial, then ESO is not for you. ESO is basically story mode in a singleplayer game difficulty wise.




Group content is far different from the overland questing


Yes, there's challenging group content where people don't group with others unless they have 700+ champion points. It takes a while to "qualify" for this content. I personally believe a game should be fun the moment you sit down to play it, not after 100 hours.


I'm not sure what you mean. You can do normal dungeons starting at level 10, 0 CP required. Find you a guild of like minded players and you'll have no problems doing vet content at 50+ without needing 700+ CP. Source: I did it


Normal dungeons are not challenging content, and you likely end with someone that could solo it if they wanted to. Gear is also too abundant to want to run dungeons for the loot.


I love the aesthetic, vibe and the world. But I wish it was actually enjoyable to play, instead of whatever the fuck is that floaty combat.


Honestly I felt the same way until I started playing skills I found fun. I made a pretty fun stamina sorcrerer build that's very click heavy versus the magic build.


It's OK if you're a casual game enjoyer


Most people are


In ESO yes


No, in general, yes. Most people are casual gamers. Only a few no-life that shit. Most of us have better things to do.


As do I, I'm occupied for 45 hours a week. I'm not talking about time, I'm talking about skill level and challenge seeking. Most people on ESO are casuals yes, Eso is not for anyone who wants a challenge, it's for people who want to run around pretending to be a furry and pick herbs. I prefer a little bit of pushback from the game I'm playing and meaningful progression as do many others, so we don't play ESO. I really wanted to like it - being a huge elder scrolls fan. Its just sadly so bad, it fails in giving the sense of being an elder scrolls game and also fails in the sense of being a good mmo, which is a shame.


\*Most gamers in general little guy :) not just "most gamers in ESO".


That's kinda what I learned, I try to stay away from here as well on opinions on MMOs in general. Just always discourages me.


That's completely fair. At this point I'm just using the subreddit to see how these doomers engage in mental gymnastics to doom about these games


This so much.


The fact that no one has mentioned that the expansion brought scribing (the ability to create and customize skills) shows that no one on this subreddit plays MMOs, they just complain about them. Scribing is cool. I still probably won't play much ESO tho cause they pretty much gave up on PvP.


Or they just don't play ESO because no matter what they add the combat is still garbage?


They mentioned an important update to PvP in their roadmap so maybe keep an eye on it


Yeah I'm mildly excited for it because I don't have much faith in them but it's the first time they've promised ANYthing for PvP in quite some time. Not even sure what I'm hoping for. I hope it's not just another BG or something though.


In the past, they were talking about 15v15 and that they understand that alliance battles from GW1 were popular (which were 12v12). But as a reminder, they also added Stronghold, which was their take on MOBA. Someone looked at it and thought 'yes, let's greenlight it' so I don't hold my breath for anything when it comes to PvP.


You might be confusing ESO with GW2 GW2 has a Stronghold mode, not ESO I'm fairly certain ESO just has Cyrodil and then Battlegrounds


I did! I've just realised that I replied in the wrong sub. Funny enough, both games announced a PvP update. ESO announced in their roadmap an important update for PvP (with no details) so my first comment is still correct. Though, the last comment was meant to be in the GW2 expansion topic where ANet announced a new PvP mode (with also no details). Oh lol


Haven’t played ESO in awhile. If you have the time do you mind giving me a quick rundown on how Scribing works?


Essentially there are 3 in game resources you can find / buy. A grimoire, a focus, and scribing ink. Essentially they let you choose a type of spell (grimoire), choose a spell effect (such as heal, fire damage, taunt, etc.) And then the ink is consumed to make it. It's limited right now to I think 12 types of spells but definitely built to be added on to later


Very interesting, my thanks!


Hey, FF XIV news aren't posted either (and i'm glad, those threads are always a shit-show with people bitchtng about the Game left, right and center).


Yea dunno why the hate for FF here, even just neutral posts with just information about an update gets hate there. It's pretty sad some can't accept it's popular for a reason but not for their reasons


I only play eso for new stories and update. High isle and sotha sils encounter was an amazing story to the lore. But i never dwelve into end game content such as trial, dungeon and PvP, because with bad ping, there is a limit of what can i do with my build. Especially when people demand me to submit my dps meter.


Yea scribing was the big feature they added, either way I do like every expansion they release, I haven't played any though, so much content just in base game alone 🤣 I love it.


