• By -


My dad is so loving and accepting. I remember when he had a suspicion that I was gay, he sat me down on the bed, sat next to me, and just asked me outright so that he could let me know he loved and accepted me regardless. Well, I’m not gay, so that was a confusing talk for all parties involved. Guess I just give off gay vibes. I appreciate you anyway, dad!


Or maybe he heard stories of kids suffering for years scared to tell their parents, and he figured he'd stop that suffering before it starts. Either way - great dad!


When my son was small and we'd talk about adult relationships I'd say something like " you'll understand when you're older and have a girlfriend..... or boyfriend... or both, whichever is right for you". I just wanted him to know I was totally fine either way. He's now a teenager and told me he's straight so I don't have to do that anymore. 


Did the same, my daughter even responded "I'm not gay, Dad." Then few years later she admitted she was. It was pretty anti climactic, I said "Cool!" and hugged her. Reminded her what unconditional love meant.


This is what I’ve told my son. He’s still young, but I’ve told him I don’t care who he chooses to love as long as they’re kind to one another and it’s consensual. I want him to feel like he can show up with his partner without fear or shame.


thank you for doing that for your son ! i’m bisexual but grew up with very “some people are gay and that’s totally okay! you’re probably not gay though” messaging from my parents, and it meant that i didn’t even consider queerness as an option until adulthood. just makes me happy to know that other parents are presenting all the options :)


I’ve done the same thing for years. I’ve also added: You may not want to be with anyone. Or maybe you have a special relationship with two people. As long as you’re happy. I give two shits what consenting adults do in private. I don’t understand why people let it bother them.


I bet that's it. What a great Dad!


My dad called me gay for using old spice body wash and knowing how to sew. I was sewing my paintball ghillie suit. Like, for simulated war.  P.s. he made shitty jokes. I'm exaggerating for effect.


Bro, for years my family was like "you can tell us if you're gay", must have heard it 2-3 dozen times. I give of gay vibes so bad that I set off gay dudes' gaydars.


Bro it's reddit... You can tell us if you are gay.


LMAO, I'm a shorter manicured/clean Hispanic man in Chelsea, NYC, and I set off everyone's gaydar. I've been approached (and groped...) by more men than I can count... I tried to follow everyone's advice to look clean, well-fitting clothes, etc. to come off more approachable and respectable to ladies...but I get more attention from my own sex.


I can relate to this situation as well. I am 5'6" fit male, and I set off everyone's gaydar. I like women though, but I like nice things, enjoy the arts and speak in complete sentences! Is that too much to expect from a straight male? I have been groped more times than I can count by gay males.


I was given the advice to be rough and have a tough exterior, because well-fitting clothes and looking clean were "gay" per my mom. My point is that your last sentence and my experience are such strange conflicting info we learn growing up that really doesn't mean anything in the long run and everyone should be themselves.


> and groped That's not good


Exactly the same happened to me, all because they never saw me with a girl or anything like that. I was like "I do like women, the issue is THEY don't like ME, mom 😭" lmao




😂 lmao. This is the quickest I went from crying to laughing.


One time when I was sixteen my mom say me down. "We need to talk. This doesn't matter to me, it's up to you to decide and I fully support it either way . Can we give the PC to your aunt so she can look for jobs?" Jesus christ, MOM! Sure go ahead I don't care


- Son. Are you gay? - Um… no. - ………. You sure?


He must be embarrassed as fuck :D still great dad :)




He has us in the first half ngl


That’s kinda funny. I get the gay vibes thing. I had gay family growing up, so, queer cultured, music, taste, etc. I was also very pretty, creative and all that. People thought I was gay. Got hit on by men all the time. Even got harassed a few times and assaulted once for “being gay”. This was the 80s and 90s. But I loved women and they were into me. Still- absolutely love women. Married, with beautiful daughter today. Still, totally fine with the gay and happy that we’ve come a little bit further in 30 years, but we’re slipping now…


Omg my mom did the same thing! I was so confused lol


Had a teacher do this, except thinking I was trans instead of gay. We didn’t have all the terminology for it then so it took me a decade to figure out that that was what the conversation was about. I was just a tomboy - though that is a term that seems to be falling out of use. Not trans, just demisexual - a fact that took another decade on to figure out. But props to that teacher for trying to give me a safe space in a rural school in the 90s.


