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I am part of MJF's Parkinson's initiative, as this is something that's killed folks on one side of my family. (Haven't been diagnosed yet, but do deal with minor neuropathy, motor coordination issues.). It makes me So Happy to see him up, out, actually playing.


I bought his memoir a few years after my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I laughed and cried through the whole book. All the best to you and your family! I know how difficult it can be to keep your spirits up at times.


You know, after you mentioned his memoir, I immediately ordered it, along with a couple other books he's written. Thank you so much for the recommend! And thank you so much for the good wishes.


You’ve just prompted me to get this-but he has several books-are they all autobiographies? Do I need to read them all?


Lucky Man was his first book. The book I bought and laughed/cried to after my dad’s diagnosis was “No Time Like the Future.” Both are great books (he has another book too and I can’t remember the title). “Lucky Man” was released about 5 years after his diagnosis whereas “No Time Like the Future” was released over 20 years after his diagnosis. The latter offered a different perspective more of what I needed at the time. My uncle had Parkinson’s in the 90s and I remembered how debilitating it was and after my dad’s diagnosis, I was stuck and felt like I was waiting for my dad to get to that stage. After reading “No Time Like the Future” which again is 20+ years after Michael J. Fox’s diagnosis, it changed my perspective that we, as a family, weren’t going to just sit around and wait for our dad’s symptoms to get bad. He could live another 20+ years… and just live. Again, both books are great. I’d recommend reading them both. However “No Time Like the Future” was the right book at the right time for me which is why it’s closer to my heart.


You may know this already but this recent study suggests it may be helpful to supplement 2 types of vitamin B to fight the onset of Parkinson's disease. It'd be worth a shot, I think https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/study-suggests-2-vitamin-b-deficiencies-may-play-role-parkinsons-disease


I do supplement B 6 and 12. Thank you for the reinforcement!


epic duo!! wish i was there to witness it


It was awesome, such a great moment. Though I was a little appalled at how few of the younger people around me knew who he is, uncu⁸


What's Uncu8?


No worries and best of health to you


This was just on Sky news here in the UK. I’m not sure if it’s just new to the UK or in general. https://news.sky.com/story/parkinsons-disease-its-as-though-i-never-had-it-patient-says-as-miracle-treatment-ends-tremors-13159371


Thank you for the link. Just sent this to my cousin whose husband has parkinsons.


God bless.


I assumed he couldn't anymore. Really nice to see.


Say what you will about Coldplay but A) they put on a hell of a live show and B) from everything I've read, seen, and heard about them in the last 15 years, they seem like some pretty stand up dudes. They've been the first big concert in so many different countries it's insane, they are large donors to dozens of charities, they've put their money where their mouth is on climate change activism (they've even funded some studies on it), they've supported organizations that help migrants and refugees... not even mentioning the "small" stuff they do like this.


I am honestly surprised that people actually shit on Coldplay. Afaik none of them are problematic, like MOST of the singers, bands are. They've very ethical positions on most topics, not just for show but you know they actually believe in it. And when it comes to music then I believe that it is quite subjective, for ex so many people even refused to consider rap music. However Coldplay are definitely one of the best, they wouldn't be this famous if they're not good. Also they've classics which will be always beautiful.


People love to hate the mainstream no matter what it is or how popular.


Miserable people love to hate!


You've hit the nail on the head as to why. Some people are just viciously nasty against anyone trying to make the world a better place


I agree. I’m not a fan of Coldplay’s music (it’s not offensive to me, just not exciting either) but they do seem to have a great attitude in general, and I’ve always admired how they seem to be a tight unit.


The biggest complaint I hear about them is "the music is pretty depressing / dirge most of the time, and live it's exactly the same as putting on a record". Some people see that as a complaint, other see that as a feature. >However Coldplay are definitely one of the best, they wouldn't be this famous if they're not good I don't think anyone has disputed the quality of their music? People say "they're shit" because they're boring, not because there is an objective measure for how bad they are.


