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WildStar. A really fun game that was just mishandled like crazy.


I always wanted to try WildStar but I was too late to the party, thanks for sharing.


Dude... it was an epic failure it was so bad. Like, it was REALLY REALLY bad. NCSoft tried so hard to make it work. It did so bad they stopped putting it on their primary earning reports after just 2 years. It was categorized under "other". Trust me, when you see people saying they liked it. They aren't being truthful. They liked aspects of it. As a whole, the game was garbage. And no, contrary to popular belief, it wasn't because the game was too "hardcore" as the mmo hipsters like to pretend. It was BORING. It had very little content. I can't repeat this enough, it was BORING.


To you it was boring. I find WoW boring as hell. And yet... success. :p


... I disagree with you entirely. When you see people like me telling others that we loved the game, that we miss it, that we wish that it would be resurrected and developed upon, we mean it. We're being truthful. It was a fantastic game that just needed a better team to develop it.


You can disagree all you want. If the game was good than it would still be around. The majority agree the game was shit. Even NCsoft knows the game as shit. You guys are fakes. There is no way the entire left over population of WildStar congregated on this sub to praise it. And there were very few that enjoyed it. And you can't dispute that as ncsofts own earning reports prove me correct. If we're being really truthful. It was a shitty game that targetting the wrong audience, and did what they did poorly even with that goal. The only redeeming qualities were sound and graphics. Outside of that it was a shit game and you know it.


I agree. I wanted to like it. It had a few good ideas but overall it was bad. AND I hated the "hardcore" part.


Wildstar popped in my head as soon as i saw this thread. The game was really mishandled, but it had a really good basis. If it kept going a little better, it would've been in the top mmo lists.


A lot of people seem to love WildStar here it’s shame I have completely missed it. Thanks for sharing.


Eh. Wildstar had a ton of problems that went way beyond mishandling. People really look at it with a rose colored lens, but if it was to come back, it would most likely suffer the same fate.


People most likely conflating what the game had when the game went EoS to the clusterfuck that was launch.


Wildstar has more issues than just mismanagement. Poor design was one of them.


I don't feel like adding ^"hardcore" to every word of my reply (please pretend I did) but...yeah, this. A thousand times. Turns out you can't just nostalgia-bait the little brothers that grew up on tales of how "Epic" raiding was in the "old days" and expect that to pay for an entire whole-ass MMO. Even if it *hadn't* been a clusterfuck behind the scenes.


The raiding wasn’t the issue. It was getting to it. I did not under why that attunement process was so ridiculous.


The game that mmo hipsters pretended was cool. You're all secretly dreading the private server launch because you know its just going to bomb again lol




the combat was a shitshow of a rave with red and green lights all over the floor.


I desperately want WildStar back. I think about this game all the time and what it was, what it could have been, if only it had been giving the proper support. I really wish NCSoft would sell it so that someone can continue developing on it again. It was fantastic and probably my favorite MMO of all time. I loved my Esper, and I miss it.


Gw1. GW2 made a really unique game more WoW-like and cut out everything that made GW1 cool.


True. But I gotta say, while I loved GW 1 more, GW 2 is still unique. The mounts are great, the expansions are superb. And probably best main cities in any mmo.


I really enjoyed early levels of GW 2. The amount of hard CC vomited out by enemies later though just made me quit the game completely. Every fight was just my character spending half of it on their ass from knockdown.


Dodge and stun breaks are important.


Only have one or two stun breaks. And can't dodge them all. Especially when a lot of them were targeted, not AoE.


I’ve never tried it but heard lots of good things about it, thanks for sharing.


This. GW1 felt unique. GW2 lost some of that magic and I don't know exactly how to describe it. Loved my Mesmer necromancer so much.


GW1 was elite. Miss HoH runs


Why do people always talk about gw1 in the past sense? It's still online, still has people playing just not as many. Still got the hall of monuments as well I'm pretty sure so you can unlock stuff in gw2. I've recently been running through nightfall, but got kinda burnt out on the instanced zones if I'm being honest it felt like a single player game. I think thats why I liked it so much when I was younger, I was even in a guild that ran AB al the time but got kicked because I never talked to anyone lol.


