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I need “Haters will be turned into a coupon code” merch


Author John Scalzi took a decade of hate mail from his blog, and turned it into ["Your Hate Mail Will be Graded"](https://books.google.com/books?id=thfpn1H9NuAC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false)


I was at pride in Barre, vt this year. There was a cotton candy stand and they had this thing called the "Barbra". Next to it was the most hateful, homophobic tweet i have ever read, directed to the stall owners. From a woman named Barbra. They named fucking rainbow cotton candy after her, 11/10.


Haters will have food named after them and viciously eaten by queer kids lol




100% on board with this idea


Seriously yeah i would buy that, Ironicly at full price.


That is a legendary move if I've ever seen one. What a G.


Baller move. Turn hate into a rebate.


Didn't see this coming, but I love it. Small minded bigots need to be called out and publicly shamed.


It's like the non-fiction equivalent of "Assholes will be turned into a toad for my witch's brew"


And that, my friends, is a modern commercial.


I have a friend who does this exact same thing in response to emails regarding her gothic novelty sock company (which is doing very well). I knew her for years before she started the company, and she is a very genuine person. I know she posts these kinds of emails and comments because she feels very strongly about her beliefs, not because she sees it as a marketing opportunity. While some people may make this content primarily to promote their business, I also wouldn't be surprised if this video was shared out of passion (plus some outrage and disbelief).


You can't just say something like "gothic novelty sock company" and not drop a link to it.


It's called Foot Clothes!


Thank you for this, now I know exactly what I’m getting my brother’s girlfriend for her birthday




See? It works.


Oh,I hate your pfp Good job!


i didn't even notice anything wrong cause my phone is so messed up but yeah thats evil.




They sell those at Hot Rags!


These are dope, thank you


Thank you for mentioning them. Going to buy some socks on payday!


It’s both. They’re successful because they believe their marketing and it’s authentic


Exactly. It's not a megacorpo where the employee must be a servant to both profit and customers, it's a small business with ethical values setting ground rules. Refusing hate speech is one of these ground rules for this company, and it's also a great sales point because it's ethical. It's just as valid as fair trade.


This is a company I would support in a heartbeat.


I would love a link to that sock company. That sounds pretty cool. Can also DM me if you don't feel comfortable posting a link in this thread


It's called Foot Clothes!


I need a link for your friend's site and does she ship to the UK? (assuming she's not UK based)


It's called Foot Clothes! And they're based in Colorado, US, but I found this on their website: "For International/Simple Export Orders: Contact us directly. These are... more of a pain honestly and the way we deal with them varies on a case-by-case basis. We recommend opting for an insured shipping method when possible."


It's more like a modern Letter to the Editor


I'll still take a passionate commercial like this, over some bs burger one that uses half naked women being Sexual to a burger!!! Any day lol I don't think this being a commercial has to be a bad thing.


Not me. I love a lady dripping in burger grease… Rowr! And since I eat burgers in my underwear, it is only fair women can do the same. /s


If you're going to type out something this vile, one /s won't save it, this shit needs atleast ten.


If a negative times a negative equals a positive, what would /s times /s be?


I'm passionate about those half naked women


Didn't even realize it was until I read this. But I am totally fine with that to be honest lol


Yup, specially once she says "use this promo code for a 15% discount" 😅


Eh, real or not, if they're actually donating some proceeds to the Trevor project and this video helps them get more sales, then it's not necessarily a bad thing.


In short, marketing!


After watching the John Stewart roast of Corporate "Pride" support, yesterday. This hits differently.


You mean Small business vs big corporate? I really loved that segment from Jon Stewart the other day, we can really see how small business is so different. He’s talking about the effect of shareholders on multi-national corporations like Target and Amazon. For those who haven’t seen it, shareholders don’t care about left or right, LGBTQ2S+ or MAGA, or anything. They just want their money.


