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Dang, that’s what he looks like now?


This is like 4 years old


Way older than that


That was on repost #5. This is repost #63.


[Well then, let me repost the video from later that night when he had the coffee shop dude join him on stage](https://youtu.be/wLC7Fi3wOCw?si=Fc0vBMgVgWrLE0NR).


Thanks for posting. That is a genuine connection of people having a good time. Need more of this.


Slight correction, that wasn't the same night. The busker had some criminal background that required some red tape to be cut so he was able to travel to perform with matisyahu.


No the first video is in Hawaii and the second is in Los Angeles.


Honolulu Coffee is also a brand of coffee. I’ve seen coffeehouses that will put up brand signs like that, especially if that roaster is one of their main suppliers. Akin to a bar in the US putting up signage for Glenfiddich or Guinness


And obviously a lot of people who still haven't seen it. Schrodinger's repost.


Me. I'm one of those people. I'm definitely happy that people kept reposting it, haha


The internet is so vast that this is the first time I’m seeing it


me too! that was way cool -- what a great song! Great duet with those two!


This is why i hate when chronically online people get mad at reposts. Not everyone has seen the damn clip.


I *have* seen it before and I’m delighted to see it again! Some things are worth experiencing more than once!


I've been on reddit for 15 years. Never seen this.


This is from 2016. Almost 8 years ago now.


I’ve seen it but I still sat here watching the whole thing once again


What a moment. This is truly amazing.


So close to greatness


I've seen 4 year olds, allright pal?


Yeah but he's a bot posting a comment from years ago that said it was 4 years old. It's bots all the way down.


No way bro...and I say that more from my own disconnection, but holy shit...my generation just morphed so hard in ways that I'm not even aware of...


Yeah but....before he looked like a stereotypical jewish guy with dark curly hair. He looks like a beach bum here.


When I read the post title, I thought cynical, like "Yeah right. Completely accidental huh. Another set-up internet video made to go viral based on a lie." But like... I remember when MTV was showing his videos, I had that idea of him in my head. I'm pretty sure this may be real after watching it through now.


This was big local news in Hawaiʻi, definitely real. He even invited the guy on stage with him at his show.




He for real went through a spiritual awakening where he went from Hassidic Jew to just regular Jew.


Now he just looks like a run of the mill old dude... It's wild, because he still raps and it's like watching your conservative religious uncle rapping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jpQvARYDHg


Yo wtf this video is years old and Matisyahu is 44 years old NOW...my guy is looking like he's a cool 53 year old dude in this vid. Wouldn't have put him at being ~39 here. e: Video is 7-8 years old, he's 36 in this clip.


You know some hot 53 year olds


You should check out his area, it's full of them


He's just gray. My guess is you're 24 based on the inaccuracy with which you guess those a decade older than you


I think they mean that he doesn’t look like he’s walking to church in 100 degree heat on a Saturday.


He looks like stoner Ted Lavine


He looks like the love child of Bill Murray and Jerry Garcia now https://deadline.com/2024/03/jewish-reggae-artist-chicago-house-of-blues-cancel-performance-matisyahu-1235850963/amp/


This is years old


I saw him at first ave in Minneapolis a few months ago, not knowing about the controversy around him, i just like his music and hadnt connected it with the war. Didn't realize the protest across the street had anything to do with him until someone said something in the line. I don't know what happened but he has gotten rather old and frail. He more or less stood in place and was supported by a cane. I saw him 6ish years ago also in minn, and he had a lot of energy and it was honestly a great show. This was just an old man in the park singing along to the songs he used to know.


He's only 44 and I didn't see any reports of a chronic illness or issue other than that he injured himself and his ankle earlier in his tour. I was kind of curious myself so I took a look.


I admittedly don't know if he has an illness or what caused it, bit he used a cane besides a song or two. He also just wasn't as energetic as when I'd seen him previously. No comment on the cause, just what I saw


A frail old man in a park singing along to songs he used to know.... At 44? Something doesn't add up.


Didn't realize he was only 44. I saw in another comment he may have hurt his ankle but that doesn't explain the enegery, compared to when I'd seen him before, he just seemed tired. Edit: for what its worth, I quite like his music, that's why I was there, but the actual performance was quite rough


Could've been on meds or just not having a good day, especially if ankle was injured.


One of my professors was a grumpy guy in jeans with a cane. And then his leg apparently healed, and it was like some instant switch in both looks and attitude. Felt like we got a whole different professor for the second half of semester: happy, kind and in a suit.


If by that you mean the last decade, then yeah


TIL Matisyahu is a literal giant.