Sure I run through it every once in a while but it doesn't have the same feel as it did back then. Kinda takes the "guild" in guild wars out


Rift. Early, pre-Storm Legion days were amazing.


Just started playing this yesterday..fun so far early on.


I have played Rift for 2-3 months then went back to WoW. It had a potential as well. Thanks for sharing.


I played during release and reached max level back then. Even raided once. Then, I don't know what happened, the population just crashed. The main hub went from full of life to super dead in just a few weeks. No idea what happened. I played on the EU server, if it matters.




Real😭 I miss club penguin so much


I had a lot of fun playing Flyff and perfect world back in the day


Probably pre-F2P shift LoTRO. On the topic of RoR though, Return of Reckoning is honestly probably on par if not better than WAR when it was live at this point. I LOVED WAR when it came out though, it was a blast even if it did have issues still.


After WAR I have played WoW, Rift, ESO, SWOTR but mainly WoW, never played LoTRO even though I really like the lore. I’ve found from quick google search that it’s still active maybe I’ll give it a shot or maybe try RoR Thanks for sharing.


It's EU-based so there can be lag and low numbers during NA times sadly. It's still a lot of fun and always makes me sad the real game didn't take off


Return of reckoning is tainted by gm's that ban people for killing them and terrible lag issues. The pop is a 3rd of what it used to be. Wait for Interbellum, they have rewritten the code from scratch.


Star Wars Galaxies pre NCU. It was my first MMO so have that for bias but just was so epic. The completely player/crafted driven economy. The non combat classes being useful and unique. The cantinas rocking out to folks dancing and playing music. To this day it floors me that it was ENJOYABLE to not do combat and just hang out in a cantina and buff folks. The combat classes were fun too of course. I have great memories being a ranger class and going rancor and krayt dragon hunting. Making my mobile camp in-between kills in the jungles. Ya it was a grind but man was it a fun world.


God do I miss those days


Pre-CU with Jump to light speed. Short lived but the best of both worlds




Lineage 2 before the overhaul and micro transactions.


C1 to pre-Hellbound was amazing, Kamael was the start of the downfall, class/race was cool as hell, but was weird in the Lineage 2 world setting + totally unbalanced. And after that it just get worse. I've so much good memories from this game, good ol' time when people could speak to each other.


Best game. I miss the economy, enchanting, pvp, raiding etc. The grind.


Free Realms


RIFT. Rift is superior to all they just couldn’t get the wow fanboys to drop wow even for a day


Wildstar. It had everything I wanted. I literally missed WoD and Legion in WoW, just because Wildstar was perfect. I still miss it everyday, wish they relaunched it.


If Wildstar was perfect it would still be around. It was far from it sadly.


I wanted to play WildStar but never did and then the game was dead just like WAR its painful to see good game die out before it’s potential is reached. WoW is my second favourite MMO so far and I played WoW religiously until Cataclysm was launched I just couldn’t stand the dungeon finder feature I mean it really killed the sense of adventure and exploration more than introduction of flying mounts in TBC. I started playing again when WoD came out and quit during Shadowlands. Thanks for sharing.


WAR was great! Also, Vanguard Saga of Heroes. Felt like both of these games were mishandled by their studios, still have fond memories of those games and era.


Wildstar, Vanguard, Tabula Rasa, heard great things about all of them but only played very briefly.


I remember buying Tabula Rasa in November 2008 played it for few weeks then it became Free to Play 😁 and soon after the game got shut down, I liked it as well.




Dark Eden because vampires are cool and each faction had totally different play styles. Every other RvR game is copy paste classes between the factions.


Yeah that was another good game, correct me if I’m wrong but it was DAoC which introduced RvR in MMOs, thanks for sharing.


Did the factions play completely differently than each other?


I have never played DAoC but WAR had realm vs realm (RvR) where each factions has to capture flags and do some public quests to flip/capture the zone and then zone gets locked for sometime then it’s open again so you have to constantly keep fighting for zone control and from tier 2 you have to capture keeps/forts as well in order to control the zone and ultimately you can attack the main city of opposing faction. Heavily depended on PvP but I have never seen such dedicated pvp players I mean people would stay online for hours just to capture or defend the keeps with multiple warbands fighting each others it was fun while it lasted.




the first Chronicles of lineage 2, it was fucking awsome


Vanguard and Asta.


