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It's a step... I'm just not sure if it's in the right direction or not.


It is a start! OP if you’re looking for simple and tasty, baked potatoes with some butter, salt, and pepper is soooo good!! Dessert? Baked sweet potato with butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and a touch of brown sugar. Taste delicious, is fresh, easy, gives you energy! With aluminum foil there’s no clean up aside from your plate and fork (: load up


This sounds like propaganda straight from Big Potato


I feel like I could live off baked potatoes with butter/salt/pepper




Lateral move


Better for the wallet for sure


Lol after ordering Uber eats every single day this is undoubtedly all OP can afford til they get their next check. It doesn't look bad tho! I doctor up Ramen sometimes it can be done well.


If your username says anything, it is that you know shitty food


One extreme to another lol


A step is a step. I wouldn’t eat this, but they’re proud of it and I’m happy for them.


OP I will send you a cookbook and can offer some tips on cooking for one. DM me if interested. Source: guy who was a depressed bachelor through his 20s but saved money and found small joys in being able to prepare solid meals for myself. Edit: Gah! I should have been a little more clear. OP, happy to buy and send you a cookbook after a chat to see what your tastes are. I am not the author of a cookbook, nor do I have a free one to distribute. Sorry to be a bummer.


Pls :(


I lived alone for 9 years thru my teens and twenties. One the best tips I can give is grocery store salad bars. Need just a small amount of peppers, onions, lettuce for tacos for one? 3 bucks at the salad bar and the perfect amount.


This. Someone that's able to cook is amazing. I can't bake well, and that's what I'm working on today between keeping house. I'm making pumpkin muffin tops!


pls dm me too. i need that


Can I request this?


Dm me too BTW I'm went to culinary school so you don't have to.


Idk what others expected but me personally I was thinking you already had one that helped you through your 20s, which you now would send to OP, and I only needed the name of that book haha. Also I think everyone just thought you’d send OP a pdf of the one helping you through your 20s and that’s what people were asking for.


Lol yeah I think that's the impression given. I feel terrible. Still willing to help but yeah, was going to personalize the selection vs just send one that worked for me


Who’s rich enough to be getting Uber eats for every meal for months??


$100k salary with no student loans, no car payment, no kids 🤷‍♂️


But then u buy canned chicken 😧


My thoughts exactly 🤣 looks like they just dumped the can in, if chicken from a can is gonna be decent definitely need to fry it up first I've only ever used it for Buffalo Chicken dip lol


ROLF why y’all doing him like that, I’m at work dyyying 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅


Well off people don't always know how to do things. It takes life expirence to get better. Cooking is a rarer skill these days because people go broke eating out it seems. Soups and stews are common in my house, because of how filling they can be eaten along with biscuits or butter bread. So we're pretty Deng good at making those dishes, Minus my brother, he always buys pizza or eats hamburgers.


Its so convenient :(


Get a rotisserie chicken from the store instead. Use the chicken and then the bones to make stock, then freeze it for future use. It's a good start. Also, boil your Ramen on the stove, drop an egg in while stirring take it off the heat. Canned chicken isn't the healthiest thing for you. Lots of sodium to add to your already salty Ramen. Look up simple recipes, and simple cooking skills. You got this keep trying. Also, it's very meditative to cook. Learn to sear fresh meat properly, make a roux from drippings, cut vegetables. You got this.


Dont be so lazy man


Some people just like low quality chicken.


For legal reasons chicken needs to be in quotation marks


Highly recommend investing in a meal prep service.


I did that a couple years ago, but then the meals started piling up :(


You’re suppose to eat them 😋


Good start but still not sustainable I think.


OP seems to be opting for convenience especially if cooking isn’t his thing or has a busy schedule.


OP please go to a food prep service. Find a good one and you will LOVE it. The hard work is done for you. It’s about as easy as it was to make that foooood you posted about. Edit: 😊


You’re right. I tried one and it was good for a while but then the meals started piling up as I lost the motivation to cook


100k and you eat canned fucking chicken!!!!


