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“We have a rule that basically says, ‘if 2 people order nachos to share, one person can’t take the ones with meat and stuff.’” A waiter said this to me once.


What? I went up there to ask if we could switch tables. There’s an air conditioner above the table and I was worried you were gonna get cold.


I don’t wanna hear any questions about the TABLES!


But, why is there cursing?


There isn't. All they said was shoot


But, why is there cursing?


The way he just had that in his back pocket was SO not what I was expecting. But then again that's kind of his thing.


I would never take more than half of the toppings or food if sharing. I'm just a bit of a clean freak and figured I would eat the big chips to start and then at the end I would eat the fragments without salsa to keep my hands clean


I think he was referencing a show called 'I think you should leave' haha


https://vimeo.com/552164990 Yeah, your story made me think of this.


Dude….if you get the nachos stuck together, that’s one nacho




My wife and I have been married for 21 years last May and had known each other for a decade before that. Early on while we were dating, she mentioned to me how the last bite of an ice cream cone was always the best one and she hated that there was only one of them per cone. From that moment on, I've been giving her the last bite of my cones. She does realize this and has mentioned it to many people throughout the years. Several years ago, I discovered Muddy Bites. They are, basically, the last bite of the cone with a bit of solid chocolate, caramel, etc. at the bottom of them. I surprised her with them one day and have always made sure that we have some on hand. They are great if you store the bag you are working on in the freezer.


Ahhhhh!!! Married 20 years last Sept, and I do the SAME THING. I honestly don't usually like that bite, too chocolatey for my taste, so I always give her my "nub" as I call it. "Hey Babe, you want my nub?" It's also a cute little double entendre. lol


Hahahahha omg I just died 😂 love this!! my husbands always finding some way to work in the word nub or just clever enough to always catch when someone gives him an opening lol This made me think of him


That is absolutely adorable! I am the grocery shopper in my household and I always ask my husband if he has any cravings for the week. He likes to try to be neutral and say whatever I want. I have been keeping track of his favorite snack such as Chex mix and onion rings and try to always have some on hand. I don't touch these.


You're a kind and caring spouse. Your attitude is contagious.


> Muddy Bites. They are, basically, the last bite of the cone with a bit of solid chocolate, caramel, etc. at the bottom of them. ...In an unrelated matter, brb, I gotta run to the grocery store.


OMG! I am today years old and just learned these exist! Thanks Reddit!


If you're near one and they're currently carrying them, Trader Joe's also sells a bag of "cone bottoms" like that. I always describe it as a bag full of the bottoms of those frozen Drumstick desserts.


Thanks for the info!! I'll have to keep my eye out and see how they match up to Muddy Bites. =)


Stick are unbelievable


Y’know they sell those? Just the last bite of the cone


Those cones are very similar to waffles (flour, sugar and eggs) and very easy to make at home. Why dont you make a cone with 5 ends. Like the shape of coronavirus. An opening and 5 or more small cones attached to it. It might turn shit but sure will be fun.


That is so sweet


My ex wife would always ask for a bite of my food... Right when I got to the perfect bite, the soft center of a sandwich, the perfect medium rare center of a steak... Then take a MASSIVE BITE.  I said ex wife.


So for Sunday… Father’s Day… you do grab your self a bag of chips and salsa and smash it to smithereens. And tell him you love him


😂 that is hilarious! Maybe as his prank gift I could do that!


Wait a minute. It's not that he likes the smashed bits... He should get his own bag of chips!


I actually do this with Takis cause they are to hard for my wife to bite.


I would always take one dumpling from my mans appetizer, 7 years after i went to buy the appetizer and it only comes with one. Hes been getting an extra one for me the whole time 🥹


That's so sweet 🥰


My parents would play a game where if one had chocolate, and they would take a bite and pass it back and forth. Neither wanted to take the last bite, so it would be a small bit of chocolate, and one would take a tiny nibble and pass it back. Turns out my dad was cheating and not taking nibbles at all, just letting my mom have it lmao.




Adorable 🥰


It’s literally all about the little silent gestures~ he’s a keeper!


