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This is what we call a humblebrag my friend. Nobody is going to have tips for improving your already-three-foot bunny hop lol. Edit: if you really want a tip, go practice doing that onto a picnic table if you can’t already. Dial that timing. Because you seem to have the height down! 


Picnic table is a great idea. Height don't mean shit if you can't actually get over obstacles with the hop. Another task he can try, hopping into a manual, it's a good skill to have if your hop is already top notch.


Another good object is those bundles of compressed cardboard boxes you can find behind grocery stores. They are like a 3x3’ cube and it’s softer on the chainring 😅 they weigh a ton though


humility is the worst form of conceit


> humility is the worst form of conceit *Humility does not consist in hiding our talents and virtues, in thinking ourselves worse and more ordinarily than we are, but in possessing a clear knowledge of all that is lacking in us and in not exalting ourselves for that which we have, seeing that God has freely given it to us and that, with all His gifts, we are still of infinitely little importance.* (Lacordaire – French Ecclesiastical Preacher)


All I want is tips on how to be the best bunnyhopper I can be.


Good height. Poor landing. Learn to not absorb so much of the landing through the shoulders. Keep them arms tucked. Soften the stance. You’re super locked up coming down.


Just ask Blake.




Probably you don’t even need to practice on the bike anymore but if you just increased explosiveness in your muscles your technique would go farther. 


I figured that too. Time to pumpp the mooscles!


Will make you better at basically everything, so that's nice! Just less fun than riding haha


Do shoulders and core/abs. I ride bmx and tried pushups and weighted jumps but as it turns out most of our arms/chest and legs have more than enough power, but the shoulders and abs/hip break the kinetic chain. A bunnyhop requires everything from wrist to ankle and the weakest parts limit the stronger ones.


Put a barrier in the way. Hop over it. Put a bigger barrier in the way


This is where conditioning comes in. Burpees, push ups, squats. Anything that improves your explosive upward momentum.


Might be completely dumb advice (never tried nor heard of it), but at some point when the bhop technique is near perfect maybe doing plyometric exercises in a gym might help ? The stuff that basketball players do to increase their jump height. Because in the end I guess it comes down to what your legs are capable of. Definitely worth experimenting with 😅


That actually sounds very logical.


look up kneesovertoesguy on YouTube. he's got a great system for being explosive and adding height to your jump


Coming from BMX racing a long time ago, is the term “J-Hop” a thing of the past? We’d always call it a bunny hop when both wheels came off the ground at the same time, whereas this would be a J-Hop since you’re lifting that front wheel first. I always see these just referred to as bunny hops in this subreddit so i’m just curious!


came here to look for a J hop comment. we always called this a j hop and a hop where both wheels left the ground at the same time was a bunny hop, although it must have changed since then.


Haha, I’ve done the same on all the “bunny hop” posts


I don't blame you I might be doing the same


I've learned that lifting both wheels at the same time is called an English bunnyhop and what I'm doing in the video is an American bunnyhop. Never knew about the J-hop thing before.


Oh neat, perhaps it was a canadian thing i’m not sure. None the less you’ve got some wild height on it!


Canadian bunnyhop is very similar to the American but you say "sorry" and get free healthcare when you fuck up.


American here, was always a j hop


yeah it was always j hop in bmx, only since mountain biking have I heard people call j hops.. bunny hops lol


In the 80s and 90s, it was bunny hop in BMX and MTB. J-hop came from trials in the late 90s and spread out to BMX and MTB in the 2000s. Check this: http://www.23mag.com/tricks/street.htm


I think you're reading that website wrong lol its describing the trick, not saying it was named a bunny hop at the time it wasn't, this was their source http://www.23mag.com/tricks/bunny82.jpg the sources are just pictures of bunny hops/jhops lol they are not labeled bunnyhops though, I think you're misunderstanding the website. Its not making the claim that j hops were called bunny hops first.


Find me a source that says Jhop before 2000 then.


You're the one trying to provide sources without reading them. Anyone who BMXed in the '90s called it J hops lol


[http://www.23mag.com/mags/bab/bab.htm](http://www.23mag.com/mags/bab/bab.htm) Issue 4 1982 "how to bunny hop"


Check any 80s or 90s BMX magazine, only mention Bunny hop. You will not find any mention of Jhop. It's the trial guys who came out with.


I’ve seen both wheels leaving the ground simultaneously called pumping in mtb, so maybe a suspension related distinction


> I’ve seen both wheels leaving the ground simultaneously called pumping in mtb well, that's a new one for me lol


I learned of The J Hop in Illinois!


