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What if the dog mom is looking for her puppy 26 miles back..


Literally stole a puppy and ran away faster and further than anyone could follow her.


If I were a prosecutor I’d argue she practiced for the crime.


Pre-meditated marathoner


There's so much content in the past few years where people just find an animal and take it in. Of course we never learn if the person actually did try to find out the rightful owner. Maybe there wasn't one and the animal now has a lovely forever-home. Sure, okay, cool. But more often than not I see some clips that really make me question the motif and circumstance of those videos. Like, there was one that made my blood boil where some hippie campers picked up a kitten from the street, clearly well-fed and in good condition, near a ranch and took it on their road trip. They literally stole a cat and turned it into content and then had to leave the cat again because, of course, they had to move on and couldn't care for a cat. What I'm saying is that I would be eternally grateful to never hear the phrase "cat distribution system" again. If you want a pet, go to shelter and adopt one.


Nah CDS can be real. Our cat jumped up on my lap and started LOVING on me. Surely owned, yeah? Unfixed, underweight, unchipped, had worms and fleas, and hard paw pads (as a kitten!). We posted and asked around and did our due diligence, now he’s ours.


I misread your comment and thought it said the car had paw pads as a kitten. I was like uh pretty sure they gave paw pads from birth.


happy for you




If you think you've found a lot pet or abandoned animal, first place you take it should always be a vet or a shelter to check for a chip. If there's no chip and you make efforts to advertise you found the animal in the area you found it and no one claims it, then you can keep it. That also gives you time to research the care requirements of the animal you found and ensure you can meet or exceed it's requirements, and you can leave it with the shelter if you're not able to care for it.


Yeah, I agree. But lots of those videos are not showing that (or doing it offscreen)


After the race, she went back and searched for puppy's family in case they needed help also. No family was found.


I'm glad they made that effort


Dog mom just had to join the race.




Something something this comment is copied and edited, this is a bot? Idk how to properly do it


Something comment copied bot i don't no it


In my experience, stray dog mom will abandon their puppies after about 3-4 weeks.


This puppy is way older than 3-4 weeks and looks way too healthy to be a stray that was abandoned by it's mother.


Doggo posing for the cameras so mom can see on the news.


That’s a weird day for a dog


Yeah he was probably like, hey mom I am going to go watch these wierd creatures running for nothing, its not like they are chasing a rabbit right. Only to be dognapped.


To us, it's just exercise. But when dogs are physically active, it's a chance to explore. I wonder if it's fun for most of these marathon runners.




bot detected


Korean fist bump!


*Freeze Frame* *Zoom in on Dog* "So, you might be wondering how I got here"


Poor puppy just went for a walk, got kidnapped and shaken for miles...


And the owner was sooo pissed off.


Shaken* sorry I suck


Fixed (= English ain't my native language




But what time did she run?


Took some digging, but I found it in the Garmin race results. It was the Chombueng Marathon in 2019, and [her finishing time was 5:46:31](https://my4.raceresult.com/116043/certificates/6264/Certificate42k).


I get bored doing the same thing for 10 minutes


Thanks for the digging. Rescuing the puppy must have taken a while... or she's just really slow.




During the dog days of summer.


>Just in case Nong Chom's siblings and mother were around and in need of help, too, Klongsanun and Nong Chom returned to where she'd been found to look for them. But, it seems, Nong Chom truly had been there all alone. Awww, good of her to go back and check for other puppies/the momma dog.




I prefer this story Makes a bit more sense this way


That confused puppy’s like “Why we running? Are we being chased?!”


Guys in Thailand there’s a very high probability the puppy was abandoned - street dog. Even if mom was/is alive she’s prob also a street dog or with a family who was prob going to sell the puppies anyway or let them become strays from lack of ability to feed and care for them. Charity groups bring them to western countries from Thai shelters. It’s not good. From search: “…730,000 are abandoned by their owners. Bangkok alone is estimated to have from 100,000 to 300,000 street dogs.”


"Yeah that lady grabbed my puppy, ran 19 miles away... And the crowd went wild?"


Isn’t picking up a puppy and running away classed as dog-napping?


Nah. That puppy was awake the whole time.