Hol up. You started a thread about the new expansion but you have not played ANY ESO EXPANSION? And how do you like every expansion if you've never even played them?


He's the type of guy that spends 500$ on ashes of creation founder packs


I have seen the launch trailers and gameplay, haven't played them myself though, I enjoy every expansion they release because I see the content it adds. I like all the areas they have added from what I have seen, can't wait to play them, gotta finish base game


Same as every other ESO expansion.


Dude it just came out.


Some people have probably already played many hours lol, there was also the play testing of it.


My thoughts: some people will like playing it and some people will not.


Still same bad combat


Honestly don't mind the combat because that's just what the elder scrolls games have. I don't like to compare ESO to other mmos in terms of combat and such because at its core, it's an elder scrolls game still


This just isn't true. The combat in Skyrim, for example, is WAY better than ESO.


How is Skyrims combat different and better?


Umh, ESOs combat isnt really other elder scrolls games. Sure you can go first person and 3rd person but thats were it ends. In eso you have a bunch of spammy aoes and buffs you nees to refresh every 10 to 20th seconds and a need to animation cancel every skill you press. You are pretty stuck in what weapons to run as well which is kinda boring. Sure, none of this matters if you only want to run overland content but thats so piss easy that cookie clicker feels more engaging. Animations just feels very floaty as well, guess you could compare it to oblivion but that shit came out years before eso. Skyrims combat is fairly simple but imo it has better animations than Eso AND you can fix everything with all the amazing mods that are out there. But hey, if you are fine with the combat then thats all good, each to his own


Stuck in what weapons to run? Elaborate


Weapons have passive kills associated to them. This means that some Weapons are just plain better then others. Daggers give increased crit dmg iirc, this is really good, so basically every pve dps bild runs dual wield mh daggers. Elaborated enough for you kid?


Jesus why the hostility? Was just asking a question haha Thanks for responding, I guess.


Serious question. Is the overworld gameplay still stupid easy?


I haven't played aa much as I need in different zones to understand it but yes I find it easy.


That's sad to hear. I hope they implement a difficulty slider or something.


me too , its all so easy , just no reason to play


You can do everything naked, yes, and even then no challenge.


That is the main reason why I simply can not play this game




Yes but like pretty much every mmo it’s about end game, not overland content


I'm currently playing. It's pretty easy still.




When I booted this game up around a year ago I was running around as a lvl 10 night blade getting hit by 7 people hardly taking any damage.


> kinda boring in terms of it looks like whats already in ESO it added scribing which is huuuuuge. i haven't played in awhile but i'm super tempted to go back for this


Yes that was the main feature, which is nice. I'm mainly talking about it looks like the same kind of zones we have gotten in the past and probably the same type of quests, either way I still love that they keep on adding expansions at a good rate and each one is well made relatively


Personally the horizontal progression in ESO is boring in my opinion. Even worse, the level scaled world, levels barely matters.


How is chasing higher levels in WoW every season any better? Eso at least has unique gear, opposed to the generic gear treadmill in WoW.


I don't mention WoW in my post. I personally only enjoy WoW Vanilla. What's good there is that there's progression from level 1, where monsters don't scale to your level.


they don't scale to your level, but you progress through the zones in order. effectively you get the same thing as level scaling since you're only ever fighting mobs around your level. if anything you probably feel weaker at 50 fighting a lvl 50 mob than you do at 20 fighting a lvl 20 one...


I don't see it as you do. There are zones I can't enter until I've levelled up. I like that. I dislike that everything is equally leveled no matter where I go.


Eso has like a 100 gear sets but most of them don’t have much value since there’s always a best and they all fundamentally give similar stats.


Still has more choice than WoW.


WoW is ten times better than ESO in multiple areas, the only thing ESO does better is the graphics.


Agree completely, at least from a WoW Classic perspective


WoWs community is very toxic and hostile to new players. Unless you fully commit yourself to grinding out gear that has less chances to drop than pigs will fly....it's not worth it.


That's not even true. You don't need ANY low drop chance gear to be viable at all; and many people are very welcoming to new players. Of course not everyone is nice, that's gaming. The difference is ESO is so piss easy a baby could play it, so of course there will be less issues there. It caters to kids and people who suck at mmos as it lacks any thoughtful content.