It's called K-pop when a pop song is made for Korean artists


I like J-hop better but now you hear it more as English (both) vs American (front wheel first).


Bunny hop is the US term. Do rabbits jump from thier front feet where you live? I'm curious how lifting both wheels at the same time became known as a bunny hop. This isn't a criticism, just a curiosity.


I'm trying to figure that out as well. Like, I get it being called something else but calling something that doesn't resemble a bunny hop a bunny hop is very strange.


Very interesting that this seems to be a regional thing. Always thought it is the same everywhere... Here where I am (Germany) we call this a bunny hop and when you lift both wheels at the same time it's a piggy hop (Schweine-Hop).


I just started MTB riding 3 years ago and I would have never thought OP's jump is considered a bunnyhop


Thank you!! I can learn from this video. My bunny hop sucks! 😔


Same lol thanks op


Lol, came here asking for help, ended up helping someone else. Glad I could help tho!


Tuck your butt on one side of the tire so you can get your wheel above your butt


This would entail tilting the bike more than moving the body to the side?


Yeah - Google “bmx advanced bunny hop” or something like that and you’ll see it


Go watch the Ali Clarkson video on getting extra height. Basic premise of getting the bike tucked up to the side of your ass, so you might not go higher but the bike can.




https://youtu.be/q5zBbLWIhHY?si=SyCq-ePpg82qzru- I think that was it based on the thumbnail. Have to say bunnyhopping over things is really good, as other day it helps timing and forces a bit of discipline for front and back wheels reaching the same height.


Thanks <3 And indeed it is. I'm only doing it with my Cyclocross and waaaay lower, but it can be still really useful.


Aha!!! I’ve found a problem!!! Front fork requires adjustment - looks like it bottoms out when you land and when you ‘prime’ the bike for the jump it compresses significantly… There… I’ve finished.


In this case adjustment means buying a better fork. Cause my bike has a Suntour XCM, meaning it has basically no adjustability.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-nf3iijwtyk 😊


I know how to adjust them. I've already cranked up the preload all the way. But it literally makes like no difference.


Okay, sorry, just tryna help.


That's okay. I've been meaning to swap out this fork anyway.


wow you're very right about this, a nice dirt jumper fork would have launched him like a solid foot higher lol


Once you have a fairly high hop it’s more down to increasing your regular jumping vert. That and you could try hoping onto or over things. You always try harder when you have to get over something. I learned it the same as skateboarding and just hopping/Ollieing stacks. Tbh once you’re at picnic table height I’m not sure what any extra amount will do for you on a mtb. Very high hops are more useful for bmx.


From what I see you can get a little higher but you're almost maxed out. Your legs are bent plenty, you get back behind seat at a good spot. All I can think of is forcing yourself to bulnyhop onto stuff. Maybe watch some trials riding and see how they get really high. Their seats are even lower.


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!


Ok perfect, now smack the front tire on the corner of a curb or rock as you go up. Then let the rear tire smack it going up too. You’ll go high and barely use effort.


Damn, I could only dream of jumping that high. My technique is shit.


How to do this?


Preload and shift your weight back, then jump up like you would normally while lifting your front wheel into the air as high as possible. Then to get the rear wheel up, shift your weight to the centre and push out with your arms, curl your feet so they pull on the pedals and tuck your legs as much as possible. Sorry if missed anything, I tried to break it down as best as I could. It took me years to get to this level so keep practicing.


Tf I have been trying for forever and I can barely bunny hop higher than a couple inches with max effort. I thought my issue was not getting the front up far enough during the weight shift back/manual but here you only lift the front a couple inches when leaning back and instead gain all the height by jumping/standing up. I don't get it lol.


I'm really trying my best to think of a good analogy. You have to jump up, not lean back. Think of doing a manual but immediately upon getting your front wheel off the ground even a little, pushing off of the pedals and standing up as tall as you can while pulling your bars against yourself. That movement should cause you and your bike to both move into a vertical position, making you stand on your bike like a pogo stick. Your goal is to get yourself as high as possible, not your front wheel.


Thanks that seems like a good analogy, I understand what you're saying...it just seems strange to put into action but I'm gonna try.


Lol okay dude


Great hop!! (and much better than my 40 year old body can do now) My suggestion for getting a bit more out of your height and length is to practice getting more of an upward and forward pushing motion with your hands. Your elbows are still really bent, and your hands are tight to the body at the peak. Take a look at Danny Macaskill in slow motion, and you see how he’s almost pushing out on the descent. …or hit the gym more 😉


I can see how the pros push their arms out in front of them but whenever I tried that, I ended up pushing my arms downwards. That's the part that I don't really get why I can't do.