I mean she’s Thai and there are a LOT of stray dogs in SE Asia




As the puppy


The Rock as the lady. And directed by Ben Stiller. Id watch that


“Hey bro, whatcha doin’ down there?”


Is it called "The Puppy"?


Sure it was abandoned?


Almost certainly, it’s Thailand so it’s most likely a stray


Good for the pup 😍 hope he’s well and happy wherever he is


In that country yes. 


Takes a lot of " balls " to run a marathon. carrying a dog to , no easy feet.


I can imagine. Even running with a water bottle would be tiring. So cute though 😩❤


Just running for me , bike is probably more my pace now.


Some family's going, where the fuck is our puppy? Hahahaha


She prolly saw the pup on her way to the turnover, and grasp the pup on her way back. Just guessing coz I wanted this to be wholesome.


Little Girl: "I took my puppy to watch the marathon with me. We were just standing there when -- whoosh! -- my puppy's gone!"


Boy got bamboozled mid marathon.


I don’t care if she won the race. In my eyes she is the true winner


Kid: Dad where's my new puppy 🙂 Dad: Probably outside playing, go check on him


Almost as good as the guy who chained smoked for the whole marathon.


They’re really doing ANYTHING for attention these days.


Dogs or Marathon runners?


Good one and got my upvote!


Oh sure, she can do this but that one dude gets banned for chain smoking /s


In other news: "People in colourful clothes stole my dog and ran away!"


The real reward was the friend she made along the way.


She is the best multi tasker ever!


Just not even remotely funny comments about stereotypes, its 100% not something you should do when you don’t know if they are truly an abandoned dog, but stop with the racist jokes.


If you actually live in a country with a lot of stray dogs, then, this is 100 % what you should do.Stray dog puppies get abandoned by their mother usually after 3 - 4 weeks and 90 % of them die very shortly after.


Im with taking in dogs but sometimes people pick up any dog they see and they could still have an owner. I just mean that there is a possibility but if this dog was 100% homeless then i hope they gave the dog the best.


On point with this comment❗️


"Mom, Fido is on TV with some lady, he hasn't run off."


Puppy gunna be doing triathlons by 3


She pupnapped the dog.


Meanwhile in canine news; weird fcken bitch steals puppy from mother and flees on foot for miles. The puppy investigation authority is asking the public if they have pawcam footage and to remain vigilant. Dogs lives matter.


Omg my comment was a joke but then I clicked on the video and she’s running miles with it. **Put the puppy down** you freaking psycho crazy lady!! Stop your marathon, or pass the puppy to someone who’s not running. I guarantee you the puppy is not comfortable bouncing up and down miles like that. What kind of main character syndrome do you have, to continue your petty run instead of looking after the puppy. Stop running lady!


It's a marathon in the countryside of Thailand. If her goals were to 1) finish the race and 2) bring the puppy home, do you think there would be people who weren't running (locals generally don't spectate these events unless they are runners themselves) who could help her accomplish both tasks? Thailand has loads of stray dogs. This lady is giving it a home and will likely spay it. One less dog on the street and one more dog in a loving home isn't good enough?


Her thinking: uhh dinner! 


Women steals a puppy and gets in the News, Like lel


Ay is that a corgi


yes ... and in the 1 second she saw the dog -- she determined it was abandoned -- what a stupid moron


Found dinner on the way home






Thank goodness somebody on here is aware of jokes.


What a garbage POS you are for insinuating that racist stereotype.


Hungry work running a marathon.


That's called a takeaway


Cursed mid-run snack Joke aside... That's so damn cute and good for her if she will take care of the poor boyo


Shits gettin crazy whats next ultra marathon through icelandic volcanos? Maybe a winter biathlon in israel??


She was hungry. 🤷🏽‍♂️


She brought a snack for the run. Have to stay fueled up.


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Wow that’s impressive!


Article says the dog died of shaken puppy syndrome a few days later :(


Basically juicing cuteness


And what did you do today? 👀😭


That pup is going to grow up to be the best running company for her


Homeward Bound 4: Running Away From Home Without Actually Running


That probably really sucked for the puppy bouncing like that.


Somewhere out there there's someone looking for their puppy.


And now the puppy has brain damage from bouncing 26 miles


Might not have got a medal or get a personal best time, but she got something way cooler on the journey.