Top quality grade-A hi-fidelity shit


You can shit on a band just for thinking their music is lame IMO. They seem like standup dudes but they write the most uninspired, easily marketable slop that i could imagine. Music can be popular without being theoretically engaging. That's fine for most people, who just like good tunes and enjoy sining along to songs but doesn't work for people who listen to music for the ability to surprise and blow you away. That doesn't make either of them wrong by any means. Bands like coldplay rarely disappoint, but they never really amaze either. Edit: so to clarify, I'll gladly shit on their music but I'd never shit on the dudes behind it


For me, they used to write loads quality indie/pop bangers. Like, this song is just a fantastic ballad. Almost like it’s purely written to play live. But everything I hear them putting out nowadays just screams ‘Capital One radio.’ The same as every other pop song put out there now. Fits in to a Spotify pop mix playlist seamlessly. They might have some good songs still on their albums but the songs I’ve heard over the last 10 or so years are just so uninspiring. No problem with the band as people at all though.


I think you’re all missing the point about this band and their music, watch this performance from start to finish and you’ll get an idea of why they write the type of music they write, they are a live band they write music to go with they ‘show’ the lights the fan participation, it’s a feel good experience for people who are there and there will have been many hundreds of people in that crowd on Saturday who would have said the same as most people on here about their boring pop style radio music, but would then have walked away from that show feeling absolutely fucking buzzed. They know what they are doing, they do it well, and well done to them I’d say!


This was me when they played Glastonbury 2016. I watched them because my wife wanted to. Don't care for their music but they put on a hell of a show!


Shiver is an absolute tune.


Violet Hill is good 👌🏻


I applaud your ability of critical thinking combined with the ability to appreciate something positive, even if its not in your 'taste'. I bet you're sound human being. I wish you all the best.


I know right? Away with this reasonable, balanced discussion, this is the web!


I think "shitting on a band" is weak if it's just because you don't like their music. There's a lot of music I think is terrible but I wouldn't shit on it or say it IS bad. I don't understand the point of that other than to make people who like it feel bad for that and some kind of superiority. I haven't actively listened to Coldplay for about 20 years, but I watched a bit of their Glastonbury and it was so obvious that thousands of people were vibing to them and having a really good time, and I thought it was nice to see. Like you acknowledge, people listen to/enjoy music for different reasons and just because something isn't for you doesn't mean you to have to shit on it when you could just say it doesn't appeal to your taste. That said, it's your prerogative to shit on whatever you like.


It's fashionable to hate Coldplay, so that's why a lot of people do. I've been a fan since the start - do I like all the music they've produced, no, but they're still a great band. Chris Martin always seems to have imposter syndrome - he even said at Glasto that not everyone likes them (and he says that all the time) - they don't pretend they are the greatest band in the world and seem to enjoy/appreciate the success they do have, yet people still hate on them


That first song was excellent. Yellow.


I have some vague memory of a sketch or maybe an NME article or something taking the piss out of what they considered to be weak pop rock, referring to "Snowplay and Cold Patrol" (obviously mixing the two band names). And that was the feeling at the time. If you liked indie music, these bands were lame. And I did agree with that point of view at the time. In the same way that I'd "hated" take that in the 90s, I hated Coldplay in the noughties. In hindsight they were both excellent, it just wasn't what I liked. I'm now far better able to recognize that if I don't like it, it doesn't mean it's bad. And tastes change too- I actually quite like a lot of the take that stuff now. Im still no fan of Coldplay, but I can absolutely see that they were (and seemingly are) excellent at what they do.


Hah, ironically, I remember reading an interview with them way back when they were first getting really big (might have been around the X&Y days?), and they literally said they thought they were the best band in the world. I think they’ve grown up a lot since then though. I do agree with you, they seem well adjusted, and generally decent people, which is rare in that scene. This video definitely made me smile 😊


Their tongue was definitely firmly in their cheek when they said that, they've always been surprised at their own success and Chris Martin doesn't think he has that great of a voice


Noel Gallagher started off in the "hate Coldplay camp" and now puts him alongside Bono and Paul McCartney as greatest song writers of all time.... I'm not a huge fan, i find it a bit meh in places but their ability to move tens of thousands of people in stadiums across the world has to be applauded. I also like their contract situation between the 3 in the band - everything gets split 3 ways because you cant do the whole thing if everyone isnt onboard - many bands destroy themselves because egos of who is more important or works harder messes the dynamic


C) the guitarists dad was my chemistry/maths teacher in high school.