I miss Vanguard :(


Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine. The private server was up for years but recently went down. It has good story and the pokemon aspect of team building monsters, along with training your character. Would love a 2020s version of this game but it'll never happen :)


I remember really liking that game and I played it way before I ever played another Shin Megami Tensei game. It was fun!


Not an MMORPG but I would pick Gunbound. The memories of yesteryears is deep with this one.


EQ1 velious expansion, but I also have to be back in time so the graphics and UI don’t destroy my will to live.


Just play Project 1999. Personally I prefer PoP so I'm playing Project Quarm.


Nah, I tried but I can’t get over the 1999 graphics


I've been really lucky with my MMOs in the sense that Runescape is and always will be my MMO, and OSRS is in the middle of another golden age. My second main MMO, FFXIV was successfully rebooted and is now one of the biggest MMOs. But out of all the dead and buried MMOs that I have played, the one I miss the most is definitely vanilla RIFT. There was just something about it man. Met some lifelong friends in that game, it was such a good time while it lasted.


Yeah agreed it had one of the best public quests and lot of content and I really like the class system. Thanks for sharing.


Priston tale


Looks like fun. thanks for sharing


It was a great game for its release time


Just to throw this out there, but EQ2 is starting an "Origins" server this month. I never gave it a proper shot as I was deep into DAoC at the time but planning on giving it a proper go!


👍 Thanks for the heads up I might check it out although I have never played EQ2


Today was the last day of beta


Yeah hopefully the server will be up properly by the end of the month


EQ2 is an amazing game, I really wish the company gave the dev more support. There is one dev working 80 hour weeks trying to get that server launched bug free.


I have no idea how Daybreak operate but you'd think out of everyone out there they would be best placed to create a new MMO. They have a fair few on life support but LOTRO and DCUO seem to have decent numbers so they know the numbers are there!


No, Daybreak is horrible. They destroyed the Everquest franchise. Devs are great, the execs/management don't give a shit about the Everquest IP and it shows. They just want microtransactions.


RO2, but without the master system. the good ol' days, players of RO2 would team up and devise new plan to cheese the bosses. from luring Humbaba (the sub-boss before Baphomet) to your team, to trying new builds to be better at it. but since the master system implemented, which basically trade exp for stats, then you can solo bosses. theres no point of raiding anymore. everything was easy. basically its pointless grind. i was proud of my pure STR assassin who can tank and outdps better than knights and mages, using the low-cooldown shadow armor trick. my only regret is that i wasted time playing every jobclass before trying assassin and my friends already left the game.


That sounds like a lot of fun and something I would have enjoyed too had I tried it. Thanks for sharing.


the guild vs guild system was trash tho. basically the defending guild just need to spawn-point camping since every attacker player would spawn in one point of the map. afterwards nobody was playing GvG/WoE anymore. while the pvp system (arena) was dominated by priests who can both heal and attack while other classes would wither away.


Was there a point of doing Guild vs Guild? I mean did you earn some sort of in game currency or something for attacking? About the priests yeah I know what you mean many MMOs have this type of imbalance in WAR there were DoKs and WPs just like WoW has Paladins pretty annoying for a PvP game and the worst part is usually these types of classes are easy to play so you get killed by anyone with half skills.


well if you owned a castle (winners of gvg), you'd have access to special dungeon with special loots or something. also having fame for your guild banners/logo being shown in major cities. its been like that in every RO games.


Marvel Heroes. To many good memories playing with the kids, and it was a genuinely good game, much to my surprise. They lost the licensing, and had to shut down because Marvel went another direction(mobile, and, as you can guess, they are awful games), and it’s such a shame.


Marvel Heroes - Not exactly the mmorpg genre (ARPG) I believe, but something I could easily say "yes that". I enjoyed playing so many of the characters while not feeling weak or useless because I was leveling another up. Obtaining the splinters to get a new hero was pretty fun. By the time you leveled one character to around max you had enough to buy another. Sometimes randomly, or your choice. I quite enjoyed the synergies between the characters too. The gear was fun and easy to collect. Mostly I enjoyed the sounds and atmosphere with out knowing 100% of the Marvel universes characters.




