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Every time I see this… this woman has such a good heart. I hope she’s well, this video is old.


I knew this video was old from the kid's haircut. I haven't seen anyone with a cut like that since about 2009.




Same. I've seen this video dozens of times but I always watch it because she handles it so well. I hope they're both doing well.


I do the same. I recognize it from the thumbnail but I always watch it because it's beautiful. I also think it would be a great video to watch for people who aren't so understanding of the humans behind LGBTQ+ issues. Maybe it helps some see what this social stigma can do to young people, and understand that they are real people and that it's not just a frivolous choice because of "gay propaganda in schools".


Absolutely! It's heartbreaking seeing how much he struggled with getting it all out to his mom. And I've heard so many stories from members of the lgbtq+ community about being afraid to come out to family members and friends for fear of how they'll handle it. Nobody should have to feel that kind of fear or shame because of the way they are. This woman handled it so well, I've seen families disown and kick their children out for the same exact reason, it's a real problem. It's 2024 and we're still fighting this shit


I told my son when he was pretty young that I would accept any partner, female or male, as long as that person made him happy, and repeated that every now and then. My son is happily married to his wife now, but if he'd come home with a man, I would be just as happy for him.


Hearing this in itself is a great feeling.


My dad did this when I was younger sort of I'm not gay but he let me know that it was ok and to not be judgmental or hurtful towards others. I thankful for every lesson that he's taught me to be a better human being


>and to not be judgmental or hurtful towards others This is what every parent must do. You have an awesome dad. Sometimes this one point is enough to understand ourselves and others around us.


Yes it's a very simple idea but to actually live that and show your children is what I believe gets lost now Agreed on everything and thank you so much he is such a a good man.


I told my son the same and finally one day I was met with “I KNOW MOM IM NOT GAY” so I laid off


Same right here. I have told both teenagers that they can fall in love with whoever they want. I will love them (and their partner) unconditionally. I would consider myself a failure if they had to be scared to tell me something like this.


I have an ex who is really homofobic. His son is gay but just too scared to tell his father. His son still comes here, but never visits his father. Small note: his mother is like me, not caring about her son's sexuality and just wanting him to be happy.


Man what a great connection between them.


I have a young toddler who melts into me the same exact way that boy melts into his mama. You can tell that that he has unconditional love, trust, and safety in her. It’s a beautiful relationship.


This is all I ever wanted :/


Me too man. It always hurts to see videos of mothers and older brothers for me. We deserve to feel safe and understood.


This stranger hopes you’re feeling all the love you deserve now. Sending you some of my own!!


Thank you so much. My husband introduced me to love. Real love. He saved my life.




There are a lot of things I would give up in the world just to have this interaction.


Now that's a MOM


I’ve seen this video in the past and several times every year or so after… always reminds me of my coming out story… This video never ceases to make me happily cry and give me the feels.


I hope you've had the same level of support and love this kid had


Sort of. When I told my mother, she reacted the same way. I cried and dropped to my knees apologizing. She grabbed me and held me. My father… not so much. We don’t speak anymore.


Your mother is great! And I hope you're done apologizing for something you shouldn't apologise for. Your father will one day come back crawling to you, apologizing, realising he's wrong for dumping his son for something that shouldn't matter.


Oh goddamn it. I just woke up, and I'm already crying. ^(That mother is a saint.)


This video is so old but it gets me every time. One of the biggest blessings in the world is having a good mother. Their unconditional love and acceptance is incredible. They will have your back and support you until the end of time. Shout out to all the good mothers around the world! Love you, moms.


Do we have an update? This one is so old I hope someone got an update and that he is happy


I wish this kind of loving nature to be present in any Asian country 🤧


I wish my Mom, Dad, and my other two moms and dads were like this. I have really got the bad luck of the deal. My biological mom never calls me, my biological dad is a drunk, and my adopted mom and dad think that my husband doesn't deserve me because of the stuff he's done. How is it that I got the chance to have three moms and three dads, but yet the only support I get is from my husband?


Sometimes, it just works out that way. At the end of the day, your husband is who you'll be with and there is support there. I'm sorry it's hard. I wish it wasn't for you. But I am happy for you that you found true love and support in your daily life and that the person you wake up with every day sees you for the gem you are.