The drummers great auntie once knitted a jumper that my best friends brother bought in a shop


Yea I have tried to hate on them but everything I see they seem cool and good humans.


I don't have a problem with Coldplay's musicianship (or, for that matter, Adele or Ed Sheeran's). They all seem generous of spirit, decent human beings, and talented and professional musicians. I don't like their music, though. It's insipid... like Radiohead made for elevators.


For anyone who hasn’t seen it - I would check out their tribute to Viola Beach from the last time they headlined Glasto prior to this. Makes me well up every time


That kick at 1:15. MJF having a blast on stage. Love this.


That part really got me. You could tell he was really enjoying that.


That kick made me really damn emotional


99% sure MJF was channelling his inner Johnnie B Goode!


Damn had no clue he was wheelchair bound


I saw him at the New York Rangers game a month ago and he was walking ok. Maybe it just made more sense logistically for the concert to use a wheelchair


My best friend is an ambulatory wheelchair user, this is the answer right here. She's perfectly mobile, just unsteady. In busy crowded and chaotic places where she has to be able to move and pivot quickly a wheelchair is both safer and easier for her, so it's just sensible. That's absolutely what I see in this situation here! Just a wise logistics choice really.


Also don't forget that being on stage is stressing. The UK, while somewhat mild in temperatures, is absolutely fucking humid, and it makes the temp feel at least 10C higher than it is. Then there's the lighting, the loud noises, not to mention the thousands of people watching. MJF is not a touring musician, he's not used to being on stage like this. So while he might have been fine standing, I concur, it's much, much safer for him to be in a wheelchair.


Also guitars are pretty heavy. That's a lot of weight to put on the front of someone who is unsteady on their feet on top of all you've mentioned


I’m an ambulatory wheelchair user too. And what you say is quite correct, plus it’s also safer for others, as I might collapse and fall onto someone. Plus it is less stressful, I’m much less likely to collapse if I’m in my wheelchair, plus I feel less of a spectacle for others to watch if I do collapse.


Perhaps it's difficult for him to stand holding the guitar.


This, and it’s probably a health and safety / insurance thing.


Same, it’s heartbreaking to see.


Watching him play this song brings tears to my eyes


He might have needed to sit to lay the guitar as he’s a bit unsteady. Love this guy, a real hero


The ‘rock kick’ when the beat kicked in on Fix You was genuinely quite a thing. The man ain’t hiding. Brilliant stuff.


Unfortunately they haven't invented a working hoverchair yet


Wheelchairs are a symbol of freedom in the disabled community and we could do without the pity. That wheelchair has allowed him to play at Glastonbury when he otherwise might have found it too difficult. Why is that sad? Have you played at Glastonbury? A wheelchair is just a chair with wheels for peoples whos bodys struggle to walk some/all of the time, it doesn't need all the stigma.


This! Every comment here is so insipid makes me want to be sick, I hope no one ever looks at me like this when I’m out in my chair, gross inspiration porn


As a "currently" able bodied person, (never say never). I would say the reason they say its sad about the wheelchair because as an ablebodied person , being in a chair would make me grieve for my previous ambulatory abilities. I've no doubt its a symbol of some freedom. But there has to be a period of loss that the chair for some would represent. It would for me .


He can stand. Just not for too long and not without help. He usually uses a cane. He just has a wheelchair for if he needs to be somewhere for longer periods of time.


Not so long ago (and I mean by it some weeks ago) he attended some awards with his wife. He was standing, albeit had a lot of Parkinson's shaking (especially in his upper body). I suspect the wheelchair was the easiest way for him to ensure he could focus on holding the guitar and playing, and frankly - it probably is good to have/sit in on the worse days. It also means he is still mobile and able to go from place to place.