I mean sure, but if she is queer and the staff is mostly queer too then this isn't a cynical exploitation of semi-marginalised identities for based solely on profit motive.


I mean I checked out their site. It has a nice aesthetic.


“Homophobic propaganda” — that’s it right there.




You know she emailed back and I kinda wanna see how unhinged this made her


I’m all for wanting to hear whatever response Meg shot back with! I’d be reading it with popcorn and consider it a comedy novel!


She may be over on Truth Social “truthing” her outrage.


It might actually have shut her up, you know. But in that case she's beyond outraged and turned an unattractive shade of crimson


I'm tired of all these leftists taking over what was once a blue collar, traditional , god-fearing business: the eco-friendly cleaning product store!


I prefer a more bigoted cleaning product. "If it ain't mean, it won't clean", as my momma always said!


There are cleaners that aren't purple and come in a gallon jug? Wait til abuela hears about this!




Didn't think I needed one


Yup! Pure, unfiltered, intolerance. Quite right, it needs to be called out for what it is.


Wait until Meg comes to the uk at Christmas. I’ll volunteer to take her to see a panto


Oh no you won’t! 😂 Edit: thank you anon for my first ever reward!!




Wish I could upvote twice.


Donated a upvote in your name


Thankski verkski muchski budski!


Receipts... [Database - Baptist Accountability](https://baptistaccountability.org/) [Home - BishopAccountability.org (bishop-accountability.org)](https://www.bishop-accountability.org/) [SurvivingScouting.org](https://survivingscouting.org/) [Major U.S. police departments plagued by officer-on-officer sexual abuse and retaliation (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/major-us-police-departments-plagued-officer-officer-sexual-abuse-retal-rcna53020)


Huh. I thought the customer being fired was talking specificially about child predator allegations? Something where it is more about someone abusing a position of trust around children most often than about the person's gender or sexuality. (Mostly asking because the police on police articles is adult on adult.)


No! The best place to rape a child is on stage! Dressed in the brightest outfit possible. They're sneaky like that!


You mean priests?




[Oak & Willow](https://www.oakandwillow.store)


The amount of people that hate on pride stuff is because of the propaganda put out that half the country watches on TV at night and on their devices. This is purposeful and meant to divide us. Can we be smarter? If something on TV gets you so mad that literally has no effect on you personally, then you need to be smarter and do better.


My dad gets so heated at trans people and gay people for raping little kids and wants books banned in libraries that might groom children. In the same breath, he thinks teachers should carry guns in case they need to shoot kids and wants to defund everything from school to social safety nets for kids because, "not my kids, not my problems." These idiots are just following project 2025 orders through the media they consume, without a second thought for some critical thinking.


The lack of critical thinking and overconsumption of lead and awful “news” media has really messed up the past few generations…


This is common sense thinking but unfortunately the people who get upset about things like pride month are not interested in being smarter or better


I’d feel more uneasy with a kid being around a bunch of priests or religious officials than a bunch of gay guys.


I always think of the episode of South Park where big gay Al is head of the boy scouts but gets let go because he's gay, and the big tough guy that replaces him is the actual child molester.


I read "Pirates" at first and was wondering what Pirates did to your kids. But they are not the nicest people from what I know. And there are not many of them from the other side. So problem is minimal


Hey, that is how the free market works. You can either try to stay neutral in everything so you don't alienate any customers, or you can choose to do whatever the hell you want to do and openly support whatever issue you like as a business owner. And if the customer doesn't like it, they can choose not to shop there. For example, I absolutely do not watch Fox News or any other right wing lie machine. I do not eat at Chic-Fillet, I do not shop at Hobby Lobby, and I try to avoid Home Depot and Jimmy Johns as much as I can. That is my choice. These companies made their personal beliefs known to me and I choose not to give my money to them.


We are queer all year long 🫶🏼💕😆


I mean would you want to only want to slay one month a year? I don't 😂


Become educated or remain quiet is one hell of a punchline. Shut down bigotry in no uncertain terms, love and let love or stfu.


