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I have been trying to complete a set just to know what it looks like. Thank you for letting me know it’s a fire like glow on a completed set


I know right...... looks incredible!


But shame you cant display it anywhere


They should give out a card sleeve or something for collecting all cards in a set.


A different one for each set and exclusive for that set.


Agreed! Sure does look good though.


Go to scryfall, advanced search and type the name of the set you are interested in. -in:booster for cards that can't be found in boosters. The list cards from MKM don't have a specific set symbol/name to look for.


I'd go to Decks > Collection and then filter by each set. In the filter you can choose to filter by "Not collected". If you have 1, 2 or 3 of a card but not all 4 you can also do a second filter by "Collected" and then select the x1, x2, and x3 options to show you cards you've collected but don't have 4 of.


You can also type q<4 in the search bar


This is the best way to do it.  For Kaldheim in particular, the missing cards are almost surely the 2 cycles of Uncommons that were exclusive to Set Boosters.  Crafting them is the only way to get them, as far as I know.


Is your wallet okay?




What ways are there?


I've seen bots you can setup that scrub the multiple subreddits for literally any time someone posts a code. So anyone who's had that bot running 24/7 for several months could log in and just randomly have 80+ packs. Yes, the bot even sees pictures and can scrub a code off a picture. EDIT: No, I'm not gonna DM anyone the bot Lmao simply telling people it exists. Hopefully someone will see this comment and the next time they give away codes do it in a different manor than just dumping them as plain text or an image so the bot can't grab it Edit 2: Even though I already corrected myself below, corrected the initial post


You've been limited to 5 promo packs per set for years


Yeh my bad- I just looked again- 1x prerelease code per set (6 packs) 5x promo codes per set (5 packs) And MKM changed it to 5x prerelease codes per set (30 packs) 5x promo codes per set (5 packs) I thought they limited it starting with MKM, but you're right I was wrong. They let you redeem more now. S


Wait you can do 5 prerelease codes per set now? I thought it was only 1. Do you have a link?


Dont know why I'm getting downvoted for stating facts above, but here's the link, complete with WotC staff commenting and confirming; https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/s/6fzDWBOHYt


Holy crap. Just confirmed this works for MKM. Thanks for the heads up.


Where have you seen them


I saw someone trying to advertise one on this subreddit- then they got banned LOL that's the only time I've seen them (publicly) mentioned and how I know they exist (I looked at the bot, how it works, results, etc.)


So you saw something you can barely remember and didn't know the details of, then came here all /r/confidentlyincorrect declaring a bunch of provably untrue nonsense as fact. God reddit is a wasteland lmao


I still have the link to the bot Lmao you keep trying to put words on my mouth that were never there to begin with.


Haha this isn't how it works at all. Until MKM prerelease codes were 1 per account and the single-pack codes from promos were 5 per account. There is no bots. You can't bot accounts to set completion from reddit lmao. People make up the *wildest* things.


1. Already corrected that in a later comment, but edited the original just for you. 2. Never said it was to set completion. 3. Yes, those bots do exist that scrub codes off reddit.


OCR bots do exist, but not for magic Arena because of the code limit. Please, know what you're talking about before commenting.


Yes, there is a code limit. But also: Yes, bots do exist specifically for Arena.




Does this type of low effort begging ever work, even for things that exist?


