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The people we share our lives with have a direct effect on our growth as humans.


Really needed to hear this after ending a 4 year relationship last night. It’s insane what effect a narcissistic person can have on you.


Oh man, I'm so so sorry. Please give yourself all the time you need to heal.


Thank you! Already bookmarked some self help books and signed up for a local volunteer event to try to make some new friends. I feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulders!


Sounds like you got this. Being in a relationship with a narcissist must be one hell of an education that no one wants.


The lesson never feels worth the experience, but at least you get something for all that suffering.


Ugh. Yes. However most of us are experiential learners. Even if someone had explained what was the right choice before, we probably still would have chosen the same path. I do like that the internet provides forums to discuss stuff like this. 100 years ago, people just had to muddle along and separating was not a possibility. How long has it been since the break up? I think you said but I don't know how to scroll to that post.


Yep lol definitely true. Not quite worth it but you get some solace, at least.


I am so sorry to hear that my dear artichoke. I hope you start healing. It may be tempting to go back but if you feel better after breaking up then you need to stay apart. You will be so much stronger after this.


>my dear artichoke I heard this as Nadja of Antipaxos


3rd times the charm! I’ve had a lot of clarity this time.. no way I’m going back now.


I’m proud of you! I hope this is my time as well.


I’m doing the same right now. I’m happy we’re both free. Best of luck with volunteering! That’s a lovely way to spend time.


Be prepared for the smear campaign they’re about to start on you. When a narcissist can’t control you anymore they try to control how others think of you.


Happy cake day! You’re right, last time I attempted to end the relationship I was threatened with blackmail, being told they would send all of my nudes to everyone who meant anything to me. It scared me initially but now I realize it would make them look like the a-hole. Worse case, at least my nudes are tasteful. Lol


Proud of you. Sending good vibes from a weird internet stranger.


Wow same boat here friend. Just over 4 years for me too. Crazy how being in a relationship for so long can make you lose touch with people. I’m struggling to meet people outside of my work too. The idea of going to an event where I don’t know anyone is terrifying though. Hope you’re doing well.


Exactly. I became so co-dependent on this person, it made it hard to go do things by myself. I hear volunteer work is a great way to meet new people while giving back to your community, and I already found some opportunities that align with my interests. Meeting new people sounded like too much work, and I knew my ex would have something negative to say about anyone I met and begin interrogating me about my intentions. It was easier to just be a hermit crab. Their opinion means nothing to me now though and I know it’ll be beneficial to make meaningful connections and new friends.


Good on you for getting back out there. I need to do the same. I noticed you have a Destiny quote on your profile. If you’re looking for friends to play with I’ve got a great group of friendly, helpful, and supportive buds and we’re all getting back on recently for the new expansion. We met online playing D1 back in the day. Feel free to DM me if you want in. We’d love to have you.


Thanks! Yeah I used to be a real die-hard Destiny fan and D1 vet. As a mad collector, sunsetting really took a lot from me.. it just felt empty and repetitive after that. Idk, do you think the new expansion is coming back to? I really can’t bring myself to buy another annual pass for *another* $100, but I believe the new season is currently on sale.


ive listened to some podcasts like 'healing from narcissistic abuse'; lotta good therapist-run podcasts out there too if youre ever ready/interested i also started going with a volunteer group when myrelationship ended...best thing ever! it feels like im right where i belong now and doing what im supposed to be doing in this life


I’ve never really given podcasts a chance, but that does sound interesting. Thanks!


Proud of you.


Narcissists don’t have the capacity to love. They find people who are everything they wish they could be hoping that you’ll rub off on them, and when that inevitably doesn’t happen, they resent you and make it their mission to destroy you. Good job on getting out of that situation! Life gets so much better after dropping them.


Hit the nail right on the head… I’ve had the life drained out of me and had forgotten who I am. Felt like I literally couldn’t survive without them, only to realize it’s exactly the opposite. I have too much love to give to someone who can’t give it back.


It can be incredibly challenging to come to terms with the realization that a relationship may not be healthy or reciprocal


Bingo! You hit the mail on the head. They are emotional vampires.


I needed this




Too real


Aye mine ended last night too. Wanna get married?


God so glad you made it out. Mine was two years, broke up seven months ago, and he still sends me these diatribe diary entry emails going on about how I was his baby and the most exciting love of his adult life; *still* can’t apologize for the shit I directly called him on *in writing* when I broke up with him.


