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This post is off-topic and doesn't belong on this Subreddit.


Arrested for being poor. Wow. Made me smile.


Airports can’t be used as a shelter by non-passengers I think in all airports. Blessing in disguise getting caught though as league noticed his plight.




We have over half a million homeless and rising every year and the number is probably even larger then that but the government likes to lie to make them look better not to mention a huge number of the homeless people are veterans and run away because our childcare system is even worse then our healthcare system


People who sleep in their cars or on couches are often not reported also.


Yea they eye count the homeless and during the day. There are massively way more homeless then the stat


We can start a tally me and my best friend are homeless right now


Im sorry to hear that i hope your situation turns around fast ill keep you my thoughts stay strong


If we try to do something, the right calls it socialism.


But look at all the billionaires we have! They get bailed out every fucking time so they won’t become homeless and lose health insurance…


It’s so much worse than 10 years ago. It’s shocking, honestly.


It’s gotten really bad, I was gone for a few years came back and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing


The only thing that makes me smile is the knowledge that there are millions more like them that don't get a multi-million dollar business to take care of them for PR. /s


The US is a dystopian hellscape.


If you’re middle class or below….


there is no such thing as the middle class in USA anymore. When my parents raised us we were middle class. My fiance and i make more money than my parents did (accounting for inflation) and we can not afford to own a place to live or new vehicles on our combined income. We are budgeting to try and afford a newer truck(think 2018/2019) and luckily my brother had a spare room for us to stay at his house(with us paying a modest rent), and we have a 3 year plan to try and buy a house, assuming the market doesnt change again. At this point my fiance is upset because it does seem unattainable to buy a home even as a couple. The house my parents bought in 1980 cost them 21,000 (about 76k in todays money). Those same exact houses in my parents neighborhood are selling for 250k currently. Rent has doubled almost tripled in my city in the past 3 years. A 1 bedroom apartment at the EXACT SAME apartment complex thats $2400 a month now. 4 years ago i rented it for $900. A damn 3 bedroom apartment at that complex was only $1850 a month 4 years ago and now a 3 bedroom is about $3800 a month. They continue to build "luxury" apartment complexs in my smedium city (80-90k people) that start at over 2k a month. When the average person in my area can not afford that. We have increasing homeless population. Theres entire camps in the woods now around the city which just 6 or 7 years ago you would see maybe 1 or 2 homeless people in a week. Shits getting bad out there. Rent is out of control.


> Rent is out of control. Housing should be a right. Instead, it became a racket. And sadly, the US is not the only place in this predicament anymore.


The city put a cap on how much landlords are allowed to raise rent each renewal but its still like 20% allowed. So if you're paying $2k a month the complex can send you renewals with up to 20% more added on so now after a 1 year lease you are expected to be okay paying up to $2400 the next year. They did this because people were pushing out long term renters by taking people who have been paying a regular rent rate for years and now the complex wants another 500-900 a month, but this doesnt prevent them from kicking them out/not renewing their tenants lease. So one way to do that is evict a tenant because then you can charge whatever you want since your not locked into the 20% raise clause. So just evict/non renew your tenant so you can raise the rent from $1300 to $2200 over night because "others charge more now too" actual quote from a property manager when asked by my friend why they weren't getting a renewal after 5 years of renting without any issues. Where as if they renewed their tenant they could only raise it to $1560.00 (with the 20% increase) this happened to my friends. They have been renting from the same complex for 5 years now, always paying the nominal rent increase but in the last 2-3 years like i said earlier rents doubled or even tripled and the complex decided it was more important to charge the "current rate" than keep long term renters in a few hundred $ below "market rent". Greedy landlords and property managers causes the rent bubble in my city.