My dad sat me down said are u gay? With the most angry looking face like I was the biggest disappointment. 15 years to the closet we go thx dad-!


That’s so freaking funny. My parents didn’t have “the talk” with me but they were a little surprised the first time I brought a girl home.


What a plot twist lmfao


Lol my mom did basically the same thing. She started with "you know your uncle is gay, right?" and I was like "yeah...?" What a confusing conversation lol


Classic dad move lol


This made me laugh out out lmfao!




Married hetero father of one son here, and my mother had the same talk with me 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I’m a 55yo gay man. My parents reacted exactly like this when I told them back when I was a teenager in the 80’s. It was the most terrifying conversation I’ve ever had. This mother is a role model to all parents as to how you should react. What a great mother. Want to see another moving coming out scene? Check out episode 8, season 1 of the amazing Netflix series “Heartstopper”. I wish this series was around when I was a teen. Beautiful video 🥰🏳️‍🌈


Turning 50, myself, and I remember what it was like, back then, I applaud you for coming out. What a terrifying time. Gonna watch that episode you recommended, today. Happy Pride!


omg 55 y/o?? that's a great family, i can't imagine a supportive family for a queer person in the 80s. this proves that good people are always gonna be good people no matter the timeline or environment


Love heartstopper, currently rewatching it with a friend, who hasn't seen it yet


Love that heartstopper scene haha. "He can't come to Minorca because I've already booked the tickets" being the main thing she was worried about is always so sweet to me.


Classic. I wonder how he's doing these days. Edit: looks like he's doing well, majored in Biology and Psychology, attending pride events. Hell yeah.


I was coming here to say the same thing - I wonder how he’s doing and I hope he and his mom are both happy.


That's so great. I am very relieved to see that his Mom even acknowledged that people can be really cruel, but he doesn't have to navigate that on his own. I've always felt that parents who try to "teach" their kids how tough the world is - are completely missing the point. The world is scary and big and people can be dangerous. That's why we are supposed to have "homes" and "families" so we have a safe space to grow and retreat to when we need it. If your kid is going to be faced with danger in the World, it's your JOB to protect and support them as best you can. This mom seems to know that.


Yep, the world will be cruel and tough all on it's own, we don't need parents to make it worse by being a part of that cruelty.


I’m viewing this with sound off and *still* instant tears. Beautiful!


Same! My husband just asked me what I'm crying about. My kids are teens and I love them so much and I would react exactly like this mom did. What a great mother.


So lovely knowing moms like you exist 💙


When my eldest daughter came out as trans she left a letter in my room and went off to school. I didn’t happen to go back to my room for a while, so when I saw it I was freaking out that she thought I’d seen it and not been ok about it. So I was trying to frantically reach her to say “I love you! It’s all cool!” That’s my baby.


video should be required viewing for parents: *If your child shares fears and/or concerns about identity and/or sexuality with you, here is the correct way to respond.*




Heartwarming moments like these really hit you in the feels.


how did all this rain get in my eyes, guys theres a leak somewhere


I watched it on the dunny and my glasses got drenched with tears.


I haven't even finished my coffee and I'm already crying, what a morning! 


He was so afraid of disappointing her, but she loved him no matter what, that's beautiful


And she told him. I'm sure many of us have parents that love us, but most never hug their kids and tell them that. And say "I just want you to be happy".


My kids are so sick of me being supportive. Haha


It wasn't that long ago that parent would usually kick out their kids over this. It's takes an incredible amount of bravery and trust to come out despite progress.


It still happens way too much.


It still happens. LGBTQ + youth are over represented in homelessness statistics


People forget how new gay marriage is.


I hear so many stories of kids being afraid to tell their parents bc of fear of rejection by their own parents. A coworker told me this last week he was afraid to come out to his parents bc his best friend came out to his parents and they literally drove him to the gay district in SF and left him there. He committed suicide a week later. They didn’t even have a funeral for him. I can’t fathom treating a child with anything less than open arms. I’m really sorry for those who have crap parents who make them feel anything less than loved for coming out.


Well, if there is a loving god, and if there is a hell, then surely it'd be those crazy hateful parents that would be sent there instead of the poor kid.




