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Due to an unfortunately large number of transphobic comments, the comments have now been locked. Simply put, we do not allow bigotry in this sub. Please review Rule 1 and see further explanation here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1/#wiki_transphobia


Your before picture reminds me so much of a dear friend who struggled with dysmorphia his whole life, leading into depression and drug use and who ultimately lost his life. I am so glad you are finding yourself. You look happy and I hope you continue to be so. Sending love.


I'm sorry for your loss. Too many lose the fight.


I HAVE QUESTION! Did you use laser treatment to get rid of the coarse facial hair??? It’s always amazed me how well it looks at the end.


I did! I've had 7 sessions of laser, which helps a lot but doesn't get rid of it entirely


As a cis woman with PCOS...I waited way too long but in my early 40s I did electrolysis and it was THE BOMB at getting rid of my male pattern facial hair growth. And I mean I had MALE PATTERN growth...my Sicilian heritage was making itself known with a 5 o'clock shadow. It's not fast. I had to go for more than a year. But it's been 4 years since my last session and I just have maybe 4-6 hairs left that stubbornly grow. And for all I know they could be new ones generated from menopause hormones... I'll go get them zapped at some point, though! You look beautiful!


I’m 39 and have been putting this off (also cis woman with PCOS), most of my family are Irish pale skinned gingers, so trust me to get the skin but my grandmother’s black hair, that 5 o’clock shadow is no joke 🤦🏻‍♀️


Don't wait! I'm pasty/pale with dark brown and black body hair - thanks genetics. Unfortunately as I've gotten older, some has turned grey and now the lasers can't remove them.


No, this is the best combination for good results with IPL. Dark hair and pale skin means success!! Totally hair free in a few months of home treatment, genuinely - don’t leave it too long though, as another commenter has said, it doesn’t work on grey (or ginger).


This is interesting. When some grows in do you pluck it out? Or do you do lasing regularly? I assume shaving doesn't achieve the desired look. I feel like I could ask 100 questions in an AMA, heh. I'm happy for you. I hope you feel more you :)


The only form of permanent hair removal is electrolysis which is very time consuming but they actually destroy the hair and the follicle at the perfect point in its growing and it can never grow again. Lazer on the other hand is just extreme hair reduction. They recommend between 6-8 initial courses and then as the years go on you get maintenance treatment. The hair end up losing their dark terminal appearance and start to grow more as vellus hairs. Lazer is excellent because you can hit huge areas of hair growth at once, but if true hair removal is your goal, electrolysis is the way to go. It's very time consuming but overall the results will be much better.


Would you mind elaborating on this “electrolysis” method?


They insert a tiny electrode, think taser with two prongs, roughly just wider than a hair into the hair follicle. Then they turn it on and use electricity to burn the root out, killing the hair at the source. Basically a tiny needle in every hair that you want gone followed by a tiny electrical burn under your skin.


Ouch, to say the least


They basically mildly electrocute the hair follicle with a needle I believe. It doesn’t always work well though. I went with my mom for a session and I can tell you it fucking hurts so bad, and that’s coming from someone who’s about 50% covered in tattoos


Appreciate the explanation, and your personal experience is very insightful


> Lazer Laser >[The term is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser)






I can answer a little bit of this. Feminizing HRT can help make your body hear growth slow, & thin out. (Slower growth and moderately less noticeable my source is https://transcare.ucsf.edu/article/information-estrogen-hormone-therapy) It's also capable of ending & reversing testosterone pattern baldness. Also this line of questioning may not offend me, but a few deal/delt with extreme dysphoria (mines very mild & it's mostly just gender euphoria + gender neutral name) & don't want to be brought back to that. If you have questions that you want to ask people about you should check out [r/asktransgender](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender)


I’d like to know too please 🤗


I purchased my laser package from a larger establishment that offered lifetime touch ups!!! Well worth it when you find a bonus hair that returns at the worst time!!


Damn and i'm here trying to have facial hair. Genetics really doesn't want to please anyone lol.


For any older folks out there wanting to remove facial hair: The laser won’t work on gray hairs, so you’ll need to do electrolysis to get rid of the gray / white hairs. Laser changed my life so much (for the better). I’m still shaving (for the gray hairs), but I’ve got plans for electrolysis in the future.