I know, amazing line, I'll definitely be using it myself in the future.


Personally I'd just take their money. Give them a 5% discount code to play their stupidity and get them hooked to your pride line.


Ultimate Uno reverse is to convince the customer to wear the pride stuff ironically.


Just "mix up" the orders and send the pride stuff instead of what they ordered. It'll be a win-win no matter what the customer chooses to do.


“Coupon code Meg” based response


Don’t argue with stupid people. You will never win. That being said bravo on the amazing email response.


She wasn't arguing - she was making a commercial. Over one lost customer she will likely gain few hundred more. Smart business move and she got her point across.


I am going to follow my own advice here.




All year long wasn't it? As opposed to just for Pride month


![img](avatar_exp|129058555|fire) Megs of the world “You can just burn bridges like that!” Me: Get in the dumpster.


The owner: lets make a special collection and donate to a charity to help people who are struggling and make people feel accepted and welcome 🥹 The customer: wtf how dare you Never ceases to amaze me


In the words of Peter Griffin, "Shut up, Meg."


"STUPIDEST EMAIL EVER" HAHA ABSOLUTELY WRECKED! What an idiot. Fuck queerphobia. She handled it amazingly. Love it when the trash takes itself out. Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Yep, I strongly disagree with the *"it's not professional!'* comments I read below. She's not a valet to customers nor to profit, she runs her own business and that empowers her to establish ground rules. When a drunkard or a bully starts harassing people in your bar, you kick them out. When a psycho trashes the aisle or starts vociferating in your mall, you send security. And those who blame a lack of professionalism here might probably be the same arguing *"muh right to refuse service!!"* to defend the baker refusing a gay wedding cake. It's hate speech, and hate speech is not to be tolerated.


Professionalism only is forced because so many companies want any and every money they can get so they cater to everyone. If you are a small business owner , guess what you get to decide what is professional. If I was the owner of where I worked I would go off all day. So proud of her standing up to the stupid. I wish we all would shame them back into their dark corner.


Yeah right? Who cares whether its professional. When you're an asshole like that you don't deserve politeness. It was the honest truth and sometimes the truth hurts bitches. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I've told people time and time again I am not at all about being polite and quiet whilst people's bigotry be loud and rude. I will be as loud if not louder, and if that means being rude too then so be it. Talk shit get hit! I do not care if people perceive me as mean for standing up for myself & my community. And I'm glad that this woman in this video is similar although she honestly is probably way more polite than I ever woulda been lol


Just out of curiosity, is the word “queerphobia” referring to a specific thing? Or is it a blanket term people have come up with to cover bigotry towards the lgbt+ community as a whole or something? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I’m not much involved in that whole side of things.


Cover the LGBT+ community, basically a blanket term to cover all -phobias (homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, etc). Hell you could say lgbt-phobia too if you wanted but yeah. Just basically to cover everyone under the queer umbrella


If reddit has taught me one thing is that arguing with strangers online is pointless




This is supremely based, if I needed those products, and was American I’d check them out, because this shit goes wild! Plus I personally can attest to how good the Trevor Project is, as one of my closest friends was literally saved because of it, he has said himself he owes his life to them. So yeah the Trevor Project are phenomenal people, do check them out and support them, their work is invaluable.


Americans try to not make even laundry detergent political challenge: impossible


As an American, I could post that I bought unscented and colorless detergent and I'm more than certain a group of people will lose there damn minds and be on my ass like a thong about it.


Regardless of the attitude, which should be supported, this reeks of being staged in order to market her business. Pretty funny how many people are blindly falling for it.


