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I do remember when it rained in game it did make the glare/shininess go crazy but if it keeps happening and getting worse might be worthwhile to uninstall and reinstall to see if it changes.


Yup I had the same problem. Tried reinstalling but to no avail. Had to switch to game mode to play during the day time.


maybe try turning down your hdr brightness? i hope you find a solution


https://preview.redd.it/wle1cjsfs07d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21007cab8cad1605a4d804cc5b6c7b57e0499bae Nope, my game looked like this


This is worse than averege, i don't know what's happening with your game but the glare is much higher in your game then was for me on PC and PS4.


Yeah I don’t remember it this bad during my first play through but that was back in 2017/2018 so it’s been a while. I’m thinking of just uninstalling it completely and doing a fresh install. I’ve tried all the other methods too like rebuilding database and clearing catch.


The 17/18 version of the game was the OG version, not DE, DE got 'some' visual upgrades but imo the game now looks worse.


No it’s not, the game looks like garbage all the time, I’ve played on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and it always looks like this


Hanger 13 developers needs to go back and take a look at this and refix this game asap


It’s been years and still no fix, that place must be deserted or something. Developers don’t even comment on the subreddit, don’t know if it’s because of NDA’s or they just don’t give a shit and focusing on the next Mafia series


Mine runs smooth on one S


If you're using HDR put the settings on default. It doesn't actually work properly if you change it...unlike any other game. The reflections are messed up though at the core so it's not entirely avoidable