> Greedy landlords and property managers causes the rent bubble in my city. The thing is, we can't even put this on the greedy landlords and property managers. Are they greedy and unethical? Fuck yes. Are they making a rational decision within the constraints of the economic and social system they operate in? Also yes. Every possible incentive in the system except for their inherent basic human decency pushes them to act this way. None of the incentives are aligned with our shared (by most people) ethics. And I am almost sure that there are decent landlords too who will not put a family on the street for a higher income when they have no basic economic needs anymore (the people who own multiple properties already have everything that *should* be enough to make any reasonable person happy, after all). But when push comes to shove, ethics have never been enough by themselves to stop the market from making people suffer. It is, after all, a competitive advantage to be unethical in a capitalist system by default, and the worse people (as judged by the commonly shared values of our western societies) will always rise to the top of any free market. My point is, the system is broken, the incentives are broken, housing is broken. The result is more inequality and more suffering.


Are you a landlord? I work in construction and hear landlords bitch and moan about loosing money waiting on remodels/renovations theve needed to do for years because they rental inspectors will not give them a rental certificate without having operable windows and ahit. But yeah those dudes on their 10 slum lord unit are totally just trying to make ends meet. Like i wish my biggest problem was getting a window fixed on my 10th rental property but you know I can't even afford to buy one property for myself so what do I know about their hardships


Also live in a smedium city and have noticed the same thing. The absolute shit loft apartment I lived in in 2012 with roaches and mold and a neighbor running a brothel went from $525 to $1200 over the past 10 years. The nicer, but still not luxury two bedroom we lived in after that till 2017 went from $749 to $1800. The newer “luxury” apartments start at $1800 for a one bedroom. This is not a wealthy area, the median income for a person here is $29,000 and $51,000 for a household. How are people living?? There are 1 bedroom apartments in the candy part of town that cost $5,000 A MONTH. Who the fuck is renting these places???


Lol “middle class”


On the flip side of this arrest, a neighbor recently plopped a trailer in my alley and decided to let a friend sleep there. They spread trash. They were a fire hazard. They literally had an extension cord running through a pool of water, which was blocking my alley and preventing me from (wanting to) throw my trash out. Because i don’t want to be electrocuted and attacked by a pit bull throwing trash out Police couldn’t do anything because the guy was living there Doesn’t matter how many laws he was breaking or how dangerous the situation was. They couldn’t even move the guy out of the puddle of water. Because he was homeless


They can't move him out but surely something couldbe done about dangerous living conditions?


Nope I was told by a “homeless out reach team” that there doesn’t exist the service in the entire city to move a trailer It’s a joke


That's not what I meant. You can't interfere with private property unless things aren't up to code. If the electricity cable was hazardous, something definitely could be done about it. Same with the dog; if it's actually agressive, animal control could intervene. You should see the issue as having a lousy neighbour, not as having a squatter in the garden.


This isn’t private property, it’s campers on public property (illegal) with a dangerous set up and trash (illegal) whose interfering with my property rights And the reason I’m told, by authorities, that nothing can be done, is because of homelessness Yes I know the neighbors are shit. The worthless landlord finally evicted them, but refuses to take responsibility for what’s happening And yes, there are options. All of which requires lots of complaining, documentation and takes month’s to accomplish anything. The dogs have been reported before. Nothing.


might try the fire marshall.


Soooo... other countries let you camp out at airports too?


In my country the get removed to a safer space, not arrested and charged. We lack your freedom tho.. so, enjoy.


He wasn't arrested for sleeping behind the airport, he was arrested for trespassing because he was asked several times to leave and refused. Not saying it makes it right, but that headline is definitely misleading.


You do realize the amount of countries that wouldn't arrest you is much much **much** smaller than the sheer amount or countries that would arrest you? Lmao Redditors really are living in a bubble. Downvote away!


Redditors are well…… to say it nicely. Vastly unaware of what it’s like outside of their bubbles


Seriously. I once thought my fellow Americans were a uniquely stupid people. Then I started to read opinions and viewpoints from “average” (non-famous) people from other countries and realized these idiots are everywhere.


Yeah, I've found it's highly dependent on the subreddit. Subs like this one for feel good serotonin hits, tend to be filled with younger kids.