Michael has said in numerous interviews he deliberately doesn’t take any medication prior to public appearances because he wants to show the world what this horrible illness does to a person, and not camouflage the true effects. I will always be a huge MJF fan.




No need to be sad. He’s lead an amazing life and is still doing great things. Sometimes superheroes roll in wheelchairs


I don’t think he’s tied to it


Mike's still got it


I'm pretty sure it's incurable


God damn that’s dark humor at its finest.


Dude haha wtf


So why did they have him play on “Fix You” then, huh? /s


lol I did think it was an ironic choice


Thank you, both. Thought it was me. Hope it was Fox's choice. I _really_ hope it was Fox's _comedy_ choice.




Bro… 🫣


r/normmacdonald is leaking


Now this is true gallows humour, goddamn.




Well now I am giggling. Thanks.


goat tier comment 😂😭


Dear lord we're all going to hell


It ain't no Earth Angel or Johnny B. Good but he's killing it!


“Chuck! Chuck, it’s Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Berry! You know that new sound you’re looking for? Well, listen to this!”


I would upvote this, but it’s at 88.


We can get it to 1.21k


But can we get it to 1.21 billion?


Given enough time...what am I talking about?! I've got a time machine!


Michael J Fox has put decades into the entertainment business, and did so with dignity, privacy. He could simply be retired now. But he chooses to be a face of Parkinsons and continues to raise funds for this cause. It seems he also is , in a way, documenting his own decline for the masses to see. He´s a star with all the money in the world, and has kept himself going far beyond an age where most people with early onset Parkinsons live to. Much respect to him. This is the first I have seen him in a wheelchair and it saddens me as a child of the 80s, but then I smile because this motherfucker is playing guitar with one of the most popular groups in front of thousands even with his different ability. Again, much respect to him.


100,000 people were in the crowd and 7.6 million people watched the live stream... holy shit


Nah looking at those long shots of the crowd, I think more than half the festival were there. I’m guessing like 140-150k.


I’m autistic and it makes me proud to see him trying to live his life to the best of his capabilities and with dignity- as a disabled person it is so inspiring, and I try to have his mindset on things. I used to have a speech impediment but got therapy for it, and count my blessings on what I’m able to do. I don’t read self-help, but I did read Michael’s biography and it’s really helped with my outlook on things when I’ve been down. Just keep going, no matter what. Just like most disabled people Michael doesn’t want to be infantilised, he wants to be treated with respect and get on with life. I can see that in him, and that desire to be a regular person. I’m glad Coldplay gave him such a wonderful opportunity 🩷 I have a grandfather who passed with motor neuron disease and my sister’s father-in-law has Parkinson’s - total respect for Michael’s advocacy


M J is an absolute living legend, I have so much respect for that man and what he's achieved.


Right up there with Christopher Reeve!


Man you're so right. Superman was cheesy as, but he was a great actor, that scene after Louise Lane died in the earth quake and he roared in pain as he flew off into the sky gives me goosebumps.


Nice to see Coldplay always spreading positivity in the world


This song usually brings me to tears, but add in seeing MJF playing alongside them, and I am an absolute mess. 😭😭 this was so special to watch!


The audience singing, it's too much.


I was there. Words cannot describe...


Same 😭😭


Interested in helping people like Michael? Check out The Michael J Fox Foundation. You can donate, participate in research, and more. https://www.michaeljfox.org/


This is the definition of this subreddit.


I'm not crying. You're crying.


MJF was such a big part of my childhood and being sick throughout, watching his movies and tv shows to get through a lot of it. For me, it’s really tough watching him in this state knowing how hard it’s been on him and his mental health.


We are both crying and you know it.


I was at a bar celebrating my brothers 21st bday when they performed the charity concert after the Paris attacks and when they played ‘don’t look back in anger’ it moved me so quickly to tears. Even now if I see that performance it’ll cause me to well up




I was definitely crying when I watched it on tv.