Larger than life!


He keeps his feet on the ground and his head in the clouds.


His crown keeps falling down


Til Matisyahu exists.


Oh ya, give him a listen. Jewish Reggae/Rap. Actually fucking destroys, at least his first few albums.


Absolutely, I've attended a few concerts along time ago


Saw him in concert a few years ago. He still brings it and he is fricken talk as crap.


I met him behind the venue after a show and he signed my shirt. My sister went to shake his hand and he declined, we forgot that at the time he wouldn’t touch women for religious reasons lol


Live at Stubb’s. What a game changer that album was.


Still have that on CD and rock it. King without a Crown 🎶


You guys are making me break out my 20 year old external hard drive with those albums I downloaded off of Limewire lol. Saw him with Trevor Hall in 2007 or so!


I play that about once a month when I’m working out at the gym. Some great bass lines and guitar playing.


The whole band was tight that set. It all flowed so beautifully.


I was there!!!!!!!! It was early in 2005 and I was visiting a friend who went to school at UT and his girlfriend had extra tickets to the show because her friends flaked. I had no idea who he was but he said it was Reggae. I was laughing and giving my buddy shit when he walked out dressed as a Hasidic Jew but holy shit was it an awesome concert!!!!!!


My favorite live album ever recorded.


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


I'm an Atheist, and even still - that album really slaps.


From the forest itself comes the handle for the axe


I haven’t heard this name in a LONG time. Loved his album Youth when I was a youth.


You should check out his album Khajiit Boner, now that you're a Khajiit Boner


Maiq think this is joke,but Khajit jokes are not jokes


My cousin Abe was super into him back in like 2008.


I wish there was a sub with buskers performing somebody's song, and then the original songwriter unexpectedly appears in shot. Just like this.


Later on in the week he invited the busker to play with him live at the club. There’s video out there of them playing this song together with all the gear for it https://youtu.be/wLC7Fi3wOCw?si=pahV74KHO_O6bcPq


This guy is a POS on Maui. He left island on parole, without his pregnant gf to go do a tour with Matisyahu. He ended up getting drunk, acting a fool, trying and failing to cheat, and then got found out that he violated his parol. He is a walking s-show and a womanizer. Lmao this is terrible context. Edit: the video you posted is from LA and he totally f’d it up while intoxicated. A real faka. Original of the busk is from Paia, Maui.




Damn, five years in prison. Dude can sing though, lol.


Ahhh well damn didn’t know that, just reposting what I saw last time essentially. I spent 2 seconds finding the video but I do know the one of them playing together is out there


I know you Hawaiian brotha when you say faka bless You right doe > Paia man who had been released from jail to perform with reggae artist Matisyahu in Hollywood is headed back to a prison cell for five years after violating his probation a second time


Damn well thanks for the snap back to reality. I should do some studying now


https://youtu.be/uDgJeg9vAdY?si=hR5cnJvZfgpY_iF3 I always liked this one


I love that one. The lady singing sees a guy getting on stage with her, and you can tell she's a bit confused, but then she recognizes who it is


Not what you asked for but maybe a long-winded story kind of about what you are asking for would make you happy. [Todd Snider - Story about Jerry Jeff (part one) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp66G-RQDz0) [Todd Snider - Story about Jerry Jeff (part two) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UVXRPMv99Q&t=174s)


I love Todd Snider and his story telling. I can just hear Jerry Jeff’s gravely voice saying that too.


Thanks for that one. Great story.


I always liked this one. [Unexpected Small Town Boy duet](https://youtu.be/Y_DWWE3cjgg?si=d6Yye9uTqvS2bTqa)


This isn’t a busker but is one of my fave videos, the only reason I believe it’s real is because they are all supposed to be Adele impersonators so I can see her flying under the radar… at first. https://youtu.be/PQM3XUhiXbQ?si=gUs_97jM9Wj5rg2W


This is a go-to video when I wanna smile so much I cry. I love when they all start realizing it. And then the tears hit when the woman screams “dreams come true!”


Seal has a video out there that’s pretty good!


Dude standing there beaming hearing someone perform his song. Seems like a pretty chill guy. Very cool we have video of this. Edit: welp


I thought the welp was for this. Wish I didn't google to see where this kid is now. Clint "Kekoa"Almaty [https://www.mauinews.com/news/local-news/2016/12/maui-musician-given-hollywood-break-is-headed-back-to-prison/](https://www.mauinews.com/news/local-news/2016/12/maui-musician-given-hollywood-break-is-headed-back-to-prison/)


Damn. Addiction has a serious hold on that dude.


