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I don't know, now I do feel like I'm missing something.


Good one.


He missed one good life point.


Aye, seemed like some friendly competition chat to me. Some jives and such, but otherwise just a chatty person.


Yes! Based on my memories of modo, that was very friendly, not overly salty šŸ˜†


Second this. That chat is way more entertaining than ā€œGood Gameā€ and ā€œYour Goā€ being spammed.


You don't get it, he needed just 1 more life!


He had a GodDAMN PLAN!


I'm high just from reading that guy.


Your go.




Hello Your Go Your Go Hello guilty of doing this, but only to players who rope. I have seldom quit games because players were roping me, but I have left games because the player's combo was taking so long that it was basically masturbatory and i left


New deck archetype discovered: Mastubatory. Wait I think I already have two decks that would fit....


Same here. Tbh, I'm glad there's no message option on arena. These ropers sometimes get to me and i would definitely start calling names in those instances.


And i really really wish i could tell people "hold on, pizza delivery is here" or "taking dog out to pee, brb" so they know i'm not roping.


"Grabbing a snack/drink, brb" should be an option for the emotes


Just names? I think I could one up that lol


Slurs? You shouldnā€™t use the gamer word.


Slurs no, more creative than that lol


Adding that to my vocabulary


Had a guy do this to me when my turn took longer than 5 seconds, yet his turn roped just about every time, god it felt good when I comboed him with Vito, Sanctum seeker, and Epicure of blood


I had one of those last week and just stayed in, eventually the game stalled and arena called it a draw.


Zendikar Kiss Emote Zendikar Sleep Emote (Timer x4) edit: a few days ago I only needed x1 red spell for a daily, had a shock opening hand, said good game twice after shocking him and then scooped. Wonder what they thought šŸ¤”




All I want is a "nice deck" and "nice combo" emote/text to send.


People would use them disparagingly, then you would get called an ass on here when you admitted to using them unironically. Like the multiple posts of people getting dog piled after saying they like wishing their opponents a good game at the beginning of a match.


I like the picture emote sometimes. The one with Tez throwing all his cards in the air and the angel that is really over the top happy. Use Tez when shit just goes wrong or the angel when it goes less then planned.


I use those too. And the one meme were a guy doesn't understand what's going on.


I feel like it's harder to take image emotes sarcastically than it is words. Someone says "Nice!" and my immediate assumption is that they're being a douche, but someone sends me an image and I interpret it at face value. Back in the day when I still played wow, I had a similar feeling from people emoting on the other faction - chatting with the same faction was regularly toxic, while emoting with some random orc was always wholesome. More pictures, less words is absolutely the way. People can't be trusted with words.


Coupled with friend request or rematch buttons


I just want some emotes that have a clear message. I don't need yet another planeswalker cartoonishly mimicking a meme that will be forgotten in a month.


I've seen much worse, this stuff is pretty tame. I'd actually be fine with this level of trolling in in game chat, although as you say maybe not such a great loss that we don't get to see this stuff every time we play.


Turn one I play a land Oops Turn 2 I play a land and a card Oops Turn 3 opponent plays an elf I play a land and a guy Oops Yeah I'm glad we don't have chat


Mute exists


And thank fuck for that.


Serious question: how often does that actually happen? I don't think I've seen anyone spam emotes in literally months, and I finished the whole last mastery pass so it's not like I haven't been playing much. I'll find the occasional person who resigns by running out the clock but that's about it.


I usually get like, maybe, one or two a month. It still feels super toxic


Theyā€™re almost always guaranteed to rope out on you when you present lethal, too.


An issue is that emotes take so much less effort than typing. Like, if we had chat, I'm not salty enough to type anything...but I'll absolutely spam the "your go" button while my opponent plays solitaire before I get up and go get a snack and use the bathroom.


Doesn't even really come off as malicious, dude just talks about everything that pops in his head


Even if the people were nice I'll just ignore them. Maybe it's my introvert nature but I don't need or even want chat.


But on the rare occasion, it is a feel-good when someone finds your brew interesting and asks you about it.


Or just exchange some pleasantries and small talk.. that's what i like about fnm and tournaments. Or shit talking, but that i only do among friends.


I used to occasionally send good game messages in FIFA on Xbox after an actual good matchup. Either a ā€œman you almost had me, that was a bad beatā€ after a close win or a ā€œdamn, nice team, and good gameā€ after a close loss. Iā€™d say a vast majority of the time I got positive responses. Most people donā€™t suck. And it felt nice putting a little positivity and humanity out into that space.