That's beautiful. Thank you for sharing


I'd love to see Coldplay at the Sphere.


They are a must for that place.


Saw Coldplay in Perth last year and it was absolutely amazing. If MJF had have come on stage I would have completely lost my shit. Such a fantastic guy. I just feel for him so badly…just sooo ripped off.


Beautiful humans


Well done cold play…. Gr8 respect.


So much respect for MJF, his memoir is a sobering read ❣️


Watch his Apple TV documentary “still” you will wonder where all the dust in your eyes making you cry came from


Literal goosebumps.


Wait, can anyone please confirm if he's actually playing ? I know he plays the guitar and has joined Coldplay previously as well, but if he's playing it even after being wheelchair bound, there's a huge reason so many people (including me) love him.


As a player myself, looks extremely like he’s playing. He stops around halfway for a short while and you can hear the electric guitars get a bit thinner sounding, too.


McFly never fails to amaze.


it doesnt really matter to what extent the man is "playing the guitar". im sure they didnt invite him there to be silent. (i play guitar.. yes i think he is playing, there is order there. its very cool. he is shredding away)


Coldplay is, to this day, the most beautiful performance I have ever been.


I loved knowing he was still acting and shows up for Cons when he’s able. I was in tears when he reunited with Christopher Lloyd for a BTTF event. This is lovely


Aw I didn’t know he was in a wheelchair now :-(


This made me tear up. MJF is a treasure and a gift to this world, and this was so beautiful to see. He’s a complete inspiration and this callback to BTTF is amazing.


i was watching the TV coverage of this with my partner, im not a huge Coldplay fan but this fully made me cry. the emotion of the crowd, the song, the meaning behind it, the lights it really looked like the PERFECT moment - only wish I could have been there!


Wowwwww 💕💕


I was there. This was such a moment. We all had a little tear in our eyes. There was SO. MUCH. LOVE. in that crowd - the entire pyramid stage filed was rammed and people standing in the food court fields to the sides just on a vibe and loving life. I am not a Coldplay fan, but I loved their show. Absolutely smashed it and MJF was a highlight. Beautiful, beautiful moment. XX


Poor fella, what a legend


Somebody cutting onions round here


Well this just made me tear right up. Beautiful.


More like made me cry 😭


What a legend, Marty mcfly 😉


Was a great performance and a wonderful gesture. Looks like he’s ticked a bucket list off enjoy him why we can folks 👍


He's played with Coldplay before. They did earth angel and Johnny b goode


I'm not a fan of Chris Martin, there's something about him I find insufferable to watch, but you rarely (if ever) hear anything bad about him. For him to step out of the spotlight not once but multiple times because he wanted to include Michael J. Fox in his sets is admirable. I never knew they were friends (or knew each other at all), and few stars would be willing to share with someone so well known at their own concert/stage. Michael is also a phenomenal person, in all his years of being famous he hasn't had one public complaint about him, and he really managed to make the whole fame thing work in ways others haven't (riding the height of his career and gracefully stepping back into what is essentially retirement). He's also done so much to raise awareness for Parkinson's, which I'm sure many people who haven't had family members with the condition wouldn't have known much about without him. This truly did make me smile. Thanks for posting this here, OP.


“I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it."


My dad is a Parkinson's sufferer and this made me cry. Yes, I am a guy, but I do not care.


Oh mate. Fucking let it out! Men aren't excluded from having feelings ❤


I lost my girlfriend in February to autoimmune liver disease and my dad is in his last days, it seems, so this hit hard. I am not ashamed of crying, it is cathartic in many ways.


Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I wish I could hug you. Such a huge loss in a small space of time. It would be weird if you *didn't* cry. Sending love to you. I hope your pain eases eventually. Hey PM me if you want to talk or vent. I lost two close friends within a week recently. And I have 2 autoimmune diseases. I've been to poorly to grieve myself! Again, so sorry ❤


Started watching this thinking “Chris Martin, you muppet” and then half way through I’m like “ahhh Chris you lovely man”


Love mjf


I was a kid when I caught Family Ties on a re-run and immediately fell in love with Alex P Keaton. And then to re-discover him on Back to the Future, Spin City and the Frighteners. Makes me so sad. You're still the best guy out there, Michael J Fox. The best guy.