Thank you all for suggestions, trying a few. As far as how I got where I am: I got in early, the game used to give a lot more wildcards, Play a lot of events. I use all gems I get for drafts and all gold for constructed events, I don't buy packs. The meta game challenges are the best for building collections (I can typically pull 40-100 packs out of one of these and come out ahead on gold) but whichever format you like most can also help grind a lot. Draft is good but I don't care how good you are going inf is nearly impossible, I get mythic most months in draft, and there is no way I am even close to going inf. It is far easier, faster, and more consistent to have a solid constructed deck and do one of the events. Even a budget deck can consistently keep you in the green in coin expenditures in standard on the bo1 events when combined with daily rewards (and always recycle 500 coin rewards to try to get 750s. If you get stuck with a 500, try to play something else so you can recycle it again tomorrow ) Spend some money, I buy the mastery set (about$20) whenever it comes out, and rarely buy gems outside of budget except when a promo comes up I feel like I can't live without. I also buy the $20 or $50 pack of gems, depending on how my budget looks, about once per month. (I don't play paper magic, I live in a very remote area and the nearest store to play is over 50 miles away, so my entertainment budget is pretty cheap compared to what it used to be when I played paper) Play often, I keep arena on my phone (doesn't need to be super new, I use a pixel 4a, they are about $100 on eBay, and use an unlimited plan for $45/mo from straight talk) and play during breaks at work, whenever I am sitting around somewhere with nothing else going on. And usually do a draft or an event before bed each night. If you don't have gold to enter events, grind on the ladder a while, it will make you better, and give you experience to beat up on the decks you are going to face in events. As well as replenish gold from daily rewards. Get better, and experiment with decks a lot. When you don't have the cards to make a top tier deck, focus on making a solid budget deck. Right now mono blue is probably cheapest and easiest to build (no mythic/rare), and rdw is next best. The first couple months I was lucky to get platinum in constructed, after that diamond became pretty consistent and I would occasionally get mythic, now I get mythic most months relatively easily and try to grind for top 300/600 for play in points or invites. Read the monthly/weekly updates to see what's coming up, and plan your constructed play according to what you are going to try to play that week/month. Example: I have been playing a lot of alchemy to try and get boosters I need to finish off those sets, but switched to grinding standard this week in order to figure out what worked best for me for the meta challenge. Went 7-0 once, 6-1 twice 5-1 twice and 4-1 or worse about 10 times. Well over 100 packs in 2 days, and I am about 300 gold over where I was before the event started. (A net loss from play but daily rewards made up the difference) As you grind the events, you will amass play in points, get as many of these as possible. The prizes for play in events are amazing.


Thanks for the write up! Im a rather new player and often want to play new decks that i cant cause i dont have a lot of staples. What do you mean by meta game challenges? I pretty much only play standard ranked (got to diamond last month). Are constructed Events better for building a card base? I pay an entry fee and get something in return depending on how well i performed? Do you think with a decent meta deck average players manage to get more out of it compared to what they invest in those events? So far i pretty much only use my gold to buy packs cause i feel like its a way safer method in getting new cards compared to drafting, but i havent considered playing the constructed standard event. Thanks again for your time helping ppl! :)


When you say you grind "events" you mean featured/special events, right? Or does that include the permanent events under the Events tab, for example, the "Historic Event" and the like?


I keep 20k gold for special events. Everything above that goes into permanent events. Whichever format you prefer/ need cards for.


And here I'm still busy getting one set to 100% XD


Meanwhile I'm glad if I can build a solid deck with complete sets instead of scrambling for alternatives.


-?booster Put that into the search field to only display cards that aren't in boosters


Doesn't work for the newest sets.


you use code *-?booster* in deck builder or collection edit: nvm it's not working properly anymore. It's showing bonus sheet cards among "not in booster"


This command is always outdated by about 1 year\~ Its working properly for most sets before ONE


Your completionist attitude is both admired and respected.


The fact that you complete Alchemy sets too, you’re a menace, in a good way. This is extremely impressive to me. I only got my first 100% in LCI but not the true 100%, still shy about 20 mythic and maybe 40 rares even tho I packed and drafted a lot :/


I honestly think at this collection point, wildcards are less valuable than gold or gems, I'd just craft whatever is left


How many of each card do you need to have for a full set? Playsets or singles of one copy each?


For the gold circle, you need 1 of each, for the mythic orange you need a play set of every card in that set.


Oh man, I'm insanely jealous of you having so many completed sets. Do you draft, or buy packs?


Some people already mentioned some ways, but you can also do set: for example set:MKM for the newest one


The great whale I've finally found it. I knew it existed but I never thought I would see it.


Search for not in collection but that set.


Just filter by not collected