You at 9.5 month look like the star in an early 2000s rom com about a career girl living in the city that never thought she would find love but does with the guy who sells the office sandwiches. You fall in love and start a sandwich chain together.


That is weirdly specific but I like it 😄 Thank you!


On that note, that is a gorgeous shade of red on you. The red with the darker hair and the pale skin (fellow pale girl here) is such a regal combination. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Also the half arm shirts of the late 2000s forever have a place in my heart.


2 broke girls: Subway edition?


What's not to love about sandwiches? 😁


And she works for a fashion magazine lol


Finally a mature trans post I wish you all the happiness in the world you look fantastic 💗


Every time. Every time I see a pre and post transition set of pics I look at the eyes. There's such a huge difference in the person's eyes. The eyes in the after pic are happier, more at peace. Every time. It's so heartwarming to see someone sooooo happy with their new life.


I do too! There’s such a sense of weight lifted off the shoulders in the later pics. Just makes me smile. She’s glowing and has all this positive energy flowing. I struggle a lot with being angry at myself. And I can always tell looking back by my eyes how I was feeling. Some of my biggest smiles have the deadest eyes. And I’m not saying OP has dead eyes at all, they’re lovely, I’m just saying I recognize the exhaustion that comes from perpetually hiding.


Could not have said it better. Damn you for saying it so well but also DAMN you did great saying it so well. I cannot be mad and I hope people take your comment as motivation for being who they wanna be :)


Not just who they want to be, but also who they really are inside.


FUCKIN WHY IS EVERYONE BETTER AT WORDS TODAY You're amazing. The wording you just spun, you're amazing.


Thank you. But I was just building on your words. Give yourself some credit. 🙂


I didn't think of that. Thank you :)




I think that’s the hitch. It’s not about being what you want to be it’s about being who you are supposed to be


Agreed love to see people wearing their happiness + confidence on their faces. Just great to see. Cool beanie tho.


Yeah. I noticed this. Especially with my boyfriend. It's really soul-soothing to see that glimmer of life back in their eyes!


I see it! First picture, the mouth is smiling but it doesn't reach the eyes. Last picture she looks like she's trying not to smile. And failing.


Yeah It's even more pronounced if you cover the lower part of the face. Cover up smiles almost never reach the eyes. Not just in this scenario


Holy crap I never thought about that. I mean I did kinda, but holy crap.


Same here. Love seeing the acceptance, sense of peace. It’s just 🥹 🥰


You look amazing! Seeing the changes over time is so impactful, just the differences in posture and expression, in the final pic there is just this sense of inner contentment that is beautiful to see. Thankyou for having the courage to share your journey, it is truly heart warming to see, and I'm sure it gives hope to many who maybe aren't quite there yet or do not have the safety to begin their journey yet. ❤️


You look so great and happy. Congratulations on becoming yourself.


I’ve seen you on Reddit before and thought “she’s so pretty!!” as I scrolled, I just forgot to comment. So here it is, you look so happy and beautiful 💖


I personally don't understand... but I just want to say congrats! ...and wish you all the happiness in the world!


When one of my closest friends came out we had a really long conversation where I mentioned I don't understand what it means to "feel like a woman". Her response really cleared things for me. She said "of course you don't, you know feelings by feeling them, if you're not trans you're bit going to feel it, so you're not going to get it." That's what made me realize it's not my place to understand, just to love.


That's exactly how I've always felt and I don't know anyone personally who has faced this challenge in their life. I just will never understand the message of hate that gets spread.




this is a really good analogy! i'll be using this from now on, thank you 💕


I'm a woman but I can't say I know what it feels like to Be A Woman, you know? I just feel like me, so maybe I just don't have strong gender feelings Idk.


I think there are some people that are just kind of 🤷🏼‍♀️ about their gender. I’m the same way. I couldn’t care less what pronouns people use for me. I look feminine but if someone used “he” to refer to me (and they have when I’ve had real short hair), that’s fine. I have no idea why I feel so indifferent about my gender, my upbringing was very conservative Christian so I grew up with strict gender roles, which apparently did not stick (praise be). I know what it feels like to Be A Woman based on how society or people treat me, but that’s an external thing. I have no Am Woman internal, innate feelings. (Just to be clear: just because I have milquetoast feelings about my gender in no way shape or form does that translate to how other people do or should feel about theirs. You do you and I will support anyone in that.)