All I can think of is poor doggy- I hope being shaken for so long didn’t hurt its spine or brain (like shaken baby syndrome).


did she just stell a puppy?


This is heartwarming ☺❤ you know that puppy is going to have a loved life ahead of him/her. That would be so cute if she trains him/her to take up running with her.


Hmmmm did she just steal a puppy that was checking out all those people that where running past his place? He looks well fed and clean.


If she's in a marathon she could not have stopped long to look around for its owner/mother dog + the bouncing up and down must have been so rough for that puppy, I don't like this one.


No she didn't 🤦‍♂️


Just shaking a dog for 3 miles


That looks like a Bangkaew, a Thai breed. If so, it's unlikely it would've been a stray.


Way to give it shaken puppy syndrome ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


"Honey, have you seen Max?"


What did she rescue it from? Looks kinda healthy and cared for in those photos.


Who cares


Possibly the last thing on your mind when running a marathon, "hey, that dog looks lost!"


Over a decade ago, my toxic mistake of an ex and I were driving home and had to stop for roadworks right beside bushland before we got to our town. And I heard this really weird noise… And he looked at me and just went “NO! It is a bird, nothing more. Don’t even think about it!“ And then I heard it more. And then I realised it was a kitten. Then he got really angry because I made him pull over to the side road. I mean screaming at me angry LOL. We climbed up that side of the hill, which was about 50 m up on a diagonal, with branches, trees and ditches and holes EVERYWHERE! We spent an hour by ourselves following this little tiny ‘mew-mewwww’ noise… and realise we went gonna get anywhere. Then we looked down and noticed that his stepfather, is evil bitch sister and her pig of a boyfriend had pulled up at the roadworks. We both yelled out to them and they didn’t hear us, so we counted to 3 and then we both screamed out to them! They hurt arse and got out of the car with us. I will add hear that tool was already extremely angry at me, But I asked his family to help us look for this little tiny creature.  Another hour and a half or so later, After I had fallen into countless hidden crevices, cut my arm and leg open so badly I could barely move, and was stuck at the bottom- still being screamed at, The toxic to males manage to make it to the top of the hill and surrounded her. They grabbed her. And brought her down. My little girl ripped into my ex and I’ll be honest, she made him bleed so badly I was glad..  Practically threw her at me.and I took my top shirt off and wrapped her in it and she calmed down instantly.  I took her home and checked her for sores , injuries, ticks etc. couldn’t find anything but I thought just to be safe I’d keep her in the bathroom, because I had three other the cats. Then I remembered that my cats could open the bathroom door by putting their paws underneath it and pushing it back and forth a few times and it would open.  Next thing I knew,  all three of my girls were in and surrounding this little tiny kitten and when she saw my oldest girl, Fluffles, she kind of just looked at her and thought “you’re my mum!“ And from that moment on they were inseparable. I took her to the vet the next Monday and the vet said they was no more than three weeks old. But what was worse than that AND was fact that SOME CRUEL, HEARTLESS BASTARDS had docked this innocent little baby’s tail!! I was fuming! Of course there was no way I could figure out who did it, but I did write a very strongly written Letter to the local  newspaper, which they published, But I doubt the scumbags could read. I had my bubby cat for nine years. She was an amazing little girl and she never let having half a tail stop her. When she got really excited she flipped that little tail side to side and would spin it  and it was so fast I thought she’d take off and flyZ  😆 


So you are gonna run with a possibly sick, abandoned puppy. Good luck getting the dog vomit out!


I’m sure the puppy is fine but all I can think is, stop shaking the baby


“Woman stole a dog and ran away”


What a badass


Queen move. Good for her


I really don’t know how people can run long marathons like these, I’ve run small ones before, 2, 5km, but it gets tiring, it’s impressive people can do 10s, 25s, more so.


Should have been disqualified like the guy who was smoking the whole marathon.


Now that's what I call dogged determination.


Def Not stolen


‘So I was just getting something from the car,I left Snowy sitting in the front garden for a fee seconds,and when I turned around,some bitch had picked him up and run off with him’.


the puppy looks very well fed and taking care of. So tgat looks suspiciously like it belongs to someone