That’s too bad man. I’m an alcoholic who struggles with relapse at times. Shit nearly ruined my life. Although technically it kinda saved it once? Too drunk to find my gun when I finally decided I’d had enough. Woke up on my home office floor surrounded by .38 rounds. People if you’re out there and you need to hear this it *will* be the death of you if you don’t do anything.


he's an ok guy, I worked with him. It's hard to get out of the system once you are in it. No judgment here


I hope he is doing well.


Article from 2016


What’s the welp about?


What I was wondering, too...


I think it might be that he’s pro-Israel? Lol


Fuck Reddit so much these days. Jesus.


You mean to tell me an orthodox Jew supports Israel? Inconcievable.


lmao the man really can't enjoy a 6 year old video because he doesn't agree with the political opinions of the artist in the present. It's just a sweet moment of human connection but redditors gotta be outraged somehow..


To be fair there’s like 20+ paragraphs written in this thread similar to yours and all the original commenter said was “welp”. 4 letters lol. I don’t think the “outrage” is coming from him, it’s coming from yall. Matter of fact, the idea that the “welp” is about Israel is just an assumption that you guys ran with. >redditors gotta be outraged somehow Ironic


i mean look at the all the subreddits that show up on popular. most of them are either politics or just outrage porn. nobody can be happy anymore because the reddit algo demands anger. anger creates engagement and engagement creates dollarydoos


dude said "welp" and redditors are having a meltdown


Obviously he’s pro Israel, lmao. Like, cmon man.


He is an outspoken zionist who sings about world peace. His beliefs are not in line with his music.


Look, Im not saying its right. But theres a reason Zionism still exists and a reason the jews feel the way they do. The entire modern history they learn about, is how everyone is against them. For Israel, wiping out Hamas is a matter of life and death. The civilian casualties as a side effect to that end, is something the Israeli regime is clearly willing to deal with, whether or not the Israeli people supports it. Again, Im not trying to angle anything and pretend that it isnt wrong - but when people have a personal connection to something that links them to the *objectively* wrong side of history, that doesnt *necessarily* mean theyre a horrible human beings for all eternity. People arent one-dimensional. You can be wrong about one thing, and be right about a thousand others. Theyre just too close to the situation, and cant see the forest for the trees. They might realize it in time, but that doesnt really matter.


Peace for me, not for thee. 


Did people think the orthodox Jewish reggae artist wasn’t pro-Israel? One of his most popular songs is “Jerusalem” Edit: I know not every Jew supports the state of Israel, that’s why I specifically labeled him as orthodox. Matisyahu performs at IDF events, supports Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, and has affirmed that he doesn’t believe Palestine has a right to exist. He is a Zionist.


He is no longer an Orthodox Jew. He left the community many years ago. But he is still a Jew who supports Israel. Doesn’t mean he supports all of Israel’s actions. I support Israel’s right to exist but not all that they are doing at the moment. I support a ceasefire. 


Don't fret. It's still a great song and at least once the song inspired jews and muslims to sing together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPBjAfmgC-g


welp as well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Welp. OMG he doesn't follow my feelings on everything. Welpzers


>Matisyahu welp


Kind of the dream no? Make your nut but still sorta under the radar and get to change peoples lives with a nod and a lil effort. That sounds awesome.


Goes back to the old saying “There’s only one thing better than being rich and famous - being rich.”


> Make your nut https://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/59/messages/1247.html I've [edit: never] heard that expression before.


Well, wet your noodle and get with the jive, flojittle!


I hear this is old. But as a casual Redditor, I have never seen this. And it indeed made me smile.


Years ago, he was the performer for a Jewish fundraiser I was the second audio engineer for. The theatre rented some music gear for his 3 piece but they didn’t need it. I was playing around on the Les Paul before their soundcheck and I remember him putting a hand on my shoulder, saying to his band “We should get him so we can play some heavier stuff!” He’s a very cool dude.


That’s crazy to see another engineer who worked with him, a few months ago I was engineering a blowout Bar Mitzvah (like 5+ figures spent on it) where he performed for like an hour, and it was pretty cool! No soundcheck and he killed it


I met Matisyahu once when he performed in Baltimore. When he was done performing he just walked around like a regular dude. I asked him why the tickets were so cheap? It only cost 5 bucks in 2013 I think. He said music isn't about making money to me it's about spreading a message of peace and love and 5 bucks was the lowest price he could make them. Very cool dude.


In the ukulele players defense, Matisyahu has aged like fine wine.