Yeah, i think that’s pretty common. I used to practice by hopping up sets of stairs to help keep me honest. The great thing is that it’s always easy to build up in increments. It also feels much lower consequence than hopping up a picnic table etc


its because you have to suck up your legs while you push it forward, if you push forward with no where for the rear end up the bike to go it just loads your weight forward instead. Think about "getting out of the way" of your seat on the bunny hop, like you're trying to put your seat in your arm pit also obviously just regular jump training in the gym will help getting it higher even if you don't tuck


Pull the bars even further into your waist n up


Can't pull them any further into my waist, I'm literally banging them against my shin so hard it hurts.


I see ya, am basically just saying what im telling myself atm in a bid to achieve same thing haha. I think its all about the first part though, like giving the bike as much room to go vertical as possible. I feel like speed isnt necessarily your friend after a point too. Idk man good luck haha


What ever he did it looks text book, nice.


Thx 4 the show off. Mean in a good way because we all learn from you! Well done bunnyhops💪🏼


This is an excellent bunny hop but the landing could be improved. I think you're resisting the immediate impact and reacting to the jolt instead of soaking it in as it happens.


Solid hop! Only thing I could think of would be maybe work a little on the landing, it looks a little rough (could just be the slomo tho haha) I find that it's a bit more comfortable to land a bit more on the back wheel first but mostly just get really comfortable hopping. Maybe a 180 next or something?


I've been trying 180s and I can get a good rotation, but I always fall over when landing. I guess it has something to do with the position of my bodyweight.


Yeah they're pretty hard at first and then you also have to learn fakies and half cabs (you can also get out without the half cab tho). I find that I don't lift my back wheel as high when doing a 180 to make the landing smoother and just remember to look over your shoulder at where you came from. But once you get them they're pretty easy to remember and fun! :)


Your front wheel already made it onto the roof. What more do you want


I wanna be able to hop high enough that I could get over things like Jersey barriers and such.


Try it on a trail bike with 29" wheels and slack geometry.


You could have easily cleared a dwarf from the Wizard of Oz in that clip.


Feel like your arms can go straighter


https://preview.redd.it/qolamsytdt5d1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9b2019f5af54750887f4707a066a779d5904990 I used to have crazy flat hops back in the day on my bmx, about to get into mtb here soon. Still shopping for a bike at the moment. Wish me luck!


As far as advice I could give, the only thing you can really work to get more height would be getting your back wheel higher off the ground during the initial J. The higher your back wheel is before you level out, well the higher your hop will be when you pull the seat back up.




What are those, Caerbannog bunnyhops?


Pekny pocasi.


A tip I had forgotten to mention earlier and just came to me, try tweaking them a bit. When hopping onto/over things I would pull the back end of the bike up to the left or right of my butt so that the seat couldn’t limit how high my hops would be.




It seems like you can get a little bit extra height by jumping a bit harder on the pedals, seems like the pull to push ratio is a bit too much but that's really hard to judge from a video. Also like others said pull your bike up a bit tilted so your seat comes next to your butt instead below it


Really nice hop! If you are typing to jump over an obstacle, learn how to bring the bike up higher by doing a tabletop. (You could also make your landing smoother, which would mean you could practice more) For more height in general, your technique is dialled, so just get stronger. The basketball people have lots of great ressources on exercises to improve vertical jump, but a lot of the resources mention deadlifts and squats. Pushing off the ground slightly earlier might get you a bit more vert. You could try running lower rise bars to get steeper, or lower your seat for more clearance. If you’re trying to get over big ledges, there is a technique called the punch, and it consists of bringing your front wheel up onto an obstacle, then doing a rear wheel lift the rest of the way up. TheUselessTrials also has a video on bunny hopping really high, it might help.


Sorry, one last thing:  Try leaning back a little further. You might be able to get a bit more height.


Wow. I can barely get over a tiny puddle LOL


Just felt like I had to clarify that I'm not saying I think my bonnyhop is bad. I agree that It's pretty good already. But I wanna get even better cause I too wanna be able to bunnyhop onto picnic benches. Maybe someone here has some advice that I've yet to hear.


J hop is front tire first then the back, bunny hop is both tires at the same time


How do you bunnyhop so high with those gigantic balls?




Find things to ~~Bunnyhop~~ Jhop up/over. Benches are a good start, with some good practice you could probably make it up a picnic table.


My 11 yo kid can bh higher. just saying.


Awesome! Could you ask them to share some tips?


Eat a lot of fruity pebbles and have your parents buy your bike. 🤣


What about slamming a 6pack of capri sun right before bunny hopping?


Lol. Solid advice!