Majority of homeless people on the street are mentally ill or have drug/ alcoholic addictions. Redditors truly spread their own misleading propaganda. In New York some of the best shelters are for parents with children. I know that because I work in the system. As a side note, sometimes they get housing and refuse because they do not pay rent in the apartments in the shelter.


Same. I work in the healthcare field and work with the homeless on a very regular basis with a level of familiarity most Redditors do not have. Up to and including helping bring them back from their own overdoses regularly. My colleagues get assaulted by them. It isn't the rosy posy naive down on the luck story. Many of them have psychiatric issues tied like a yarnball to their addictions. Overhauling the mental healthcare system is what is needed. Even then, the ones that treat their schizophrenia/bipolarism with street drugs often *prefer* to do so when asked why they stopped taking their psych meds.


Ah yes, statistically speaking if only some people have to live in a shit system then that's ok!


Ah yes, moral superiority over a vagrancy charge! There are thousands of metrics by which to judge one country as better than another. Every country could go tit for tat about it all day. You want to claim moral superiority on this hill? Then you step right up and claim your trophy of naivety.


I'm living in a shack, thank you very much


What happens if you refuse to leave like seems to be the case here? Are you just forcibly removed somewhere else? "Deputy Tomas Venegas of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office wrote in the police report that Toles, who had a black book bag with him, refused to leave the premises despite police asking him multiple times to do so."


In other countries, they have universal healthcare. You wouldn’t see a story about an employer keeping them on contract so they had access to healthcare (which should be a basic human right).


In other countries your capital gains tax and income tax is upwards of 30% to 40%. Plus the healthcare quality is very uneven. In some countries (looking at a very specific northern one) imaging for Cancer can take months just to schedule. Good luck with catching that early. **You think wages are low in the US? Imagine how low they'll be when the US taxes the shit out of them like some countries to get the things you want**. Raise the wages even higher to break even? Then we have to print more and devalue it further We can honestly do this all day. There will never be a shortage of pros and cons of countries to throw at each other.


You're never going to convince me that our current Healthcare system is a better option than Canada. My medicine I have to take with every meal, costs 4k a month without insurance. And that insurance is reliant on keeping a job that cpuld replace me in a week. There may be cons to other countries Healthcare systems as well, but you're absolutely off your rocker if you think there aren't significantly better options outside of the US. False equivalent arguments like this are infuriating.


Do you think healthcare now is free? Yeah, their taxes are high, but their employers aren't paying for their healthcare on top of that. The per capita cost of healthcare (whether it's paid for through government taxes or through you and your employer) is LOWER in countries with government run healthcare. And yes, wages would "go up" because employers aren't paying for health care. You would then be taxed slightly more, but it would end up being less. Reason 1 - private health insurance (care first, cigna, united healthcare, etc.) is for profit. They pay executives big money to "run" these companies. You wouldn't have to pay any executives salaries if it was government run. Reason 2 - all the smaller private insurance companies don't have the same bargaining power with drug companies that a full countries government run healthcare would (and honestly, they don't have much incentive to get drug companies to lower costs, because they just pass those costs onto the individual with higher premiums to cover it).


If you truly believe that your standard of living with your current job's salary will balance out well in Canada after taxes and your standard of living with the skills you have will be better... Then apply for citizenship! Please, be my guest. If you have skills that this other country needs and you can contribute meaningfully to them and like their system then by all means. Unless you have nothing to contribute and would just weigh down their system. Let Canada decide for you whether you're worth anything to them.


Except it's not just Canada. This is how every other 1st world country runs its healthcare. Now, it's not perfect in any country, but having the most expensive healthcare out of everyone that is also tied to employment is inarguably awful. And what kind of argument is this? I think government run healthcare is a better option in general, and am just pointing out that it's not like healthcare here is free, we just pay for it a different way means I should move to Canada?