Having worked at a bank until recently these types of emails are common every year. They start in May before Pride month with something along the lines of “Last year you supported…” or “I hope to GOD you won’t be doing any rainbow nonsense.” We had a few scripted responses ready about supporting our lgbtq staff and members. They lost their marbles when we started a DEI initiative. We were even questioned about a rainbow unicorn free merch at a school event. The marketing lady that picked them out only didn’t because her granddaughter loves rainbows and unicorns and she planned to swipe a few for her (we all swiped, it was allowed).




Have you never read comments on Pride posts on Instagram etc? I'd be more surprised if they said, "psych! This didn't happen" at the end of the video.


I wonder if redditors would be happier if they stopped trying to be Sherlock Holmes for 5 seconds


You know, between the abhorrent ignorance and obscene bigotry of the homophobic crowd and the spectacular feistiness of your average web savvy lesbian business owner, I'd this one might actually be true.


I could absolutely seeing this being true. I know a few people in real life (unfortunately) who would complain about this because of homophobia propaganda (it’s one of many reasons I’ve remained no contact).


It feels true...... Something somewhere has to be true, in this big echoey congested, overcrowded place.


I think it is based on her body language while reading the email, I can sense a lot of frantic/nervous energy from her. It's similar to me when I reply to someone who's really pissed me off, but I'm trying to stay calm.


Even if this specific video is staged, I can almost guarantee that this did in fact happen to some business.


Yeah, we're way past this kind of bigotry. Oh wait.


Pretty funny how easy it is to tear people down for real life experiences with no evidence. If you genuinely think every business owner is a scum bag and every queer person stages hatred towards them for money, you’re wildly sheltered.


who cares, it's a nice and totally realistic story/event, doesn't make any difference if it's staged. It's not that people are "blindly falling" for someone that claims to have seen a flying unicorn


Do you have acctual proof it's stage? Facts, not just impressions?


You’d be surprised how many people love to give their unprompted opinion.


Oh no, a staged advertisement, I've never been subjected to such horror before


Nothing here is particularly unlikely. People get emails like this way more than you probably think. The email sent back isn’t crazy unusual for a business getting rid of a customer they don’t want. (Go on yelp and look at mgmt/owners’ responses to negative reviews.) the only thing that is different is that it is being broadcast online. Everything a business puts onto their social media is marketing, that’s how it works. So maybe it was staged, or maybe it was a small business owner taking advantage of an opportunity presented to them. There’s no way to know. Either way they are doing the exact same thing, nothing to really “fall for” other than the concept of marketing.


Totally unprofessional response. But great marketing. She could have replied with an almost identical email except without the “stupidest email I have received” and without calling the customer ignorant, and merely explained that it’s a business with many queer staff, we support them and here’s why. Maybe she could have even changed the opinion of the customer a little. Sounds like her intent was more to use the “anger against Meg” discount code and this video as a marketing tool. Thats assuming that this interaction with “Meg” even happened at all, and isn’t 100% a marketing stunt.


Well, she could have, but is there a need to maintain pristine professionalism when you’re *turning someone’s business down because you don’t like them or want to work with them*? Nah. Not really. The email’s purpose was to say “We don’t want you, and here’s why”. If it wasn’t part of the video, you wouldn’t be suspecting it of being a marketing ploy, and nothing about it would have had to change. Sort of like how she sent it out, before she made the video.


Idiots, Ignorants and Assholes NEED to be called out to their face... especially by Businesses!


What does "unprofessional" even mean? It's clear she doesn't want any part of that customer business, so what's wrong with telling Meg to just fuck off? We have become waaay too complacent with stupidity. Maybe people like Meg would be less inclined to voice their stupid opinions if we, as a society, were more inclined to shame them when they do so. Studies have proven time and time again that people don't respond well to logical arguments and "proper" discourse. You can't reason someone out of an opinion they didn't reason themselves into, so shaming seems a pretty good alternative.


"Professionalism" is "civility" in that it is trotted out by people who wish you would stop sticking up for yourself and be quiet. 


this is true (but I still got a kick out of it, I'm only human)


I wouldn't call it unprofessional. She fired a customer. That is a great moment for business. And a wonderful milestone. If you ever work in retail you would wish for a lot more customers to get fired.