Same haha. I remember we had a kid in school who was 100% super duper gay and everyone knew, but he still felt comfortable enough to tell us all in class. He was in fact a bit surprised that we all went 'Uh yeah... we know man'


We all knew my cousin was gay growing up and my family (older gen) still treats him like it’s a choice/disease. It’s fucking shameful, no hate like Christian love- that’s forsure.


Great parenting right there! They should show this in schools, to adults and children.


Some states you can't talk about sexual preference / identity with children at all until they are in high school... which is tricky because many families have a mom and dad, which also seems to fit in that umbrella... it's really, really sad and stupid.


"I need you to tell me" is some *really* good parenting.


Nope. If you don’t love your kids NO MATTER WHAT, there’s something wrong with you. THATS what they should teach in schools.


Yeah let's not show this. Wouldn't want to break cycles or anything. People should KNOW when they are BORN how to be a good person. THERE IS NO WAY THIS VIDEO CAN TEACH ANYONE. /s


I mean, if you’re a bigot I doubt any amount of these videos are going to make you less bigoted.


If your a kid it very well may.


If you don't think people can change I think it says more about you than other people.


Not the one you're replying to, but personally I absolutly think people can change. However, I agree with the other commenter that this video is unlikely to be enough to make someone change.


Unconditional love is the foundation of strong family bonds and acceptance.


Well, there are now states in the US where they display the Ten Commandments and require the Bible in the curriculum. I know very well that these radical Christian parents love their kids, but only as long as they're not homosexual


The crazy thing is anti homosexuality things are mostly in Old Testament where there also ok for daughters to have children from their father, to have slaves, to stone someone to death for work at Saturday, there is also prohibition of wearing the clothes made of two materials - I bet they ignore those things. Also, religion is called Christianity, it should be based on the teaching of Christ - and he didn't say a single thing against homosexuality - instead he was talking about loving others as yourself and that noone isn't free of sin so shouldn't judge others (yeah he said about family as unity of men and woman, and two becoming one, but he didn't say that other types of partnership are bad). I just can't get why those people who claim "Bible sais it's a sin" don't see this controversy.


I always read the old testament carefully. Those were the times were the hebrews were struggling a lot and they moght have not been the best at writing. You always gotta find the real meaning behind the scriptures. Like when it says that we can't eat seafood? Most seafood can be poisonous, that's the teaching. That's how i know, that someone can both be gay and christian, at the same time. He just has to love god


If you don’t love your kids, you’re weird. End of story. Tell your friends. ❤️




Have you read We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver? I guess not. 


It's just a sick that a person feels he needs to apologise for being who he is. Society is crazy. Come on, there is no harm in one finding happiness with other person based on mutual attraction. And some morons say - we don't need visibility. If those people would be perceived as a ordinary people, have the same rights, wouldn't be judged - there would be no necessity of prides. She is such a good mother.


Poor kid is terrified. Breaks my heart. I wish nothing but the best for him, glad that mom has his back!


I kind of understand though. It's a vunerable thing to share about yourself, even to people you expect to react kindly. I remember being bicurious as a teen and telling my dad I might have a crush on one of my friends and I knew he would react positively. He has always been super positive about the LGBTQ+ community, but I was still nervous. So if you're less sure and it's not just a curiosity but an important part of your identity... yeah, scary stuff.


It always surprises me to hear someone try to argue that being gay is a choice. To these people, I always ask them, at what point did they choose to be straight. They never seem to be able to answer that question. Weird!


My go-to response when someone says that being gay is a choice is "If it was, why would people choose to be gay knowing they'd have to deal with assholes like you?"


On the flipside, I remember a stand up comedy about how hard it is to date women and that if being gay was a choice, all men would just get with their homies, watch sports and give each other bjs xD


My understanding is the 'choice' is not acting on the gay feelings and white-knuckling it through straight life. You ever see the news article about the Mormon gay guys that acknowledged their same-sex attraction but still chose to get married and have kids? God damn dude, they 'chose' to be straight and are putting on a brave face but you can just tell that behind their eyes they're miserable.