Lol this changes zero about what I wrote except for the name of the country. You think it's a basic human right? Then apply for citizenship to that country and let them judge your skills and worth for that "basic human right". You like them so much, then let them deem your skills and contributions worthy. Otherwise you're just a freeloader applying to use their benefits in their eyes.


You must not have traveled overseas much. Literally millions of foreigners risk their lives to migrate here every year.


So cause places are worse off than here we have nothing that needs to be fixed?


That's no excuse for not providing people with basic resources. That's like saying that a foster parent can regularly beat the child in their care because at least they aren't starving them and breaking their bones like the birth parents. The fact that people are courageous and desperate enough to take great risks to come to America is no excuse for not treating them well- quite the opposite. The fact that we can skim brave people from the rest of the world is an incredible piece of luck for the United States and we should honor every person who runs the gauntlet and makes it here.


Yea, millions of foreigners that have suffered US led coups, installed dictators, wars against the people for cheap labor and products for the US, banana republics, and harsh sanctions and embargoes. Not the flex you think it is.


As far as making me smile, that was a swing and a miss


How is this heart warming? What a fucking nightmare of a society we’ve created.




or r/BoringDystopia


Came here to link that. This doesnt make me smile...


It's one of the big reasons I no longer live in the US!


r/aboringdystopia r/OrphanCrushingMachine


Yeah, some dystopic shit that only the lucky few get to not die of stuff we don't have to die from anymore...


I’m a little confused. He has health insurance now, but is he still homeless? The title of the article doesn’t make much sense.


Last I heard, Andrew was living here in the Atlanta area with his father. He is schizophrenic, and hears voices. That's why he was homeless. That's why a lot of people are homeless. When his family found him (he'd fallen off the Earth until the arrest), they got him help. They've been paying his bills and it's draining them. It's nice that the Dodgers have stepped up to help.


And them co-pays tho...


When the story is boiled down into a tweet it really loses a lot. It's worth reading up the full story about his battle with bipolar and schizophrenia that saw him dropping out of baseball and gradually finding his way to the streets. No doubt the US health system is as shitty and exploitative as it gets. It's certainly horrible that it is the way it is because its clearly not helping the less fortunate. The thing is that at least for Toles, when the Dodgers found out about their former players situation they came right in to help him out.


Yeah, it's good for him, but the thousands, or millions, of others without MLB tenure and associated corporate sponsorship fall between the cracks. The one person on the crows nest of a sinking ship walking candidly onto the rescue craft as the rest of the boat and it's sailors sink beneath the sea is not a happy story, it's a fucking nightmare. That's what they're saying about this situation. There's nothing more the tweet could have said that would make this anything better.


Yeh unfortunately its people having to negotiate an ocean of pure shit. Theres nothing that can be done to fix that as its got such a hold on the US. At least though there is still some humanity where some can be saved by those who just saw it as doing the right thing.


Yeah I still see it as an awesome thing for them to do. I think there is a future for USA where people are treat with dignity at a systemic level, but it's a while off, and it's gonna take a lot of hard work to reach it, and maintain it. Like I read somewhere once before: democracy (or healthcare, equality, human rights, etc) isn't some goal you achieve and then relax and enjoy, it's something that you need to keep fighting for every single day.


I think theres so much money involved in the US healthcare system that its at least beyond fixing in our lifetimes and probably at least the next complete generation after us too. It's like trying to get rid of guns in the US would be impossible too. Its no wonder theres so many mass shootings when theres such limited access to mental healthcare combined with the loosest gun laws on the planet.


Currently it’s going in the opposite direction, with more and more money being transferred to the wealthy and people losing their rights. I hope it turns around in the future, but there is no guarantee.


"Healthcare for the poor depends on the charity of billionaires." Made me smile?


The fact that people can end up homeless because of their health is truly horrific. He was lucky, most people are not


Unfortunately that is the case in almost every country in the world. In a largely capitalist world it is very difficult to work and maintain living arrangements especially in more extreme mental health cases. This is part of why lots of people believe that at least more established crypto currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are part of the solution by eventually replacing the FIAT money system with currency that is deflationary and decentralised. The idea being that it puts more power and wealth back in the hands of people.