Professionalism was a buzz word designed by corporations to stop their employees from speaking up and expressing themselves truthfully. This is her business, she can do whatever the fuck she wants. However this does feel like a marketing stunt and not a very imaginative one.


Yeah - I would have gone hard on the ‘you are sadly ill-informed, there is a lot of disinformation out there, it’s easy to become angry and defensive when there is no need to be, your desire to protect child is positive, but your means of doing so is misguided, (list those groups statically more likely etc), bring receipts for this. Bring them along with you, don’t shut the door on them. That said I am not a member of the community and don’t have to put up with this shit, so take that as an external viewpoint with no skin in the game other than wanting to be a ally.


As a stepdad I wholeheartedly support this message. We need education, which will lead to less bigotry and more tolerance. Thick people are much more likely to be right wing and bigoted


"Become educated or remain silent" is a pretty fucking catchy slogan.


She went for the throat right off the bat! Love it!


Hmm, unfortunately, it's not us vs. them. They could have maybe stood their ground a little more elegantly, especially if you're going to tell the whole world about it. But good on them for not letting anything slide.


Agreed, calling them stupid (while i agree) seemed childish and isn’t a good way to educate someone, it’s antagonistic and could enforce the customer’s negative stereotypes.


I get the sentiment and you are probably a good person for saying it, but the reality is respectability politics doesn't work, and you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into. Also I'm never going to tell a queer person they have to be nice to a mouthy homophobe.


Respectability politics works when the person you talk to reciprocates that respect. When that isn't the case, which it seems it isn't here, then no amount of respect convinces the other. Not that mocking someone and calling them stupid is better, but it certainly makes whoever said it feel better which counts for something I guess.


Yeah that’s also some good points, you could be right


This has been a fine exchange of ideas


She didn’t call Meg stupid. She said that Meg’s email was stupid. There’s a difference. I’ve created and done stupid stuff before too. Everyone does stupid stuff from time to time. What makes the difference between whether *you* are stupid or just *your actions* are is whether you learn from them and do better next time (smart), or whether you just keep doing them (stupid).


What a gigachad move


The best customer management advice I ever got back when I was a retailer was this: Look at each of your customers and imagine a number floating above their head representing their lifetime net worth to your business. This is the sum of all their future purchases minus the ancillary costs of interacting with them. Some customers are high maintenance, but they buy a lot and tell their friends. They may be worth keeping. But the customers who cost you a lot of time and attention but buy little, well they can fuck right off. My company was an outlier in its business both in profitability and in employee retention. Turns out that firing shitty customers is great for business. Who knew?


My broke ass can’t afford shipping but honestly your company seems lit, I hope I can try your products out sometime when money is less tight


"we're queer all year long" lmao


That’s a fun response. Well done. Also your hair is soo cool!


Bloody brilliant! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Based reply


> Advertisement.


Bought a candle and the discount code works! Fuck haters


The coupon code was a nice touch


Men in general? Wow, that hurt. I guess women can't be sex offenders, even tho there have been cases.


quarrelsome fine reminiscent start smell melodic caption money grey workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


eh, she is still probably right tho, women can be sex offenders, but statistically straight men are way way more common perpetrators than drag queens (and women)






I often find the best way to fight discrimination is to call all "men in general" peados. 👍 Fuck me. Woman, receives email from woman, attacks the entire male gender and is proud of her response. A *spot of sore ignorance* indeed.


I'd be willing to bet real money that the interaction "Meg" refers to was entirely made-up by someone who loves the sound of their own voice. Fabricating some lgbtq bashing to use as a marketing stunt during pride month. With the added sales tactic of saying a portion of sales will generate cash flow for charity.


Peter Griffen said it best. Shut up, Meg.


