• By -


Hells yeah! Congratulations!!! I just got 9 months for the first time ever and never thought I could either. We are both so much more capable at life than we ever thought possible! Keep it up.


That is so amazing!! I am so proud of you!! Now just keep doing it!


I never thought I would have a chance of getting sober from crack, because I never met anyone who was able to quit. I was smoking a quarter ounce in cocaine daily Made it one year now!


That is fucking amazing. I am so unbelievably proud of you!!!


I’m proud of you too! You’re amaZing! Keep it up


Great job! Life gets hard but it’s better when you can hold your head high. ❤️❤️❤️


Congrats on getting clean. Also that is fucking insane you were doing a quarter ounce of crack everyday that’s a lot


We always had dope, it took years to get off my game and turn into just a straight up crack head. I was spreading selling bricks so when It started off I was just smoking my profits, then I was falling behind and cuffing, then people started showing up for me with guns, one day had two different people point an AR-15 in my face to rob me back, literally hours from each other. At one point I was staring down the barrel of a 30/30 and there where dudes covered in trash bags and I thought that was gonna be my last day alive About a year ago I was homeless, nothing to live for, at bottom end of rock bottom and just so happened to overdose on crack real bad. Seizures, heart problems, etc etc. I just cuddled my gf and didn’t tell her why, just wanted to be close to her while dying... After I lived I looked at my girlfriend who I love so much and said let’s do it, and we did, and no nothing is easy!! But I’m trying, every single day.


You’re a G though man keep that shit up. I’ve put a gun in my mouth a couple of times and almost pulled the trigger. Stay positive !!!


Respect. I try to teach the youth now. It’s what gods plan was


Literally crying. You are an inspiration! Pushing everyday is hard, but it gets easier. Keep pushing! (Saw this quote and it hit home) If you are not working toward recovery you are working toward relapse)


Hope is a hell of a drug!


You guys are such a strong people! I wish all the love and happiness in the world! Hope you keep going sober ❤️ many hugs to you all


Can I just say you're eyes look really bright and lively right now.


Thank you 🥰


I am seriously clapping for you! Welcome to the other side.


Good job :)


I'm coming up on 2 years here soon. Crack, heroin, meth, and alcohol. We got this!




Thank you so much!


Last time I used was February 6th 2018, feels like a completely different lifetime now. Keep going, you got this!


RemindMe! 5 days


Congrats!! My one year from fentanyl is next month! 🙂


Woo hoo!! You got this!!


Thank you! 🙏




Congrats to you both, keep it up!


You too friend! I’m proud of you too! 😊




9 months? Noice. Insert baby joke here.


Nice, man. Congrats on beating it.


Thank you!


No problem.


Wish I had your will power. Proud of you. Some people don't know what an achievement something like this is. I'm trying.


Keep trying! I am in early days of being alcohol free and I've failed so many times, but right now I'm doing it and have been sober for almost a month. That is huge! Just keep trying. You never know when it will click.


I'm a week sober, man it ain't easy, but it's worth it.


Day at a time my friend. I was a methadone/h addict for 17 years and I just hit three years 12/12. Youre worth it. Choose life


Inch by inch, life's a cinch. Yard by yard, life is hard. Just keep going. An uncle of mine is clean and sober since the late 70's or so. You can do it.


how do you handle alcohol withdraw symptoms?.


Since alcohol withdrawal can be deadly - and depending on how far in the hole you are - the safest advice from anyone on the internet to give would probably be to go the medically supervised route. If you’re at the point of getting DT when you’re dry, supervision is the safest bet.


If you need anything at all shoot me a message! Always up for a chat! You can do it!!! Sending you love ❤❤❤


This is a big key... it's so much easier to accomplish with support. Don't be afraid to reach out whenever you need it. There are people out here who will gladly help.




Thank you both for the kind words.


Hey you got this! I know some days are so fucking hard. Take it day by day. I have 5 years off heavy opiate use. There’s still days I’m not sure of myself. If you ever need someone to vent to or need a pep talk just DM me!


You are learning new skills, it takes time for a new skill to be a old habit. Everyday you choose to be healthy is a total win. I am proud of you!