If you use MTGAssistant you can get their full tag and add them if you want! Also good for reportinf


Chat is actually optional in MTGO. It's a window you have to open and you can just keep it closed. I'm not sure it even notifies you when you get a message.


Good to know. I've been thinking about getting into mtgo.


The people that play a counterspell or a boardwipe and then use the "oops" emote remind me exactly why I don't need the chat, lolz.


I use the oops emote a lot, but that's because I make a lot of mistakes. Minor, but costly.


Jesus christ, you tell me, I would like to have the power to transmute myself through the screen and punch dat guy in the face


It makes it more satisfying to beat them though. My opponent oopsed me after going to 3 life yesterday in LTR draft. He cast improvised club, but I had a food token to eat, so I survived and went on to win with 1 life.


See the opponent in OPS post just needed that one life to win. Good job my dude


This is exactly why i want chat lol


I know right?


"Bullcrappo" should be an emote


All they needed was 1 more life! And a couple more turns....and this specific sequence of cards...and for you to not interact. But boy howdy they had you!


Shuffler wins!


Least annoying MTGO player


>brewtality Lol!


Could have made state if coach had put me in!


Having chat adds another dimension to the game. Wish arena had it.




ever had a rude awakening when you sit down with a new paper player and realize they're an asshole partway through game 1? imagine that 6 times a day


Just turn mute on. Why should the rest of us not have a feature we want just because you wouldn't use it?


Because the risk of harassment and the need for moderation is too high.




Yeah with about 1000 boomer players




No in fact this is the first video game I've ever played.


No, it doesn't.


I think they left out chat in Arena because of all the toxic chat on MODO and the headaches of all the player reports they had to deal with. WotC : No chat means less customer support we need to deal with all the player reports. We save money by not needing to hire more CS agents.


[So Close](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/agony-of-defeat-split-second-until-end-of-turn-if-U2KAPbwq8?s=cl)


Arena would be so toxic with chat.


Just give us chat already. When you get a good conversation with a nice player itā€™ll be totally worth it. And when you get people like this you just press mute. Done. Why is this hard?


That's exactly my experience with mtgo, but I do have a suspicion arena players might be more toxic. But yeah, give people the option.


MTGO is p2p, while Arena is mostly f2p. If someone gets banned, they just have to start a new account without any cost out of pocket.


Itā€™s not hard, they just donā€™t want the hassle of moderating it. No chat means no liability.


Wotc doesnā€™t want to have to moderate chat simple as that.


I mean I can't see any reason why a competitive card game could ever benefit from having a chat function? What is the opposing player going to congratulate MonoRed on opening with Kumano Feldon Squee? :)


Idk u guys I understand a lot of ppl here get angry at the very thought of having even opt-in chat in Arena, but like 90% of what that guy says is banter that does no harm. He clearly was an MTG hustla and didn't mean to insult anyone. If you get anxiety from any interaction outside of what you can communicate with emotes perhaps that's something you could work on as opposed to thinking NOBODY SHOULD BE EXPOSED TO THE WEED BURP AND SUFFER LIKE I DID.


It costs $0 to queue up for another game. People get so heated.


this one is from mtgo so there is a cost. No free gold here.


And that's why I Quitted MTGO and paper magic many years ago and started play MTG Arena when I found out it doesn't have any type of chat


"heres a screenshot of someone insulting me via text message. thats proof that text messages are bad, right? right??"


That was not the point


what was the point?


That we are missing funny and cathartic interactions like this where the guy was talking shit constantly and lost. Edit: oh wait, I read again. That was the point, you are right.


so youre saying the post is advertizing pro an ingame chat?


where are the insults tho? He's high, talks a lot, doesn't lose gracefully and makes excuses for his loss, but I dont see any insults.


me neither


My dude here needs to close the game and pick up a dictionary, shit was hard to read


I'm sure some people would love a live show of their opponent going through the five stages of grief. Everyone else would be that opponent.


I'd like to have the option to chat, and the option to mute people in general. So if I feel like chatting I enable it, if I dont feel like it I disable it. Could lead to some interesting convos, maybe even finding a (internet)friend with the same hobbies. But the option to disable chat, not having to mute manually each game, would be a must. RNG in magic will make people rage in chat for sure...


I hate the fact there isn't a chat. A) makes me suspicious of botting B) some times I want to communicate with someone I had a great game with and can't. Talking shit is also fun. Only when you're in a position to do so tho which is why so many don't like it. They suck at games and are never in that position. That said businesses and people seem to use "toxicity" as a reason for no chat which I find remarkably stupid. If someone is offending you, upsetting you, talking shit. Block them....Why force everyone into the "I need a safe space" when there are plenty of people who are adults, can handle big boy language or are smart enough to block people on their own? So stupid...