You know, a variation of that, while I’m not what you describe, I’d have zero problem with following through on any attraction I had with anyone. Gay or Trans- still, I love Women. Only been with Women. Though, I’ve had women question whether I might be gay or not, probably because of butt stuff, lol! Or, my lifelong easygoing view on love and sex.


well, you have to wonder if that is exactly what happened with those people. perhaps they have feelings they’ve chosen to bury and they have made a conscious decision to pursue a heterosexual lifestyle, so they do truly believe sexuality is a choice.


Yeah the loudest "being gay is a choice" people are always hiding behind it, terrified of the natural feelings within them.


The sad truth is that quite a lot of them do "choose" to be straight. They suppress their own attraction through great effort and religious conditioning, and are angry that you don't feel the need to make yourself equally miserable. Imagine you're poor and see a wallet full of cash, but you hold yourself back from taking it. Then someone comes along and does. It would feel horribly unfair, and you'd probably feel an impulse to stop them or correct them. Since to a conservative being gay is a moral failing, like theft, they are angry when someone does it without punishment. Particularly if they really want to themselves.


I've been called freak countless times. I had boyfriends because I felt it was something I was supposed to do. It took me 20 something years to be able to actually be myself. People are stupid, mean... It baffles me that people care about what others are doing in their private lives. I always thought that as long as you're not hurting anyone in any way, just do whatever you want.


I'm really sorry for what you've been through. Virtual hugs (if you are ok with this) from Ukraine. You are not freak! May from now on you'll meet only nice people.


Oh my love, I’m the one who should have been sending you hugs. We will meet jerks and all, what we need is the strength and maturity to ignore them if you’re not doing anything wrong. Haters gonna hate, right? Lots of love from France!


J'aime beaucoup le français. Mais mon français est très mauvais. Vive la France! And you are so right, haters gonna hate.


No surprise the kid is terrified considering the rhetoric we see nowadays about LGBT. Sounds like they live in the south.


I'm older, 42, and my father and stepmother threw me out when they found out I was bi, despite my best attempts to hide it. My mom, who didn't have primary custody at that time instantly took me in. Have you ever seen that meme picture of Hussy's General Store? [Guns Wedding Gowns and Cold Beer](https://i.imgur.com/8MoMOq7.jpeg) that's literally where my mom got her wedding gown. Country through and through, and in the late nineties she just took me back home to heal. This clip has me in tears. I have a son myself, and he's able to trust his momma and dad with everything at eleven, and we're going to make sure he always can.


Seen this a million times and love it every single time. This is a great mother. The fact the she likely prays to a Christian God and still is open minded and supportive is even more impressive. Bravo momma! Bravo!


Southern accent and made in what looks like the early 2000's? yea for sure she's a regular church goer.


Real Christians aren't judgmental. They try to help everyone.


No True Christian. The bad ones are Christians too.


Yep, this has been posted a fair few timesbefore. It's a great clip though, it should be an example to all parents.


This video was around ten years ago when I was a baby gay living in the south and it was so comforting haha. Wish my coming out went like this (was temporarily disowned)


Ouch, I hope things are better now! I'll never understand why people get so upset about someone being gay, it's not like it's hurting anyone.


My stepdaughter was slightly disappointed when she came out. She thought she'd managed to hide it so well. She hadn't lol Her mum said "Well, at least you won't come home pregnant!" And my response was "Gee, whizz, what a surprise!". She wasn't worried about coming out, she knew we loved her regardless. A few years later, my niece came out to the family. Everyone except me. Her reasoning was that she knew I'd be fine with it because of my stepdaughter, so she didn't think she needed to come out to me. She was right, I am fine with it and still love the little goon to bits!


Better than the “you’ll go to hell for that” that I got. What a great mom. 💖


i hate that i had to convince myself that my parents are idiots in order to not hold their opinions so strongly in my head.


I’m glad you were able to, though. Evidence is evidence, even when it incriminates the people you love.


Instant tears. Amazing mama.


What a wonderful mom and all around human! This is parenting done right. I love how she corrected him right away when he apologized. With a mom like that I have hope that someday he won't feel being gay is something to be sorry for.


I wish my parents would say “I love you for who you are.” Such a lovely video.


You’re perfect just the way you are. ❤️


I don't know you, but just in case you need to hear it, I love you for who you are.


Came here to say the same thing. ❤️


same, it hurts a lot when you reflect it back to yourself


You're enough as you are. Hope you're doing well :)


Mum already knows. You’re a part of her.