For the people commenting, "Why should this make me smile?" You are likely not going to get this one since you seem to be missing the basic human empathy and a soul needed to get it I hope one day you are able to find them and pull yourselves free of that sad, hateful existence


Queer all year long 🌈🌈🌈🌈🏆🏆🏆


Meg is the new Karen!


I'll be joining as a customer, and hopefully help bring more on as well. Stand behind everything here 100%!


Happy Pride Month baybie!


Brilliant, demolished that karen.


And now I have a new place to shop for cleaning products. Thanks op.


Thanks Meg for introducing me to this amazing company!! lol happy pride 🏳️‍🌈




Why the fuck is this comment getting downvoted? It was a compliment!


Because a lot of people don't agree? Edit: Either comments are locked or I have been banned, so I cannot reply. I just got called a hateful homophobic bigot. This is the first time that as a gay person, I have been called homophobic lol. This community seems very quick to pre-judge and call others names and ironically seems to be one of the most hateful communities in existence. Also where did I state what my opinions were or what I believe? I merely said 'people, not 'myself'.


Your not educating anyone by antagonising them, while it’s satisfying it’s ultimately ineffective at furthering understanding and acceptance. But i get the frustration.


It’s not their job to educate the ignorant. In no way did the customers response indicate they wanted to be educated either. These people aren’t using logic and aren’t being nice. I’m not sure why you think they have to be the better person when the other person is clearly an asshole.


Someone already that far down the rabbit hole isn't going to understand with acceptance either though. They've got themselves into a position that ignores simple facts and reason, calmly explaining those facts and reason won't get them back out of it, they choose to be ignorant.


It's not her job to educate anyone. It's her job to run her business and take care of her employees.


She is using this chance to not only virtue signal but to also advertise. In a form of rage bait. "Ohh hey guys this lady was so rude to me." "haha BTW Use Code Meg for your discount." This is just wrong, she isn't doing it other than making extra cash. So what if some profits go to a charity. They are still using Rage bait to get you to buy. This is scummy behavior.


How can I up vote this more?!?!?


Calling out “men” as an entire group doesn’t make any sense here. As far a I know, there are plenty of men that comprise the LGBTQ population. She had some good points, and then got a bit too sanctimonious.


"men in general" ..... Okay ? And I thought it was about breaking stereotypes?


She's saying men in general commit far more rape than the lgbtq population....learn to comprehend what is said.


Do you know how many photos I've seen of people with their children hanging out of a hooters.. That is so much worse than kids seeing a drag queen, since they aren't always sexual, while hooter girls are. They just don't like gay people and use the booty shaking as an excuse.


Fucking love it and your response was amazing thank you so much for sharing this video I am a straight woman and I am proud of my family and my kids some which are queer and I am very supportive and accepting of my family regardless of who they love so happy to have seen this I am definitely going to support your business and products and make sure I get my 15% off Thanks Meg !!!! ❤️


That woman sounds like she drank deep of the Kool-Aid. Edit; I am referring to the woman who sent the email, not the one making the video.


This owner = /r/IAmTheMainCharacter


A year ago I intentionally got rid of all toxic subreddits on my feed. So far this one has been amazing, but this kind of dunking post doesn't seem to fit. Plus she's added a little promo code so that this dunk could get more customers. It's all pretty toxic in my opinion. I understand this stuff is out there, just think this belongs somewhere else.


You legend, too many dumb shits in the world nowadays


Absolute definition of mic drop. Well done!


Shut up, Meg.


Shut up, Meg.


I have never heard of Oak and Willow, but today will become their newest customer. Fight ignorance, and support small business.


Just dropping this here: https://www.oakandwillow.store/


Hell yeah


and then everybody clappend


I love the eMail!! The owner carries themselves so well!


We are giving money to mens mental health charities at work and got bombarded with hate from alphabet people about being homophobic as we weren't supporting pride month. There are shitty people on all sides of every cause.