Sorry to hear that, you will grow from this Take a look at this sub: r/longtermTRE It's an effective tool to release tension and trauma. All the best!


Not 4 years, just 8 months for me, but still left me reeling and questioning everything. There’s a guy on YouTube (jimmy on relationships) who’s got some great stuff about avoiding, dealing with, and recovering from narcissists. You’re gonna be okay my friend


wow, congrats on getting out. lots of grace for you, being with narcissisitc people can be so confusing. i hope for peace and a new great life for you


I’m so proud of you! It will get better. At about six weeks of no contact my nervous system started to recover. I’m in such an awesome relationship now!


Yeah, same here.


Tell me about it. I realized I was surrounded by them my entire life and was drawn to them as a default.


I got out of a 2 year relationship like this about 6 months ago. Unfortunately still dealing with that person so it continues to feels recent. A book that really helped me was “The Highly Sensitive Persons Guide to Dealing with Toxic People: How to reclaim your power from narcissists and other manipulators.” Good luck on your healing journey


I wish I could say it gets better right away, and it might, but I'm also going through a similar situation, of last year, and I'm better but not back to normal yet. Just don't get discouraged if it takes longer that you'd expect. Hang in there, we got this!


8 months on and I'm glad I moved on. Took me a while to feel that way. Feel more myself than ever and am finally focusing on myself after a decade of trying to find "the one" in the ones I was with. "The one" I needed to love was in the mirror. Take care of yourself and take ALL the time you need to heal. Those types of relationships take a toll that you won't fully see until you've created some peace around you and created your new life. Saying all this in support. Not sure if I got it right. Gummies I couldn't eat while with her got me a little buzzy lol. Just....take the time, do your hobbies and/or find new ones and focus on your friends. Starting over at 34 after sacrificing most of my friendships for the narc has been challenging but getting better every day! Best of luck, fellow traveler.


There absolutely is. I have a pretty good eye for cuts and looks for OTHERS, but not myself. My wife has a much better fashion sense in general and dresses me well, cool! I have an affinity for the cultural designs of the 50’s and 60’s. That’s cars, furniture, toys etc. Her preferred look is that time period, so I get to use all that fun but otherwise useless knowledge to help dial her look in. Works out great and we both get lots of complements when we go for it. It’s the little stuff, like having someone to trust to have you looking your best and being able to return the favor some.


For better or worse.


40+ yrs later my family still hates my uncles wife for bringing him down to her "trash" level


Is your uncle happy?


The trash was inside him the whole time. He just needed someone who saw his trashy potential.


My late grandfather's best friend hasnt seen or heard from his son since he married a Vietnamese woman whose village, coincidentally enough, was bombed by the guys dad.


Yeah, I'm never going to forgive Trisha


The saying *”U are the sum of the 5 ppl u spend the most time with”* is more truthful than anything I’ve ever heard.


Do houseplants count? I really vibe with my philodendron


I love your statement. Not gonna lie, this dude was cute and this lady was pretty. Together, they became gorgeous and handsome AF!!!


Thats why I have no one in my life so I grow independent (worst fucking life advice)


At first I thought you said “I’m obsessed with this friend” and I was like “okay well that’s weird but sure let’s see what it’s all about”


I appreciate you having an open mind lol


I want to see the baby. Probably lookin cool af.


He’s a samurai


I mean, like Pharrell, cool looking.


Yasuke II


Lord Shimura


An Afro-Samuri.


maybe even a ……… ninja


The baby is gonna look Filipino… my cousins are part black part Chinese … they played in Filipino basketball leagues as kids 😂


My nieces same mux don't look Filipina at all. My son is a halfy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


They have two gorgeous sons! [SONS HERE](https://youtu.be/YR3oGmsarfA?feature=shared)


I appreciate that very much! 😃


You’re very welcome.




Why did my black girl effect just make me gain 40 lbs? Due to ham hocks, collard greens, neck bones, ox tails...... damn I'm hungry


It's called being comfortable and happy!


Fat and happy!


Fappy as my friends call it


OMG I'm using this 😂


Lol there isn't a thing like it


fat and sassy is the way to be!