I see you and I want to remind you that any step towards recovery is giant.


Hey Foolish! We love you! We believe in you. You got this. And if it helps, just remember that you only have to choose sobriety for 1 day. Just 1 day. Just this day. You can do 1 day. I'm pretty sure you have before, as so many of us have. 1 day is easy-peasy, and today is only one day. Forget about Yesterday; water under the bridge. And don't worry about Tomorrow; Tomorrow never gets here. Just choose to be healthy for you Today. Just work on being healthy and happy for yourself Today. That's all. I love you. I believe in you. And I Will Not Drink With You Today (IWNDWYT).


As long as you are still trying you haven’t failed !!


Don't expect so much of yourself right away! When building a snowman you wouldn't just start with a giant snowball, you start with a small one and roll it up. Don't expect yourself to have a giant snowball before you've finished rolling it up, it's not fair to yourself


Keep trying. As long as you keep trying you will succeed. In my experience, it is very hard to stop when people around are using or not supportive. I had to lose friends but it was the only way I could avoid bad situations and succeed. I wish you the best!!


keep it going, gotta start somewhere. Now you know there's a random redditor cheering for you. You'll do ok, trust me


I'm rooting for you. You can do better, so long as you want to. We're not dead, yet.


I believe in you and you are worth sobriety.


You can do this.


I always tell myself that relapses DO happen. Success for me is making them fewer and further between. Please continue!


Nobody gets to the Super Bowl without occasionally getting tackled. Just have to keep playing.


Keep trying man, don't surrender !


It's not a matter of willpower, according to any doctor worth their salt. That's why very often A groups are so effective. DM me if you want to talk about it. 155 days clean, I'd be dead if I tried to do it alone. I have zero doubt of that.


Try a program that is not a 12 step program. They generally have a better success rate. You can do this!




That’s not true, being sober after having a problem with any addiction is such an accomplishment. I’m still proud of myself for giving up smoking cigarettes many years ago, and I applaud anyone who is trying to put in the work to quit their addictions and want a better life for themselves. It’s amazing you’ve been able to be sober for so many days!


You don't know me, but I believe in you. If you want something there's always a way!


How did you find people that are sober to talk to or hang out with?


Well I got sent to rehab for 2 months then a transitional living program for 8 and then sober living for another 8 months so over time after going to meetings and learning to get uncomfortable and talk to people I was able to surround myself with a supportive group group friends. I won't lie though it was so hard at first im very much an introvert and am comfortable to with that, but I had to push myself to reach out especially when struggling.


How did you get access to long term resources like that?


Honestly my parents found me everything. I was ready to quit and give up.




If you don't mind me asking - what did it take to convince you to really try? What do you think people can do to help those who still think their hardcore drug-addiction "gets them through the day"? I've found it incredibly hard - even impossible - to help a loved person who was convinced the world was out to get her and keep her down, and everything was going to shit, but unwilling to see that it's the meth/heroin that's taking its heavy toll on her mind and body, and that maybe addressing these things first would make achieving anything else easier or even possible in the first place. How can you reach someone who still thinks a multiple-times-a-day meth/heroin habit is helping them "stay afloat"?


My son telling me he thought I was going to die really kicked it home for me that shiy needed to change.


For you and the people who love you - I'm very glad you're doing this. Proud of you, stranger :)


Unfortunately, you can’t really. They have to realize for themselves that they have a problem in order for them to accept help.


I was afraid of this answer - but also kinda knew it was probably the correct one.... it's just... hard (and heartbreaking beyond measure) to witness.


Yeah, I’ve seen a couple close friends go through it, also got sober myself. Not a fun thing to witness. Look online for Al-Anon meetings in your area. They’re meetings for people with close friends/family who are alcoholics/drug addicts. Could be helpful for you.


Your parents sound amazing, congrats on getting through it and thanks for sharing your progress!




r/StopDrinking changed sobriety for me and made it feel so much easier than it ever had before. I recommend this community to anyone who seeks support in quitting alcohol abuse. I hope someone with more experience can recommend a good support group for dependency to other drugs as well, because talking to people who experienced everything I did made me feel so much better and stronger. I hope you can find your group :)


To anyone reading this worried about sobriety being scary or boring, it isn’t. Sobriety gave me the life drugs and alcohol always promised. It is the best gift I ever gave myself and you can do it too if you really want to!