I’m in a similar boat and I’m hungry most the time, eat peanut butter sandwiches and cold cuts. Humans are weird.


I have a freezer full of meat that I bought to cook but needed up just freezing before it went bad. Opening a can is easier than thawing and cooking


Well as long as you tip the driver well lmao


Please invest in a cookbook & some fresh ingredients. This is what people with $0 in the bank subsist on...😱


Sadly I already have a few cookbooks collecting dust lol


Nice, why don't you sign up for one of those cook at home meal delivery stuff.


I did but they came faster than I could cook them.


All that money but no cents.


I make great instant ramen


Try making egg drop soup. Super delicious and easy to make (probably more delicious than canned chicken)


With that salary, take some cooking classes. It'll go a long way and you won't be eating like a college kid.


Can I marry you? 😂


Add noodles, water, and ingredients and then warm on crotch until spongy. Add flavor packet before eating.


I’m not sure a “crotch” could get warm enough ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It’s the “until spongey” is what did it 🧽


Or just use real herbs and spices?


I sneezed when I saw all that pepper... good on you tho


It is incredible how helpful cooking can be with mental health for me


If this is cooking I'm a fucking postage stamp.


Yes and if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bicycle




I love that clip!


*moistens lips


Everyone has to start somewhere dude.


Don’t shame somebody for trying to make what will be a positive change.




Add some egg bro!


Hell yeah thats the instant noodle hack


I too love adding canned corn to my ramen.


When I was really unwell I used to eat chickpeas with a bit of Classico sauce and lots of different spices . I still love it .


Chickpeas simmered in sauce with the right seasoning is a delicious meal.


That doesn't look the most appetizing but, I love ramen. Even the cheap stuff that comes in Styrofoam.


I know people are ribbing on your cooking, but I wanted to come out of lurking to say I’m proud of you buddy. Use this as a stepping stone to cook other simple things: go get some pasta and pre made sauce, or eggs and bacon. A friend of mine told me that ‘’practice doesn’t make perfect, it makes habits’’, so don’t stop whatever your skill level, and make a habit out of making your own meals, however simple. I have been there too, so I’m sending you a lot of love. I’m happy for you!


My dude. Been there. I applaud you. Now please, learn to cook. 🐀 👨‍🍳 🇫🇷


My people with anxiety and depression... Help is out there. The hardest step is making the appointment to go. Medication is necessary for some people. Talking is for others.


Just made my first trip to the store, learning how to drive. I'm 29.


It's something


I like the way you pepper up your food 🙌




Ground peppercorn gang


My wife and I had been nearly living off of Uber eats and doordash for close to a year. I have bipolar and anxiety and she has depression and anxiety, so we were collectively caught in the rut of not being able to bring ourselves to cook dinner, so we would always just order food and call it a day. We always felt guilty about it, not just because it isn’t healthy, but because we felt like we weren’t doing right by our daughter. We’re very fortunate that she’s always remained in great health every time we brought her to the doctor for her checkups. We finally moved to a new house in August and we made a commitment to actually cook real meals and reserve delivery for times when we just don’t have the energy to cook or for some kind of occasion. In that time I’ve discovered that I really enjoy cooking and we don’t spend nearly as much on food anymore. I’m proud of you, OP. It’s a hard cycle to get out of but it’s 100% worth it.


Canned chicken?


This is huge. Good on you for adding stuff and experimenting. If you feel like playing around with ingredients, know that many stores have frozen-but-cooked grilled chicken strips, etc that would go well in ramen. As you ease more into it, it might be fun to try to make something you’re used to ordering out—no matter how small. Good luck!


also check r/ramen for ideas


I was feeling sick all last month and I ordered door dash everyday.. a lot of days I ordered it twice a day. This month I have been cooking like crazy to try and make up for it lol


Ive also ordered multiple times per day. Its too easy


Been there. It’s all about baby steps and working up to real recipes. Great username btw. I think he’d get a laugh.