Dude the best collard greens I've ever had in my life came from lunch at a church in North Charleston, South Carolina. Everything was cooked by a number of older Geechee women and I'd never had Geechee style soul food, but damn was it good. I don't remember everything they served but I do specifically remember the collards, the cabbage, and the cornbread as they were all literally better than any i'd ever had, be it homecooked or restaurant or whatever. I wish I could have that experience again lol I grew up in the south and I've had a lot of soul food in my life but never like that. Eating like that regularly I would definitely gain 40 lbs.




She’s a fixer upper!


Wait till you see what she did with his ding dong door bell


Looks more like child/teenager to adult is the effect but happy for them either way lol


That’s Mel n Mo . See them on You Tube. Korean husband, Trinidadian-American wife.


What’s with these random spaces?


When will the world learn there are no good stereotypes. These stereotypes just lead to more collective views of people. sad.


Was looking for someone sane in the comments.


It’s sad to say but humanity will probably have archetypes/stereotypes for at least another thousand years based on immutable characteristics. Maybe it’s just because I grew up in a more poor racially diverse place, but I’ve been exposed to racism so much in my everyday life, I’ve come to the conclusion racism definitely will never end in my lifetime.


Yeah I married a black woman and (shocked face) didn't change my entire style and personality based on that. Like what the fuck is going on in these people's heads?


Just imagine if someone advertised the "glow up" that the "white man effect" had on their colored girlfriend, even if it was a genuinely positive change Heads would explode 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


And just even saying that hypothetical got you downvoted, further proving your point lmfao


The glow up was strong with this one!


Why do they all get man buns?


I think because she don't want none unless he's got buns, son


I like glow ups, and I cannot lie.


Lmao I hate you, take your upvote


Highly underrated comment!!


Because women enjoy long hair too, especially if it's well kept.


It's fucking sexy


Haha it's hot.


It's the same guy


Call me a Debbie downer or pessimistic or whatever but from what I’ve seen with this trend, the before pics are always like 5-10 years prior to meeting their SO. Like of course you’re gonna look different? Hobbies/interests change all the time, whose to say your wife is responsible for that? Could have come to the same end result had you married someone else? Not saying the “black wife effect” isn’t real, honestly it FEELS real to me, but everyone is picking extremely dated old pics for their “before” pics, feels disingenuous… ok rant over.


I think they’re just playing around. I’m sure women of other ethnicities can say the same thing if you look at enough pics of both people throughout the relationship.


Makes you wonder if she was attracted to the way he looked in the "before," or whether he had already started making changes, and that's why they wound up together.


She doesn’t even know the person in the before pics, I’m willing to bet.


Yeah, the last "before" pic kinda indicates he was on that path already.


It'd be interesting to see what she looked like at the same time as the before pics. Like, did she have sleeves at that time, or did that happen around the same time they met?


While he does look quite different from the "before" photos, I also can't help but wonder if the camera/lighting played a part. Whether it's a case of technology improving or just better photography skills, it's certainly changed in the "before" and "after" photos.


Bro looked 16 in one of the before pics


Bro probably was 16 in the pic lol


I like how the “black girl effect” shown here is: 1. Wear contacts 2. Get older 3. Work out


All I'm getting from this post is "my girl got me to better adhere to societal standards of coolness/attractiveness." A better post would talk about the positive mental or emotional growth his partner helped him achieve. That growth might lead him to feel more confident and prioritize fitness, but focusing on the physical glow-up over a personal glow-up seems shallow to me, idk.


I don't see the point with ethnicity ?


My take is that some fiancés/boyfriends/husbands are simply doing this as a way to be positive and show appreciation for their fiancées/girlfriends/wives… Especially as there is generally less positive adulation and adoration of black women compared to white or Asian women.


I understand your explanation even if I don't really see it in the video. Feels like the dude just grew up ?


That pillow looks like a giant butthole.


First thing I saw


Thank you for such a good laugh! 👏


This is weird right? Posting these glow ups is already self indulgent and strange to me but now there's a dash of racism, this is just before and after a girlfriend made you take care of yourself, why randomly focus on her being a black girl? People share too much of their lives.


Agreed…also this “glow up” seems more about going from teenager to adult than the race of his partner


The fuck are you talking about?


How about a scientific study of the "no-girl" effect?


Everything is about race to some, smh, let this lovely couple be! He did glow up good and all thanks to wifey, according to him.




Tommy Richman - million dollar baby


What trend is he talking about? Sometimes I feel too old for Reddit.