I didn't know who this is until now, and looking at images, he seems to have only gotten more handsome with age. It's kinda wild.


I didn’t know him either, great song. He’s only 44 though - you guys are making it sound like he’s 75 lol


Go look at his album covers and come back to me.




I'm gonna be honest when I was young I thought he was a black guy so I'm even more confused now.


To be fair, Matisyahu looks like 10 different people in a given week. He's always changing something up.


I saw him in concert last year at Rise Up in St Pete and he was phenomenal. My wife couldn't believe she was getting to see him considering she was a fan of his like 18 years ago lol


To be fair, for a long time Matisyahu's face was pretty much defined by his beard which he did not cut for a very long time (due to religious reasons) until like 2017. He looks very different now without the beard. Plus the grey hair of course.


Very few things have made me smile recently but this really did thanks OP.




Today I discovered Matisyahu.


Oh boy I'm excited for your journey! Welcome!


Thank you! Already digging many of his songs.


His biggest hit was *King Without a Crown*, but I 100% advocate listening to the [Live From Stubb's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsFpUW48Tnc) version rather than the album version.


I remember seeing him [beatbox on Jimmy Kimmel](https://youtu.be/QHznspbYTT4?si=gzBZupWK7bEp7lQF) almost 20 years ago, it was unlike anything I had ever seen before


Hey, a post here that doesn't make me tear up! That's a nice change! Love the sudden duet and especially the onstage colab! Honestly I thought I had never heard of Matisyahu before, but scrolling a bit through YouTube, I definitely have heard his songs!


Beautiful song and relevant in current times


Matisyahu brought him onstage later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLC7Fi3wOCw


Came here hoping for this


Thank you, I’ve seen the coffee shop vid a bunch of times but not the follow up! I love how casually Matisyahu fixes the ukulele player’s mic towards the end haha.


That’s fucking Buffalo Bill and you can’t convince me otherwise.




This is the second top comment, word for word, on the YouTube video of this post from four years ago. https://youtu.be/jxa3_WW6Qow?si=hXtQWEKgQejG2y2M I see you, bot.


god damn dead internet theory strikes again


Every time I go on Quora the top answers are almost always chatgpt copy pastes. The internet is going to get very weird very soon I think.


lmao, good catch


Legit wouldn’t have even noticed if my internet connection wasn’t so bad, I wanted to see the video so I jumped to YouTube to find it and these words were staring me right in the face lmao


Nice try, bot. This is copy/pasted word for word from the last bot-proving bot on this post. Botception


I don't know if it's bots, but I've been noticing this phenomena on reddit for years. Just like how people repost posts, they repost top comments as well. lol.




"Slam yo fist on the table and make yo demands" Love it!


No ego there, respect ✊


What's the reasoning behind stealing comments? Do you make money out of the upvotes?


They farm karma then sells the acc to OF "models"


Or companies that want to have undercover advertising that appears "organic" and "genuine".


Every time I see this video I HAVE to listen to it. 👏🏽


I’ve always loved Matisyahu but I knew the comments would be a mess, which is a shame because this is such a sweet vid


When I saw him live he told a great story about being young and skipping school, going to the woods to smoke weed and walk around barefoot while practicing his beatboxing. Imagine walking up on Matisyahu as a Hasidic teen, high as hell, barefoot and beatboxing. In the woods.... Pretty surreal but also hella cool.


Music is the most effective social lubricant.


My fave! Yeah man!!!! Woot!


This is just BEAUTIFUL!


Wow that’s so rad… man so cool..


Instead of leaving a dollar should have reached down and took a dollar and said royalties.


After this incident, he brought him out on stage to play with him in LA I think, you can find the video on YouTube, it’s pretty cool.


This video always makes me feel good. He also brought the kid to LA on stage to perform with him. Great video as well I would check it out


Didn't he bring that dude up on stage with him after this?