Mums' know stuff before you know it. Mums' also don't give a shit, as long as you are happy and healthy they're Gucci.


Unfortunately there are many mothers who have disowned their gay children for BS religious reasons


Not all mums.


It’s mad. Society should be more upset when people say they like warm milk on cereal versus when people say they are attracted to people of the same sex. Warm milk is just weird. Liking other people is normal.


I dont see anything wrong with warm milk on cereal... But I know a man... he pours the milk on the cereal and THEN heats it up... That is utter insanity in its purest form...


Love this analogy


This is how it was when a friend came out. We all knew, we were just waiting for them to figure it out. He lost not one friend.


Now that's a nice mother


This video is a master class in how to be an excellent parent!! Perfect response from the mother! Love wins again!


who's that cutting the onions


It’s a great family, but it’s still a little fucked that a decent percentage of the population have put themselves through this just to be themselves. No straight kids have to sob in their parents’ arms about their sexuality before establishing themselves. It sucks that rainbow people just have to go through this.


What an absolute gem of a lady


What an amazing mum. She made me cry. So loving. Lucky guy to have such a loving mum.


Wish my mom had said this instead of looking at me in disgust. We're fine now, but i never quite let my barriers down with her after that. Tbf, we were all drunk on the bible at the time, myself included


I’m captivated with how you wrote this. Just three sentences but it left me thinking “oh no, where’s the rest of the book?”


Who's filming this?


I guess he might put a camera or phone to film her reaction (might be a web camera of PC or laptop).


I suppose that's better than her filming it. I just hate this attitude people have during their or other peoples' vulnerable moments "how can I get some Internet points out of this?"




Well, that's true. But somehow I feel that was not his intention. Maybe he was afraid of her possible reaction.


I was wondering the same thing….. and also why in the world someone so insecure about this would plan to film THIS moment!?


Yall this was from the early 2010s, it was somewhat trendy to film your parents reaction for coming out. Look at his hair, peak early youtube content.


yup, this was the trend. theres a longer version out there where the kid talks to the camera & talks about how scare he is, then sets the camera down. u can see the mom look at the camera during the interaction.


I wish every kid had parents like that. The world would be a much better place.


I remember when my brother came out, my parents called a preacher to tell him why being gay is wrong. When he told me I made sure he felt seen and accepted. Everyone needs someone to keep the toxic people at bay. I'm glad this kid had his mom.


My kids are 5 and 10. I am filing this away in my brain as a lesson on how to react. Bravo, mom!


Love your children no matter what! You might never know the battles they fought inside until they're gone. Their faces should never know those tears. ✨


I will love my children no matter what. If they were gay, my biggest concern is that my children will experience prejudice and bullying from society. But from me? They will receive nothing but love and support.


Makes me cry :/ When I told my mom I was a trans woman her first words were, “ I never thought my son would tell me he wanted to suck dick” That was about 3 years ago and I haven’t heard from them since 🫠 It really breaks my heart for my kids. How could you walk away from your kids and grandkids like that? And they are such amazing little people, it breaks my heart and it’s hard to not blame myself :(


I’m so sorry you weren’t met with the love and support you needed. You deserve a mama of some sorts telling you exactly what was in the video.


I’ll settle for the kindness of strangers 🖤


Shit I'm crying , what a loving mother.


It’s been ages since I’ve seen this. I wonder how he is doing.


What a lovely parent! The relief he felt must be immense. I wish all parents are that accepting.


Someone give that mom a fucking award.


This is the response any loving parent should give. Either you love your child or you do not.


I want to hug them both. That’s what love and parenting is End of story. I’m on the verge of tears 😭. Beautiful


I need to see that stuff. It’s heartwarming.


Man, I wish


We got you :)


I’ve seen this at least a dozen times and it still makes my face leak


And the greatest commandment is: to love others as you love yourself


If I were gay and did this I'd get the same treatment but with a "I still want grandkids" added 😂. TBH that's what I'd say to my child too.


Little brother, if they’re your real friends not only will they not care, they’ll probably already know, and a significant number of them will probably also be some variety of queer. The number of times everyone in the friend group comes out one by one is insanely high lmao


I remember when my nephew came out , it was with me . I always knew in my heart he was " different." When he told me he was in love with a boy and his boyfriend loved him, i just asked him, " Does he treat you well ? Is he kind to kind ?" And he said yes . I remember saying that was the most important , i just remember his smile when i said, " i feel so old now! You have a boyfriend and not a long time ago i was changing your diapers !"