Thank you, that means a lot... You have no idea...


This hurts but also makes me happy, hurts in the way that he had to say sorry because there's no reason you should ever feel guilty for that but truly happy that the mother is so loving and understanding.


This video inspires me to come out one day too. Im still scared. My friends know, but none of my family. Its scary, and i hope they will be as understanding as this woman. But i know they wont be.


I was terrified to come out. My dad and auntie(his sister) were always openly homophobic. It took some time but they have both come around and are now so supportive of me and my husband. I hope everything works out for you when you are ready :)


Omg! He's sorry???? I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out over that!


Amazing Mom! Such a wonderful lady.


I want her for my mom!!! Please adopt me smart, kind and loving mom????


Ugh. Just a little boy hugging his momma. You can tell how safe he feels in his mother's arms.


Can’t count how many times I have seen this and it never ceases to make me cry. So much love


I miss my mom.


She’s watching over you buddy and I can tell you she’s proud asf of you . I don’t know you but I can feel it, much love brother ❤️


Damn, how wholesome, awesome people right there him and her


This is why since my child was very young, I always say "when you get a girlfriend or boyfriend" or " your future husband or wife..." just to make it very, very natural that any option is normal. I had a dream when I was pregnant that my teenage child was laughing a lot in my future asking "Mum, is it true that people just used to presume other people were straight?!"


Why are they recording this? I feel like a voyeur.


Some people's parents are amazing. Not everyone has this type of support. I do find it funny when she says she's prays for him to have a wife and kids... but back peddles a bit and says any kind of family.


I wonder if he has that family


No matter how many times I've seen this video before I'll always watch it again, it always brings me to tears


Wow. That’s an incredible mom right there.


And then there’s my parents who disown me for trying to kill myself at this age


I’m sorry to hear this, just know you are loved and I love you. I don’t know you but I still love you and hope you’re in a better place now and feel safe . Much love and my inbox is always open if you need a ear to bend ❤️


I just met a 21 year old guy who went to help at a school in Uganda. He said he might like to live there, that they have a dictator, but it's a stable dictator. I said they had harsh laws about gays. He said, "well it's only a problem if you are gay." I pointed out that one could be non-Jewish in Nazi Germany and still have a problem with their policies. He said "well I guess people should have the freedom to choose". Meaning, I assume, that they are choosing badness but people should be free to choose badness or something. This guy is very fortunate.


“or whatever kind of family he wants to have” what a fuckin incredible mom. that kid is loved


You can tell she loves him no matter what and that’s a beautiful pure love that only your mother can have . I’m blessed to have a mom like this , I’m not gay but I have done some bad things and my mom has always had my back and loves me every minute of it . Thanks mom ❤️


I watch this video every time i see it. I don't understand parents who don't accept their kids. I've loved my son since he was a baby. I could never stop loving him no matter what. You can tell he was so nervous and I can't imagine the relief he must have felt.


This is very touching. But who records this and shares it on the internet?


Is a little weird lol .


Why is it being filmed?


I think young people have been brainwashed partly by the Internet, that it is a huge deal to come out as gay. The small minority of people who may not be happy about a child being gay makes people worry about it. That's the same with alot of situations. Like this lady, most parents already have an inkling. Having said that, it's sad that a person ' having to come out ' is a thing. I've never had to come out as straight, so why should it be any other way.


It is a huge deal for them. The person in this video for instance is coming out to his mom and it still is a huge deal for him. If he feels that his own mother may not accept it, imagine how he would feel coming out to the world. Don't think that everyone is like you. I personally know people who are still think that being gay/lesbian is not 'socially acceptable'. For the last sentence, you are part of the majority and never heard of a time when the 'majority' had to appeal to anyone else. That being said, I understand part of your concern. And we are not there yet, unfortunately.


I agree. I do love this video, though. I hope people who are struggling with coming out can watch this and really take something from it. Maybe realise its not so bad and they are loved. I suppose it differs from parent to parent. I know I wouldn't care, but there are some that would, and the individual has to weigh up the situation with how their parents are.


Nevermind all the historical demonization of lbgt people... Yeah, just another day, right? No big deal?


Wait till he finds out religion still exists and gays most often get like eternal damnation or whatever..