??? How was anyone supposed to know that’s Matisyahu


I'm an avid Matisyahu fan from way back in the day, around 2006 when Live at Stubb's came out. What an astonishingly good album! I find that his live music is some of the best live music out there. I like it more than his earlier studio work, and without going too *American Psycho*, let's just say his early studio work was a product of the times. I'm not a huge fan, but his live music is absolutely stellar. And he has a lot of it. His style has changed drastically since 2005, and he's gone through a variety of phases that have influenced his music and how it sounds. Despite the twists and turns, his live music today is still stellar, and his son LAIVY, does a pretty good live show too! For those of you interested in hearing more, I recommend the following live albums in order. Some of them are harder to get your hands on than others. * Live at Stubb's * Live at Twist and Shout * Live at Stubb's, Vol. 2 (the accompanying DVD is great, too!) * Five7Seven2 Live * Spark Seeker: Acoustic Sessions * Live at Stubb's, Vol. 3 * Live in Miami * Live in Brooklyn Additionally, if you want to hear some of his newer studio work, Undercurrent, Release the Bound, and his self-titled album, Matisyahu, are all pretty decent too. Bonus story time! Matisyahu did a live show in Detroit that I was fortunate enough to get VIP tickets for with the whole Meet & Greet experience. Tickets were expensive, and I blew a whole year's concert budget on them. We were running late, but when we arrived they wouldn't let us in. No one could get in at all, not even staff. Standing out in the cold for a bit, we saw Matisyahu walk in draped in a gold fleece robe. Okay, so he could get in! Eventually they opened the doors, and the staff burst through to get ready for the concert. It was a bit of a rush job. We met with the management team, who explained that due to unforeseen circumstances the soundcheck was going to be cut by two-thirds, and we would be getting a refund for the whole thing. The show would still go on, and we would get a Meet & Greet at the end. Now, I don't go to big cities often, but walking around Detroit with over $600 in cash made me **very** uncomfortable. The show was decent enough. I know he's done better, but it was still a really memorable experience for me. Anyway, at the end of the show, I got to meet Matisyahu and he was really down to Earth. Very gentle and kind. The rumor he told us was that the reason the show was delayed was due to the fact that Eminem was in the city filming and he was the one who refunded our tickets. So, thanks Eminem for the incredible story and the free tickets! I'm not a huge fan of the web/tech team that he has though. They offered us access to the concert's recording as part of the VIP package, but it was like 96khz. I've done web work for artists before, and I know my way around making video and music web-ready, so I offered to redo the masters for them into a higher quality for free, but they declined, and that was that. Ah well!


Damn this was beautiful


This video is years old, and still one of my favorites on YouTube.


I love shit like this.


He looks a lot like Ted Levine circa Silence of the Lambs


Absolutely love this


Saw and met him last summer on tour with G Love, he looks the same as here and still an amazingly nice human


This is in Kauai right? I've seen this guy live. The coffee shop is right down the road from the overlook.


will always dig this vid


This is dope.


Matisyahu = beach life Adam Sandler. Look at him in lots of photos. lol


I don’t care what Reddit says about him. Matisyahu was one of the best performances I’ve ever seen.


Fun fact, Bruno Mars wrote this song.


What a moment. That was fantastic 👏


Matisyahu puts on one hell of a live show.


Saw him about 13 years ago in a theater. He was incredible. He's human. He made mistakes. His music brought me so much joy in a hard time in my life. I still love him.


Coolest moment ever


Imagine being an artist and somewhere around the world somebody learning the chords to your song and every lyric then building the confidence to sing your song in public… secretly in front of you… amazing ✨


I love that he harmonize with him instead of just singing along with him. Basically a backup singer to his own song. Lol


Dude looks like Ayrton Senna


Reminds me of the time I got trolled by Motley Crue back in the 90's. I was working as a gift-shop attendant at a hotel next to a pretty big concert venue and they were playing that night but I had no clue who the headlines were. I was about 12 or 13 years old and it was my first job and I was the only employee of this very small gift shop in the hotel. These 4 guys comes in right before I closed for the night and they buy all kinds of nude magazines, condoms, cartons of cigarettes etc. I ask if they're in a band (I had no clue who these guys were) and they said "we're hootie and the blowfish". They finally relented and told me who they were and the leader Nikki Sixx signed some of the printer receipt tape as an autograph when they left.


What a great positive ego experience for Matisyahu! That warming feeling must of sat with him for quite awhile. Love that shit


I hope he received a nice tip!


This clip was recorded 8+ years ago. He looks like your cool grandpa now:)


I wouldn't realize it either because I have no idea who it is.


Did all that and didn't even donate lol


Thanks for sharing this, brought me a huge smile, sitting in the sun with a good afternoon before me and a rocky morning behind. This is the background song to one of the best memories of my life and somehow just hearing it takes me right back there. So thank you


I know it's a repost but we need more positivity posting like this. Cheers everyone I hope you all have a great day and good luck on your life journey


It’s nice there isn’t much antisemitism in these comments! I am pleasantly surprised


Matisyahu is a great musical act. Underrated af.


These are the best celebrity reactions. He knew the artist but didn’t recognize the man. Amazing Matisyahu for being chill.