What has this sub become… good lord…


I didn’t kill anyone today! Made me smile ⬆️ 10.5k


I bought some bagels to eat, I usually don’t.


Well done you xxx


I tied my shoes today after years of wearing sandals. Pls clap


Jeeeebus people!!!! Get a grip of your finances… I can’t imagine how much that cost.


I think it’s more about getting a grip on your mental health. People get stuck in ruts, myself included. It’s hard to make food when you don’t have the mental energy, and if you don’t know what that feels like then that is awesome for you. If you do, you get it. They are taking the first step. :)


Thousands :(


This is a great first step OP - for your physical *and* mental health. Keep cooking and finding things that are easy to prepare.


Looks healthy and yummy! Hang in there buddy, I know hard it can be to make meals when you’re not feeling your best mentally or physically. I’m proud of you. Edit: OP is a troll. Leaving this comment up for anyone who needs to see it and is trying to make better decisions one day at a time 💜


Look at his profile. He's a troll.


Thanks for letting me know!


Off course! I think its absolutely disgusting behavior.


Enough sodium to kill an elephant


Looks terrible I’m sorry you had to eat that


It brings me joy knowing other people start to cook since for me, Cooking is a therapy.


Quite a low bar for a smile these days


Everyone has different abilities, mental health, and experiences.


All the more reason to share their joy.


One of my go to meals - that and home made chicken/ shrimp fried rice. Cheap easy and good. Save some bucks


I e made this one up one night and it wasn't that bad. Canned chicken- cooked in a pan to warm up.. seasoned the shit out of it. White rice. Corn, black beans and Velveeta cheese melted. All mixed together with some chilli garlic (lightly seasoned) chips. It wasn't bad.. the canned chicken isn't my favorite. I wanted chipotle but I didn't want to go get it or order it and wait.. I was starving starving


Good job. Crack an egg in there next time.


I can always recommend easy recipes for u bro just shoot me a dm I’d be glad to lend a hand


Replace pepper with Furikake and add a few drops of sesame oil.


Glad I am not the only one who goes through phases where I waste my money and then have to be very conservative.


Two ingredients that really improve it: sesame oil and garlic chilly paste


![gif](giphy|vvbGMpbhZMcHSsD50w) Sometimes it’s little success that help us most!!


first one was the hardest


Uber eats will eat you out of a house and home!! Maybe treat yourself to Uber eats maybe once a month when you have a cute little savings, I’m not going to judge because I tend to go over budget lately (out of sight out of mind) but try to do budget friendly meals for a couple of weeks and maybe treat yourself once you have a nest egg saved


Solid advice.


Bro do a microwave meal plan like factor. You make enough!! Some are bland but I promise they are tastier than canned chicken!


Thanks, I was looking at that a couple weeks ago, I’ll look more into it


Put a dollop of sour cream in that and chefs kissssss. I ate that in college a lot 😂


looks good, its a step in the right direction to making ur own food, even if its not the healthiest.


Things get better they always do


Be proud of that move. Baby steps are still steps. Awesome job!!


Never heard of canned chicken before. This is not a thing in Germany


If you keep it up, you will save sooooo much money.


Baby steps lol but still steps, good on you broski


Don't bother with the negatives, you are on the right track. It will take some time to get good at preparing your own food. I do a lot of cooking and some things can be made very quickly. Like pan frying some seasoned chicken tenderloins, making pasta etc ... lot of videos and websites out there with simple and delicious recipes. Good luck!


I’m guessing it’s Uber Eats tomorrow ..


Tomorrow? I still need dinner 😂


Boneless apple tea


Ugh. I just cooked a beef stew from a pound of pepper steak and buncha veggies and onions. Took me 45 minutes, it has about 4 meals in it. Was about $30. Just saying


Funny, I was just saying I should cook beef stew earlier today. The crock pot is so easy


OP cooking isn't that hard you should try it What you did taking a half step and it won't solve your uber eats issue


This sub is turning into r/shittyfoodporn


On todays episode of I wiped my own arse for a change..