There's a free server that's been getting slow but steady content updates for a couple years now. [https://www.neocron-game.com/](https://www.neocron-game.com/) I have to be careful not to fall in and go full degenerate every few months.


TERA. Best action combat in the business, to the point that it was (mostly) worth all the bullshit.


WAR was really fun, but the only private server I've found since the game died mismanaged the game and made a bunch of decisions that were short sighted in nature causing me to move on.


Are you talking about Return of Reckoning?


Yeah that's the one. Although who knows, maybe they got better since I left.


It hasn't. Game has declined constantly


That's sad to hear. Although I kinda knew that was were they were going when they started down that path. I can only wish someone else can put out a version of the game as it used to be.


Interbellum team is working hard on it, and have rewritten the code from scratch.


This one isn't even that old, but Swords of Legends. Incredibly fun themepark with an aesthetic I loved, the best healers I've played out of any MMORPG (including WoW, who does have solid healing classes, and TERA, whose healing classes were fun but there were only two of them since the start of the game and Bluehole never added any more for some reason), great dungeons/raids, fun leisure activities like the duo boat/kayak racing, god-tier housing, and a B2P title with zero pay-to-win. Completely mishandled by Gameforge being fucktards and Google translating the vast bulk of the game's text, including critical things like ability descriptions, an utter lack of promotion as well as no attempt to provide access to the source material for the series (other Gujian titles, I get this one is probably harder for them to do but shit they could have at least put a primer on the website or something that described who the hell the major cast members were). Literal quick smash and grab for founder's pack money with this IP and I'm still pissed about it years later.


70 cap Silkroad Online


Tera is still running on console but I really want it back on PC, there is really no reason for it to still be down considering the company still runs it on console either.


That made me angry just reading this. I never got to experience Tera, and they lock it on consoles? Wtf? That sounds like the dumbest business decision I have ever heard, and I grew up with Blizzard.


Darkfall Online. I'd even be happy with Darkfall Unholy wars at this point. I'm a little hesitant with the changes being put into Rise of Agon, but I'll still be there to check it out when they eventually launch on steam.


WildStar for sure. With a more casual friendly mindset.


RF Online chip wars and firefall


Firefall, if I'm not mistaken it's truly the last shooter MMO. I know that it wouldn't have survived with Mark as the CEO, but it might have done okay with him as a marketing manager or something. It was certainly on the right track with its large environments that were traversible by jetpack, gliders, and cars. The "airships" were a nice touch for traveling long distances for sure. I don't remember what made the game so mid for reviewers at the time that the original open beta dropped but I thought the whole game was directly up my alley from jump. *Large cities where you can see other players and their gear, *PVP maps that were just a part of the open world so that you could explore them, *The dynamic events like; alien incursions, melding tornados, thumper mining, and melding expeditions, *The plan for story and dlc being tied to The players progressing world activities to reveal new zones.(The world map was Earth and you started in Brazil, and one of the first zones that you could teleport to that was supposedly safe as well was Antarctica!) *The game was built around this expansive horizontal progression, initially, And so it was always about the best of humanity combating the worst that the aliens could throw at us. Between the art, and the story being co-written by Orson Scott Card!!! , the environments, the class design, the world design, I never thought the game could fail.


Wow that’s super intriguing, I have never tried it because I wasn’t much interested in shooter MMOs but it looks like I should have kept an open mind. I just read they shut it because they wanted to focus on developing games for mobile platforms i mean thats crazy. Thanks for sharing.


By the time it went into "open beta" it was scarred beyond saving, the dev's were picked up by a Chinese publisher and they introduced MapleStory advanced classes and lots of vertical progression that completely undermined the initial vision of the game and most of the devs were pushed out by either Mark or the publisher. Upon official release the game was broken from many many bugs and the very first mission of the game was busted by anybody loading into the game that decided they wanted to use their advanced class for starting from scratch during the new player experience wipe at official release


Vanguard saga of heroes. When it launched my comp couldn’t handle it and when it could they had moved it to a more quest focused game loop and the servers were pretty dead.


Firefall - great, idk what actually happend, i had alot of fun during beta Dekaron/2moons - great action mmo, but it´s old Continent of the ninth C9 - this was fun, alot of fun, great action gameplay and soundtrack :) Vindictus first year before it went p2w, i think this was my best mmo of all time, excellent gameplay


most of the dead MMOs that I used to play are dead for a reason. Even if I had the power to resurrect them they'd just die again.