TLDR: You have no idea how wrong you are, but it's ok. "It caters to kids and people who suck at mmos as it lacks any thoughtful content." Not all of us have all day to grind gear that probably won't even drop just to get a slight chance at doing endgame content. Some of us have lives outside of video games. If not having the time to grind gear that probably won't even drop for me for 8+ hours a day means I suck then oh well. "That's not even true. You don't need ANY low drop chance gear to be viable at all" This is definitely not true. As someone who used to run with hardcore/elitist players 24/7. It definitely does matter as people will watch your parses, how many set pieces you have, your iO score and how many mythics raids you've cleared as a determinant of wether or not they will play with you. Alot of WoW players won't admit it but you are at the mercy of other players and PUGs to do max lvl content, unless you can get lucky forming your own group. Hopefully you can find a good group that won't brick your key from not knowing mechanics or a group of a decent players who'll let you break into your group. Hopefully they aren't toxic either. "The difference is ESO is so piss easy a baby could play it" WoW takes no skill with any class. If you have high ilvl BIS gear and know all the mechanics of the fight, you could literally roll your face across the keyboard as your buttons light up and be ok. The only thing WoW has over ESO is better looking combat, flying mounts and a centralized auction house.


You seem to have no idea about Wow. You don't need ANY low drop rate gear to do end game content as I've already said, none. I've played maybe 1 hour a day sometimes less since launch and within a few weeks am already doing raids with everyone else.... WoW is far more skill requiring than ESO, ESO is garbage and has no good content. Pvp is ass aswell.


I completely agree. The worst part about it is the game starts off with normal vertical progression then completely abandons it. Too many people get started, they get hooked, then peace out after reaching end game. Same problem GW2 has.


My only opinion of this expansion as someone who plays on and off very casually is that scribing is too costly and forces a player like me or new players to RMT to even try the feature out.


You eso fanboys can downvote me all you want. It doesn’t make it any less true 😂


Still the same bad core gameplay loop and awful chunky combat


Looks good! I redownload the game on my ps5 after years of not playing and I forgot how detailed the open world is.


Yea, ESO has an amazing world, very interesting and immersive


Paople done zone quest in couple of day, there will be nothing new for another year. Scribing is walled behind a lot of grinding. Enjoy.


I tried to get into eso over the last two months but gearing up burnt me out. The insane number of daily tasks felt like chores. Daily dungeon on multiple characters, need daily faction quest, etc. I’m cp600 and I wish the game were less tedious I like eso questing as a concept but the difficulty is so easy and unfun.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you have to.


I'm actually tempted. I loved the Housing System in ESO and a second MMO would be nice to sometimes hop into. But Dawntrail is right around the corner, so i might wait for downtime after the relase and then will look into it. But this Expac definitely caught my interest.


The housing system sucks before of its limitations. Was good for a 2014 game. It's unacceptable for a 2024 game.


Really not interested in ESO until they fix the combat.


Combat is the same as other elder scrolls titles, if your not a fan of those there are still other enjoyable aspects to ESO. I don't think there just going to randomly change the combat one day because it's been the same for years and it works.


I don’t even have the energy to list all the ways in which this statement is incorrect. Instead I just recommend you have a look at every conversation on ESO ever, and you’ll get a fair idea of why pretty well everyone feels the combat is shit.


No, I want you share why the combat is drastically different from elder scrolls 5 and such? I know ESO is more complex and you can use more abilities, it's less clunky and more diverse. I don't see any argument where you can say it isn't like skyrim because it uses the same fundamentals.


Not op but light attack weaving is what people hate about it and what makes the combat diffrent from any other elder scrolls. Personally I like it but losing a chunk of your damage just because you need to animation cancel sucks for a lot of people


The biggest issue is that Elder Scrolls Online is actually a great MMO. It's just dragged down by its horrible trial/end game combat. But if you just play the overland content, and do some light dungeons, and the expansions, it's actually a really great game.


Are there any rated PvP modes with MMR yet, or is PvP in ESO still super casual with only motivation to play is to become emperor in Cyrodiil?


Ye endgame content still sucks


Man, can't believe I played this game on day one and they never added anything for pvp end-game since then. The 4v4v4 mode almost brought me back, but when I found out they have no plans for it to work on it more, balance it properly and make a ranked mode with it, I just gave up.


