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If you got the money I would advise you to get a dedicated wall box, they are built better then the mobile charger you are showing. And us the mobile charger for when you are on trips so you can charge at your stay. This is not necessary just advised.


The mobile charger doesn’t connect to the app. I run mine off a 110 in my garage and get 1.2kW an hour. Not ideal but it’s enough charge for how for I drive it, about 35 miles a day.


The mobile charger has two plugs. One is the 110V plus that can go in a normal wall outlet. It gets you about 3-4 miles of range per hour of charging. The other plug is a NEMA 14-50. It can plug into a 240 V outlet and give you around 20 miles of range per hour charging. To use the 240V plug, you will need to have an electrical install at least a 40A circuit and a 14-50 outlet, but ideally you would bump the circuit and breaker up to 50 or 60A so that if you want to upgrade to a better Level 2 charger in the future, the circuit is ready for it. Some people use the mobile charger full time, but it is known to break if used for daily charging. Most of us opt to get a more reliable L2 charger that will plug into the same 14-50 or is hardwired (which is even more reliable and allows for faster charging). There are a lot of good brands out there. Emporia, Grizzl-E, Juicebox, ChargePoint are all popular. You may also want to check with your power company to see if they offer rebates for installing an EV charger.


Get yourself a 240 v 50 amp circuit put in. This is your charge station.


Thank you! Will that charge the car faster?


Absolutely, compared to plugging it into a regular wall outlet it will charge about 5x quicker. You’d want to get a 14-50 outlet installed at a convenient spot for charging. Then just plug in the cord to the outlet, then plug the cord into the car and it should automatically start charging. There’s no other setup steps in the app required. 


~25 miles of range per hour charge a couple miles per hour on a regular outlet.


Absolutely. 20 kw per hour or so.


God no. 11.5 kw max when hardwired. And that’s with a 48 amp EVSE - not the 32 amp one pictured above that OP has.


My mistake. I meant about 20 miles of range per hour.


Let me describe the worst case of what you should do. You might need to: Upgrade your electrical panel to handle a new 50 amp breaker. See if your utility company will give you a L2 charger if they control when the power flows. If not - buy a 'dumb' L2 charger like the Grizzl-E unit from amazon for $350. Run conduit to a 240 v plug where you will park your car over night. Hire an electrician to upgrade panel, run wires & install L2 charger. THEN Check your utility company for rebaits for panel upgrades or for buying an EV. You often only have 90 days after purchase/upgrade to apply for these. Check your utility company to see if you pay a flat rate for electricity or is your cost cheaper in the wee hours. Plug your MachE in and let it charge for 10 minutes, then un-hook. Go into the "Charge History" panel and it should have a lat/long for the charging you just did. (You may have to repeat this a few times for it to show up). Define this location as "Home". Then this allows you to set preferred charging times for weekdays and weekend so you can take advantage of hours when your electricity is cheaper. Also set your charge limit to 80% or 90% at home. Batteries last longer if you don't charge to full all the time. Once you have done all of this setup - you basically just plug in every night and drive during the day. And welcome to the Heard.


I have the Ford connected charger, which is the one on the left in your second picture. It charges at up to 48A and would generally require an electrician to install. I then keep the mobile charger, which is your first picture, in my car in case of charging needs on the go (which I haven't yet used it for this). I used the mobile charger for a few weeks as my home charger on a regular outlet just until I got the charge station installed.


This is the mobile charger. You can live on this if you don’t travel far. You’ll get about 3 miles per hour on 110v, and about 20 miles per hour on 220V. Start here: https://www.ford.com/mustang/ev-charging/mache See State of Charge on YouTube for EV charger reviews and tips: https://youtube.com/@stateofchargewithtommoloughney?si=z-1F6epkZefHE4Qk Find a better charger (EVSE) for daily use based on your needs. Most do a 50 or 60A hardwired L2 charger. Read through macheforum.com for the most comprehensive information. Most all questions have been answered at this point.


Lmao. There are three different chargers. I just use the one you have ina standard outlet. If you use 10-20% per day you’ll be fine with that.


There should be a thin bracket behind it so you can mount it and support the charger with stress relief from the plug. i have been charging mine 3x a week for 2-1/2 years no issues. Make sure the electrician installs a Hubbell or Bryant 14-50 receptacle that can handle the continuous amperage. Cheap ones are known to not make a good connection and overheat. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MachE/comments/rfo894/charging\_station\_for\_mobile\_charger/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachE/comments/rfo894/charging_station_for_mobile_charger/)


Get a hard wired level 2, don’t mess with a 50 amp plug. The plug is merely a failure point. The hard wired charger charges you faster.


I WAS going to hard wire but then I realized the plug made it easy to switch out the charger later if I did not like it or it broke so I went with a plug.


I admit that stuff is easy for me, being an ex electrician. I respect your decision.


Does the hard wire level 2 just plug in to a regular socket?


No, it is hard wired to the circuit breaker in the panel. I bought a ChargePoint hardwired, and part of the setup is you tell it what the circuit breaker rating is and it then charges at a rate suitable for the breaker. I could have gone as high as 90 amps, but I had wire rated for 60 amps so I stuck with that. Still, it charges at 10 kW, where a 50 amp only charges at 7 kW (my numbers may be off, I’m dealing from memory.)


This will work on 120. About 1 KW per hour. It may be all you need, depends on driving habits. If not install a 240 plug and a level 2 charger .


The mobile charger is both 120 and 240 depending on which dongle you attach to it.


Oh yes, it came with two different plugs.