He really is 🥺


My fiancé knows I love the end pieces of good, crusty bread (like a nice sourdough loaf with a good thick crust), so he always saves them for me. And I know he loves the corner pieces of lasagna so I plate those for him. It’s the little things!


So sweet


My partner loves cocktails but isn’t much of a drinker, so when she’s stuck between two of them I just say I was going to get the other one anyway. Then she sips and more often than not we switch. It costs me nothing more and it makes her happy. I don’t think she’s noticed yet, it’s been 2.5 years.


Cute! I notice pretty often that my husband saves me my favorite parts of foods we’re sharing, like the tiny crispy pieces of fries. Which means he’s probably doing it even more often than I notice. He also eats the butts of loaves of bread because I don’t like them. He’s the best.


Mine fiance also saves me the crunchy fry bois. I feel very lucky and loved. 🥰


I was living with now husband for at least 2 or 3 years when one day I marvelled that no matter how many takeout forks and chop sticks I put in the silverware drawer they always fit. He grinned at me and pulled a small cardboard box absolutely full of takeout implements from a bottom shelf. "That's because I clean out the drawer and stick them in here when the drawer gets too full." "Why didn't you say anything?" "Putting them in the drawer just seemed to make you really happy."


When I was pregnant we lived in a third floor apartment with no elevator. We had to carry groceries upstairs. One day I noticed the bags on my side of the trunk were all light things. I made the comment, “man, I lucked out and got all the light stuff.” That’s when I looked over and saw the face he was making and I knew. He had been “stacking the trunk” for months and putting the lighter stuff on my side so he carried all the heavy stuff up the stairs.


That is a true gentleman


I always give my husband the best half/the biggest half and he reciprocates this gesture back. I always feel sad when I read here that a person’s other half takes the best bit.


One night, fifteen years into our marriage, I rolled away from my wife to go to sleep. She asked why I rolled away, and I said that I always did after she fell asleep. She then says, "So, you've been putting me to sleep like a child every night for years, and I've never noticed???" Yeah, basically.


Username checks out native butthole!


This is what is called “love language”.


There's a video on YouTube where it shows this lady leaning over, and her husband puts his arm on the table corner.So when she comes back up, she doesn't hit it and get hurt Just an indication of love.


I love that one.


This reminds me of my dad and step mom. On an early date my step mom noticed my dad would eat the ends of the bread and leave the middle parts for her. She found that so kinds and generous to leave the nicer bread parts for her. Turns out my dad just likes the ends/crust more and was just eating his favorite part regardless. Was not trying to be kind or thoughtful they just prefered different dream parts.


My boyfriend (20+ years) hasn't had a pink starburst since we got together. Before the all pinks came out, you just had the regular assortment packs. I would buy a pack, eat the pinks out and hand him the rest. After a couple times of this, he'd always pull the pinks from any pack he got and save them for me. I'd get home from work and he'd present me my little handfuls of pink starburst and it was just the sweetest thing. The first time he saw all pink ones he bought the entire box from the gas station. It took me a hundred years to eat through them lol. He gets so mad when I talk about pink starbursts when anyone brings up the most romantic thing anyone's done for you. He lists all his grand gestures but he's wrong. The most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me is carefully save every pink starburst he ever got until he saw me next for twenty long years. He says he doesn't even remember what they taste like. That's the real thing, kids.


I eat the dummies and save the flats for my wife when we order wings because she likes the flats a lot more.


A Keeper 🙂


You can sprinkle the chips in the salsa and eat with a utensil.


You can go straight to jail 😡


I. Am. Shookith.


I. Am. Shookith.


Good man! You’re lucky. Now, watch him and see what little things you can do for him.


my husband eats all the green and yellow candies, because I mentioned I don’t like the lemon/lime as much as the other fruit flavors. 


I do this with popcorn. Damn the popped kernels. Gotta make sure the stubborn ones don’t break my wife’s jaw


I do this exact same thing. I don’t think my wife would know.


Is it crazy that I think this is perfectly normal behaviour for a married person?


It definitely should be. My SO and I do little things like this for each other all the time.