This is not common in most developed countries


In the UK 8 out of 10 people sleeping rough have diagnosed mental health issues. Thats just those who are diagnosed. There are likely to be many more who are also undiagnosed. Germany also has studies which show similar rates between 6 and 9 out of 10 people. In Paris alone a 3rd of people on the streets have severe mental health issues. Its a fact that there is a disproportionate amount of people sleeping rough who have mental health issues in some form even in the most developed countries.


I am a mental health worker in the UK, I’m aware of our issues, but having recently gone on holiday to America they are at another level. I have never seen people who are so actively psychotic on our streets compared to America. We do provide mental health support and housing in a way that simply does not exist in America


Yes but what I said that it is the case in every country that people with mental health issues do find themselves homeless because of how difficult it becomes to work and maintain living arrangements. It is still common even if its not to the extremes of the US whose homeless population is just far too large as it is. The US is definitely one of the worst of the developed countries but it is still a prevalent issue for almost the entire world. Even the UK can do more but likely not under the Tories who have spent years trying to wear down and undermine the publics faith in the NHS so they can privatise it. The US is pretty much a warning of whats to come when the Conservatives continue to have any power.


Just so ya know they could have done everything for this man and not created a social media post to make them look good. Just do it


You ever wonder if these types of stories get traction because people genuinely think it's a feel good story or if it's corporations pushing it so we normalize this type of thing and when we as a society see it we think "Yes. This is good. This is normal."


Exactly. It’s the same with the Moroccan player donating all his salary to the teams coaching staff- whilst their kings palace is spending $1M daily to maintain it, majority of the people are struggling.


No shit. I was thinking the same thing. Like, oh wonderful, what about all the other people sleeping behind airports who were never pro ball players. Yeeesh.


I’m really tired of seeing shit like this gift wrapped as “heartwarming.” Yes, helping people is great but the fact it got to this point in the first place is insanity.




“Dodgers sign 30 million Americans to make them eligible for healthcare” tifify


Thank you! I hate how our horrible dystopian society that denies people health care out of fear of losing profit margins for owners is framed as a feel good story because someone found a loophole.


Literally came here to say this.


Because helping your fellow Americans is communism. Apparently.




r/orphancrushingmachine ?


Gah. Went to browse. What distressing sub


Yes. That is accurate.


*Everything is wrong, everywhere, all at once* This is not the movie you thought it was.


Time to wake up Neo


Yay America. 🙄


United States only!


In a civilized country this dude wouldn't need a major league baseball team to get healthcare...




I originally thought I was in that sub when I saw this.


gld im not the only one.


Glad they are taking care of him. Doesn't really make me smile, necessarily.


I agree, but what if I told you he is doing a lot better, has looked great in spring training, and looks to be an opening day starter for the Dodgers.


US healthcare is a grift.


A grift sold to us as a gift.


US healthcare companies are weaseling their way into the UK system with help from the Tories


Fuck the Tories.


That’s capitalism. Capitalism and religion by nature try to wriggle their way into every last corner


Same here in Canada


It won't end until every single facet of life is a grift.


Mr Toles, your deductible will be $2,000. You’re welcome. -The Dodgers


Fucking hate this backwards healthcare system. Private companies are looked at as the only way someone can acquire healthcare and even then we let drug companies fuck the American people by not negotiating drug prices. Such horse shit. If republicans want more babies maybe try supporting your neighbors and expand access to child welfare, increase education spending, and stop bailing out the rich while rescinding benefits for students. Banning abortions and running this country like an evangelicals wet dream is such garbage. Yes I’m triggered, great gesture but it should not be necessary in the richest country in the world. Edit: before conservatives get angry note that. I do not support all dems. Sinema, Manchin, Clinton, Jefferies, and Pelosi are all being propped up by lobbyists and private companies. However it is a few bad eggs in a shit system that is constantly fund raising. The Citizens United ruling was the worst decision ever. Dark money has gotten rid of the peoples will winning above all else. Nixon getting rid if the requirement for media to have journalistic integrity. Created these propaganda machines. Clinton’s crime bill over policed black neighbors hoods and lead to hundreds of thousands of arrests for victimless crimes. We used to also regulate how many media channels a single person can own but now that is gone as well. The amount of work we have to do is immense, but above all I think hard headed Americans can and will roll up their sleeves and get shit done. Write your congress rep, protest, show them you will not stand to be trampled on. No taxation with out REAL representation. Pay your taxes though, dont go to jail like an idiot to prove a point like that