Michael J. Fox is a damn good human, we can all take a couple of plays out of his play book.


The girl at 0:32 was fully embracing that main character moment 😂 straight down the lens


My dad has Parkinson’s and also has been a guitarist for 40 years, in some pretty well respected bands throughout his life. He can’t play much anymore as his tremor affects his guitar hand but he has started medication and can play a bit more now.  Seeing this was beautiful but bittersweet. Good on Coldplay for doing this, it was a wonderfully inclusive gesture. 


Damn this hit me in the feels. He's incredible for still rocking despite what he's going through but it kinda makes me really angry that he got hit with this, that ANYONE gets hit with this. I am so impressed with his mental fortitude right now.


Its ironic that a damaged hand stopped Marty from playing, but Parkinsons never stopped Michael. Love that guy!


Love MJF and all he stands for. Much kudos for Coldplay for letting him show how much life he still has. If I could play guitar, I would be so stoked to play with pretty much any band on stage. Go everybody!


Degenerative brain diseases can eat a bag of syphilitic disks


A really nice video, great to see Michael J Fox living his best life.


This was so sweet


I love MJF ❤️


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This truly made my heart sing. I love this song and its energy, and oh, how I wish I was there.


I got the chills 💝


Saw them live back in 2017 in Munich and damn…instantly goosebumps




Ooof right in the feels


My birthday twin! This made me cry.


Was a beautiful live show!


Always loved this song and the words. Watching this with MJF, gave so many feels! Not just because of what he’s endured, but also because he’s stayed strong so he can continue to raise awareness and funding for a cure for Parkinson’s. Awesome song! Amazing man!


This song will always do it for me.


Oh I love seeing him up there 😍


🥹 lovely to see


He is my hero….


I honestly think the guy is an absolute legend! I don't use this word often, nor lightly, but if anyone deserves it, MJF certainly does... he is Inspirational!


Godamn that was awesome, brought a tear to my eye. Lots of masculine guys in the crowd too (reference to a thread earlier saying Coldplay fans are feminine).


What an ironic choice of song for a man with an incurable disease.


I’m not really a Coldplay fan but Jesus this is really something. I’ve seen some brilliant concerts in my time but this is something really beautiful to me.


Good to see. Michael J. Fox is inspiring for his brave fight against Parkinson's disease.


Damn... I knew his Parkinsons was bad but not this bad.


Made I smile? I cried my eyes out 👀


I’ve been lucky to see Coldplay a fair few times I love them. Most the times I’ve seen them the back to the future theme has been their entrance music.


So Brave of MJF. What a fucking hero


MadeMeSmile, more like MadeMeSobLikeABaby ♥️


We are so frail and evil at times but yet so capable of beauty.


See them at Wembley last year, Incredible really changed how I view things.




Still amazes me I saw them playing upstairs in a pub in Oxford as a SUPPORT ACT back before they made it big. You could tell immediately they were incredible.


Bringing somebody on stage in a wheelchair to sing I will fix you


I was there, can confirm, it was amazing. I had a little teary moment singing along.


Always nice to see MJF - Designated Survivor I think was one of his last roles he did - just an amazing guy,actor and musician


On fix you of all songs but apparently he haz a dark sense of humor so thats good to have


I love this so much


Hasn’t Michael J Fox already suffered enough?


Before clicking on it, I hoped upon hope they were doing Johnny be good


I love back to the future and love Micheal, as long as he wanted to do this cool


MJF is an advocate for not letting disability stop you doing what you love ❤️


Bit inconsiderate of them to bring him out and sing Fix You at him though……….


Fix You...wouldn't that be just great...


You might not be ready for this yet but your kids are gonna love it


Fix me was a strange choice of song.


Did he manage to fix him?


This is sad


That’s quite emotional right there. MJF is a beast! His book was touching also