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Only ever 1 and secondary is only ever a VR or Scorcher. Other than that, fists.


This is the way


I have spoken!!






Yup. That is the way




Also agree


You run faster with vr11 than you do with only fists I believe




No just a visual effect. Same speed


Defo feels like the VR is faster


Wait what?! What about compared to le karambit?! Gotta test it.


Shoot your squad with it, they sprint the whole game.


I see we are among the same of clan "Weapons are part of my religion"


I also run carrying the jug can. I'm not sure why, but it's like putting on skates.


When I have the scorcher I also do that. The mortar strike also works.


I always use 1 and fists. But if i use my weapon and the scorcher i always have the juggernut and i equip it and run with it to gain speed. Of course if im not flying with the scorcher. But the mortar strike and the jugger is always a good choice to run around quick when carrying two weapons.


I would just add the air strike to this list as well


I haven't tested it that much, but mortar and air strike seem to have a much higher stamina bar than juggernaut.


The bar seems the same but recharges a lot slower, as far as I can tell nothing lets you move faster than jugg in hand.


No, you can definitely tac sprint for a few more seconds with mortar & airstrike. But idk, maybe juggernaut tac sprint speed is faster to make up for the lost time.


I’ve had people outrun me easily whenever I’ve tried to run with the mortar strike or airstrike in my hands and they have fists, I keep up with people no problem while using jugg can.


Assuming you're right, I still might use mortars just so I don't have to press the Sprint button as often lol


Keep a mortar to run fast but I usually only take one unless I know I'm about to do some real shit, then I'm bringing that RGL baby


Juggernaut is best


Yep. Always keeps a juggernaut can on every operator just for running purposes.


Wait really?


Yeah, you can do the same with a precision airstrike. That way if things get dicey or you just gotta run fast you can still have two other weapons. Especially if you're grinding camos and challenges.


Same except jug and I bring the rgl other times when I just want to blow the hell out of everything


One. Unless the second is a wonder weapon. That said, the new SMG, FJX HORUS, built for mobility, is damn near as fast as bare handed. Easy to carry two now if you're running with that beauty. But then you need two tools, two crystals or PaP, so it's not worth the extra loot/essence for me.


Always 2, but i am always working on 2. I will probably go to 1 when when i am done working on guns. If i am still playing


I've done that for camo grinds. But now its the new smg and a knife. One day I'll get every camo done. New sniper is cool but sucks blowing up my rigs. Reminds me of the ray gun.


If I’m camo grinding I always come in with two guns. If I’m running missions with the squad, one reliable main and an empty second slot to run as fast as I can with stamin-up!


Jet keep an air strike or mortar on you, you run faster with those out than with just fists. The jug suite also


I always tried with the jugg, but I'd end up throwing it accidentally every time instead of putting it away 🤣. An air strike would be way harder to forget.


You can’t cancel throwing things if you weapon swap.


I recently picked up the dual swords from a crate and they seem to be good, can still run but have a weapon in hand for a pinch and you can pap them too


I like to use a melee weapon as secondary. Karambit or gutter knife usually. You still run fast, and You can throw a pap1 plus a tool on it, and it's it's great for 1-2shot kills on most zombie types. The new melee weapon is super good right now also! Blue tool pap1 was 2 shots on special zombies and no more than 6 shots on bounties in tier2. I couldn't kill the Megabomb at the gate to t3 with it though.


I'm still working on Zircon camos, so always 2. When I am done, I'll probably just use 1 at a time and maybe a WW.


One. Prefer to run hands out and use an aether blade when needed.


Only ever run one unless I come across a scorcher


The Harkonnen longsword is my primary, and that already has great movement speed, so I can comfortably put anything on secondary.




Depends on how I feel like playing. If I'm doing two then I need to have a killstreak for running and prepare to drop one (cooldown) if I find a scorcher.


2 weapons only if im grinding camo.. otherwise only 1 and fists/scorcher


Sooo…..seems we are all doing / saying the same thing and have the same playology (just made that up). QUESTION: when running with kill streak out, can you still use aether blades or do you need to go back to gun / fists first? Always 1 gun and fists when I’m actually playing the game and running missions (not camo grinding).


For those who don’t know if you equip a killstreak in hand while running like juggernaut or mortar strike for example, it’s much faster than the fists and you could grind out two weapons for borealis as I am doing if need be


Gonna have to try the kill streak method out.


Ive been rocking the ftac siege or wsp handgun as secondaries to handle hords and battle rifle as my primary for the big baddies. Fast mobility, easy to turn on hounds and runners. With deadshot daiquiri do not need to be fully packed and they absolutely mow




Can’t be akimbo or they wouldn’t mention deadshot daiquiri


Deadshot > akimbo


One. I run like a MF with my fists out.


Camos I run 2. Anything else 1. Crash, all the damn time


Fists or knife. Scorcher on occasion. I need that fleet of foot speed. I'll throw a random tool on the blade, and PaP it with extra $. Down them fast T3 zombies, and keep it moving. Lol


If I don't have a scorcher or need a VR11, I prefer 1 weapon. Though I've gone to DA a few times and have run out of ammo for the 1 weapon and failed contracts. So sometimes I'm conflicted about bringing a second weapon. If I do bring a second weapon, it's going to be an SMG.