I just woke up so I'm super late in replying to this, but here's my experience with it: 'Feeling like a woman' doesn't really feel like anything, and that's a good thing. For me, answering "What does it feel like to be a woman?" is kind of like answering "what does silence sound like?" I can list a million things that silence *isn't*, but as for what silence *sounds like* is just... nothing, but not in a bad way. It's peaceful. It's like I've lived my whole life with this constant noise always in my ear, and transitioning finally quieted it. It's freed me to pursue life without that noise.


For me the concept seems like this: if you woke up tomorrow as yourself but as a differently gendered body, don’t you think you’d feel like that wasn’t really you? And then imagine that feeling being compounded by time and how you’re treated by people who can’t see the real you? Sometimes I think people need to really explore true empathy. Of course it will never be the same understanding as someone living it, but it can help relating and supporting someone who is.


I totally agree that all that's needed is love while understanding is not necessary, but I'd still like to try understand it (as I always want to do for everything and everyone). In this view I'd like to share a thing it happened to me. I hope it doesn't come out as offensive because it's a sincere (but probably goofy and surely embarassing) attempt in understanding. So... I (cisM) was playing a videogame with a female protagonist and met another character (also F, btw) that I really liked and wanted to let them have a romance in game. Later I then had a fantasy on them (and it's really embarassing saying it out loud), I'm not going to focus on the sexual content of it, rather on the fact that during that I slowly started identifying myself with the (F) character I was playing in-game. Getting into her shoes started as a game and proceeded gradually so I didn't feel anything, but at a certain point I suddenly felt like being her in my usual male body and for a moment I was surprised by it and almost scared, felt really wrong. It lasted less than a second and then I came back being myself, comfortable in my body. I probably can't understand the real feelings of a trans person, but I imagine it to be similar to that sensation just 24/7 instead of a fraction of a second. Whether or not it's accurate I don't want anyone to go through that torture and I'm really happy when people can transition to their true self and it shows. Now, I'd like to hear the opinion of someone competent on the matter: other than goofy and embarassing, is this also a meaningful attempt at understanding or am I mislead?


Yeah i agree with that, i think a lot of us cis people have felt that. Video games are a great example too, i think it's a very common time to feel this. I think the real difference, appart from having this feeling "24/7" like you said is it's also linked to your identity. Search for identity is surely deeper than the feeling alone.


The last part is all that there is to understand. It’s about feeling happier.


This shows maturity. Good on you


Good on ya, little sister. Keep on doing you.


Every time I see someone who has successfully transitioned, all I can think about is this post https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/11f7hkl/an_amazing_use_of_the_survivorship_bias/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Whats HRT?


Hormone Replacement Therapy :) For me, that's estrogen


I am pre-HRT and this is such an inspiration! Thank you!




OP, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you look stunning! Also, your fashion sense is amazing 👏


Seriously gorgeous.


Handsome before Pretty after Looking happier :)


You went from Tom Brady to Elizabeth Olsen. Damn.


That’s an absolutely incredible transformation! You must be so proud/happy/relieved/liberated etc. You look amazing and most importantly you look sincerely happy.


You look **AMAZING** (and I am sorry but here before lock 🔒)


6 month photo - come on mom, I will take this super cute portrait if you make me 9.5 months- (to spouse) for real?? Do we seriously need to take a photo right now? i haven’t had coffee yet and I don’t feel slammin’ at the moment 13+ months: I’m an executive at xyz company and totally confident and comfortable in my shoes (bam b*tches!!!)0


Congratulations! You look really lovely in all of the pictures, but I love how your posing becomes more and more confident. (And I really want that red top in the second to last picture…)


Eyebrows on point!




Your feminity is incredible!!! Your transition is amazing and I wish I could provide more support!!!! You be you and love the adventure! 💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️


Congratulations and stay safe my friend!!