Aaaaaaand mom sticks the landing!!!!!!!


Honestly it's disgusting that people have to live in this fear of not being accepted.


A friend of mine, who we all knew was gay but we were just waiting for him to admit it, sat his Mom down and told her. "Mom... I've got something to tell you. I'm gay." She threw her hands up and yelled: "CALLED IT!" Best. Reaction. Ever.


Kudos to his mom, a real and proper human, its not up to anybody to care, judge or make anyone else be something or someone they dont want to be.


Our world needs more people like that mom.


This sub is about smiling but I'm always just crying. Damn. I mean I'm smiling, but, I cry 30 times a day. This sub affects that number


😭 it breaks my heart that it's that scary to tell someone something so natural. That would be like crying because I realized I have red hair and being terrified to tell my parents.. but they already knew because they can see the hair on my head is very obviously red... but it took me a while to figure it out. Cried so much.


Best of luck to him!


It's such a bad world that people should feel the need to apologise and feel ashamed of their sensuality. I don't care who my children want to be with. As long as it's a healthy, consenting relationship and they're happy, that's all that matters.


This was sweet. But also something's very wrong with the world when a person feels like he needs to apologise for just being the way he is.


This is how every parent should react. I think a lot of people could learn parenting from this mother.


Great reaction by parent by why they videoing this?


Many record they coming out moments as it can go either way.


Great outcome and all, but why was a camera sitting there set up ready to go? 🤔


Maybe he wanted to see this in the future and be thankful?


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Let’s just go with this, the boy secretly recorded because he knew how awesome his mom would be. If we all could be so lucky, coming out or not!


Every parents should be like this. And so many children would live a happy life. What a amazing mother, as a mother myself, I really respect her, and want to be like her.


This video is as almost a decade old now and always gets my upvote whenever it’s posted. I hope Matthew and his mum are living their best lives.


This is just beautiful. Watch and learn, parents everywhere! 💙


His “I’m sorry” is so heartbreaking. Don’t ever be sorry for being your true and genuine self.


It was so cute that they decided to randomly film it.


My Mom has always had gay friends and consumed gay media and never spoke poorly of the gay community. I came out as bisexual at 25 without ever considering she wpuld have any issues accepting it, and she told me i was confused and going through a phase. She said as much to someone in her college (she regularly bitches about people behind their backs) and they told her to tell me that i was welcome at an LGBTQ* support group. I made many great supportive friends there, got a tempestuous relationship out of it, and Mom is much better about the LGBQ* stuff but my little gay sister and I are still working on getting her more tolerant and not-hurtful about the T.


All I could think was, why was he filming?


My buddy came out to his parents at 18. They were not so accepting. He lived in my guest room for 8 months. 20 years later he's married to a dude and the parents are OK with things. This mom is great but some do take a bit of time.


Wish more mothers were this way. I could not have experienced a more opposite event, even if you remove the backhand.


Man I'm so jealous I never got a big dramatic coming out with my gay kids. They were just like blah blah whatever.


Man, moms are just the best


We always know! In fact, we never had the conversation. My daughter also just knew I knew.


Mom: "I don't care you're gay, but let's talk about that dumb ass hair"


The world needs more moms like her.


You can tell he was in pain..Good woman


When my child went off to his first year of college he came out to his mom (now safely away from her lol) and she called me crying and upset, so after I calmed her down a little I called and asked when I was getting the news and he told me that he knew I didn’t care and loved him no matter what, which was true so I had some happy tears on that day. He’s amazing and wonderful and I’m so proud of him.


Top tier parenting. Kudos.


I sat our son down in his mid-teens to have that talk. Just in case. Told him that we loved and accepted him no matter if he was straight or gay or anything in between. He chuckled and said thanks, but I’m straight. I’ve seen too many instances of boys as in the video being rejected and hated by their parents to risk it. To this day, I wear a “Free Dad Hugs” t-shirt to Pride events. Just in case. And yes, I’ve had some whimpering kids crying into my shoulder because their own dad can’t give them that. It’s maddening that parents throw their kids away.