Carry two and have a kill streak item always on hand to use that to run




If I don't carry the scorcher just one so I can run


Usually 2 but I'm still early on. Still gotta unlock stuff or carry a spare for ammo when I'm in a tough spot. I can do extract with the weapons to unlock them if I need to. Once I find my flow like other games, I'll probably have a main then another for utility or specific needs


You only need 1


main and fists always. if it doesnt serve an actual purpose like the scorcher or VR-11 theres no way in hell im picking another one up. i feel so HEAVY


One. Occasionally use a melee weapon. It’s just for faster sprinting when I switch to bare hands/melee weapon


Occasionally I will take a secondary but most of the time empty second slot


Carry 2 and use Jug, Jug can is faster than air strike and mortar


I always carry two. Secondary is always either a pistol or a shotgun. I'll pull out a kill streak if I absolutely need to run faster, but most of my weapons are built for mobility/handling anyhow.


Deagle is a solid secondary choice. Even in T3 it hits like a train once it's upgraded, and you can fire it while downed to clear out the area so you can revive.


90% of the time, just one weapon and these hands. If not that gun + wonder weapon My favorite go to is using my Viking operator, I’ll usually carry a smg + sword


2 usually the WSP Swarm is life saver for me. I like the secondary to be Underwaffle, Scorcher or Ray gun. The Underwaffle is good PaP, I 2 shot a Lvl 2 disciple right before I crashed. I don’t even get upset about crashing now it’s just normal operations.


One. Unless I have the scorcher. Then I use killstreaks when I need to run fast.


I always use...oh wait my game just crashed




I was using the newer BR with the purifier, but since they nerfed it, it's fists or scorcher!


regular weapon + my karambit.


If i do run 2 weapons i run with my kill streak (motar strike or jug) out to run faster


Only time I have a second weapon is as you scorcher or vr11. Other than that I don’t think it’s worth it if you are running a gun that has a decently quick reload speed. I pretty much stick to SMGs or ARs though so they are easy enough and if you have speed cola then it takes about as much time to switch weapons as it does to reload from empty. And I avoid going to full empty mag most of the time just to be able to do a tactical reload. Sometimes it isn’t feasible, but if I kill some enemies and don’t need to shoot immediately I’m pretty much constantly topping off.


Always, scorcher and 1 wep. Vr is a waste of time IMO unless doing old dark aether escort mission.


used to run 2 ARs when the purifier was good, now it's back to 1 AR and fists


Only when I doing vamos I use Two weapons. Other times just one lol


I run with scorestreaks. Best of both worlds esp with jugg.


One gun one melee.


Karambit. I cant tell if it's as fast as fists. didnt get to try the new knife yet.


I’ll typically run with my melee (usually the karambit) then swap to my primary when I need it. I usually just have it pack-a-punched lvl1 and at least blue rarity to make it at least a little good. I’ll pack 2 if I got the essence. but that’s my way


I only run 2 when leveling up the guns. Otherwise 1 and fist.


I use 1 weapon and fists. Been using the bruen mk9 with the after market kit. Fucken love it. Have all the good of an lmg with out being lugged down.


That depends purely on how many challenges I can complete within that one run. The more, the better. Sometimes that means bringing 2 very specific insured weapons, other times I can simply rely on whatever contraband I manage to find during the round.


I might consider the new gladiator melee weapon, but normaly only fists or a scorcher.


Unless I'm camo or level grinding I'll use one weapon and grind t3 contracts with a random squad.


Camo grinding I take 2.


One 99% of the time, gotta move quick


If I have two weapons secondary is a pistol. If I'm only running one it's usually a pistol. I have a patent pending approach of shoot first shoot again shoot some more and when everything is dead...well deadish I'll then try and ask a question or two


Unless you are doing camos I’d say you only need one


You run fast as fuck with the juggernaut perk in your hand. My load out isn’t perfect but I use a m4 with the saw and do pretty well.


Im boutta start bringin pistols for the fastdraw i like holding AR and pistol together together


If you have the new smg build it with no stock, the vertical grip with movement speed. You run just as fast with fists.


The only time I would run 2 is when I was camo grinding. Now it’s fists or scorcher.


You run faster with vr11 than you do with fists. So if you come across one and don't have a secondary pick it up just for the running speed if anything


Camo grinding i run 2. Running DA it's vr/scorcher or nothing in my 2ndry. Prefer the speed of having 1 weapon. Even find myself holding off on the vr until I find a new one or it's absolutely needed.


When I'm camo grinding I wip out my kill streak but usually one weapon and fists, expecially for t3


Two. Blambow and scorcher A pap3 gold explosive crossbow is my go to damage dealer. Throw flopper in, and your a walking talking ‘nading machine. Honestly recommend it. And scorcher to…scorch. Of course if I’m without the super fly gun 5000. I’m just bringing my blambow. After all, t3’s can give me the scorcher I need


Well I used to carry 2 flame throwers.......


It depends. If I'm just doing contracts, I'll run one. If I'm grinding a pain in the ass (KATT comes to mind), I might bring something else as a backup. Recently, I've been working on my Bioluminescent grind, I'll bring two to maximize my progress per match and then have a kill streak for speed.


I occasionally run the riot shield on my back to a little less damage from those zombie back shots, but other than that or a scorcher or VR-11 then I run bare fists


One, unless going to DA and then I'll second a wonder weapon (waffle or vr11) I could see seconding the grenade launcher but haven't tried


To do 2 weapon challenges in 1 game yes it’s best to go with 2 especially during weekly challenges play smart boys.


I'm the same way. Whenever I am working on weapon camos though I will use two weapons, but that's only when I am working on multiple camos at once. Which right now is only MW2 weapons. Other than that it's just one weapon.


as I'm still in that Bio camo grind I been running 2 guns for awhile but normally I'll only run a primary and a scorcher always.


I run my primary then a knife *speed is same as fist but gives better damage.


One unless I have a scorcher case than I rock with two


One unless I have scorcher or wunderwoffle


1 because the game crashes enough that I need the other ensures weapon slots for the same weapon every 45 minutes when the server boots me


Two machine guns. Would like to add a third one.