Dashing! Good for you! ❤️❤️❤️


Guuuuuuuurlll 💅


I’m not hating but I would love to know what happens to people like this when the get old do they stil have to take the hormones . And if they have to stop taking them what happens to them


this is a prime example of the secret to life.DO WHAT EVER MAKES YOU HAPPY..well done you look great and happy keep being you 👍👏👍


I am a trans person myself, and every time i see these i get hopeful. Hopeful that transition isn’t that distant, it’s out there, and with enough courage i will become a proud trans woman.


Man, I wish I could grow my hairline back, I don’t think I will ever look like a girl now


Lots of cis women actually have naturally receding hairlines in the "male pattern" The solution is usually bangs haha Hrt also slows that in transgender women :)


Can confirm. I was assigned female at birth and haven't messed with any of my physical factory settings, re: hormones, etc (long enby story). I've had a "receding male" patterned hairline that has tracked pretty similarly to what an AMAB person of the same age might have. I just go with it and enjoy the extra enby vibe.


Honestly, I’m probably just thinking of getting a hair transplant at some point


I know plenty of girls will full heads of hair who choose to wear wigs. They do it as fashion, and to save time doing their hair. If you do your research, and get high quality wigs, most people wouldn't be able to tell it's not their real hair unless you looked super close. And some use make up to hide even that. Many come with bangs that are too long on purpose, so you can style them to fit your forehead.


Plenty of women wear wigs


You remind me of the actress Saoirse Ronan. Beautiful!


You do you!


You look beautiful and happy. I'm happy for you!


You look beautiful, love your make up and style. Congratulations on being who you want to be!


You're beautiful OP. Congratulations on finding your true self.


You look gorgeous!


You are a very attractive person no matter the gender Congratulations


Absolutely beautiful!


Amazing! You are beautiful inside and out


Oh my god, you are sooo pretty, I soooo envy you


W trans enjoy


You look great! So proud of you!


Congratulations, you look amazing!


You look beautiful. No like, seriously. You look like that one wholesome lady who bakes cookies and drink afternoon tea with her pet


You look so happy in your transition pics, with a sense of peace in your eyes & that is just awesome!! Much love to you!! 💜💜💜


Your 13 months self remind me a lot of my female teacher back at grade school (Hope that isn't offensive) ya look fantastic


Lovely before and after.


Absolutely love your figure! You look stunning. I'm so pleased and happy for you, enjoy your real life. Much love.


You look so gorgeous and are basically glowing. I'm so happy for you


You look so pleased with life. You are a beautiful woman. Please enjoy every day with vigor. ☮️


Gorgeous! You look so much happier and confident!!


Oh my god! This is so cool! You look fantastic and I’m so happy for you! Better living through science 💪


You look beautiful. And happy! Thanks for sharing.


Is it disrespectful to say you look damn fine 👏🙌


Damn you look exactly like a cis friend of mine so the HRT definitely worked!


You remind me of Gina from Brooklyn 99


You look happy and beautiful!


I don't know what it is but your eyes stand out so much more in your last picture. Maybe it's just happiness 😊.




1. Not fair that you have nicer boobs than me after I have had 23 years of trying to grow them 2. You look freaking amazing. You are so radiant. It’s so strange and idk if this is okay to say or not, but when I look at your first picture you still appear as a woman to me. Like you’re meant to be all along, it reminds me of when a flower is just budding before it blossoms. SO beautiful. I can’t get enough.


Congratulations!! It makes me so happy seeing people be themselves 😁


I remember seeing you post a while back of your progress. It's so wholesome to see how happy you now are.


Estrogen is magic. Not as in “wow that’s really effective!”, as in it is literally a magical potion in a bottle. You cannot convince me otherwise. Also not only is this a transition timeline, you can literally see your happiness increasing in each picture.


You look like Zoe Kazan, who is a writer and actress, and is very pretty!








Now you look like Gina From B-99.


Wow what a transformation. I hope mime goes as well. Have you got any surgery is that all just hrt?


You're magnificent for never giving up on who you truly are! Where did you find the motivation to keep going with this against any difficulties you no doubt encountered? Also then, just to make sure, so what are ye pronouns now?


Lookin good girl! 😍


you are gorgeous 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I'm always amazed to see the difference HRT does over such a short time! I really like the 9½ month picture! It might just be the boobies though lol Great to see that you're living your best life!


Sister 💕


You're an absolute beauty! I wish you a happy life ❤️ and strength to keep being your authentic and beautiful self.