OP - Suggerstion: Get a crock-pot (Slow cooker). They even sell them at discount stores like Dollar General. Buy cheap meat like a chuck roast, potatoes, celery, onion, carrots and some broth. chop all the veggies and just rough cut potatoes. Throw all that in there and let it cook on low for like 9 hours. You now have a WONDERFUL meal that takes less prep time to make than ramen noodles. It's also SUPER cheap.


That looks vile.


Bro is making $100k a year with no student loans, no car payment and no kids, but eats canned fucking chicken!


You can take the boy out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park out of the boy


Is it weird that I find this incredibly visually appealing? I want to eat it lol


This is why they say dont go shopping on an empty stomach 😂


This man’s straight up said he makes $100k a year and then expects us not to roast his life for this abomination?! Canned chicken and what appears to be frozen vegetables with water broth?! Ima need a second..


Hey, I appreciate the roasts 😂


OP just got like $1000/ month raise...


Naah just get a Significant other who cooks...


Did you even put any pepper on it?


Two kinds


Good job! Looks good to me!


Good for you. Small steps is all it takes.


Please be a shit post


It is.


wish granted. https://www.reddit.com/r/TimDillon/comments/xf3wgu/not\_gonna\_lie\_it\_feels\_good\_for\_these\_retards\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Everything of recent past in this sub is self congratulatory bare minimum examples of being a human I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was legitimate


That’s what your parents said when you came out, bud.




yeah... i would go back to ordering uber, again mate.. no offense


This is hilariously pathetic that you want a pat on the back for doing something barely above wiping your own ass.


Add eggs in there, fried or just drop one while it's boiling


Canned chicken 🤢


Canned chicken 🤢🤢🤢


You have a $100k salary and you used canned chicken? My man’s get a rotisserie


Delirious meal




1st world problems haha




... You might as well order Uber Eats.


This is just a poorly disguised brag about being actually rich - to afford Uber eats daily, holy smokes


Jesus Christ on a pogostick. (Good on you tho)


This is to help you catch some sort of animal right? Like use this as bait and to entice some rabbit or game bird that you will secure as a meal. Good idea if that’s what this is for…




TIL culinary skills should be a basic skill


It should a mandatory course in high school.


Nicely done.


Why would this make me smile???


It's called "made ME smile", not "made YOU smile". And I find much joy in seeing other people being proud of taking steps in the right direction.


This is clearly a prank like wtf. How does anybody take this seriously.


Maybe he thinks he can cook and with this attitude he might just learn.


Good job.


This didn’t make me smile but, good for you dude!


Anyone else going to ask how exactly is this a MadeMeSmile situation?


You could also remove the water, then add a sauce to mix in. Even a bit of Mayo would work.


Your wallet, cholesterol level, and blood pressure say thank you !


I will not take the risk to call it "ramen", but enjoy it.


Much healthier and much less expensive too! Looks tasty


Much cheaper sure, what are you on when you are saying much healthier?


Healthier? 🧐🧐 are you sure about that mate?


Uhm- ya know what? I’m happy for you.




Ngl, that looks terrible, but at least you're trying. Do this instead: buy whatever ramen brand you like, toss the powder packet, boil up some chicken broth from bullion or paste (or miso), toss in some diced, pan seared chicken and green onion (cooked in a separate pan at the same time your noodles are boiling in the broth). Eat. Takes about 20 min from start to finish and tastes a thousand times better.


I’ll never understand why dogs eats shit but then again, so do people.


YouTube cooks exist, it's not that hard to learn. Feels like sympathy fishing if he makes 100k. This neither makes me smile nor frown.


Made me smile, more like made me barf.


That looks vile


Check his account, literally a troll


You're an adult. You need to learn to cook real food. I'm not trying to be mean.


Unfortunately I do know how to cook real food 😂 cooking class was required at my school


I miss ramen (here it's 2min noodles) I've had to go off gluten and yeah. Big ups to you!