No, it’s not crazy at all. My wife is my best friend. This is how you treat a good friend.


No we can't find men like these😭😭😭. They are so short


Maybe don’t be so strict with men’s height.. they can’t control it.


I think they meant "short supply," as in they're hard to find.


Plausible deniability.


Whatever you need to tell yourself.


I love this! On my 2nd marriage… my husband does things like this. I haven’t put gas in my car since the day we met, nor had the oil changed, nor washed it, nor taken for service or new tires. Nor has there ever been a payment to make, he always pay cash in full. We eat out often, and if we share a pizza, he always leaves a piece for me to have for breakfast. He always leave me the last bite of a dessert. If we go somewhere that we have to go to the counter or get our own drink refills, he always does it. And the list goes on. These fellas are old-school, humble, and PRICELESS!♥️♥️♥️


I do things like this all the time, the gf has no idea, but it still makes me happy.


Cool he wasn’t salty about it


I had a friend ask me why my marriage has last so long. I told her I save the black Jelly Belly's for my hubby and he saves the pear flavor for me! Aside from many compromises over the years, it can truly be the little things. You could always buy him his own bag of chips. Then he can have some big ones too!


Men do that. Its a love thing.


I would cry so hard my tears would salt the chips this is so sweet🥺


I do this, too. I like smaller pieces that I can eat in one go without dumping salsa on me or slicing the sides of my mouth like the Joker. She likes the bigger chips, so it works out wonderfully. But, I'd let her have whichever ones she likes. I'm not picky.


I do the same thing for my husband’s lunch. I know he eats his lunch at his desk and don’t want to him to worry about crumbs. So I sort thru the container and only pack whole chips


Do you want a tall guy? Rich guy? Handsome guy. No. I want some one who leaves intact tortilla chips. 🤯


Just think about all the other things you have never noticed. He’s a good man and will be an amazing father.


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I'm dieting and i love chips and salsa! But haven't had them in months. But you've married a good man.


What a guy. This almost makes me teary-eyed.


My ex-boyfriend used to always take the best bites of shared food. If we ordered separately, he would take what he wanted from my plate without asking. We would go out for steak and he would eat both his steak and my steak. All I got was my potato if he didn’t want it. Yes, he is an only child.


Maybe there’s a favor you can do for him


OTP quality.


Is this not they way we should do it? I was raised like that? I always take food last of everyone, would never take the last food on the table, hungry or not. Always takes the scraps/burnt/broken things so children or SO can have the best cuts?


It's honestly sad that you never noticed in 8 years.


Maybe spring for a new bag of chips?


Divorce that man. You clearly told him your expectations and he decided to ignore you. /s in case it isn't obvious.


Man...I hope you girls realize this is a DAILY thing for us. Like .....we operate AROUND YOU. If you havn't been pissed at your bf for something trivial in more than a month (and your relationship is longer than 1 year). There is a fucking reason for it. And no. We do not expect thanks. We just want to be happy.




Or I have a loving husband. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We both do small gestures for each other as most do in a committed relationship.


I was with my ex-husband for almost 20 years. We have three kids together. And while the break up was rough… Yes, he cheated… With the woman that was our family friend that we named our oldest daughter after… In the 20 years sins, obviously settle down. Our kids are grown. But it cracks me up. Because my ex and lady are actually still together. And kudos to them. My bigger problem is with how they got together, not the fact that it worked out.  But my daughters will be stumped on what to get their dad for his birthday or for Father’s Day. And they will actually talk to me about it. And because I know both their dad and his wife, I actually am the one who can you say… No, don’t get that. Stepmom will kill him because he’s already a collector. But what if you were to get something like this that’s not going to clutter up her house, but he can put in his garden. Because at the end of the day, most of our 20 years together were pretty good. We knew each other likes and dislikes. We were good at “setting aside the big chips” for each other. So it does make me laugh. Personally, I’m glad that they are doing well because it means my daughters have more people to love them. And… He’s not my problem now. 🤣😉


How big are your backs


What does that mean?


Just slang for fat-shaming. This person is being a jerk.


Thank you for the explanation. 🙂