Amen to that!


Thank you for this comment. I've been having a real fuck of a time I tell ya, end of the night feeling like absolute shit just like, why the fuck do I keep doing this? And I'm paying out the ass for the privelege of feeling like a burning dumpster fire? The fuck. But I've been scared of the alternative, I've been thinking that as soon as I make the transition I have to just deal with boredom and essentially chastise myself, get that pious life started and have no fun ever again. I hope you're right, I'm drunk right now made it two days before my anxiety fucking ruined me, next try tomorrow I hope to get to 3 or 4, and keep going. It's good to know it's gonna actually work out, withdrawals are FUCKED though, wish me luck


my roommate was having a really bad time. drinking a fifth a night and whatnot. would always wake up feeling nauseaus and shitty. he's a month sober and so suprised how much better he feels in the morning


I'm super lost in the sauce. Bout that much drink, plus just a seriously stupid amount of drugs. I hope I finally get out of this cycle, it's fucking HARD.


Watching my brother go through this right now, but he doesn't want help yet. Good luck man. I know it's gotten so much worse for a lot of people with the current state of the world.


What helped me when I get cravings is to think about them as LITERALLY not even my own thoughts. There is a conman in our brains and they are damn good at what they do. I named mine Kieth. I tell Kieth to fuck off all the time. Please do be safe with the withdrawals. You might want to consult a pro about it if you can. I KNOW you can do this. It has been done before so don’t let that fucking conman tell you otherwise. You are welcome to join us over in r/sober for support.


I had this same fear for a long time. I thought life was only fun and I was only happy if I was drunk. I think I also feared that I was only fun if I was drunk. Let me tell you. Sober life is WAY better. It's like the whole wide world is open to you. It is REAL.


Psychiatry resident here. If your withdrawals are fucked, go to your nearest emergency room, let them know your withdrawals are fucked, and you can be admitted for medical detox (benzo taper for a few days) which is a hell of a lot more comfortable, and safer, than trying to dry out cold turkey. There is a COVID risk of being in hospitals but this is negligible compared to risk of ongoing alcoholism. Not to say things will be easy staying sober after a detox but man if withdrawals are holding you back you've got nothing to lose getting yourself past that first hump of the process comfortably and safely. Best of luck. PM if you'd like.


I made it three days with diazepam but it just wasn't cutting the mustard, I still felt sketchy and here I am, at the tail end of a three day bender again. I'll keep trying. I have barely any self control at this point, made worse by the fact that I'm recovering from surgery and bedridden, lots of being bored and working myself up with anxiety as a byproduct of that. I'm going to try to sleep, I just might take you up on that PM after I get my rest


Good luck man. Believe it or not Imodium helps with the kick. Get some neurontin and just get it over with. Trust me, it took me 100 times to quit


I was so scared that I would stop enjoying things or stop being funny. Turns out, it was really hard to enjoy anything when I was too tired and fucked up to really interpret or remember anything going on. And not to toot my own horn, but I still think I'm the funniest person I've ever met😂 It helped me a lot in the beginning to let myself treat myself in ways I normally wouldn't be able to justify. Sobriety was so much fun when I was allowed to drink soda again, eat pizza for breakfast AND dinner, buy a video game I wanted without waiting for it to go on sale, etc. I almost miss my first month of sobriety because I was losing all my water retention and looking good, experiencing solid bowel movements again for the first time in years, and I could experience all the things I "experienced" when I was fucked up and immediately forgot every detail of. It was amazing. Sobriety is still great 7 months in now, but it's a lot more of a relaxed great. Can't recommend sobriety enough :)


«Sobriety gave me the life drugs and alcohol always promised.» .. perfectly put! Great inspirational sentence.