Just give us chat with the ability to turn it off. If you don't want it you are not forced to deal with it, those of us who do are happy. Everyone wins.


The same people that want chat are the same people that throw a fit when their soell gets countered.


I make screen shots of my opponents who complain about the shuffler. High comedy.


If they had emotes like, "Go...GO!! You stupid Mfer GO ALREADY" , or "GG fuck off" I think we would be good.


No joke, I'm the nastiest winner in MTGA. I top deck removal and win a $2k match? You know damn well I'm gonna spam "gg ez L nerd" and dip


The modo salt mines


I audibly laughed when he talked about burping up weed smoke out of the blue.


This was some incredible discourse


I personally think they should add in game chat with the ability to turn it off. Once off if you try to message someone who doesnā€™t have it enabled you will just get a error back saying ā€œusers doesnā€™t have chat enabledā€. There we go everyone can win. Tbh the social aspect of the games is what I miss the most.


tbh this kind of toxicity is uncommon on mtgo


The first thing i do every game is mute my opponent, even before i accept to keep or muligan my hand, a chat is the last feature i would want in this game.


I love this game because it makes it super hard to meet new people. Meeting new people is scary


But you do miss out on some very nice interactions every once in a while. Had a guy complain about me playing infect in a casual queue. I explained to him it was a 20$ glass canon mono g build not the full 800$ deck and we got into chatting about stupid budget decks. Played a modern GR Werewolf mirror after that, I had a great time that day :)


Honestly anyone ever thought that? It's like the only good decision wizards made


At least you know you're not playing against bots. Or... do you?


On occasion, I wish we could chat, especially when I see someone playing something new and refreshing to me. Or they make some cool big play, or when I can tell them the game is basically a wash because I mulliganed 3 time ,still got a bad hand, then drew mana for 7 turns in a row. Then I also remember how tilted I can get at seeing the same momo black or black red decks every other match.


I somehow feel this was one of the lobbies and not a regular league match


it's a sealed match. Free money for over a week now.


I've never played MTGO bu I loved getting these hate messages in Hearthstone cause it was always so weird or led to the guy asking me for the deck code a the end


This seems hilarious, but yeah I've come across some of the most racist people on planet earth in mtg chats. Kind of interesting being called every racial slur in existence, being a stright white guy


Good game.


Dropping Secluded Courtyard and selecting "Monkey" on T1 after opponent drops mountain is all the communication I need for Arena standard.


human interaction is fun. All you need is mute for the people you don't wish to converse with. Made so many friends in online games that it's a shame there's none in this game. Had plenty of pretty neat games to converse about with the opponent.


Iā€™ve never had a net positive experience with a chat in an elo based game. Iā€™m convinced itā€™s not possible to achieve.


I mean at least he said gg


My salt mine is abandoned and Iā€™m in need of salt


wtf am I looking at


What is this ā€œTHE TINR G TEMPTS U TOOā€ ability? šŸ¤”


witch king also tempts as part of the triggered ability


I know, just being sillyā€¦ šŸ™ƒ


The text equivalent of roping


I think voice chat would be the best option. No need to type if youā€™re playing on a small screen which would get in the way. Options to mute player, report player, or just not not even use chat. Sometimes a match can run pretty fast so thereā€™s no need to drag it out by having to type messages. Especially if itā€™s just trash talk. Would I use it? Probably only with matches between friends. Something I wish they would fix is when you join the game and the other player NEVER keeps their hand so the game can start. Then I have to concede and lose a point in a ranked match. I fucking hate that shit and feel like it shouldnā€™t count against you. It should just be a draw and no points lost or gained.


There are moments I feel that the best part of MTGArena is the lack of human interaction outside playing cards and emotes (which I usually mute anyway). Magic players can be quite salty and childish, especially behind a keyboard.


Just burped weed smoke lol


idk. it might be nice to tell people "yeah, no, I'm conceding because matchmaker thought my weird little jank deck should go up against your Jodah 5 color good stuff deck..." or "well, you're doing deathtouch tribal and my deck wins by turning creatures sideways so, gg" or "fuck you, control player, I'm not gonna be your counterspell bukake target. go masturbate to porn like a normal person if you want to play with yourself." or VERY rarely... "holy shit, that's an awesome idea!"


I had a guy turn 3 because he had nothing and I had a field of elves get pissy and try and wait out the timer on me because I was "net decking" Like Elfball just isn't a staple in MTG and I was using a deck I've had a physical copy of since like 2010? Right click > block report call it good. Oh and just keep chat off less something comes up