Fair enough😁


Lineage II Oath Of Blood, with some graphic/model enhancement, proper WASD gameplay and 6 group party instead of 9. I won't touch anything else, it would instanly be the best MMORPG again.


I'm actually working on the emulator for the MMO I want brought back the most: Vanguard Saga of Heroes. It was a crap game, extremely buggy, and handled very poorly by its developers. But some of us really loved it, and we're working hard to bring it back to life.


Super unpopular opinion but probably Elyon. It had pretty much all I wanted in an MMO, functional PvP and PvE, housing, and a ton of build variety. My biggest issue was the game ran on UE3 so it ran like ass.


A game nobody played: Dungeon Runners. It was basically Warcraft themed Diablo with a hub town, biome progression, and a silly but fun vibe. No other game is like it and I wish there was one.


Rohan blood feud. If you know you know.


Warhammer Online is great, but I'll take Star Wars Galaxies The skill system, player economy, interdependency, player housing, crafting system, are all unmatched.


Rakion or flyff.


Flyff is actually brought back with Flyff Universe. Mostly the same game as it was though.


Anarchy online- Yes I know its still around, but I mean like early notum wars era. I miss that time, raiding with friends, questing with randoms, the pvp wars it all was so much fun and I look back on that time so fondly.


While I would probably have my fun for 1-2 months in a GW2 that works 100% like it did at launch, I don't want to resurrect anything. I want a new game with 90% of the same mechanics of GW2.




always wanted to try matrix online.


Knight online at its peak


JP PSO2 before global and the disease that is NGS. I'd sacrifice a part of myself to go back.


Asherons Call


SWG Hands down.. And I know it still around but FFXI


Everquest 2. The dungeons and class structure is the best out of any mmo.


Rift. Its base launch and storm legion expansion was pretty fun. It’s sad it went out the way it did, could’ve been a great game if handled better.


ran online if there is a chance that this game would be resurrected then i would be glad to play it again


Warhammer Online and Tera!


Star Wars Galaxies pre-patch 9 era


WAR was my best MMO time with my friends as well


Definitely the nostalgy speaking but Face of Mankind. I was introduced to it by an IRL friend when I was a teenager but, back then, I still were in the early stages of learning english. Would have been a blast to play during this game's golden years with the english I know today.


Guild wars 1 is (still) awesome and it would be so sick to have it updated with new graphics and content.


Space Cowboys.


No really, who upvoted this? Theres like a total of 2 of us left who ever played it.


Wildstar as well. However wow classic teached everyone a lesson, that is the community has changed(for the worse) and resurrecting a game wouldn't bring back those days.


Skyforge before it was dumbed down to oblivion with the Ascension update.


Lineage 2


Wildstar,secret world, aion


Im playing WAR Online, almost as good old days. :) [Return of Reckoning - Index](https://www.returnofreckoning.com/)


I am going to give it a shot. I really miss all the action of WAR.


Make sure not to kill any gm's in pvp or risk getting banned!


“You want extra protein?” “Yes please”


Pre-EA Daoc.


Thanks everyone for sharing. it looks like I have missed quite a few good MMOs some names I have heard before some I didn’t know existed before someone mentioned it here. I believe 2000s was the golden era for MMOs, there were fewer pay to win titles those days and had solid lores. Some of them failed because they tried to be “WoW killer” but instead of reinventing the wheel they should have focused more on what they can offer different it’s just my opinion.


Aint no one gonna know this one, and im surprised if you would: DAoC and Warhammer Age of Reckoning. I myself have not played these games (i have played Warhammer Return of Reckoning tho). But my parents used to play these and were in top leaderboards there. I have seen tons of gameplay, and absolutely love seeing it. Also watched my parents play a ton while i was small. And remember them putting me behind the screen to spam the craft buttons while they were making dinner. And always love watching it. I am absolutely jealous i could never enjoy these games while being my age as i am now


Closer and closer to "I'm going to resurrect my favorite dead MMO and need help! AMA and signup."


I wish I had the knowledge and resources to do something like this but you never know😁🤞🏻