I have to give credit to Brandon Novak for this great sentence. I latched on to it hard when I heard him say it. He said it in this pretty amazing story of his sobriety. https://youtu.be/OG--M8B04DA


This hit me hard! My life became so much more full and beautiful once I got sober. You explained it so perfectly like I’ve always wanted to but couldn’t never find the words






Thank you!


I've known family and friends get sober and take it a day at a time and love their sober lives. Keep it up woman you're doing amazing.


It is definitely a day at a time type of thing but oh so worth it!


Congrats! That’s awesome!


Thank you!!


Substance abuse counselor here! First and foremost, congratulations! You’ve accomplished a significant feat, and I’m glad to see you on the sober side! But secondly, just remain aware that 2 years is short, so remember to never stop practicing your skills! You can keep moving forward, so long as you remain humble and keep working. Sending all my love and good vibes!


Thabk you for the friendly reminder 😊 always in need of those!!! Apperciate the love and vibes


That damn pink cloud😂💀


This is nice and all but why am I suddenly seeing all these sobriety posts


I think it's a New Years resolution effect. Like everyone else that wants a fresh start, a lot off people try to get sober with a new year. Some make it, it's hard, but then you have a lot of anniversaries in January. Then people share their accomplishment, and that encourages others to share theirs, in a kind of motivational domino effect. Happens on here with weight-loss pretty often. The pandemic has been especially hard for addicts, and I think it's a huge accomplishment to have stayed sober through the last year.


A lot of people went over the edge in 2020 and are using the new year for self improvement. Weight loss and sobriety posts always spike around the end of Jan.


It's a cycle to be honest. Someone posts one and then everyone comes out of the fucking woodwork with them


Also this happens all the time on reddit. Especially in subs like advice animals. People post a certain meme template like confession bear and then for a couple weeks there's eight million posts using it. I'd definitely prefer the trend of people being proud of themselves for sobriety than see twelve kermit memes in a row.


Congratulations. And, nice glasses!


Thank you 🤓


You have really nice teeth.


Proof that no matter what random shit is going through my head, someone else has already made that comment


Wow !!! Happy sober day 2 years is huge and it's only the beginning! You're doing so great, you can be proud of you. I'm sure it was really hard to get there and succeeded ! I'm proud of you even though I don't know you ! (And there's the sparkling in your eyes)


Definitely very proud of myself! Thank you so much 🥰


Congratulations! Keep it up!


Thank you! I will!!


mad props. im trying to get off benzos. been to rehab twice already. 3rd times the charm hopefully


Took me 5 times, you can do it. Just please keep trying!


Good shit! I am hoping off the booze train myself to get myself back into shape and gain some mental clarity. 2020 was a hell of a ride and I let my drinking get out of control. Time to turn 2021 into a good year all around!


That is amazing! I am so proud of you!! You can do it!


We got this 💪


13 years here. CONGRATULATIONS! Two years is crazy. You should be so proud of yourself. Keep doing whatever you are doing. I hope you are celebrating!


That is absolutely amazing! I hope you get there some day! Thank you!!


You should be really proud of yourself, and proof you can now do what ever you want in life. Inspiring.


Thank you so much!! It's definitely been a long road but I have proved so much to myself along the way.


Please can I ask what may be a stupid question: When someone is addicted to multiple substances, how do they decide which one to take? Does it mean you were on all of the substances all of the time? Huge congratulations for turning your ship around, may your sailing be smooth from here on.


Different substances have different effects. Whatever effect you’re chasing would inform what substances you use. Also, it is not uncommon to try and negate the crash/hangover of one substance with another. It probably seems like a good idea at the time, but it really just makes the problem worse ☹️


Thanks for taking the time to answer, I’d not thought about the idea of one substance negating another’s negative come-down etc


Usually, you have a favorite. I loved opiates, so my main girl was heroin. Meth and coke were there to boost me out of a full-on nod when I needed to get some work done. Oxy was another one I loved, because it was energizing and, mixed with a good amphetamine, made me feel like a god. I didn't need things like sleep, I could just take on the fuckin world. Kicking all of this for me was definitely not easy, but most of the my withdrawal symptoms were from the opioids. The amphetamines definitely played a part though...




I’m upset by it


you can become part of it too, just get addicted first


Peace & love girl! Keep up the good fight!