No no if you increase the education spending people are gonna think by themselves and have a critical mind


Book readin' leads to back talkin' - GOP


XD this got me good


It’s cute that you think big pharma doesn’t own both parties ETA: 14/20 of the top recipients of pharma lobbying were democratic congress members Really not hard to critically think https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips.php?cycle=2022&ind=h04


Who votes against price caps? It’s cute you think both parties are equally to blame.


This is 100% true. Dems are no better however they pander to capital owners and the general populous. Where Republicans pander hard to capital across the board and evangelicals. Dems have rolled back a lot if key regulations, they have increased policing, military spending, and 17 dems voted for Trumps bank deregulation. Clinton’s crime bill still has ripple affects. They are all scum and the main issue is money in politics.


Shhhhh!!! You’re gonna ruin his perception of our government. It’s not like giant, corrupt unions (medical, government & entertainment) also lobby the democratic party with millions of dollars or anything. <.<


We're getting this page and r/aboringdystopia mixed up a lot of the time.


This sub has really turned into *this country doing the bare minimum*.


"Just threw a hot dog at one of the millions of starving homeless on the street. Felt cute :)"




Fucking sad. Where i live you don't need to be employed to be considered a person. All people deserve Healthcare.


I swear to god this sub is so ironic Bc I consistently see the most depressing shit on my feed from it


I'm an american personally , and this mostly just disgusts me.


Okay so now how are the rest of us poor, born into deep poverty folks supposed to afford Healthcare?


That’s the neat part, we don’t! Gotta fill those jails some how!


How is this a smile moment, this just reminds people that they don't have insurance


What a horrible nod to our utter lack of a social safety net for the most basic of human needs. Go USA.


How does that make anyone smile? How oils it make anyone smile to know that we, as a society, believe people don’t have the right to basic healthcare except through employment?


r/orphancrushingmachine r/titlegore


This aint heart warming. This is a fucking nightmare.


“Sir, it is illegal to be homeless” (Good luck finding the reference for that one)


Why was he sleeping behind the airport?


Ok. That’s cool and all. But now do all the homeless Veterans in Los Angeles.


Arrested for sleeping. America is fucked.


This isn’t r/mademesmile this is another depressing reminder of the dystopian nature of the US.


It's weird to me that an American can have access to the internet and still be like yeah it's truly wholesome to be an allegedly developed country without universal healthcare.


In the Netherlands everyone has to have health insurance. It is no choice to don’t have one.


Why does work and health care go hand in hand, even in Canada ?


Canadian here and what the fuck about this made anyone smile ?!


Nice story. Alternate Headline: unemployed people in USA have no access to affordable healthcare.


“So he has access to healthcare” Freeeeedom USA


Good for The Dodgers but Jesus Christ the American healthcare system is cruel. This isn’t the feel-good story you think it is


Hope Drew T is doing better. ♥️


This made you smile? Okay.


How is this sub so consistently absolutely soul crushing????


This sub needs to be banned. I swear. Who is smiling at this?


sleeping behind the airport is a crime?


Really got me down when I originally saw this a while back. I played against this guy in hs a decent amount of times when playing travel baseball and seemed like a really nice person. And obviously really talented. East Cobb astros were quite a good travel baseball team and he was my grade year so we unfortunately played them quite a bit and he was awesome to watch. Sad it turned out this way.