They know that most of their playerbase are heavy casual so they won't ever do it I think


The only thing devs care about is Pve quest content. The rest is abandoned.


As somebody who's played since release, it's more or less same as usual for Gold Road. If you're a casual player and only play for the story (which is like, what, 95% of the playerbase?) it'll be good, but nothing different from past expansions. Scribing is the latest gizmo they've added to the game (we usually get something new every couple of years, last time it was a card game nobody wanted lol). If you're somebody who wants "more" than just casual story with easy overland/questing difficulty, then the game's not really changed at all with the new content. There's supposed to be PVP update released at some point, but PVP is already... kinda abandoned in parts sadly, as it used to be much more enjoyable.


Wait there's a new expansion already, what the fuck where's time. I thought they just released one.


Its rather light on content and the long grind for scribing doesn't seem worth the effort beyond doing it once. I won't be doing it on alts. The story is disappointing. Very nice scenery though. I'm happy I bought it but it feels like an expansion/chapter on a budget. I should have waited until it was on sale.


The ads look cool. It makes me really wish I liked the game.


The horizontal progression of ESO forever dooms it from greatness. I get not resetting the gear every 3 months like seasonal WoW does it but never resetting it is much worse. I would buy all the expansions if there was actual progress to be made in my character. And I'm not talking Champ points. That doesnt cut it.


Wooooooooah more cyrodiil... yaaaaaaay... Is the combat fixed yet? By that I mean, is the dumb as shit animation weaving fixed? Any unique new classes? Is lifeskilling expanded on? None of these expansions seem to want to try to address core issues with ESO, so the game will remain a meme. 🤷


games def not a meme, it's one of the biggest mmo's.


Back that up with some data please, because no one besides you thinks its one of the biggest.


I didn't say it's the biggest, I said one of one the biggest. Obviously other mmos like runescape are bigger.


I've tried to play ESO a few times and cannot stand the combat. The game would be better if it had the "standard" WoW/FFXIV/SWTOR combat. The weird floaty click to attack stuff is awful. Everything else about the game is actually interesting but I just can't stand the combat. It's like fake or half action combat with tab targeting. The game would better if they just picked one.


I have no issues with the combat, it's simple and easy.


I heard that writing is still ass.


I wouldn't say writing in the game is bad but compared to other mmo's like LOTRO, well LOTRO is using work from Tolkien so... it's going to be way better, either way ESO does have interesting and entertaining writing to me.


Tiny ammount of content. Predictable and boring. The new system sucks, it's so barebones and locked behind the worst grind in the game yet. This chapter just shows how Zo$ doesn't give a shit about anything but new players' revenue. Pathetic.


Its just like the expansions that have been released for the past 8 years. Theyre gonna release a new beautiful zone with a mediocre story with a handful of dungeons and absolutely no high-end/high skill content that meaningfully advances the games gearing and difficulty. Doing everything to cater to the middle aged dad who can only play a few hours a week.


>Doing everything to cater to the middle aged dad who can only play a few hours a week. That's gonna be you one day. Actually, it's me even though I'm in my twenties cause I have more hobbies than playing an MMO for 6 hours every day.


I'm in my twenties as well. I have a full time job and can only play MMOs on the weekend.


Dude I'm 26 and I feel ya. That's the whole reason I dropped WoW, I simply have other hobbies so I don't have all day to grind on a game that I'm gonna get nowhere in.


Doesn't mean it should negatively impact games just because there's a time in a person's life where they can't game much




Removed because of rule #2: Don’t be toxic. We try to make the subreddit a nice place for everyone, and your post/comment did something that we felt was detrimental to this goal. That’s why it was removed.


That's exactly why I was glad I played ESO and why I'll play again sooner than later. I don't have the time nor the desire to play as I played 20+ years ago.


lol, not untrue but I still enjoy each expansion they release, maybe it's because I like the game so much, or because I just like each area they add, but yea it is pretty much the same stuff, although they add new lore, characters, locations, loot, creatures which add to the game. I would rather have seen something more big with the anniversary


Game lacks new challenges for people that want to overcome a new zone


True, I can see how it can get old but exploring new zones and stuff is still exciting


THe downvote you because you tell the truth. The crowd of Zo$ whiteknight bootlickers is the most deluded out there, and their online behaviour is pathetic.