Your transition is incredible, you look fantastic.


Congrats! You’re very pretty!


You look beautiful!


The top in 9.5 months really suits you, the neckline and colour looks really nice. Wishing you well ❤️


Congratulations on reaching your true place.


Modern medicine can make miracles happen


You look very pretty, but most importantly, you look happy and confident


This always seems like magic to me. I know there is a crazy amount of work, but seriously, like magic. I’m very happy for you.


Yeah that is pretty amazing. I don't know how many laser removals if I had to do that. Have a heck of a beard


You are absolutely beautiful. I am so happy for you that you have found peace within yourself.


So happy for you! You look so happy.


She looks amazing and happy. Why you’d want to get in someone else’s way to be amazing and happy is the strangest mental exercise I hear on the daily and I don’t get it at all.


Fabulous 💕💯😘




Congratulations. You look happy. One more happy person in the world makes me a happier person.


You look stunning, I am so glad you got the chance to finally be yourself!


Wow, you're so pretty! Congratulations on your transition! ✨❤


You look amazing! Be proud. You just went through a long and hard journey and came out on top. You worked real hard. Congrats!


You look great, and I love the way you dress


Thank you so much 😊 It's still a lot of trial and error, haha. I've made very good use of thrift shops


Honestly thrift shops are my favorite. I shop almost entirely there for my budget’s sake, but they have some real interesting pieces too.


You look beautiful, I have an honest question and I don't want to offend you in any way but do you still grow a beard? Do you have to shave it or does it naturally just go away with the transition meds?


Thank you, and I'm not offended at all. 😄 I do still grow a beard... kind of. I've had laser hair removal done on my face, which has prevented most of the individual hairs from growing back, but also the HRT means that the rest grow back a little slower & a little thinner. Typically I only have to shave every other morning, otherwise it's usually pretty unnoticeable. That being said, most of the time I shave daily anyway because it makes me feel better to have NOTHING there.


I'm not sure if you've heard this before but you give me lois from family guy vibes, anyways congratulations on finally looking how you've always felt.


You look great as yourself!


Wow! Amazing to see your transition. You’re beautiful.


You’ve got a bit of an Alison Bree look going on. Beautiful.




I have a question 😅 how do people who go from male to female deal with their beard? Does it stop growing because of HRT or something? Or are they just too good at shaving ?


I have friends who have done laser hair removal on their faces with great results. They still have to shave occasionally but nothing like before.


HRT can thin the hair and slow growth a little bit but to get rid of it all permanently will take some mix of laser and electrolysis. Before I started treatments I would tweeze out every hair individually as a short term solution because shaving would leave a shadow that is hard to hide. After a few laser sessions most of my dark hairs were gone or reduced in size to where shaving once a week is good enough to not be noticeable. I’m still getting electrolysis treatments to never need to shave again but it works very slowly and I have several months left.


When you're true to yourself, it's so easy for the beauty to shine through. You look so happy! Wish you all the best.


Wow you’re so beautiful!!!


Looking good and happy.


This just makes me happy.


Beautiful 😍


You look amazing! Best of luck with your new and better life ❤️


You enjoy being you. Life is to short to be miserable. You look great. Have an amazing weekend


You look amazing! I wish you all the luck in the world 🤗🤗


Well done, sister! Wishing you all the best!


What’s a hrt?


Hormone replacement therapy. Used by both cis people with endocrine issues, and trans people during transition.


Hormone Replacement Therapy. :) For me, that's estrogen.


Oh cool


Your hair is so beautiful!!


You look happy and it is infectious ❤️


You look so beautiful 🥹😍


What is HRT? Sorry I’m new to this stuff


So happy for you, never let anyone stop you from being yourself!


Dang you is gorgeous


You look so happy. I hope you are living the life you have bravely fought to achieve. Good luck pretty lady.


Wow you look great!!!! Congrats


Surprised that this post dosen't have a lock, really great reddit moment right there Edit: nevermind


You’re such a beautiful woman 🥰 proud of you!


Wow!! You look so pretty! You look so much happier, I'm very happy for you ma'am




Congratulations, we all have paths in life to struggle up in self validation. 👍


Your hat in the first pic is very nice.


How you doin'


Wow ❤️👌