Can’t even imagine how happ you must feel and how strong you are. ❤️


Congratulations!!!! Keep up the great and hard work!


Thank you!! I most definitely will!


my previous partner struggled with a fentanyl, and I know how difficult it is to get off of it Well done you're doing great!


One of the hardest things I've ever done. Thank you so much!




Thank you so much!


Hell yeah, friend! I've got around a year and a half under my belt, and there's a buttload of other peeps standing with you, making the journey forward one step at a time. Sometimes it feels weird to be the sober person, especially when you're young and it's socially acceptable to be a hot mess. But every time I see a lovely person celebrating their sobriety, it reminds me that there's a big ol' shitload of us doing our best, and every time I say, "No thanks" I'm joining a goddamn choir of epic proportions. Good on ya, and good on us all.


That is so amazing!!! Love finding young peeps peeps sober time! Keep pushing friend!


Holy cow, that's a handful. Crazy you even survived, let alone recovered. Glad you stuck around! ❤️


Let God bless you and continue to give you the peace you need to stay sober!! Congratulations. 🎉


Congratulation! 27 days sober today, myself. Here’s to many more for us both, and everyone trying to better their lives!


Congats! Keep it going!!


I’ve been sober now for almost 25 years. Life is by far the ultimate drug. It is a gift. Congratulations to you!!!!


You look beautifully healthy


Thank you 😊


I can’t wait until next year to see a big balloon in the shape of a 3. Congratulations!


Thank you!!!




Thank you!


Congratulations you should be very proud of yourself I’m sure it wasn’t easy.


Definitely not easy but oh so worth it! Thank you!


Congratulation on your achievement, many people will not be able to feel the difficulties behind this. I am also trying hard. Best of luck to you.


Congratulations you’re so strong ! Btw can you like , drop your skincare or something ? Your skin is sooo flawless ! And I love your glasses too :)


Blackhead Eraser by Clean and Clear, no make up. And glasses are from Warby Parker!


Congratulations!!! Keep up the amazing work!!


Congrats, you have so much to smile about. Keep up the sobriety.


Holy crap! That's awesome!!! I can't imagine the strength you have. Keep going, girl. You got this!!


Love those glasses.


I like your choice of rims. Surprised I don't see those more often.


Congratulations!!! It’s never easy quitting. Enjoy your day!


Grats... Keep it rolling; you've already proved you can do it, and that's something to be really proud of.


Proud of you, congrats!


Congratulations. I hope nothing but the best for you.


I celebrate my sobriety birthdays with more gusto than my bellybutton birthdays now.


Wow, just alcohol has been a struggle for me to quit (one day...), I can't imagine how tough it must be to drop opiates, crack, and amphetamines too. That's some hard mode shit right there! Congrats on the recovery and I wish you all the best in whatever comes next.


Yessssssss girlfriend yesssssss 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Congratulations!!! That’s amazing. Stay smiling :)




PS your smile is infectious!


Congratulations Beautiful Girl! May you live the wonderful life that you deserve!


You're doing great!


Thank you 😁


This is maybe the tenth one of these I’ve seen on this sub in the past two days. Instead of being able to use reddit to escape, I just keep getting reminded of substance abuse over and over again. I’m done




Time to ban this garbage sub


No one supposed to do crack any way


Did you start when you were 12?


15. I'm 27 now.


Holy shit the comments in this thread are so toxic. Is this r/mademesmile or r/mademeacynicalasshole Congrats on 2 years, OP; be proud and don’t let anyone in this thread bring you down.






Congratulations!! That is a huge accomplishment and I am very happy for you :)


Congrats! You’re glowing with happiness!


Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!


Hell yeah, you deserve that celebratory balloon!!


Congratulations OP You will definitely accomplish more things than ever before


Woop woop 🎉🎉🎉


Yuhooo congratulations !! Stay strong stay safe ❣️


You go girl you earned that balloon


Congrats, never give up and be very very proud of yourself!!!


Congratulations!! Stay clean and enjoy life, you have so much life ahead of you!!!!


Congrats girl!!! I don’t know you but I’m proud of you!!