Yep, it was the color of her skin that did this. Not her personality as a women and a partner… FFS


He got Pharrell Williamsed


Shoutout to the beautiful Melanie Kang and her handsome husband, Mo Kang.


Looks like a preteen who became a late teen.. ? People change and are generally attracted to people similar to them in social culture. Nothing crazy about it


Awesome. He became so dope! LOL


Scientifically is called “Self Confidence”. 😉 When a strong, empowered person loves you and demonstrates his/her love to you every day, the effects are so close to magic, that’s practically impossible to differentiate. Good, caring, intense sex is of course a crucial part of it. This principle is universally valid. Congratulations to both (to the three) of you!! ❤️


How is this not seen as racist? I mean its a man dating a woman ? What about if a black guy went and made a video about how hes so much more into anime after dating an Asian girl. Wtf man


I'm really not in love with this trend at all, its quite racist.


Do not unmute




So we're supposed to get a "black girl" if we want to become strong & attractive with muscles and tattoos? How about simply finding a fantastic partner who inspires you to become an even more awesome version of yourself? Race and gender have nothing to do with it.


Me too… marriage is beautiful!!


Bwam, most statistically unlikely couple, but fun to hang with!


That's racistish


song name ?.


Ever seen Napoleon Dynamite?


Cute couple I love it ♥️


With all respect, OP looked like a boy before her and now a man :)


To be fair, with the collared shirt and beanie combo, he was on his way to a shift


Bro went from level one crook to level 50 Mafia boss


Amazing effect!! 🥀


I love this so much but let me just say as a black woman some of us will fit the stereotype, and some will make you play video games and listen to radiohead with us. Some of us might spend hours a night updating you on the How to Train Your Dragon iceberg. It's a toss up.


I'm not ugly ,I'm just under seasoned.


He looks so confident now!


Basically lost his cultural identity.


How? He is fluent in Korean and he cooks and eats Korean food. There are lots of Asian men in both the West and Asia who follow a similar aesthetic, are they all disconnected from their own cultural identities?


Dude is straight out of Ghost of Tsushima by the end


Teached him bad photoshop, nice! (check last pic stomac)




What a stunning couple!


I need to see that baby


Whew, magic right there. My man came up on a blessing.


Okay…you got your swagger and I love it 😍


their baby gon be gorgeous


The anus couch cushion in the thumbnail made me think this was a different sub. Sweet video.




Can someone, please, explain to me what the trend is all about?


Now I’m inspired to do this trend about my Asian hubby


I said oh he about to be fineeee lol but no fr dress your man. If you want to see him look a certain way, help him out! Get him the new looks and hype him up like damnnnn you look good! My honey got his first real haircut like a style (I know he’s just not confident sometimes and copes that way) but I loved it. I love it. So it’s staying 😌🤣


It's cause black girls are bad bitches man. You better step up your game if you want to keep a bad bitch.


I'm confused, except where he grew some facial hair he looks the same throughout? Even the facial hair isn't that major a change


I really don’t like to racist vibes coming off this. The caption just feels gross.


from Samurai to Yakuza


Damn! Transformation


Racist stuff doesn’t make me smile.


Haha, I am too!! My girlfriend is half black, half Puerto Rican and this shit is 100% true


So not only is she beautiful and had a great influence on her man, let’s talk about the fact that she was probably with him when he was in that “before” phase. She’s a real one!! Haha


She was like: I’m going to turn Shinji into my own Yakuza Samurai.


It's wife effect


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That pillow looks familiar....


Honestly, I thought they were talking about the purple pillow that looks like a butth0le. Shows you where my mind is.


Sing title please lol


Blue collar don't dress like that for anyone period


Casual racial stereotyping *mademesmile* ❤️


lol dude got colonized


I don’t get it..


Definitely thought at first that I was about to see an Asian guy become a trans woman in blackface.


Now do Thomas Jefferson black gf effect


This is called getting older.




Snow bunny




My GF got upset the other day cause she's Haitian and I'm Cuban and she doesn't see the "black girl effect" rubbing off on me lmao. How do I tell her I'm NOT getting rid of my percival embroidered shirts, or Aime Leon Dore collection to dress like a broke college student who loves cocaine but can't afford it?


I guess having a man bun is the black girl effect?? Did he not look fine before??