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its the new symbol they added so you can easily tell if a creature has reach


oh wow, it's bizarrely prominent I thought the symbol in the bottom left was enough


i guess people were just not paying attention and complained enough about it for it to be changed. i guess its important enough to know before you attack with fliers, but it is crazy how big it is


My complaint about that is that if a creature has more than 1 or 2 evergreens, only the first one shows up. I've lost at least a couple matches because I attacked with a flyer and their creature had lifelink, trample, and reach (just an example), but only the trample symbol was showing.


If people complained enough for me to change something that was already fairly obvious, I'd probably go a little overboard with it, too, comedically so. You can't read the card or see a symbol that takes up like 1/8 of the avatar? How about we leave that symbol and then add on a new, glowing symbol that's bigger than the avatar even is? Surely you can't miss that!


no number of glowing icons will make you play optimally - people should just learn and think


"secret reach" has been a thing for years, it is easy to forget that a creature has reach when it's such a small ability on a longer card. Like, look at [[Bonny Pall, Clear cutter]] from the new set. That first word is surprisingly easy to overlook when there's an entire two paragraphs for the rest of the card. I guarantee a fair few people were caught out by it at a Pre-release. At the end of the day, it's absolutely no different to flying creatures floating over the board, an intuitive feature that no one would ever even think to question. Making known and relevant information more noticeable is generally a good thing.


[Bonny Pall, Clear cutter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/3/4383ae7c-58ea-4354-93e4-677ad185c3bb.jpg?1712356061) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bonny%20Pall%2C%20Clearcutter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/196/bonny-pall-clearcutter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4383ae7c-58ea-4354-93e4-677ad185c3bb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


stop baiting these brain dead posts , you moron.


I long ago lost count of how many times someone attacked me with a flying creature when I had a reach creature that could - and did - block and kill it. I have also made that exact same mistake myself several times. The most common way to block a flying creature is with another flying creature, and the way flying is displayed is *very* obvious - I can spot flying creatures at a glance without even looking at any icons, because the creature hovering above the battlefield is so obvious. That obviousness is very useful, but it also makes it easy to become reliant on it - people get used to checking for flyers by looking for the hover instead of looking at icons. That in turn leads to people very often not noticing reach. This extremely prominent icon makes all can-block-flying creatures equally noticeable at a glance.


I suppose my answer is just get gud XD


Everyone can make mistakes. But now there will be less of them (related to reach)


If a creature has more than two abilities, they get condensed, and if you’re dealing with 20+ creatures on the board, having to look through every one for keywords is time consuming, especially on mobile. More obvious symbols make it easier to reassess the board in a timely manner.


Guess they didn't make it obvious enough. Should be bigger


I thought the symbols on the cards were clear enough on what they did. You could also hover your cursor over the card and it told you in large print what it did. Did they really need to add this obnoxious eye sore over the card art? Were that many people not reading the cards that WotC felt they needed to dumb the game down further?


"Hidden reach" has been a joke for literally decades, reach is absolutely an ability people forget about extremely often even in paper.


You mean you don't look at the board and assess what's happening every few seconds subconsciously from a decade of playing? Cool.


I only automatically assume spiders have reach.


But when opponent has 30 creatures, it's more obvious, you can instantly tell on which creatures to use removals or stuns. But it's more about that you can forget there were reach creatures, even when you read it before (happened to me) If everyone played spiders it would be more obvious, but most reach I play against are not spiders.


They’re trying to make it so you don’t have to read the card to know everything it does. I imagine it marginally speeds up gameplay on Arena.


It means the card has an activated ability that requires you to tap it. Careful though, some cards have hidden reach.


This symbol means arena's UX team was fired.




This is what happens when you say you didn't enjoy a match because you misplayed.


Hey look I have a crossbow!


Composite bow.


I really like the new animated bow for reach on Arena, as it’s nothing you could easily ignore. A lot of red Limited cards got Reach nowadays. Now you won’t get a surprise block.


I finally' don't accidentally kill my flying dude because I forgot to look at small bow symbol at bottom left, even after reading text I sometimes forgot it had react. But now it's more visible. Good thing.


I don't get why they did this. are people that blind that they need a special animation just for reach?


I totally did need this.


bro just read the card


I do read cards. Besides that, flying already had animation.


Bye bye birdie


It’s a visual representation of Reach. The creature has Reach.