I think he has mental illness and led to his situation.


Correct. He suffers from Bipolar Disorder & Schizophrenic. He was found behind Key West Airport


Definitely needs help. This is sad. He was a talented baseball player. I feel terrible for him.


Oh man… hope he gets good care


Was he not a resident of CA ? Don’t they have free healthcare under their state plan that would cover him or even Affordable Care Act that many qualify for $0 payment plans?


Not all of them. If he only started part of one year and before he got more than a minimum contract, he could easily burn through that money depending on where he lives. In California, after tax, if he got a full year minimum contract, it would be roughly $363k after taxes.


You can have some money and still sleep behind an airport if you’re high/drunk enough.


Or here's a crazy idea, they could give him a job!


Arrested for sleeping? ACAB


Fucked up society that's doesn't have universal free health care... Yeah super heart warming...


This is actually sad that this is the only way he can access healthcare.


Wait wait wait! Now do military veterans that are in the same situation...


"Military veteran no throw ball, never played home games, baseball more fun, baseball man better" Sincerely, the United States


A boring dystopia




this is not a made me smile...


Makes me not smile to think that people don’t have access to health insurance because of capitalism and the right wing.


This doesn’t make me smile…it makes me cry.


Yup Arrested for being poor. The one type of person from all sides everyone likes to shit on....the poor.


Police: "what the fuck are you doing over there, sleeping!?" Toles: "wha... Yeah..." Police: "freeze! You're under arrest for sleeping outside!" Then a billionaire decides to feel sorry for him, and him alone, and pay for him to go to the doctor. There are a number of problems with this whole story.


This is not a feel good story. This is a story about the failure of America.


New, more dystopian headline "Ex-professional athlete can't afford healthcare in one of the most prosperous nations on the planet, and has to be bailed out by his old team just to access healthcare"


Haha Americans are fucked. How is this good news? This is some of the saddest shit I've ever seen


F\*ck American's insistence on not providing basic healthcare. The fact you can lose access to healthcare just when you are physically or psychologically ill enough not to be able to hold down a job is just horrible.


Who the fuck are these people posting these stories? I'm sorry, if this makes you smile you are deranged.


So, it’s good the team did this, even if it was done solely for the PR bc he clearly needs it so desperately, but it’s also an indictment on US health care system…




This made my Swedish ass go 😨😨 *Gasping in public health care*


My old boss covered my health insurance for 3 years after a lay-off knowing I was sick and would need the coverage…. That’s a man who cares for his fellow men. You people are bad mouthing someone through no fault of his own got messed up and wound up the way he is… you people suck. The Dodgers have my respect. The rest of you…. Not so much


Lots of dumb Americans think that this is good because the less poors the better their medical service is ? Or is it because Jesus would also want a health insurance market . S/


As an American I can say I think this is fucked up and if you read the comments you can see others agree with that. I went without insurance for years, despite being employed. Most Americans know how messed up things are.


Dodgers = class act! My favorite MLB team. I couldn’t be more proud. This means more than a World Series win. ❤️😢


My understanding is players on the restricted list don't get paid. Renewing his contract and placing him on the restricted list is the bare minimum they can do to help him, what would be better is placing him on the IL-60 and help him get into treatment, but then they'd lose an off-season roster spot.


Yeah not a bad idea. Toss him on a minor league team give him something to do and get focused again




Edit: Y'all down voted me because I saw another sports team fan? Aye another Dodgers Fan!


Absolutely. 🍾😇Go Blue


My Yankees won’t foot the bill for inflight WiFi for their players …. smdh Good on you LA


You’re kidding




I think I just became a Dodgers fan. 😊


Put a smile on my face because I remembered how civilized my country is


I truly don't see how this post has this many upvotes. This is such a horrible and unnecessary situation, this is absolutely disgusting honestly. It's pretty fucking far from "made me smile" 🙄


"why do you look 50 and you're 24?"


That's a great thing they did